Rating:  Summary: Scarface (Al Pacino) Review Review: I highly suggest this title for any real movie fan. If you enjoy such titles such as the Godfather Series, Goodfellas, Menace II Society, Pulp Fiction, or Reservoir Dogs, then you should add this great classic to your library. This was the movie that was made for Al Pacino, as no other actor could have played the part better. This is my favorite and I recommend it and show it to everybody that comes my way. I highly suggest this movie to anyone except close minded people and children. If you're mature enough to handle this movie, you will flash it at your house like all the rappers and big shots. Buy it now.
Rating:  Summary: I am sooooo HAPPY Review: I know that this film is hated by some people, but I don't care, I love this movie, for many reasons. The people that hate this movie say that is bad because it is vane, pretentious and over acted, well to me that's just stupid arguments, first of all, the film is not vane and empty, what about Tony's relationship with his sister, I thought that was very good. And also the statement made about the 80s, the hedonistic lifestyle that not just U.S.A but the world lead in that era, how many people like Tony threw their lives down the toilet by getting drunk, high, mixed up in crimes, and eventually killed. This movie has and extra meaning because of my country of birth and my age. I was born and still live in Colombia, and although I was a kid during the 80s, I still remember them and the legacy that still resonates in today's world. During the 80s my country was the birth place of many Tony Montana's, Colombia was THE drug country, and everyone here remembers the times of Pablo Escobar(the biggest drug lord ever, he was bigger than Al Capone) and so I think I like this movie so much is because the life style shown in Scarface was more common here than in the States, here we had very flashy and druglords that had over the top houses, cars, fashion and all of that, and they were famous, everybody knew of them and their lifestyle, and so I can relate very much to Scarface in the sense that I find it very believable. And I think Pacino acted wonderfully, because that was the behaviour of Colombia's drug lords, and so to me he is not over acting. And if you don't believe any of the stuff I just said well then, the movie is also very entertaining, it has plebty of dark humour, action, suspense, drama, and a buch of other stuff. To sum up my review of the film itself, I think the statement made at the end is very powerful(THE WORLD IS YOURS), it show how the hedonistic and careless behavior of living in excess in every aspect lead to the tragic almost Hamlet like end for Tony Montana, every thing he cared and loved got killed, or abandoned him(his sister, his best friend, his wife, his mother, his mentor, etc.). The film has also a special charm, the 80s charm, I for one miss this era of bad taste and excess, I miss it's fashion, it's music, it's attitude(the world is yours), everything, here in Colombia the 80s were fantastic, because although the drug lords did all sorts of bad stuff, they were also beneficial in the sense that they helped our eceonomy and Colombia saw a huge economical boom because of their huge profits due to the eager drug markets from Europe and the United States, since the drug lords gave lot's of jobs to architects, construction workers, the scene in the movie in which Tony has a tiger in a small island in his huge mansion is great because that was the sort of stuff that drug lords had here(they had birthday parties for their kids in which they gave out t.vs, or beta sets, etc.), and also they had a lot of money, and the spend it in Colombia, so, even thought it was drug money, it was money, and economically speaking, when money is inserted into the circular money flow, the GDP of the country grew, and so Colombia grew and changed from a small banana republic, to a rather big and prosperous country due to drug lords, that finished when the country entered into a recession(a rather chaotic one in the 90s but that's a whole other story), so, as you can see, this is a topic in which I have a great knowledge and interest, and so, I love the movie, Pacino's passionate performance(with a funny accent), and lots of other stuff I have already said. Now, speaking about the DVD, I love the fact that there will be a re-release of the movie, and the is called Anniversary Edition, which I hope that implies Special Edition, which implies the following I hope:2 or more discs, remastered sound and image, the film im just one disc, the special features in the other(unlike Gangs of N.Y), spanish subtitles in order for my non-english speaking relatives to watch, trailers, interviews with the cast, the director, the screenwritter and all, a commentary, documentaries and the drug cartels and the making of the movie, etc. I hope it is a great edition, I hope that the ones that are doing it take a lesson from great special editions like the Lord of the Rings Special Extended edition series, or the T2 special edition, or all the other great special editions, and that it is not just the movie and few to say the least additions, remember editions like the one of Apocalypse Now just to say one, it was junk, just the trailer, come on, the film is very good and it is still without extras worth buying, but come on, the DVD is not just better sound and picture quality, is the possibility to get a broader look of the film and learn about many things that in the beta and the VHS era were impossible to learn. I am really looking forward to this film that appears that has gain greatness with time, and I hope that it will gain more greatness ans more time passes, like a good wine. Please believe me, "I always tell the truth, even whe I lie"-Tony Montana
