Rating:  Summary: The idea went down in flames Review: I went to the theater with some friends expecting a fantasy. But when I saw that it was going to be a post-apocalypic sci-fi movie, I was excited. It was a brilliant idea, and it had a large potential for an interesting plot line.As the story progressed, I was still interested, but not as much as when I saw the first fifteen minutes. The story's characters were fairly well rounded, but the conflicts between them appear to be the main source of the storyline. Not that it's a bad thing, but the main antagonists of the story - the dragons - are underplayed by this. The finale in London made up for the big blank spot in the middle of the movie, though. The scene afterward, before the credits, seemed ambiguous to me, though. The film has good special effects, alright characters, and a fairly good idea, even if it was underplayed. I'd say that it's kind of good and kind of bad in an odd way.
Rating:  Summary: Stinks less than dragon breath Review: What with computers making virtually (pun intended) every kind of special effect possible, it is really easy to make a scifi/fantasy film with terrific effects and no point at all. Happily this is not the case with Reign of Fire, a postapocalyptic film with a novel twist. Here is the thesis: a Very Bad Thing is released into the environment by accident, and as a consequence of human frailty and foolishness the entire race is treatened. The implication is that this happened once before, and that the destruction then was so complete that there is no memory of the event, only legend - as a result of this accident, our worst imagined fairy tale becomes real. It will be no surprise to anyone reading this that the dragon is the legendary flying beast. They spread relentlessly and devour everyting in their path. Man is reduced to pretechnologic clans struggling for suvival, waiting for the dragons to run out of food and die off. The hope is that man will survive by default. Now arrives, if only a little implausibly, a guy with his high tech team that is trying to be more proactive; kill the only male and the species will die. Here then is the subplot, and the Big Picture. Which is the right path? Proactive or passive? Tech or spirit? The answer of course is the former, but the resolution of this, and the romantic accessory plot is engaging. The special effects are very good, and the premise is unusual for the postapocalyptic thriller. Face it, this isn't Citizen Kane, but it is worth watching, and is a cut above the average fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Dissappointing Review: I was really excited about this one when I saw the previews for the movie in the theaters, I never got a chance to see it so I rented it when it came out. It's not very good. First off, the film is severly lacking in the action department. This is supposed to be an action movie, and when watching the previews you get the impression it's going to be a nonstop blast fest with the humans vs. dragons... it's not. Only 2 dragons die in the whole movie (one in the middle, one in the end) and these scenes are REALLY COOL, too bad they only last about 1 minute each. There is no real war between these 2 parties as I expected, although there could've been, and if there was this this still wouldn't be near oscar worthy but at least it'd be fun. Second, it's severely lacking in the characterization department. These people are just humans, and they must preserve the human race, but they're all like cardboard, no personalities, no conflicts, nothing! They just fight (hardly anyway), so any dialouge scenes just become completely uninteresting. There is only one redeeming quality in this movie, and it's the special effects, they truly kick [butt]. Unfortunately that's not enough for movie goers nowadays because we actually want action, a story, and good characters to go along with it. Give it a rent if you must, but you'll be dissappointed.
Rating:  Summary: NO WAY !!! Review: Simply Put, click to the next page and spend your money on something else!!! Poor writing, sad plot, this movie fails at everything they attempted (except the dragons they were cool)
Rating:  Summary: Turn your brain off Review: Movies like this always require a suspension of disbelief. In this case it's a little hard. There's only about 20 plotholes to ignore. Then we've got the premise of the film--that fire-breathing dragons really do exist and they've driven the human race to the edge of extinction. If you can ignore all this, it's a not-bad action film. The dragons are quite realistic, and quite scary. Two scenes stand out in my mind: one, where two of the male characters are putting on a scene out of _Star Wars_ to entertain the children, and, second, where the leader, upon meeting a crazed dragon-killer, mutters, "The only thing worse than dragons--Americans." It was the only time I laughed during the entire movie. The English accents are also a bit hard to understand. Overall, it's pretty good. Just don't expect anything great.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome movie Review: Great special effects, ok acting, explosive action, and a bald Matthew Mconoghey! Not to mention the dragons, which were impressive, even though they mostly barbecued the people rather than eating them. And i did expect to see the battle between the Apache helicopters and the dragons. But, for the most part, the movie was great. