Rating:  Summary: Bring on the sequel !! Review: I loved this movie - they've done a great job of bringing the comics onto the screen while also modernising it a bit. I also liked the way they highlighted the importance of Mary Jane by making it 'her story' in a way. Another standout aspect was the way they showed Peter Parker coming to terms with his new-found gifts and learning how best to utilize them. His transformation into a crime fighter is also shown in a realistic manner, rather than showing him as a guy who's always been geared to turn into Spiderman, and needs no 'breaking in' period or motivation. Toby Maguire turns in a winning performance as Peter Parker/ Spiderman, which should really turn him into a big, big star. Kirsten Dunst is attractive in a warm kind of way rather than ravishingly pretty. Willem Dafoe proves yet again that he's capable of fine villanious performances. The other support actors are good, too. A special word for Sam Raimi, who's done an exceedingly good job of adapting a popular superhero series for the silver screen, a feat not so easily achieved. The special effects, sets etc are all quite good and add to the impact. All in all, very well done indeed - i'll definitely watch the sequel !!
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT MOVIE!!! Review: I recently saw the movie "Spider-Man" with a friend and let me tell you it was wonderful!!! Tobey Maguire plays mild-mannered Peter Parker, a high school newspaper photographer who is picked on by his classmates because he's skinny weak kid with glasses. One day while he is on school field trip at a lab he is accidentally bitten by an experimental spider that has escaped from its glass cage. Immediatly after returning home Peter falls to the floor and hours after passing out he awakens to notice that his body is now more muscular, he doesn't need glasses, and he's able to shoot webs from his wrists. The villain in this movie is also brilliantly played! Go see this film, you won't be dissappointed!!!
Rating:  Summary: I died and went to Heaven! Review: This is a Great movie! No, great doesn't even begin to describe how good this movie is! It was well written, casted, acted, every thing about it was fantastic! The only thing in the movie I didn't like, was the end. I mean, through the whole movie Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) tries to get MJs ( Kirsten Dunst ) attention. Then, when he finally suceeds, he only tell's her it can't work. So through the whole movie you are practicaly wetting your pants for MJ to crack, only to see her in despair. But the rest of the movie makes up for it, BIG TIME! It is soooo much better than the Bat-Man movies! The Bat-Man movies didn't have a story. They was just full of stupid, and pointless violence. This movie on the other hand, had just enough violence, and a great family, and love story. The acting was great! It was very well casted, and directed. I definitly WOULD recomend this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: I love this movie! This movie is about a poor nerd named Peter Parker who doesn't have any friends and he gets stung by this spider and turns into a superhero. He falls in love with a girl next door and they eventually like each other but she does not like Peter she likes Spider-Man. It's a reference to Superman and Batman but I think Spider-Man is a lot better than those movies. Tobey Maguire did his best job and so did Kirsten Dunst. I think Tobey is not a very good actor but he did okay in this movie. I think this movie is the feel good movie of the year and it does deserve a five star rating. Go see it if you like Spider-Man!
Rating:  Summary: The best film adaptation from a comic book yet! Review: Finally, "Spider-Man" is here! Personally, I thought it was great that they decided to do a live-action version of this classic comic book character rather than a dumb animated one, like the TV show. To me, live-action is always better, mainly though because the films looks more real. I just saw "Spider-Man" and have to say that it was fantastic! I already cannot wait for it's sequel, which will hopefully be released next year in 2003. If you've ever read the comic books and saw the show, then you've probably got a good idea on what this movie was all about. Spider-Man vs. the evil Green Goblin (played by William Dafeo). It's also about how Peter Parker (played perfectly by Tobey Maguire) came to be Spider-Man, and trying to win over the affection of the beautiful Mary-Jane (played by Kirsten Dunst). There's a lot of action and spin-tingly moments. Although I still thought "Star Wars--Episode II, Attack of the Clones" was a better film, "Spider-Man" was still awesome and worth seeing, but basically because I am a bigger "Star Wars" fan than "Spider-Man" fan...I really only went to see "Spider-Man" because I heard it was a good movie and I'm really into sci-fic/fantasy/action movies. Plus, I also think Tobey Maguire is an excellent actor (but Hayden Christensen in "Star Wars" is hotter, and I believe, more talented!). Anyway, getting back to "Spider-Man", the special effects were amazing and a great touch to the film. The storyline and dialouge were strong, but dialouge seems to never be a very important element in fantasy and action films, in reality. The acting was superb, including the performances by the supporting roles. I can't wait for the "Spider-Man" DVD to be released and I'm glad I got the chance to see it on the big screen. I believe "Spider-Man" will be nominated for a few Oscars next year...I think though mostly for technical nods, if any. Probably not any acting nods, and most definitely not a best picture nod because fantasy films just don't get nominated for best picture, which is wrong, I know...because there are a lot of excellent fantasy films out there that the Oscar judges overlook, come Oscar time! Sam Raimi did an excellent job with the directing...though it would've been interesting to see James Cameron direct this, like he was first supposed to. And Danny Elfman provides a wonderful, haunting score. Elfman is no John Williams or James Horner, but he does a good job in his own right. ... All in all, "Spider-Man" is an awesome film and should be seen by all fans of Spidey! It was rated PG-13 for some very mild lanuage, some violence, and a few scary moments. I wouldn't really recommend it for very young children, but I think it is appropriate for people ages 7 and up. Final Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Spiderman Does Whatever A Spider Can Review: Spiderman is a movie that has been needed to be made for years. This movie starts out when Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) goes to a spider exhibit where they have eight spiders that have the abilties of hundreds of spiders. One accidentally gets out of its cage and bites Peter. He soon learns he has the abilties of a spider. At first he uses his powers to wrestle for money and when he wins they only give him half of what he should have gotten. He becomes angry with them and on his way out a burgler had stolen money from the register of the tournament's office and Peter did not stop him. But in a weird twist of events this burgler kills someone very dear to him. It is then Peter decides to use his powers to fight evil. This movie has a sequel coming out in two years and is worthy of many more. This movie is truly one of a kind.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Film! Review: Spider-Man is the best comicbook hero adaptation I have ever seen on the big screen. The special effects used while the web slinger was swinging through New York where amazing. Besides the outstanding effects Spider-Man also had fantastic character developement and a script that actually told the story of Peter Parker.