Rating:  Summary: Aged Classic Review: I watched Scarface a long time ago,and considered it to be one of the classics of cinema, a film of sheer raw power, unrelenting in its brutality, with no redemption to any of the characters involved in this dangerous drugs game. Then, few years have passed before I watched it again. Now, more mature and with hundreds of movies later, I did see some flaws and made few observations which I would like to share it with you. It is still a wonderfully made, or shall I say remade movie, and Al Pacino's performance, although somewhat over the top in places, is a powerhouse of 'method' acting. Many of his lines in Scarface have entered history, and his portrayal of Cuban Refugee Tony Montana, with all the successes, excesses and failures, is mind blowing. Yet the film has not aged very well. It is first and foremost a child of its time,the eighties, despite the fact that Scarface is a remade of Howard Hawks original. Another observation, revolves around the film's violence. Scripted by none other than Mr Oliver Stone who shocked audiences later with his own Natural Born Killers, there is too much graphic violence, and so much blood to make even Dario Argento squirm. True,this violence reflects the brutal and very dangerous world of drug trafficking, however,the power of suggestion and psychological violence ala Don Siegel, could have worked equally well in balanced propotions. My universal one million dollar movie question has always been why on earth censors allow so much gore and blood and F words, yet cry murder at any sign of equally graphic nudity and invent new classification for it (NC17). The last observation I would like to make, revolves around the final scene. I believe that scene, although very powerful and memorable, as many would consider it an all time classic, was hastily filmed. The failure of the an assasination attempt in the morning,because Montana got a soft spot for the family in the car of the target,he gets a threatening 'I will show you you so and so' type of call in the afternoon from the Latin drug lord Suza, and few hours later, hundreds of gun totting latinos storm the not so well protected mansion to kill Montana.My first thought was, where did all these guys come from?? Where is the security that the paranoid Montana insisted on and paid so much for? I would imagine a guy like him would have literaly an whole army!! The always excellent M-E Mastrantoni last scene is over the top, and Montana talking to his dead sister in a shocked and drugged insanity is too sentimental, given the development and pace of this last scene. All supporting actors are great, from Mastrantonio, to Steven Bauer, to the highly underrated Robert Loggia, and of course the then unknown Michelle Pfeiffer in one of her earliest roles. Now finally few words about Brian De Palma. I have truly mixed feelings about De Palma.On one hand, he can be considered as a Hitchcok wannabe with films like Body Double, Sisters, Obsession and Dressed To Kill, and on the other as an original film maker with gems like the underrated cult classic Phantom of Paradise, Mission Impossible and Carrie. With Scarface, although a remade and not original film as stated above, you can clearly see his and Stone's prints all over it. So notwithstanding my observations about Scarface, it is still a very good entertaining film, and this is what is important after all. You can suspend belief and excuse the flaws in it, but if you are still entertained by genuis performances and able direction then it certainly should be in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Scarface DVD Review: This is one of the greatest movies of all time. Al Pacino does an unforgetable performence as Tony Montana. But the movie is not great just because of Al Pacino. It's filled with extrodeniary talent on and off screen. With unforgetable cast of actors and actresses that bring unforgetable characters to life. Briand De Palma does an amzing job of turning this movie into a modern day Godfather. And last but certainly not least Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone does a magnificent of writing the screenplay to this movie. No doubt in any critic's mind that this film will stand the test of time and become one of Hollywood's greatest film's.
