Rating:  Summary: Keeps lasting and lasting... Review: Well, Con Air is an action film. There's no escaping that. And when the name Jerry Bruckheimer pops up in the opening credits, we know it's going to be a big action film in every sense of the word. Cameron Poe (Nicolas Cage) is a retired US Ranger who, the day of his return, gets involved in a drunken brawl protecting his wife from some local thugs, accidentaly killing one of them during the scuffle. It's not long before he's convicted and sent to prison for his crime. Determined not to screw up again, Poe spends the next five years or so growing his hair and doing push-ups, from what we see in the opening shots. Eventually he gets paroled and he and his friend, Baby-O are brought on board The Jailbird - a lumbering troop transport designed to fly prisoners around the country. But they are not alone on this aircraft. Onboard are an assortment of master criminals and general nutters from all over the country. There's super-clever Cyrus the Virus (a shaven-headed John Malkovich), black militant Diamond Dog (big bloke Ving Rhames), serial rapist Johnny 23 (greasy Danny Trejo) and creepy mass murderer Garland Green (Steve Buscemi). Needless to say, it's not long before the cons break out and take control of the aircraft. With Baby-O dying from lack of insulin, Poe is forced to remain on the aircraft and try somehow to get things under control. On the ground, Federal Marshall Vince Larkin (John Cusack) does his best to calm things down and work out just how the hell to stop the whole thing turning into a bloodbath. The plot isn't anything spectacular, but at least it's better than the likes of Armageddon. The first two-thirds of the film are relatively slow, with Poe skulking around the aircraft and generally doing his best to help the good guys without getting himself killed. It's only in the last half-hour that the film succumbs to the inevitable Bruckheimer influence and disintegrates into an orgy of guns, explosions and even a bit of fist-fighting. Still, the action sequences are solidly staged and competently shot, particularly the battle in the deserted airfield. The only real problem is that the film just doesn't know when to stop. After crashing an aircraft into the heart of Las Vegas, we're then treated to a fire truck chase through casino's, tunnels and even construction sites, resulting in a totally over-the-top death for the villain. The film reaches a high with the airplane crash, but it keeps going for more and by the time Cyrus is finally disposed of, it comes as an anti-climax. The performances are good rather than great. Malkovich, since his performance in The Line Of Fire, has become the new Alan Rickman - a thinking mans bad guy. He's always ready with a sarcastic remark or witty postulation and he certainly looks nasty enough, but he doesn't really have the presence to carry off the role. Cage turns in a solid performance as all round good-guy Cameron Poe, but after the likes of The Rock and Face/Off, this film certainly doesn't push his limits as he mumbles his way through his simple-Simon dialogue. Still, he seems to have put in some hard time at the gym for this movie, and wastes little time on showing off his new physique. The rest of the actors are there mostly as cannon fodder or comic relief. John Cusack does what he can in what is really quite a limited role, while Steve Buscemi turns in one of his patented 'Creepy little guy' performances, still managing to raise a few laughs with his occasionally insightful remarks. The soundtrack for Con Air is top class, perfectly summing up the mood of the film. There's a lot of heavy bass whenever one of the villains strolls up (usually in slow motion) and plenty of electric guitar during the fight sequences. The dialogue is rather intermediate, mostly witty and entertaining, but occasionally flat and dull. At least most of the puns are good. Upon seeing a sports car hanging in the air behind their plane, Poe remarks simply, "On any other day, that might seem strange." All in all, a good movie with some interesting and stylish touches. Above average, but not a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Gripping and entertaining airborne suspenser Review: "Con Air", along with a few other recent extravaganzas from the powerhouse production duo Simpson-Brukheimer, is a very slick piece of goods with extremely high production values. Nic Cage (speaking in a sonorous southern twang) plays the role of the embattled ex-con, Cameron Poe, who is on the way to his wife and daughter, on a plane carrying a quirky, surreal bunch of convicts. These include Diamond Dog (Ving Rhames), a black militant and his accomplice, Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom "who claims to have killed more men than cancer" (played by the brilliantly seedy John Malkovich). The cons manage to hijack the plane and Poe (who is small fry compared to the other convicts, since he had only pleaded guilty to manslaughter after a violent drunken brawl) finds himself pitted against the homicidal jailbirds in the struggle for power. The superb, eloquent dialogue (penned by Scott Rosenberg) features some of the most hilarious tough-guy rejoinders and put-downs. "Con Air" is an action film that would appeal to even those who hate action films, even though it contains enough death and destruction to recommend it to the "Die Hard" crowd.
