Rating:  Summary: Surprised That I Liked It! Review: I put off seeing this movie for a long time. During the first 5 minutes I thought my fears were right about it just being a movie with a great looking star and nothing else (and I'm not interested in great looking female stars). The first scene was pretty silly, as were many to follow... but as the movie progressed, her character was made more whole. The movie makers did a pretty good job of giving her some depth of character that went beyond treasure hunting and killing bad guys. Jolie did a superb job playing this character. The story line had some holes in it, but who really cares. I recommend it, either you'll love it or you'll hate it!
Rating:  Summary: When A Movie Gives You A Headache... Review: You Know It's Bad.I could only manage to watch Tomb Raider in half-hour segments, because quite frankly, it was one of the worst movies I have seen to date. I'm a fan of the video game series because I think it is very well done and really improved the 3rd Person Shooter Genre. However, I can't believe Eidos (the game maker, may be pronounced : Idiots) sold their rights to a movie for this game. Did I mention I fell in a plot hole? The plot holes in this movie are so large I fell in. Really. The reason I got a headache was not from all the shooting, blowing up stuff, and all that, but because the story line is something a five year old could have written up. In fact, its so bad I can't even sumerize the story because I don't know what the hell happened. Anyways. The DVD itself isn't that bad. I give it 4 stars. Excellent video quality. Excellent sound quality. The Music Video by U2 (Elevation) is well done and sounds great, even without surround sound. The extra features are wholesome to say the least. After viewing the movie you can understand why there are 8 segments on special effects and none on the script... The Making Of was good, I had seen it on HBO before, however it was well done. There was also a "Easter Egg" with Jolie + Voight (Her Father), it was touching. The DVD-ROM had some other small features. The only one I looked at was the Demo for Tomb Raider: Chronicles. It was fun for about a half hour. The only reason I gave the DVD Section 4 Stars was because no trailers were there. And I love trailers. Oh Well. In Review: Movie - 1 Star DVD - 4 Stars Overall - 2 Stars (Horriable Movie, Good DVD, No Trailers) Suggested Viewing Order: (Movie, if you must); Making Of; Special Effects; Video Game -> Movie; U2 Video; Father/Daughter (Easter Egg); DVD-Rom Features.
Rating:  Summary: thought it was cool...it blew chunks. Review: chunks is my dog. this movie was soo awful. if you can believe it, it was barely worth seeing a glimpse of Jolie naked from the back! I like awesome special effects, choreographed action scenes, slo-mos, and cool babes. but this is really not worth it. before i saw, i thought that there was no way it could be horrible- not good maybe, but not horrible. It was.
Rating:  Summary: YOU MUST BE CRAZY Review: First of all Directer did a very bad job translating a video game with lot of action and plot twist into a movie. Example; there was a scene in the film where Ms. Jolie was tied to a bungie cord contraption and the bad guys(milutary types) came bursting in her house and after about a million bullets, a couple of wall running and flips not one I repeat not one person was shot. In the game all those guys would have been blown to bits. It was like they tried to turn a R rated video game into a PG movie and doing that they spoiled what could have been the best VideoGame Movie translation ever. If the script was written in the same context that the game is portrayed this would have been a better movie. There were times during the movie when I wanted to go to the box office and demand my money back. If you are a fan of the game(1st one was the best) do not see this movie. Once you get over how good Angelina Jolie look in her outfit you'll realize that the film was pure [junk]. The reviewers that gave the film more than 1 star must not have been watching the same movie I was.
Rating:  Summary: r rated version Review: great movie lots of action top scenes ,"no nipples" not even in the ice scene unnatural dressed the way she is .
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Movie Review: When I went to see this movie, I was expecting a Indiana Jones type thriller but instead got a very boring and very bad movie. I watched it one more time after this to see if it was any better but it just got worse. I dont recommend seeing this.