Rating:  Summary: best comic book movie ever Review: This is the first time in my life that I am willing to say that I have watched a real comic book movie. It really succeeds in capturing the spirit of the comics. Most similar movies in the past have either gone too far over the top, like The Flash, or is a good film that takes itself too seriously and tries to hide its origins, like X-Men. No as much as I love the X-Men movie there is just no comparison to this film. Spiderman treads the fine line, it never goes to far into cheese, but is proud enough of it's comic book origins to show them. Some of the angles seem like they could have been taken as stills in the comics, like when Peter smiles directly at the camera for no reason other than that's the way the comics would do it. It also keeps dialogue that you could have seen in the comics. Lines like "I'm just your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman" are lines that make this film what it is. Enough about the comics though, what is this like as a film? Put simply it rocks! The film has strong characters, good acting and some breathtaking action sequences, filled with amazing effects. You should know the story by now, but just incase you've been locked up in a rubber room for your whole life it is this. A high school geek named Peter Parker is on a school trip to see some spiders. The scientists proceed to show them some genetically modified spiders that have all the best points of the other spiders combined. One of these Spiders bites Peter, and this has the unexpected result of passing on these qulaities to him. He starts off using these powers for selfish gain, by entering a wrestling match. However one day he has the opotunity to stop a theif from escaping but he ignores it. Said thief then kills his uncle and he decides that from then on he will use his powers to fight crime. At the same time the father of Peters best friend experiments on himself to become superhuman. This has the side effect of driving him insane and he becomes the super villain The Green Goblin. I would like to point out that the character development in this film is not as high as it was in X-Men, but this works in it's favour. You see it's all in the spirit of a comic book movie. The reason that a comic has such strong characters is because they are developed over years. Each story will develop another aspect of the characters personality and then focus on the action. I felt that X-men wanted to get the most character development into the first film but this had the unfortunate side effect of causing the film to drag slightly in a few places. This is not the case with Spiderman, they provide you with all the development needed to show how Peter changes from geek to hero, and the events that caused it. I personally feel that any-more would have spoiled the film. The majority of actors in this film are first class. Toby Maguire in the role of Peter Parker/Spiderman is brilliant, managing to convincingly convey both the geek and the hero. William Daffoe was an inspired choice to play The Green Goblin. He is just over the top enough to be a comic book villain, but still knows that he doesn't need to resort to cheese for the role. As for Kirsten Dunts as Mary Jane, she's perfect. A lot of people say that she didn't have a lot to work with, but most of these are women claiming that women don't do enough in films. All I can say is that she has no super powers, so she couldn't be expected to fight green goblin could she. She was the love interest, and for her personality I'd like to add-Ladies and gentlemen my fantasy girlfriend.- The scene in the rain has nothing to do with it, honest. The only actor I will complain about is the guy who Jameson. He seems to be trying to hard to emulate the cartoon series and as a result does not convincingly portray any emotion. Finally the most important part, the action. The action in this film Rocks. The effects are simply amazing. Even the web swinging scenes that have come under so much critisism don't look that bad. Yes they're not perfect, but I don't think it is possible to portray human movements with a computer yet, and it looks way better than the similar effects in Blade 2. The fights with the, green Goblin are all amazing though. My fave being the first one. Now while you may have noticed that this review contains a lot of praise and not much critisism. I know I've done this a few times, this time it's different. When I review a film I concider a classic I like to be optimistic and focus on the good. This time though the film is basically perfect. Yes Jonah may be over the top, and some of the FX a little unrealistic, but a 100% perfect film will never happen. Yes there may be more intellegent films around, but as a comic book film this will not be held against it. It's not meant to be serious. I definately feel that not only is this my fave comic book movie, but it is among my fave movies in any genre. Overall if your a fan of the comic, then stop whinging about organic webshooters, and go watch this film. It's faithfull in all areas that matter, and if you like super hero movies then don't miss this film, but if you're one of those who hates super hero's and believe that all films should, be beleivable then why the hell did you just read the review, you should avoid the film.
Rating:  Summary: good as advertised!!! Review: a lot like the books and comics,a few minor differences,excellent show,i look for more.
Rating:  Summary: YES, YES, YES ! ! ! Review: Man, this is the best movie i've seen this year. I'm writing this review in less than an hour I finished watching the movie. The effects are amazing and the camera shots are even more amazing. Tobey Maguire plays really great and no wonder this movie made more than 100 million dollars in less than a week, only in the US. I can say a lot more about this movie but I'm sure these that haven't seen the movie yet heard a lot about it already. Do not skip this one. Great action. And by the way, this movie is 2000 times better than all Batman and Superman serieses as well.