Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: I love the creation and the theme of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: This is only the beginning! Review: I love the extended version on these movies the best. There's so much to see! This is the one that made me fall in love with Samwise Gamgee, my hero! All of the characters/actors are marvelous, but Sean Astin stands out for his portrayal of Samwise. When I reread these novels, I'll see him in the part, I just know it. And that's a good thing.
Rating:  Summary: Much better than the theatrical release Review: I love the extended version--this is the version that should have been released in theaters. I particularly enjoyed the fact that there are more scenes of Hobbiton. It makes you understand the Hobbits' love for Shire and sets the stage well for the adventures that follow.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie simulation of the books Review: I love the Hobbit & the Trilogy, so I looked forward to the presentation of this flic.I loved it , It is certainly the best portrail of Tolken texts. The photography is marvelous , and the characters are rich in their personalities and their interrelationships with each other. The sets are filled with the fabulous New Zealand countryside and the movie follows the book as well as can be expected and not be 12 hours in length. I have seen it multiple times and do get some detail more clearly on my repeat visits to the aometimes lush , horrific at times to the Hobbit world. A true fantasy visit...
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Review: I love The Lord of th Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring! I saw it at the theaters twice and I plan on buying it when it comes to video. It is my favorite movie ever and it inspired me to read the books. I love the books, also. You should see it. The Lord of the Rings Rocks! The actors all did a great job and Peter Jackson directed it very well. Other movies I recomend are: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and The Scorpian King.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece of DvD entertainment... Review: I love the Lord of the Rings. The story, the movie, and any and all related. I first discovered the story of the one ring by watching about an hour of its animated feature. I love animation, and all the realism of the animated characters in the 'fellowship of the ring' cartoon really enamoured me at the time . Also, I had never seen a cartoon deal with such a dark issue in so human a way before. This was when I was 10, and seeing the movie again, after seeing greater works of animation, reveals many weaknesses. The greatest of which I discovered after reading books - the cartoon molested the story. But I still owe that film much gratitude for first introducing me to the exhaustive story of Sauron and the One Ring. A friend [Sean Mullin - thank you man] really piqued my interest in the 'fellowship' as it neared it's premiere, when he began to summarise the backstory of the ring. I was immediately very interested, and horrified [yet attracted] to the story of the Nazgul. I remember persevering through Tolkien's [long] introduction to the book just so I could see how these small hobbits would survive such terrible creatures as these Ringwraiths. The sheer palpable sense of evil was frightening and entrancing. I wanted to know the ending to the story I had seen in cartoon form so long ago. So I read the books. The book trilogy of the 'Lord of the Rings' is easily one of the most involving, emotional journeys I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I remember the sadness I felt at having to say goodbye to characters I had grown to love and hope for [Sam and Frodo especially - but especally Samwise the Brave]. By then, another creature had caught my interest - Gollum. Out of all the creatures in the story, his corrupted nature shocked and gripped me the most. The pictures some artists have created to capture his persona are the most disturbing and the most memorable. All these aspects truly cemented my love for Tolkien's world. I read these books WHILE Peter Jackson's movie was in theaters. I would read several chapters, see the movie, finish the next book, see the movie again, and so on. The fact that Peter's movie fit so perfectly in my perception of Tolkien's world, DESPITE the changes he made, really sold me out to the film. So many visuals stick in your head long after you watch the film! Especially the flying moth set against the horrific destruction of the trees around isengard, and gwaihir's triumphant soaring over the mountains of new zealand. Special mention to Howard Shore's endearing score - have you ever read the trilogy while listening to this score? It's like a blanket of imagination that keeps your visual imagery of middle-earth warm and sharply focused. His score does for the mind exactly what the film does. That word leitmotif is a great word, and Howard Shore's leitmotif's in this film keep me in awe of it's majestic splendour. My favorites are the boys choir themes of nature, rivendell's elven choir, and the chanting dwarfsmen of moria. Repeated viewing after reading the books DID make me feel dissapointed that great parts of the story were missing from the film, but the Special Extended Edition of the 'fellowship of the ring' more than made up for that. I can't even imagine Gandalf, Bilbo, or Samwise Gamgee as anyone other than Ian Mckellen, Ian Holm, and Rudy [I mean, Sean Astin] anymore! Seeing the film over and over, and seeing how much love Peter Jackson and the entire production crew of the films put into making the films, has helped me decide to trust their instincts, and welcome the films as a great illustration of a magnificent story. What the Peter Jackson crew want is to honor tolkien's world, and give us as much a joy of discovering and experiencing the story of that world, as modern technology, special effects, and excellent acting can give. The greatest strength of the films is it's crew. It's so obvious they love the story as much as we do. It feels like they are making the film to please the fans of the story, and have us in mind with every single decision. The writers of the script are as aware and in love with the story as any of us; their love affair with the stories of Tolkien probably has many more years growth than many of us. It's been a pleasure to experience the lord of the rings through J.R.R. Tolkien's novels, and especially through the incredible film, wonderful extra features and many deeply interesting and intimate appendices of this magnificently presented DvD.