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Modern firepower, dragon burgers, and crispy humans. Review: A friend of mine recently brought this move over. I was blown away by it, but I was also not so sure about it. I liked it, but I realized up front that this movie could use some thoughtful consideration. There were plenty of things about it that made me unsure. The next day I picked up a copy and began to go over it. After watching it now for some time, here is my take on it. I disagree with criticisms that easily dismiss Reign of Fire, though they are probably not all unfounded criticisms. If you really look over the film, you might find that, though it may not be a grand masterpiece or whatnot, it really is very well done in light of the films premise and the parameters given. In my opinion, this movie is certainly better than a lot of films that have managed to reach the ever so subjective status of being a "Classic". Though one can easily pick apart some things in the movie, the script is fine. There is a dark grittiness to this film that stands as a real testimony to everyone who worked on the film, especially the director and actors. The measure of realism in Reign of Fire is placed at a decent level fitting for the movie, yet does not really get to the point where it becomes just another B grade action flick IMHO. The Road Warrior meets Dragonslayer? Yes, but also Aliens meets a very dark Robin Hood. And on and on. Sure the movie has it influences, but everything is influenced by what comes before it. The superb gritty look even reminds me of Black Hawk Down at times! In Reign of Fire, like in any good, creative movie, the influences do not present themselves in such a way as to be overtly distracting. The acting is wonderful. This is one of those straightforward, no B.S. kind of scripted dialog movies, and understandably so. Some of the British accents or whatnot can be hard to make out at times if you don't blast your TV, but hey, blast away. Some of the mumbling and such may also get to some people, but it fits the dark material. It's a dangerous post-apocalyptic world with dragons on the verge of making humankind extinct! But humans are resourceful, determined, etc. The pace of the move is by no means slow. There is PLENTY of action in this movie. Yet, I think the action level is also constructed realistically allowing character development to come through splendidly. There is a lot of creativity in this movie and it makes for a unique and pleasant experience. I'd love to see a squeal. Maybe next time the dragons can win.
Rating:  Summary: Sigh...What a disappointment Review: The whole premise for this movie is cool. The old legends were true--there WERE dragons back in Midieval days. They also killed the dinosaurs, brought on the ice age with their ash, and starved themselves into hibernation. Then one day some engineers dug too deep (as engineers always do in these kinds of movies) and the whole world went to pot. Cool concept, huh? Too bad there wasn't much beyond that. I was ready and rarin' for lots of action, but there was very little, and it was sporadic and not even that great. The plot is okay, not very original, and was pretty entertaining for one viewing. I don't know if I could sit through it again, though. In short, this is one of those movies that looked really cool but proved to be a let-down. My advice? Watch it once (if you like this kind of movie) before you decide to buy. I know I won't be owning this one.
Rating:  Summary: Reviews by FreaK Review: How can you creeps not like this movie?!?!?!? With dragons being my favorite mythological creatures, this movie rocked. It was exciting, and the special effects were really good. The dragons looked real. Yes, the acting could've been a lot better...but still, who needs acting in an action movie? I heard one of you creeps say that the special effects were awful...and one of you said that this was the worst movie of 2002! Jeez haven't you ever heard of Kung Pow??? Now THAT movie [was not good].
Rating:  Summary: The best thing about this film...the men! Review: Okay, take a step back gentlemen, because the lady here is going to put her two cents in. I am a big fan of films that give a glimpse of what the future may be like (example: Mad Max, Terminator, yada yada) I like the story buried within this film's script but the pace was less than pleasing. I would have liked to have seen more of the early struggles between man and dragons, even if it were flashbacks. One thing that did annoy me about this film..the mumbling! I can't tell you how many times I had to rewind a scene just so I could understand what was said. A hint love..talk a wee bit slower when you have a thick accent like that! Overall, I enjoyed the film. The special effects were good, the story, while lacking in details, and dialogue lacking in depth, still kept my interest. I also believe all the actors gave a fine effort...and speaking of fine! We have THREE that's right, count em', three gorgeous men in this film that should make the ladies want to rent this flick at least once! Christian Bale - Okay not really diggin' the hairy look but hey what can you expect it's like the end of the world. I'll always remember him from Little Women and the delicious role in American Psycho. Gerard Butler - One word ladies; Atilla. Those of you who didn't see this man in that original picture made by the USA network, get your backend to Blockbuster now! Those of you who have seen it, you all know you wanted to invade his tent and conquer that Great King of the Huns! Matthew McConaughey - I'm still recovering from how beautiful this man's body has become! In fact, I'm still purring! And that whole "..bring down the beast" line made me melt into a puddle on the floor, I don't know about y'all but he definitely does it for me.. Bottom line. I think the guys will dig the violence, and special effects, and we ladies will just enjoy a bunch of sexy men running about looking to woop some dragon tail.. Nothing too special about this movie. I don't know if I'll buy it, but it's a good weekend rental.