Rating:  Summary: Scream and wait five seconds for someone to react! Review: I'm afraid that most of the world is in a state of insomnia, well at least the people who rated this movie as good. Lets start with the plot, which was good. You see it was a nice plan but if the UNCREATIVE DIALOGUE, the BAD DIRECTING, and of course BAD ACTING didn't get in the way it would have made the movie good. The dialogue was weak and simplistic. I knew what everyone was going to say and what they were going to do. At one point I thought of becoming a psychic. The jokes which I assume I was supposed to laugh at were not so funny, you might have heard them 1 million times over. Now lets move on to the bad acting attributed to the bad direction. The only time I came close to believing someone was when Andy Garcia found out his casino was being robbed. Andy was by far the best actor in this movie. The movie was very poorly done and failed to capture my attention from the first 2 minutes. The director tried to put some music to his movie, which unfortunately failed, it never came close to SNATCH! There was no bulid up, no excitment, and absolutely no humor. They also left too much out. For instance, how the hell were they able to get plans for the Casino's safe? The director shoud shoot himself right now! If you're a dunce, you'll probably find this movie interesting, it's up there with Vertical Limit.
Rating:  Summary: Great entertainment for the adults Review: An assembly of a great cast (aside from Julia Roberts), good script, and interesting and humorous plot, Ocean's 11 is worth seeing. George Clooney's character, Danny Ocean, gets out of prison and immediately rounds up a team of "experts" to pull off the biggest heist in Las Vegas: rob 3 of the most profitable hotels owned by Andy Garcia's character, Terry Benedict, who just so happens to be courting/living with Ocean's ex-wife, Tess, played by Julia Roberts. Ocean still loves her and wants her back and comes up with a plan to not only get her back but get even with her new boyfriend by stealing all his millions. How he and his 11 do it is just ingenius.Although I am not a fan of either George Clooney or Brad Pitt, I must say they put in some great performances. Clooney is suave as Danny Ocean and Pitt is the cool, fast-talking, scheming, and always eating Rusty Ryan. And they look very good in every scene, except for Pitt when he's the doctor (see the movie, you'll know what I mean). Carl Reiner is superb as Saul, the "retired" crimester living in Florida who becomes part of the gang of heisters when Rusty pays him a visit and offers him to be in on the plot. Also good is Matt Damon, the young and naive pick-pocketer whom Ocean selects as his 11th. But what I think really makes the movie effective are the lesser-known actors who make up the remaining 11. Very, very funny characters. And what's more, they're all believable and superbly cast. Except for Julia Roberts - she just doesn't pull it off as Tess. Roberts is not beautiful or sexy, and she can't even walk in those high heels! Michelle Pfeiffer or Sela Ward would have been a better choice. Ocean's 11 has a lot of action-packed scenes with a lot of humor and great dialogue. I love the music, too - can't wait to get the soundtrack! Very enjoyable for adults but not recommended for kids under 21 (yes, 21) since the message is do anything to get back the one you love and do in the one who is with him or her AND get away with it. But notice what happens at the very end of the movie. Can't wait for the sequel to come out! If you haven't yet, see it and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Expect the unexpected Review: When I sat down to watch this film, I wasn't sure what to expect, since it was touted as a remake - though I'm not sure how much this film and the original have in common other than the title character and the casino heist. This movie is packed full of twists and turns. The characters were very well-played - despite the long list of big-name stars (George Clooney, Julie Roberts, Brad Pitt, Andy Garcia, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Carl Reiner, etc.), most of whom appear in small, supportive roles without which the story couldn't have been told successfully. Around every turn is another "gotcha" - intertwined with humor and high-tech gadetry. After watching this film, my first thought was "I HAVE to see the original." It'll keep you guessing right up to the end.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: It's rare that you see a film where the cast seemed to have fun with making the film and outside of it. This is Steven Soderbergh's great follow-up to "Erin Brokovich." It's got a great cast, wonderful dialogue, some great humor, and a good plot. Fun movies don't get any better than this. The video transfer is very nice. There is the occaisonal artifact, but that's a common occurrence anymore. The audio is best in 5.1 Dolby Digital, catching every bit of sound and shaking the room. The extras sadly are not quite up to par. The feature-length commentary by the actors is better than Steven Soderbergh's. It's too bad there aren't any deleted scenes or anything else. But it's a good movie, so it makes it worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: So much talent - such a disappointing movie - what a waste . Review: This movie is one prime example of good casts gone bad -- and with a script/story line that's about as deep as a tire track in mud. In other words, the producers must have paid/offered an insane amount of money to all these (usually) top-rate actors -- there's absolutely no other explanation for it. George Clooney and Brad Pitt basically phone their performance in, while Matt Damon runs over during the intermission. And for Pete's sake, if Julia Roberts grows any more teeth, they'll have to go vertical. It's the most banal buddy movie that's completely implausible, has no depth and the quickest wrap-up you'll ever see. RENT it (if you must) -- save your money and do NOT buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Much better than the original--except fot the ending. Review: I'd seen the original back when it was released. My dad was a "rat pack" fan back then. My daughter, who's in high school and into drama, asked about the original "rat pack" a couple of years ago and I rented Oceans 11 and we watched it. Although I had fond memories of the flick, on seeing it again I realized it was a pretty lame movie--a lot of the "action" consists of the guys standing around hotel rooms with a drink in one hand, a smoke it the other, blabbering with one another. The retelling of Oceans 11 results in a much better film. Other than the underlying concept of ripping off the Las Vegas Casino's, there's not really much resemblance between the two flicks. In point of fact, there's several functional differences. First of all, there was no--and I mean zero--romantic interest in the original. The Clooney-Roberts thing in the new one adds some intensity without detracting from the story. One element the movies have in common is the character bankrolling the caper. The new version handles this much better than the old. In the previous version, that character was such a doofus you always wondered why someone didn't just shoot him and get it over with. The caper itself is much more complex--and believable--in the newer version. The older movies had a long segment where guys were spray painting doorknobs and such--pretty tame and boring as well. This new version is anything but boring. There is one really glaring lapse in the reimagining of this tale--the ending. The "surprise" ending of the older flick had a lot to do with it's appeal--failure snatched from the jaws of success, as it were. Obviously just recycling the old ending wouldn't have worked, but you'd think that a team that was so effective in reimagining the tale to current standards, technology and sensibilities could have come up with something more appropriate and true to the original. That's the only real complaint. The acting is good for an escape flick, everyone is obviously enjoying themselves in this effort, and the result is a fun, action packed and stimulating escapist film. Perfect summer time viewing!
Rating:  Summary: Spiffy Review: Ocean's Eleven is a well acted, well filmed piece. The movie moves along at a fair clip, and keeps one entertained with interesting story elements and artistic camera tecniques. Overall, it is a great way to kill a slow night. I have to give kudos to George Clooney for his performance in this one.
Rating:  Summary: Three unrelated observations: Review: 1. The film is adequately entertaining. 2. The story is extremely manipulative. We are prodded into cheering for a bunch of thieves -- just because (a) they're played by the charming Misters Clooney, Pitt, Damon et al; (b) because the casino owner is not a nice guy, and (c) it's a victimless crime because the dough is insured -- right? Wrong; the insurance company covers its losses by raising its premiums, paid by middle and lower class people who, I'm sure, wouldn't mind giving up some of their money to make our debonair heroes rich. 3. Will someone please tell me why anyone ever thought the huge-mouthed Julia Roberts is hot? In one scene in particular -- where she's examining the painting on the wall -- she looks like a homely granny.
Rating:  Summary: Nice, but slight Review: If you like the A-list cast, then you'll like this movie - or anything else they're in. Yet this is easily the least interesting film Soderbergh's made. Sure it's fun and it looks great, and the cast do a fine job. But it has none of the quirkiness or stylish risk-taking that distinguished 'Traffic' and Soderbergh's other work. So if you're looking to understand why he really deserved the Oscar for Best Director, go back and check out 'Sex, Lies and Videotape', 'Out of Sight', 'Erin Brockovich' and the exceptionally cool 'Underneath'.
Rating:  Summary: A Stylish Remake Review: The remake battle in Hollywood goes something like this. Critics think that only bad films should be remade hoping that the director can improve upon the original. But Studio execs see it a different they only want well known commodities. That is why you see so many mediocre to bad remakes(Psycho). A remake of the 1960 version Ocean's Eleven is about Danny Ocean who gets out of prison and comes up with a plan to steal $168 Million from the Vegas hotel Belagio. He recrutes a group of men to do the job. As i said this is a remake of the 1960 version starring the Rat pack. While this version is Stylish fun it is like a shot of pure oxygen it's that cool. The other is Dull,tedious and a big dissapointment. It is reported that Director Steven Soderbergh signed on with the intent just to Entertain us and also left the camera on long after he was done filming and it shows. With such a heavyweight cast George Clooney,Matt Damon,Andy Garcia, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts how could you go wrong. Easily you CAN'T while it is not flawless this is on of the funnest movies in a long time that fun from Beggining to end.