Rating:  Summary: Every saga has a beginning . . . Review: This movie is great. A wonderful introduction to the Skywalker family and the Star Wars Saga. It was fun and made you cringe when you remembered this cute boy who saves the day becomes Darth Vader. Here's the deal though: much like A New Hope was told from the point-of-view of a naive farm boy, Episode I is told from the point-of-view of a 9 year old ex-slave. It is about a 9 year old boy. It contains a lot of stuff 9 year old boys would enjoy. Embrace this and you will love the movie. I know I did, and I am not a 9 year old boy.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is wonderful! and watchable! Review: This movie is great. I saw this while I was at the theatres in 1999. I'm a big Star Wars Fan, and while I watched this at the theatres! I thought that I would get this on video. I like the characters Jar Jar, R2d2, C3PO, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenoby,Kwi-gon Jin, and Amidala. This film has good scenes, good acting, good music and sound effects. Way to go George Lucas. This film is watchable. Don't listen to the negative public outcries about this film. This film is absolutely the beginning of the first of the Star Wars sogga. This film is highly recommended to all Star Wars fans in the near future. Buy this and have fun.
Rating:  Summary: IT'S A FANTASTIC MOVIE - don't espect it to be like orginal Review: This movie is great. It has fantasic special effects. The storyline and actors are weaker than those of the trilogy. How ever it is enjoyable. I would only recomend it to those who don't expect it to be a movie with alot of character development and a big star wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: The typical cinematic let down. Review: This movie is like all the rest that come out every year--great special effects, horrible plot and character development. There was little if any human dimension throughout most of the film (the end climax between Obi Wan and Darth Maul was the only captivating part--it had a reason to watch, it had a human dimension to it). So if you are able to entertain yourself with nothing more than dazzling special effects and think that good character development only muddles up a film, then you'll probably enjoy this. Otherwise you'll see it for the tasteless hype that it is.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the complainers.. Review: This movie is my favorite of all time after Empire Strikes Back. You'll notice how a many of the reviews are very postive, but a few people out there just can't stand to see success. They'll concentrate on the maybe 10 minutes of weak parts in the movie and totally miss out on the incredible rest. Too bad for them.
Rating:  Summary: Seems more like a LucasFilm Demo reel Review: This movie is not as bad as everyone says. Unfortunately it is a victim of its own hype. Truth is, if this movie didn't have the title "Star Wars," all those fanatics out there (who spend 40 days in line to see it, with no life) wouldn't have hated it as much. People were expecting too much.They were right about a few things, however. The movie does not have the emotional impact that episodes 4,5, and 6 had. And the special effects were way too dense, Lucas needed to calm down with those. And yes, Jar Jar hurt the movie. Overall a welcome addition to the series, and not as bad as some fanatics say.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars-----The Masterpiece Review: This movie is not only a Masterpiece, but will pave the way for all other science fiction movies. It's cast, sound effects, special effects, development, and storyline is superb!
Rating:  Summary: This Movie is a Menace Review: This movie is not that good compared to the Star Wars Trilogy. George Lucas should have spent more time on plannig episode One. The good parts are seeing Yoda again and a bunch of new faces. But Stars Episode One does not seem like it leads up to its trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Just not a good movie Review: This movie is nothing like the original series. I loved the first three and I was so excited about Star Wars P.M. But it was a real let down. All Star Wars fans should watch this movie but I am pretty sure most will agree with me. It just is a huge dissapointment.
Rating:  Summary: A travesty... Review: This movie is nothing more than a very pale shadow of the older movies. The characters were weak, the plot was weak, and Jar-Jar was nothing more than a marketing ploy for kids. I am a Star Wars fan and have been since I saw the first one on its debut night back in '77. I was 7 years old. That movie and its sequels were magic to me. They taught virtue and allowed the audience to care about the characters and their situation. This latest installment had nothing to offer except wonderful visuals by the ILM team and a great but anit-climatic duel.(why didn't Maul just slice Obi-wan on his Pete Pan-esque leap?) The story lost its sense of mysticism as well. Did we really need to know that the Jedi have micro-organisms in them that help them commune with the Force? NO! That debased the whole premise of the mystic and religious overtones of the originals. It didn't matter that Luke probably had a higher midichlorian count than Ben did. We didn't need the explanation! That would be like saying Jesus had a mojo-bag so he could hear God. What a shame and a sham. George, please, we can forget this if you do another Episode I that has a meaningful plot and characters with depth(other than 3D, Maya-generated characters), or at least end(kill) Jar-Jar in the next movie. I guess we all should have seen this coming. Ewoks... need I say more?