Rating:  Summary: one of the few that can compare with star wars. Review: I love the movie ,I seen it with my dad and love it too.It has polt so thick if you a large biulding on it .that the biulding would foalt .good thing the only think for one crits don't crew it out like stars wars epoilde 2 which me my dad loved .But woun't go into detial into that .basicly one crits make me quite up set and my review of laest star wars movie proves that.If like love stars wars or even you hated it besuce you are looking for the wrong things .and eivl person and you keep telling your self ever one like me for foulest esouse .I like crewing out our cure .Well this movie keep me at the egae of my seat.And deorector don't mess up .and got perfactly and the fact the book was not form this time.In other words I love it I love it I love it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Bad DVD Review: I love the movie, but I'm annoyed by the DVD. There isn't a single extra scene; however, there is a "special feature" that only serves to inform you about how cool the Special Edition DVD (same movie, mind you) will be. So, what, I bought the chump-edition? I have to unload this one once the next one comes out because the extra footage is precisely what I wanted to see, not the SciFi Channel and FOX "making of LOTR" exposees. The "special features" on this version are nothing more than TV spots, trailers, and other mediocrities that tell you how cool the other DVD you'll have to buy is going to be. Unless you're dying to see the incredibly cool opening battle, Moria, the Balrog, the majestic scenery and meticulous attention to detail that puts this amazing movie securely among the top films ever made, take my advice: WAIT FOR THE SPECIAL EDITION!
Rating:  Summary: You've GOT to See THIS!!!! Review: I love the original version of Lord of the Rings! An Excellent movie! When I heard about the extended version, I thought, oops, another lousy director's cut! I was quite surprised by this one! If you've watched Lord of the Rings as much as I have, there are bits and pieces that don't make sense, or that feel unexplained. Well, this version fills in the blanks! For example; At the end of the movie, the remaining members of the Fellowship are all wearing capes with the same Leaf clasp. Arogorn and the Hobbits have new daggars, and Legolith has a new bow. Where did they get them? Why did they get them? There are a number of new scenes that make the film more energetic, more informative, and more enjoyable. And that's not to mention the wealth of information that's contained in the two "Making of" DVD's! This is a set well worth having!
Rating:  Summary: A great story Review: I love the story in Lord of the Rings. I read the trilogy 3 times.I was a little disappointed with some of the changes. One was Arwen's replacement for Glorfindel. I would like to see more of the Golden woods with Galadriel. I think it was important to remember the gifts that were give to each by the Lady Galadriel. That played an important part later in there jorneys. I loved the soundtrack. I was playing it before I saw the movie. I was not crazy about boromir. He looked dirty and very unkept for who he was suppose to be. I loved Frodo,Sam, Merry,and Pippin. I thought Strider looked and played the part. All in all I loved it very much. I was so excited to be able to see the chractors in real life. I look forward to the next release of the the Two Towers.