Rating:  Summary: The Enigma of Inventing One's Precursors Review: With the conception of Kung Pow: Enter The Fist, the culture of film has been raised to a new brand of sophistication. This work goes beyond parody, inanity, and sheer dumbness, and bends uncannily into unqeustionable profundity.Jorge Luis Borges, in his essay On Dubbing, anticipated and therefore practically demanded that Steve Oedekerk step forward and encapsulate the obvious incongruity of watching someone speak with a foreign unseen voice. Borges also, it should be noted, citing Kafka and his precursors, asserted that writers create their own precursors. Thus Oedekerk, nominally inspired by the eternally bad dub, reinvents 1977's Tiger and Crane Fist into the very original Kung Pow. So much so that Kunf Pow's originality defies time and makes plagiarists of movies that came chronologically before it. Think of Matrix, Matrix 2 (I live under constant attack!; or: There will be a Chosen One; or Mu Shu Fa's vague movie-magic opacity) This seemingly goofy undertaking by UberGenius Steve Oedekerk has accidentally contained all of film history. Kung Pow is the sum and the part. All one needs as evidence is the unbearably hot curlicue's on Ling's wee-o-wee-o face, or just as well, the moth and the coughing master, or Wimp Lo's inverted bravery, and of course all of villainey is triangulated in the concetrated evil of Master Pain, also know, of course, as Betty.
Rating:  Summary: Polarizing Stupid Movie; WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!! Review: Is there anyone who just, sort-of liked this film or just sort of didn't like this film? It appears not! I'm not sure what the detractors were expecting from a guy that makes "Thumb" movies. If you went into a theatre, rented the video or (gasp!!) bought the movie with any expectations... SHAME ON YOU!! Here's how I "stumbled" into "The Fist" and imediatley laughed my (expletive) off!! I was looking for "Big Trouble in Little China" on DVD when I found it packaged in a 2-pack with "Kung Pow; Enter the Fist". The 2-pack was $$ more than BTiLC all by itself. I actually hesitated. I thought "do I really want to spend 2 bucks extra for a film I had'nt even concidered buying?" I decided to take the plunge. To this day it is still my crowning achievement in DVD purchasing savvy. This said, my expectations for this film were ZERO! The first time I watch "Kung Pow" I was eating lunch (turkey on Italien with mustard and a pickle). I giggled, pretty much non-stop, through the first 20 minutes. Then, I just smiled amusingly for about 20 minutes. Then I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my sandwich (seriously). Dispite this trauma, I continued to laugh myself to tears. The cause of this disgusting display was an out-of-the-blue moment were Ling(?), the female lead with the voice of Miss Piggy, inexplicably "quacked" like a duck with strep throat. Now, the whole film is not funny. Some scenes just try too hard. But, overall, I enjoyed myself enough that in retrospect, I would certainly have paid regular price for it. So why the discrepancies in reviews? Why the "all or nothing"? I still have not figured it out. I loaned my DVD to a co-worker, insisting it is the funniest thing I've seen in recent memory. He said it was "sophmoric" and painfull to watch. I responded "OF COURSE IT'S SOPHMORIC!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!?" This from a person who is a Monty Python geek!? Now, I love the "Holy Grail" but I did not, EVER, laugh hard at that film. Holy Grail elicited chuckles but never good, from the gut, belly laughs as Kung pow did. Now don't think I'm comparing the 2 as films, I'm comparing their ability to make me laugh (which admittedly is not difficult). Is this a stupid movie? Of course! Is this a great film? Of course not!! Is there a story, great acting, breathless imagery... ...a point? OF COURSE NOT!!! If you expect any of those things, bow out now. If you want a mindless, nonsensical, technically amazing, extra feature filled, sophmoric, ideotic, Kung Fu "spoof" (term used loosely) then you just might find this amusing. Absolutely rent or borrow it first if you have any doubts.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: This movie acurately portraits the lifestyle and use of the martial arts in life. It shows that the martial arts can be used correctly as a form of channeled violence in order to achieve your goals in life. In conclusion, babies can use karate, the french are aliens that tried to invade China, and cows are inflatable.