Rating:  Summary: Great Flick! Review: When I first sat down to watch this film I was expecting anything, but when it was over I knew it was one i'd always want to Have! The Story is about a man who has done time in prison for murdering somebody who tried to hurt his wife! And Finally he's going to go home! Tho on his way home he is put onto a plane that seems to have Americas worst criminals in hostory abourd, and the plane is highjacked by them and the plot starts! to take place and unfold, and many storys are told through the way, with some comedy, some action and some fun along with some decent acting for a film of this type! This movie is worth it in my opinion! But its not to everyones taste, my recomendation is to hire it before you buy it if you can! It does play on personal opinions and tastes! To me its a great movie, but you be the judge for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: It's a blast! Review: Pound for pound, for pure fun, this is one of the greatest movies ever. Please note that I said for pure fun. I'm not comparing this movie to "Ben Hur," "I, Cladius," "Shakespeare In Love," or any other movie that has a great deal of scope & breadth. Again, I'm only talking about movies that are for unfettered entertainment's sake. "Con Air" is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, and you shouldn't, either. This is a Bruckenheimer movie that is heavy on action and comedy, and light on plot & character development. Yes, most of the movie is absurd, but it is also absurd in a fun way. The cast is absolutely impeccable, featuring Nicholas Cage, John Malchovich, Steve Buscemi and John Cusack. We even get Colm Meaney as an irate Irish DEA agent - a wonderful touch! The direction is superb, and Trevor Rabin delivers yet another riveting score. This is a can't miss for anyone who wants to sit back & watch an hour & a half of hilarious mayhem. This is what I would call a guy movie - squared!
Rating:  Summary: Con Air Review: Con Air is a good action film and several things keep it alive. One is acting. John Malkovich is good as Cyrus "the Virus" Grissom, who claims he's killed more people than cancer. John Cusack is in good form as U.S. Marshal Vince Larkin, who owns the plane the criminals take over, named "the Jailbird". Nicolas Cage delivers one of his best performances as Cameron Poe, a decorated military hero who is catching a ride home after being in prison for 8 years for defending his wife in a bar fight. Other good performances were by Steve Buscemi as serial killer Garland Greene and Ving Rhames (Mission:Impossible) as Nathan "Diamond Dog" Jones. The musical score was very good. There are a few plotholes but hey, there aren't too many movies that don't have a few plotholes here and there. Another good thing is action. Most of the action on board the plane is hand-to-hand combat. Probably the best action scene in the movie is where the criminals stop to get a new plane. U.S. troops attack them in a long and great gunfight. The other action sequence is when Cusack and Cage chase Cyrus on motorcycles through a tunnel in Las Vegas. It is very humorous when the plane is crashing and Garland Greene is singing "He's got the whole world in His hands". At the Academy Awards Con Air was nominated for two things:Best Sound and Best Original Song. It did not win either. Though Con Air may be a level below Crimson Tide, The Rock, and Air Force One, it's still a great action film
Rating:  Summary: "I have the only gun on board....welcome to con air." Review: Most people don't consider this movie to be an action-comedy, but is. This is definetly John Malkovich's funniest movie. It is about a plane transporting deadly convicts across the country, until it is taken over by the convicts. The convicts include, Cyrus "the virus" Grissom (Malkovich), a deadly killing machine who's violated every law in the book. A black-supremeist leader "Diamond Dog" (Ving Rhames), and a quiet, psychotic killer, Garland Greene (Buschimi) who's creepy in his own little way. Cyrus's plans are fouled by a parolee, Cameron Poe (Nicholas Cage), an ex-army ranger charged with manslaughter returing home to see his family. This movie is packed with action, plenty of laughs, and great actors give this movie two thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: It's a blast! Review: Pound for pound, for pure fun, this is one of the greatest movies ever. Please note that I said for pure fun. I'm not comparing this movie to "Ben Hur," "I, Cladius," "Shakespeare In Love," or any other movie that has a great deal of scope & breadth. Again, I'm only talking about movies that are for unfettered entertainment's sake. "Con Air" is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, and you shouldn't, either. This is a Bruckenheimer movie that is heavy on action and comedy, and light on plot & character development. Yes, most of the movie is absurd, but it is also absurd in a fun way. The cast is absolutely impeccable, featuring Nicholas Cage, John Malchovich, Steve Buscemi and John Cusack. We even get Colm Meaney as an irate Irish DEA agent - a wonderful touch! The direction is superb, and Trevor Rabin delivers yet another riveting score. This is a can't miss for anyone who wants to sit back & watch an hour & a half of hilarious mayhem. This is what I would call a guy movie - squared!
