Rating:  Summary: A perfect action movie Review: It's very difficult for the large number of people involved in a film to make one that's perfect, but Predator is one such example. Outstanding story, action, setttings, and characters. It opens a whole new class of story. It's not man-vs-himself, man-vs-man, but man-vs-alien. A US Special Forces team is tasked with a mission deep in an unnamed tropical country. Little do they know that their breed - professional warriors - is the desired prey for a trophy-hunting alien who remorselessly uses the finest galactic sporting technology to hunt down the hapless humans. Alone and armed only with their courage, the humans are forced to confront the ultimate killing machine. This movie is 15 years old and is still my favorite action film. A must-see for action fans!
Rating:  Summary: DTS version rocks. Review: The DTS version is great. Old version ( DD 5.1 ) just didn't measure up. It just rocks my apartment ( wife hates it ).
Rating:  Summary: Arnold's BEST movie Review: Of all the movies I have ever seen...no matter how spectacular the special effects, the acting, the script writing, anything....this movie is, and always will be, my favorite movie of all time. Quite possibly Arnold's BEST movie, this movie is non-stop action. An involved plot follows the story of a team of 5 Rescue Specialists and a CIA Operative who are dropped in a warzone somewhere in Central America. A Guerilla camp has taken diplomatic hostages and it is up to Arnold and his team to rescue them. However, when the team discovers another team of American soldiers horribly mutilated, suspicion begins to arise, and it soon becomes apparent that the real enemy is not of this world....... The entire movie is action-packed, full of Arnold's trademark grunts and groans. The special effects are excellent and the environments are incredible. The 'Predator' creature would go down in movie history as one of the most popular sci-fi creatures of all time, eventually clashing head to head with THE most popular creature ever, the Alien, in numerous comic book, novel, video game, card game, and action figure incarnations. Arnold is a great hero and the final battle with the Predator is indeed a memorable one, sporting one of the most famous lines in Sci-Fi history. DO NOT MISS THIS!
Rating:  Summary: Smooth as a Fine Wine -- Aaarrgghhhh! Review: This is one of the most unique science fiction movies I have seen in all my years of reviewing movies. I loved it so much that here I am, in 2001, reviewing this flick which was made in, I believe, 1987. The casting was perfect: a tight knit band of soldiers sent on one mission, but who end up running for their lives when some space predator decides to pick them off, one by one. Its convincing -- the jungle serves as the perfect setting for a number of scene switches, from water and mud to forests. But what really makes the movie work is the fact that the movie is on almost 30 minutes before you even see the monster! That's how good it is. I like the use of Jesse Ventura, Bill Duke and Arnold as leaders of a multi-racial team of soldiers; I also liked Carl Weathers playing what he really is -- a "tom." But other than that, "Predator" is a combination of "man vs. man," "man vs. his environment" and "man vs. himself." Arnold is innovative as he fights the intergalactic "scavenger" who takes human spines as his trophies. This movie is to "neo-science fiction" what "Starship Troopers" is to conventional sci-fi fare. If you haven't seen this movie, you'll be riveted to your seat. And the haunting melody of the soundtrack is as exciting as the action on the screen.
Rating:  Summary: DTS version satisfies Review: Having been a fan of this movie since it came out, I was a bit apprehensive with some of the reviews I read about the early DVD version which seemed to indicate less than satisfactory audio and video qualities. I was delighted to find a DTS version (I assume recently released) and even more delighted to find that this DTS DVD of the Predator fulfilled all my expectations: a very involving soundfield, sharp crisp picture and color. I'm not going to get into a synopsis of the movie or wax enthusistic about one of Arnold's better films, I'll simply say this is the version that fan's of Predator will want to own.
Rating:  Summary: NOT A MOVIE FOR ENVIRONMENTALISTS Review: What can I say, this movie ROCKS! Mini-guns, grenade launchers, Arnie, Jesse Ventura, great one-liners. One of my favorite parts is where Jesse Ventura gets killed and then Arnie and the gang literally do some serious deforestation. To quote Arnie, the predator is "one ugly (blankity-blank)." Definitely one of the awesomest looking aliens I've seen. Especially his claw. Wish I had me one of those. One thing that I find interesting is that the TV edited version is actually pretty good. When I saw the unedited version, I don't know, the bleeped out language and dialogue seemed out of place. Especially when the nerdy buff guy with glasses was talking. But he gets killed first, so we don't have to put up with him through the rest of the film. This is one of the few movies I've seen that actually has some substance to it in that it doesn't rely on special effects to carry it through. Great acting, great dialogue, great action, great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Predator, or how Carl Weathers lost his arm, or did he? Review: This movie is so great, aspeccially if you don`t know anything about it at all, as did, first time I saw it. Great alien, alot of muscles and weapons. A real macho film. Just like we prefer them. BUT, when Carl Weathers looses his shooting right arm in a battle with predator you can clearly see his real arm on his back. What a bummer. I did`nt see it until the 4th. or 5th. time i saw the movie, but one of my favorite films of all time got a bad scratch in the paint there. Othervise it`s a great action movie with all the ingrediences. Also Check out Predator II with Danny Glover as tough cop in New York on a hot summer day.
Rating:  Summary: creative interstellar hunting techniques...oooo, nice laser Review: Predator is a great GUY flick. Muscle flexing, gunfights, lasers, explosions and gore. This is the kind of movie that only works if you suspend your disbelief COMPLETELY and think about the plot as little as possible. None of this movie makes a bit of sense. So what? The action is terrifically exciting. The one-liners are just right. The acting is actually pretty good for an action movie. McTiernan does a good job of keeping the movie flowing. An alien lands in the jungle and begins hunting men for the fun of it. Its stronger, faster, and better equipped than any human. All Predator/human matchups are redundant because the human never has a chance. The hero isn't better, just smarter. He has to use his wits and creativity. Basically a thinly veiled Alien with a male hero. The special effects are impressive, especially because the movie doesn't rely heavily on computer generated effects. A fun mindless shot em up with a great twist.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is the best Review: I've seen this movie and any movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Venture, and Carl Wethers is defenetly worth seeing. Arnold and his elite army team are sent into the South American jungle to get american hostages but the more they see the more they know somthing else is going down. As the team is picked off one by one by an ivisible enemy Arnold find himself pitted against the all time hunter. This movie is Rambo meets Alien with alot of effects thrown in and alot of surprises along the way. If you liked Terminator, T2, the Alien movies and the Rambo saga you'll like this
Rating:  Summary: Terrible DVD Of An Excellent Film Review: Predator is a very good movie and is very unfairly underrated but this DVD bites big time. The picture and sound is bad (the picture is grainy and the sound constantly skips). Not only that, but there are NO extras other than the trailer (which is a Teaser if you can believe that!). The cover has also changed and is pretty lame. Just buy the video and stay FAR away from this craptacular DVD. Fox should be ashamed.