Rating:  Summary: DID YOU WATCH THE MOVIE? Review: In response to a very dumb reviewer from Portland, Oregon, i think i should make better the stupidness he's brought to this movie and it's fans for disgracing it. First this reviewer says: The movie jumps to a scene where Tony just happens to be counting money in front of undercover federal agents. No explanation is given as to how he met these agents. Um...did we miss the whole banker scene, where the guy from the bank says he has to raise the rate, so Manny suggests this other guy, who turns out to be the undercover agent in the scene in question, wow, it's amazing what happens when we don't mute the movie so we can catch the dialogue! Next: The dozens of gansters in Tony's house at the end. Where did all these guys come from? um...South America, Sosa's guys, Tony tucked Sosa off so he sent these guys to Miami to kill him, you didn't see them climbing the fences, what happened, did you close your eyes? Wow: The scary-looking guy plants a wad (and I mean wad) of C4 explosives under the guys car. We see this guy driving around with a wad of C4 the size of a football under his car. Now I would assume that in the real world they would fall off due to the weight. My response: ever heard of tape? The final scene where Tony's sister comes in out of nowhere. um...there was a door there The gansters climbing over the walls with ropes in the final scenes. HOW DO YOU WANT THEM TO DO IT, KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR ASKING FOR A CUP OF SUGAR? Tony ends up shooting the scary-looing guy in broad daylight (in the middle of NewYork city) because he didn't want him to blow up the man while his familly was in the car. Here's a contradiction... a ruthless killer with a conscience and morals. OK...before you were complaining about character development(Michelle Pfeiffer plays a 1-dimensional character who is a selfish b****. There is no character development and she becomes very annoying very fast!)and now you don't want it. Let me suggest something, watch the movie again, turn the sound on, keep your eyes open, turn the subtitles on, watch it sitting on your head, whatever it takes to actually absorb the movie, then review it, OK? Enjoy the movie, or try something more your tastes, like, um...Sesame Street!
Rating:  Summary: Finally, to be re-released Review: Those of you who can't get enough of Tony Montana, wait untill September 30th, and we will finally get the re-release of SCARFACE. I've been looking all over, and it's not to be found, finally, it's coming. One of the greatest movie's of all time with a great soundtrack, great actors and action, including most possibly the best ending in movie history, or at least the coolest, and bloodiest. AL PACINO : SCARFACE, don't miss it.
Rating:  Summary: Scarface Review: Scarface was one of the best movies i have seen in my young life. It contained a mix of power drama and action and an unbeatable cast. This film provides the audience with irony, anger, and the unforgettable feeling of success. This film can easily run with the best ( godfather, goodfellas, etc ). Even those who aernt interested in this genre have to get lost in this wonderful work of art.
Rating:  Summary: Bruttal! Review: Al Pacino is brilliant in this film. I love Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as she lights up the movie with her smile. Michelle Pfeifer is awesome in her performance. It's definitely not the Paul Muni movie from way back. If you watch this film, make sure its the unrated version. It is absolutely "Brutal"!
Rating:  Summary: Ahh, The 80s, Whatta Blast! Review: Yep, this is it. Brian Depalma's masterpiece of profane excess! I saw "Scarface" when it came out and could not believe it! It was the first movie ever considered for an X-rating due to violence alone. Imagine "A Clockwork Orange" meets "Pulp Fiction" and toss in "Reservoir Dogs" for good measure. Nothing comes close to Al Pacino's explosive portrayal of Tony Montana! He is a man on a mission to "make it" in the United States. Sent from Castro's prisons, Tony finds himself in a Miami interment camp, where he assassinates a guy. From there, he and his best friend become minimum wage earners in a greasy dive. Completely unsatisfied, they quit, thus beginning the upward ascent / downward spiral of their cocaine driven careers. This is a timeless allegory of the 1980s! The music is plastic. The people are money-starved addicts. This movie belongs in a time capsule with big hair and MTV videos! I remember this lifeless decade, and "Scarface" was the only good thing that came out of it!! Robert Logia as Frank (his laugh haunts me still) is brilliant! Michelle Pfeiffer portrays the object of Tony's OCD, with burned out numbness. The F-word is spoken or screamed some 216 times if memory serves. If you want to understand, or at least imagine the greedy, me-me-me 80s, then you've got to see "Scarface"! Tony Montana is scary. He signifies the end result of sociopathic self-satisfaction. Highly recommended...