Rating:  Summary: Great Cast but a little ridiculous Review: The original idea behind "Con Air" is that prisoners take over a prison plane, which is certainly a clever idea for an action movie; however, the movie soon spirals out of the realm of possibility and into the ridiculous adding meaningless subplots and contrived tiwsts. Somehow the moive accumulates a great cast with Nicholas Cage, Ving Rames, Steve Buschemi, John Malcovich, and John Cusack, but instead of using their acting talents, all the characters are forcibly flat and uniteresting. Cage is the ultimate good person who can do no wrong and only serves to help others. Malcovich and Rhames are just bad men.. The only notable character is Buschemi for his offbeat observations, but even then he is reduced to a sideshow by the end of the movie. This being said, despite their restrictive roles, the cast manages to drag this movie to respectablity by generally conveying a sense of excitement into the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lots Of Explosions But Basically Dumb All Over Review: Nicholas is Cage is our all-American hero Cameron Poe. (Seriously silly name or what?) He's a bold, shaggy-haired super-hero who has just left the special forces and what he cares about is family values and honour and loyalty and goodness and heroism and his cute little girl and her cute blond mother and courage and valour and no one ever gets left behind and looking very sensitive and... you get my drift. One does rather wish he would pick his nose occasionally just to make him a bit easier to like. He's also a bit simple-minded and slow, as his voice-overed letters home from jail make clear after he has wasted some some-town tough who hassled his wife... Think Forrest Gump with muscle toning. After all, hey, nobody likes a smarty-pants. John Cusack is our other main good guy, Larkin, the US Marshall whose job is to sort things out after assorted super-criminals take over a prisoner transport 'plane. And sorting things out is not really that difficult as these particular baddies are really not all that smart and their plan is, let's face it, pretty half-baked. So to make it difficult the writers responsible for this tosh have compelled him to work alongside gung-ho DEA official Malloy (Colm Meaney). Now there are lots of stories and movies that get good drama about the working relationship of two professionals with interestingly different approaches to their work. But this isn't one of those movies. Here the main difference is that Larkin is smart and responsible while Malloy is a complete pillock. Good old hard-core action picture stuff follows with heroic Poe forced to battle single-handed against a small army of evil psychopaths, John Malkovich, Steve Buscemi, Danny Trejo, Ving Rhames, M. C. Gainey, and various other thesps who evidently really really needed the money. They're all about seven feet tall and hard as nails with guns and stuff and, boy, you can just smell the testosterone and the action just comes and comes. So that once you start watching, you watch to the end gripped in a kind of horrified fascination only to be left sat there as the closing credits roll wondering just how you ever came to allow two whole hours of your short and precious life ebb quietly (well, not so quietly) away on such total bollocks.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Garbage Review: What can I say about this except DON'T WASTE 2 HOURS OF YOUR LIFE WATCHING IT! Honestly I've seen some bad films and this has got to be up there in the top 5, probably number one....need I say more.