Rating:  Summary: got what I payed for Review: I didn't expect some mind blowing end all cinematic experience. I payed $6.50 for a movie. I watched a movie. Nearly non stop action and cool, cardboard characters. Such a shame Star Wars has become a cult and has to be judged on that AND a movie at the same time :( I cheered the goodguys, booed the bad, and was bedazzled by the pod race and duel. The only real complain I have was Boss Nass. He got on my nerves. But not enough to detract from the film. For the standard film goer this movie is a lot of fun!
Rating:  Summary: Sorry guys, but this one is right down there with the Mummy Review: I didn't like Star Wars before this movie. I wanted to broaden my horizons and watch one. It was soooo stupid and boring. It was all digital tech and no actor/actress power. You didn't feel anything for the characters. Infact, I remember Jar Jar jumping into the water and I was hoping he was going to drown. I woke up asking who kicked Darth Maul's butt. People, if you want people to like the Star Wars movies, make sure they don't see this one.
Rating:  Summary: Could've been a lot better than this Review: I didn't really like the first "Star-Wars" trilogy, however, this movie is lowering bad-taste to new depthes. The plot is silly and the jokes insult the intelligence. The 2 adult main actors are too good for this movie, and their talent is wasted in the general lousiness. The kid can be a good actor, he have potential, but right now he is just a cute-face. However, the special effects are amazing, and the lightsavors are as cool as always. 2 stars and a salut for the special-effects makers.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars with a weak heart Review: I didn't really like the story for this Star Wars. Sure, the special effects are good but the story is really lame. Worst of all are the wooden acting of all the main characters (with exception of Ewan MacGregor, who is always full of life). It looks like a B-grade movie with A-grade special effects. I must say that Lord of The Rings are 100X much better!! I gave the special effects the 3-stars point but zero for the plot. Anyway, I can't stand this movie that I gave away my copy.
Rating:  Summary: BoRiNg Review: I didn't really like this movie. There wasn't much action though I did like the pod-racing. The characters were cool but kinda corny. I fall asleep every time I watch this movie. I suggest buying the first three before this one because they were good. I saw the special edition in the movie theater and loved it but when I saw this one I liked it but got bored.
Rating:  Summary: Good Review: I didn't see the rest, but it was a good movie including Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor. Why this is better than all the other Star Wars movies, that feature Mark Hamill.
Rating:  Summary: Not quite Star Wars Review: I didn't want to be excited by this movie, but as the lights in the theatre dimmed and the familiar strains of the Star Wars theme music began, I couldn't help but feel the same thrill I did watching the credits roll on the first three movies. But then the thrill went away. Yes, the special effects were wonderful, and Ewan MacGregor is amazing as the young Obi Wan, but the story falls flat. Perhaps it is because Jake Lloyd, as young Anakin Skywalker, has none of the sadness, awareness, or depth that I'd hoped for. Hayley Joel Osmond would have added more soul to the character. Maybe it was Jarjar Binks, the much hated computer-generated character. Much of his dialogue was racist, and I found myself wishing he'd get hit with a speeder or a flying rock or a stray laser beam. Anything to make him go away. Or maybe it's just that the fatal flaw of these "prequels" is that we already know the end of the story. Anakin cannot escape his destiny. He will be evil. He will be hated. He will be used. And as a lover of the first three movies, and the mythology that surrounded them, perhaps I don't really want to watch it happen.
Rating:  Summary: I disagree... Review: I disagree with alot of the negative reviews of this movie. I didn't think it was that bad! I do agree that it lacks from the original star wars. And they put a alot more into special effects than into characterizations. But those special effects are excellent. Oscar nominated Liam Neeson was.t that bad nor his co star but i admit that Little Annakin was pretty bad. And I DO AGREE that ja ja binks should be dragged out into the road and shot...to ity bity pieces than fed to birds. That was how bad he was. I really wish that the film and the original three were available on dvd special editions...now that would be the ultimate star wars experience! Dont let some of these reviews give your hopes up. The movie is still high ranking in the movies that were released that year and better than some of that other garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Review: I do not understand the lousy reviews this film recieved when it was released in theatres. Most critics complained about the lack of character developement. What they failed to understand is that The Phantom Menace is part one of a six part story. The characters will develop in the series next two installments. The special effects in The Phantom Menace were outstanding. The pod race and the jedi's duel with Darth Maul are worth buying this video. I will admit that the political shenanigans of Senator Palpatine will be better understood if you have seen the original trilogy. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is a perfect first chapter to the Star Wars Saga.
Rating:  Summary: FX are not everything... Review: I do not want to slam the movie for what I think it should have been. I am sure George was happy with it or at least mildly so in order for it to be released. I did think that it could have used a bit more development, and there were a few things that could have been left out. (Jar jar, most of the Gung gan battle with the droids) The only problem with this movie really was that the first three were such intense movies, with characters of such presence that they made it a very very hard act to follow. I applaud Mr. Lucas on his choice of actors and actresses, but I think there was just something lacking in their performance. One of the great things about Star Wars IV was the dark undertone. Phantom just seemed made more toward the 6 to 15 year old crowds, than the broad spectrum that makes up the Star Wars Fan Clan. In closing I would like to give my whole hearted thanks to Mr. Lucas for allowing the "Star Wars Phantom Menace" to be seen here in Kuwait on post, other wise I would still be wondering what all the huha was about. Thanks from all the military and civilians that work over seas protecting the interests of the greatest nation on Earth.