Rating:  Summary: Kung Pow! Enter the Fist Review: Destined to be a cult classic... this movie gets funnier and funnier with every viewing. The Beach Blanket Babylon or Rocky Horror Picture Show of Kung Fu flicks! A must see, again, and again!
Rating:  Summary: Expect stupidity and you will laugh laugh laugh Review: Ok, so I went into an almost empty movie theater and laughed and laughed and laughed at this movie. I looked around me to see poeple dumbfounded, so I laughed some more. I guess you have to understand the humor to get this movie. I agree with the rater who compared this to Airplane. Remember Hot Shots part Deux? Well, this movie compares, with just stupid fun. Don't expect a kung fu flick. Expect to watch a stupid movie, and you will be satified. This movie is not for everyone. Sometimes, it just pays not to take things so seriously.
Rating:  Summary: PPPPPPEEEEEERRRRRRRFFFFEEEECCCTTTT Review: This movie is perfect. It has the laughfs, the drama, even though it might not seem like it, the action, and especially the karate. People who love comedies would love this movie wile people who don't like comedeas will HATE it. But who doesn't like comedies. No one does. The actor/director who might have even wrote the movie did really good in the role as the chosen one. If I were you, I'd buy ths movie pronto.
Rating:  Summary: When the box office turns it's back for one moment... Review: An absolute genius piece of work, for those who have mind numbingly sophomoric senses of humor. I did chuckle to a few scenes, for which I am thankful. Have laughed a least twice, it justified the $$$ rental and 60+ minutes of my time that I might spend staring at web pages. If your idea of entertainment is getting loaded, popping in a Kung Fu tape, turning the sound down and goofing on all the characters...then you're in for one hell of a ride bucko, as it seems the entire film is based on this premise. Should Mr. Oedekerk release anything in the future, I'll have to remember to keep my expectations low....then I might enjoy things more.
Rating:  Summary: Call me...Bet-ty. Review: O.K.; warning...I am of the Airplane/Top Secret school of comedy...dumb jokes make me laugh. I went to see this in the theater and laughed my socks off, while some people angrily left the room. You will either love or despise this movie. To make this, Steve Oedekerk shot new scenes for and redubbed an existing 1970's Chinese Kung Fu movie. All the obligatory jokes are made regarding mismatched dubbing of voices, including a dog whose bark you hear 2 seconds after his mouth moves. The virginal heroine is made provocative and kooky, thanks to some hilarious editing trickery. And, of course, what movie of the early millenium would be complete without a "Matrix" spoof/homage? DVD includes audio commentary by Oedekerk, deleted scenes, footage from original Chinese movie, and some really weird music videos and shorts. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: omg lol Review: so bad and stupid that it was funny! there is a bald muscular man with a manly voice that likes to be called betty. LOL here is a scene: (betty throws a claw at a warrior) warrior:why i outta!!! master in an old voice: dont! let your anger be as the monkey in the pinyada hiding with the candy hoping the kids wont break through with the stick cough* snort snort* betty: oh great, and now the snorting starts. there is more like 9754496474062 times more funny then that see it yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Kung Pow-Enter The Worst Movie Ever Made Review: If I could have rated this movie in the negatives, I would have. This is honestly without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen. And not only that, but any movie I had previously thought to be the worst I had seen, this surpassed it, by a long, long way. This movie [was very bad]. But I kept watching, because I couldn't believe that someone could actually make such a bad film and it just kept slapping me back in the face saying "yes it is!" I enjoy spoofs, I really do, but this was like a spoof of a spoof of a spoof, the jokes were that exaggerated. This is the only movie I have watched and immediately after though "I wish I could have the last 90 minutes of my life back." I would honeslty rather have a prostate exam than watch this movie again. The movie was made from hacked B-martial arts movies, then voiced over with what sounds like one guy making a ridiculous attempt to do everyones voice, The things that the movie attempted to make fun of, failed miserably at making them funny...