Rating:  Summary: retract your claws those of you who hated it Review: For all of you who say it's racist, well fine, go ahead i'm not going to slam you for your opinion, so don't slam me for mine when i say this is the greatest movie. if you didnt like it, please dont share, because there are millions of people who did like it, and im not going to slam your favourite movie because i didnt like it. this movie is also told to be glamorizing criminals, not at all. they all got caught in the end didnt they? so what if the socios paths are likeable, they arent real are they? some kids might think they are but then again they shouldnt be watching this movie if you think it's making deaths look funny. people still like computer games, and nintendo, and hey, James Bond even trows a few funny kills, so stop bad mouthing my movie, if you didnt like it, so what, dont critisize those of us who did.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie EVER Made! Review: Con Air is by far THE greatest movie ever made! Why? you ask, well, it's actually quite simple. John Malcovich as Cyrus 'The Virus' Grisom was the greatest choice for the role, Cage, who had a bad accent (it's quite annoying really but you get used to it), was good other than that. This movie is soooo incredably funny! If you really like action movies this is definately for you! Even if you don't it has some great lines in it. However the other reviewers ARE right when they say it is a little, just a little, unlikely. BUT WHO CARES! I mean really, people like movies such as Air Force One, The Matrix and STAR WARS (oh, theres a big one) who are also very, very, very unlikely. So don't bad mouth Con Air for being unlikely because almost every other movie is too! Con Air is really addictive, I think this has something to do with the stunts, funny scenes, but probably most of all is the music. Most soundtrack scores aren't done with an electric guitar, Con Air is. It makes the movie powerful and original. Aside from Cage's horrid accent, the only bad part is at the end. Gee, I was really pulling for Cyrus.
Rating:  Summary: About Subtitles Review: Con air has english caption subtitles for hearing impaired . But in the technical spec u hav mentioned only spanish subtitles . Check The Rock movie too . World is not enough doesn;t contain english subtitles as mentioned in the tech . spec!
Rating:  Summary: A good little action flick Review: Con Air is the story of a group of prisoners who take over a plane on which carries only convicts. This movie is well acted, especially John Malkovich who portrays Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom. John Cusak, and Simon west also do good jobs. In fact the only person who does a less than stellar job is Nicolas Cage, but that may be for his atrocious southern accent. The special effects are great. The sound is good. In genral it is a good movie both as a story and in production values. The DVD transfer is clean and visually appealing.
Rating:  Summary: Working-class Fugitive Review: Con Air is a basic, high-explosion variation on "The Fugitive". The talented cast is a case of overkill: Con Air character roles call for nothing more sophisticated than caveman-like violence, a' la late night wrestling. TARGET CROWD: Con Air will probably appeal to people who like their action flicks loud, explosive, direct, all-American, and uncomplicated. The good guys win, the bad guys get massively punished in the end .... and hey, that's it. THIS FILM IS NOT FOR YOU IF: Avoid Con Air if you prefer thinking persons' action films, and if you're tired of formula Hollywood films. This is not a sophisticated movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great action sequences Review: This is a very good action flick. The story could use a little work, but I really can't complain. A lot of the action done with the plane was amazing. There are plenty of large explosions and destruction to wet the appetite, many of which are quite funny. Particulary the scene where a mint Corvette is flying through the air.
Rating:  Summary: ok, this is a good movie Review: Well, ha.ha,ha, good movie boys , ok, now for the serious effect, Con Air is your above average action movie , the great acting , John Malkovich was great as well theman blamed for killing more people than cancer . The acting from all of the actors was very good . SO just concider this a guilty pleasure movie. for people in the mood for explosions and stunts
Rating:  Summary: Con Air Review: Con Air is a good action film and several things keep it alive. One is acting. John Malkovich is good as Cyrus "the Virus" Grissom, who claims he's killed more people than cancer. John Cusack is in good form as U.S. Marshal Vince Larkin, who owns the plane the criminals take over, named "the Jailbird". Nicolas Cage delivers one of his best performances as Cameron Poe, a decorated military hero who is catching a ride home after being in prison for 8 years for defending his wife in a bar fight. Other good performances were by Steve Buscemi as serial killer Garland Greene and Ving Rhames (Mission:Impossible) as Nathan "Diamond Dog" Jones. The musical score was very good. There are a few plotholes but hey, there aren't too many movies that don't have a few plotholes here and there. Another good thing is action. Most of the action on board the plane is hand-to-hand combat. Probably the best action scene in the movie is where the criminals stop to get a new plane. U.S. troops attack them in a long and great gunfight. The other action sequence is when Cusack and Cage chase Cyrus on motorcycles through a tunnel in Las Vegas. It is very humorous when the plane is crashing and Garland Greene is singing "He's got the whole world in His hands". At the Academy Awards Con Air was nominated for two things:Best Sound and Best Original Song. It did not win either. Though Con Air may be a level below Crimson Tide, The Rock, and Air Force One, it's still a great action film
Rating:  Summary: A Flight of Fancy Review: Okay, so maybe this one will never win the Academy Award for "Most Logical Picture." But for plain old-fashioned-get-your-adrenalin-pumping fun, this movie is hard to beat. The premise is utterly ridiculous. Nicholas Cage plays Cameron Poe, an Army Ranger sent to a Maximum Security prison for killing a knife-wielding punk while protecting his pregnant wife (Monica Potter, who lights up the screen just by being there). At the end of seven years Poe is paroled and is placed on a transport flight home. Uh-oh! The transport flight passenger list reads like a phone directory for Sociopaths R Us. The entire flight is filled with urban guerrillas, serial murderers, and chain-rapists. What lunatics could write a script where this collection of megalomaniacs is able to work together in hijacking the plane? Well, they're out there. So be afraid. Be very very afraid. Parolee Poe then forgets his beautiful young wife and little girl, but recalls that he is the lone Ranger on the flight. Spurning a chance to escape so that he can stick by his best friend and a lady guard who is about to become the in-flight entertainment, Poe wins the trust of ringleader Cyrus The Virus (John Malkovich), even while sabotaging the Great Escape. Malkovich is appropriately psychotic and has some of the best lines in the picture. The resourceful Poe is able to convince Federal Agent Larkin (John Cusack) that he wears a white hat, (how is another matter) but Cusack has problems of his own with Agent Malloy (Colm Meany, who should win the Most Abrasive Actor Oscar for this or any picture). Larkin and Malloy chase the hijacked plane across the country in a high speed hyperactive romp of exploding humvees, flying sportscars and ground-attack helicopters, but don't catch up to the plane until it crash lands in Las Vegas after Poe subdues most of the Bad Guys. Of course, ah yes, ultimately he must subdue the Worst Guys. Does it sound beyond belief? Well, it is. But it's also two hours and some of rollicking screen hysteria. If you like the action genre, you will love CON AIR. If the genre doesn't appeal to you, this most definitely won't. I give this FIVE STARS, Four for the movie, and one for Monica Potter who is the woman every man should be lucky enough to come home to.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty OK action... Review: If you forget the bad script and plotholes that are included in every typical action movie,it's a pretty good thrill ride.With explosions and action.Don't think too much when you watch,and the actors are really good.Malkovich is great,so is Cage.Also Buscemi is good as the biggest psycopath(Which he seems to be type-casted for big budget movies). In the end,sure you can nit-pick on rasism and so on but it's an enjoyable action movie for a boring saturday evening...