Rating:  Summary: Viewing this film took 5 minutes!! Review: Five minutes into this [...]is all it took to see how badly the film companies are trying to set up a new franchise picture. But this was unwatchable... and what's with the English accent, Angelina.? Forgeddabout it.....don't even rent it, it's so bad.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb Raider Review: I don't mind brainless action movies, but even the most accepting movie buff has to have some standards, and Tomb Raider can't even meet those. Yes there are some cool scenes (like the fight against the stone monkeys and the bungie battle in the house, but they seem disjointed, contrived, and the result of a group of "writers" who tossed in ideas in an attempt to liven up a pretty dull film. The story, ha ha, centers around two pieces of a triangle that when put together at the right time will give its weilder the power to go back in time. Well, Laura has one of these pieces (its in her house). I thought it would have been cooler for Laura to have found the first piece herself, but oh well, the army of writers who came up with this film thought otherwise. At the point where Laura has one piece I thought to myself, why doesn't she just destroy it. That would stop the bad guys. But no! She basically gives the bad guys the piece. There are other rediculous logical gaps in the movie and I think it may be the result of horrible editting. There seem to have been quite a lot of transitions that never made it from script to film or from film to final edit. For instance, Laura's partners ask her how she expects to get from London to Cambodia in 15 hours to which she replies that she will have to call in a favor. In the next scene, she is in Cambodia. Ugh, how did she get there? What favor did she call in? Eh, whatever. Lazy scriptwriters, bad editing. Even the action scenes lack tension. In the first scene, she is fighting a robot. But you learn that the robot is designed to help her train. No tension there. Then the movie tries to set up the story for about ten to fifteen mintues. Yawn. Then, Laura for some odd reason is relaxing in her home attached to bungie cords when her home is attacked by Illuminati thugs. You can almost imagine the conference room when the writers came up with the idea to this scene: "We'll have her bouncing around on bungie cords, it will be cool, who cares if it makes no sense." This is the only real action scene with any tension because there are actually bad guys trying to kill her. The stone monkey scene is ok at first, but then you realize that anyone, including my 85 year old grandmother, can beat these deadbeats by merely kicking them. And am I the only person who felt that the ending of the movie was a rip of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? I guess we have ourselves to blame for Hollywood producing such poor action movies as Tomb Raider (this movie made over 100 million dollars in its theatrical run), but the least you can do is save yourselves: don't waste a second of your life watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great action! Review: This movie was excellent...good story line and great action. Angelina Jolie did a great job portraying Lara Croft and I was really impressed by her accent--it was totally believable. The scenes with her father(who, by the way,is her father in real life) were very touching. For those who enjoy the 'Tomb Raider' video games, you won't be disappointed in this movie. Also, if you like action--this is a must-see!
Rating:  Summary: Jolie is Wonderful; The Rest Fairly Average Review: 2001 was an odd year for movies, bringing us a film that was animated so well it seemed real (FINAL FANTASY); and LARA CROFT, TOMB RAIDER, a film that was so perfectly cast that the lead seemed like the embodiment of a video game-character. Whoever was responsible for casting Angelina Jolie is a genus, and Jolie herself deserves an enormous amount of credit for this uncanny albeit very strange portrayal. And let's face it, Jolie is really the only reason to see this film. The plot is nothing special, dialogue fairly commonplace at best (and at worst, laughable--the scene between Lara and her father's ghost made my entire family wince with the similarity to THE LION KING), the special-effects and set design acceptably workmanlike and the other actors similarly undistinguished. But Jolie makes that all moot--and not just because she's gorgeous. She brings Lara Croft to life without a single misstep; so much so that the aspects of Croft created specifically for the movie seem as though they've always been there through all the video games. This is a movie worth a look for its entertainment value, expect nothing else; but a great popcorn movie it is--not quite Indiana Jones, but not far from it. As far as the extras on the DVD go, they seem fairly standard. I was amused by how pretentious many of those interviewed were, especially the director. They seemed under the mistaken impression that what they were doing was truly important cinema; and spoke of such things as "the spiritual heart of the film". Frankly, I'd give this all a miss--if you saw the film, you saw the best part of the disc. The only extra of interest to me was the section on Jolie's training for the role; this is probably because I thought she was the only exceptional thing about the film. Finally, I couldn't play the DVD-ROM features on my Mac G4; it requires Windows.