Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT Review: This movie is a great combination of action,a great story line, and amazing special effects. I simply cannot understand how people don't like this movie. I'm looking foreward to the next two movies!
Rating:  Summary: bad movie Review: this movie is a joke, george lucas is couting up the $$ he's making off of this new trilogy trash and he doesn't even have to bother coming up with a good script. he just uses a bunch of special effects and slaps the star wars name on it and probably laughs at all the people who shell out their money to see it.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, Childish Movie Review: This movie is a stick in the eye from Lucas to his now-ex-viewers. Childish covers the whole thing. It's a movie written for children and apparently by children. Unless you have very small children in your house, don't bother getting this.
Rating:  Summary: 10 minutes are worth watching, the rest is wasted film Review: This movie is a stink-bomb. The plot is lame. The acting is bad. The dialogue is flat. I didn't care about anybody in this movie. At the portion where they reveal that the queen is the servant and the servant is the queen, , the camera pans to show the shocked and surprised reaction of everyone in the room. I also was shocked and surprised, that anything so bad could make it to the big screen. That pregnant pause and pan to shocked expressions was so bad it was laughable. I was left totally dry by this huge revelation, and if a dramatic high point of the movie left me dry, imagine how I felt about the rest of it. This movie tries to mix live action with animation. That is difficult and has seldom given good results. Maybe "the mummy returns" was successful, but this was not. The Computer graphic (CG) world left me emotionless. The battle scenes looked like a video game, how can I get excited about that? Plus, by now I have seen enough CG epic battle scenes to last me a lifetime, The Mummy, Star Wars I, Final Fantasy, Mummy II, all featured epic battle scenes with a cast of one (computer programmer, that is). It just doesn't cut it. The journey thru the fish world was stupid. By contrast the similar journey in "Atlantis" had me squirming out of my seat with excitment. The pod race is great, it's worth watching and has sparks of inspiration. The double headed announcer that does his own color was funny and creative, the sand people taking pot shots at the racers, the Ben Hur inspired race, Anakin rewiring his pod in the middle of the race - all great stuff. We all agree that Jar Jar Binks was a mistake. What makes it unforgiveable is that they made exactly the same mistake 20 years ago in "The Empire Strikes Back" where C-3PO was annoyingly obnoxious. When C-3PO was switched off, everyone sighed with relief, both on screen and in the audience. That means the movie is better without him than it is with him, so leave him out! I don't pay $7.50 to be annoyed. Loveable, funny, cute is what we need, not annoying. My friend tells me that the final fight was excellent choreography. I can believe that but the scene was ruined for me by the lack of story content. During the lapses when the force fields kept the fighters apart, there was a silent minute or two. I can imagine the screenwriters leaving that portion blank and promising to drop in some super secret, earth shattering dialog later. When the dialog came thru and was found to be lame, I can hear the suits saying: "Just have the characters glare at each other meaningfully. This is for kids anyway....just cut it and print it. Let's get this thing out the door." I'm sorry, that just doesn't cut it! Don't talk to me about expectations. On an absolute scale this movie stinks. Anyway, how can I not be disappointed by a techno movie made in 2000 that doesn't live up to a movie made in 1977? What it proves is that art is about the same things it has always been about, drama, excellent writing, characters, motivations, etc etc. You can't ignore all that, spend $??? Million on computers and expect to have something worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: A Must See For Star Wars Fans! Review: This movie is a wonderful must see for all Star Wars fans. I myself had never seen one until I heard about Episode 1. I thought I might as well see it and I'm so very glad I did! The movie was a great example of todays tecnology and a great movie to see with children or maybe just by yourself! Whatever you do, don't judge this movie or anything else by the ratings, see it for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Lame, amateurish movie by a great film maker Review: This movie is all hype. I tried not to get excited about seeing the movie so that I would not expect too much, but finally I did watch it. I would give this movie two stars if it were not for the fact that it was a Lucas film. This movie is not half as good as any other Lucas film including Willow. The dialogue is terrible and none of the characters are sympathetic. Young Annakin is the worst character of them all. Jar Jar Binks is the worst creation in the history of computers. He is not funny at all and he doesn't look real either. Am I the only person who thought the special effects were terrible? The entire battle scene was boring and fake. I can not enjoy a movie if the characters have no personality. Little kids may like this, but I'm sure they would prefer the original star wars trilogy. This movie makes me wonder if George Lucas really cares about making a good movie, or if he is just in it for the billions and billions of dollars the movie will make.
Rating:  Summary: A disgrace to the Trilogy. Review: This movie is all that is stated above: a disgrace. I find it offensive that someone could actually think that this piece of over-hyped, 100% special effects, worthless piece of trash could EVER come close to the original trilogy. There was no story, no development of plot and horrible acting. Character development (ESPECIALLY that of Darth Maul) was nonexistent. Jar-Jar was an unnecessary addition. It seems like the whole movie was made on a computer. When other movies not carrying the Star Wars name are made like this, they are laughed at. Count me out from the people in line to see Episode 2: The Garbage Continues. Lucas peaked when he made Return of the Jedi, which is in my opinion the best and only great Star Wars movie. I give one star for the mere fact that Lucas was brave enough to send this piece of trash into the world. The Star Wars saga as we know it ended in 1982. No SW movie will EVER come close to ROTJ.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie of all time Review: This movie is by no doubt the worst movie I've ever seen. I didn't especially like the first 3, but they were still a lot better then this one. This movie was boring, stupid, and a waste of money. The thing that makes me the most upset is that the fans of this movie complain that it didn't make more than Titanic. They can't settle for having the 2nd highest grossing movie worldwide. It's not funny, or dramatical.The humor consists of a computer generated creature saying Doodie. The special effects are all computer generated. It's unexciting and seems to have no sense of purpose. Other then to sell merchandise and give George Lucas enough money for liposuction. Jake Loyd is a horrible actor. This film made 900 million dollars worldwide and it's basically just a bunch of posters moving really quickly. Halfway through the movie I left the theatre and went to the bathroom for about 20 minutes. I found the automatic flush to be more interesting then the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Star wars used to be cool Review: this movie is decent but the only reason it got 2 stars is because episode 2 is one of the worse movies ever just stick to the original star wars they rule but this movie is close to hoorible
Rating:  Summary: A definate looker Review: This movie is essential to the Star Wars fan! However, those who have not seen the light will find the movie to be slow at times, a little like a soap opera where if you miss something you won't understand what's happening later. Typical to Lucas, the effects are something beyond belief, or more accurately, they make you believe...