Rating:  Summary: Awesome deleted scenes Review: This is the DVD to get, it has the deleted scenes of the love affair between Doolittle (played by Baldwin) and Beckinsale - the child Beckinsale carries was actually Doolittle's, not Josh Harnett's - in this restored, original version
Rating:  Summary: good but not THAT good Review: This is a good movie but not great. It's way too long and the actors are not really that good. The special effects are amazing to look at but it gets boring after a while. Jennifer Garner had a very small role in the movie. Why didn't she got a bigger part is beyond me. This unrated version is not that special only has a lot more gore/violence. Why did I waste time and money on this one I really don't know. If you love violence movies buy this now if now avoid it at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: A must-see among summer movies Review: Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, and Kate Beckinsale were the main characters in the story, and what a story it is. Honestly, I wasn't expecting any backstory to be wrapped around the events of Pearl Harbor much like the writers did with this one. I didn't think it would work. But it did, and it worked well.Afflech and Josh were two childhood friends who dreamed of being combat pilots for the military since they were kids. Well, they soon got their chance as they grew older and enlisted in the military. The love triangle between Ben, Josh, and Kate was played out perfectly and adds emotion to the pre-battle part of the movie. This is pretty much what the movie revolves around, with the actual attack @ Pearl Harbor being secondary. It's the story that's important to this movie, and that's always good to see for movies that deal largely with action. Pearl Harbor ranks up there (although doesn't surpass) Saving Private Ryan as one of my favorite WW2 films, if not films in general, of all time. Cuba Gooding Jr., Alec Baldwin, Dan Akroyd, and Jon Voight all surprised me with great performances (not that I expected them to be bad, but I didn't know they would be in the movie at all). The acting was dead-on throughout the entire film, and the effects and story were perfect. It's a three hour film, and it's not one of those movies where the time whizzed by. But even though you knew it was long, you were told a story that captivated you the entire time. I didn't walk out of the theater thinking of how long it was, but instead how great it was. And that's what's important.
Rating:  Summary: RE: Pearl Harbor Review: Pearl Harbor is basically a Hollywood movie but it does bring to life one of the greatest tragedies in American history in a way that people can relate to. Sure, we all read about the bombing of Pearl Harbor in history class, but to see it come to life on the big screen and to throw in such a heartwrenching love story with it really hits home. Ben Affleck as Rafe and Josh Harnett as Danny really come off as true "brothers in arms" - they, along with Kate Beckinsale as Evelyn, tell a story that most people (skip the critics opinions, they always bash big Hollywood productions) will be thinking about even after they leave the theater - as it could happen to anyone. The story was somewhat predictable, but it doesn't make it any less poignant. You find yourself rooting for both love stories throughout the movie. The Hawaiian scenery can only make it more romantic. I saw this movie twice within one week and loved it even more the second time. Try it - you will agree. I saw alot of WWII-age men and women in the audience and can only hope the movie does some justice to the actual horrific events that they lived through. I really haven't heard too many bad reviews from movie-goers. Treat it like the summer blockbuster it is and you will enjoy it thoroughly.
Rating:  Summary: Pearl Harbor, best war movie I ever seen yet!! Review: I saw this movie in the theatre, in 2001, AND LOVED IT!
I'm not happy the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor but, this
reinactment was so well done! Even though it was a love
story, it was done very well! This is one of the best
made movies, I'VE EVER SEEN! You dip$#*ts who didn't like
it, are showing your true stupidity! (A MUST SEE!)
Rating:  Summary: Trash Review: Formulaic garbage that should appeal to the less intellectually gifted 15 year olds.Absolutely laughable.
Rating:  Summary: It's About Love, Not War Review: Even though this movie's been out for a couple of years now, it's still worthy of a 'Thumbs Up' review.
Although set in the WWII Pearl Harbor location, it's a love story that's also a tear jerker.
Sure, many veterans may pick out inaccurate details which are part of human nature, but as a whole this movie had both my husband and myself wiping the tears away on more than one occasion. It's a love story, folks, in case you didn't notice.
We bought the movie after first renting it. It holds a prominent place on the bookshelves among our other prized DVDs. It contains a bit of history for our grandchildren later. It speaks to the heart and soul of those who lost a loved one in time of war. It reminds us that we're all human and are susceptible to the acts of mankind.
If it was a blockbuster movie due to extensive advertising, I'm glad they advertised it as such or I never would have rented it in the first place.
Rating:  Summary: Movie with an identity crisis Review: Too much romance to be a war movie. Too much war to be a romance movie. Whatever you want to call this hodgepodge of dramatic cliches, don't dare call it "historical." Like "Titanic," which suffers from a similar affliction, the fact that celluloid was even wasted on this is supremely insulting to the real people who actually lived through the events. The worst aspect of it is that it was obviously intended as a means to purely commercial ends, riding into theaters on the coattails of far more artistically and morally distinguished movies like "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers" and the groundswell of renewed interest in World War II which followed them.
If you want to watch a reasonably accurate dramatization of what actually happened at Pearl Harbor, your money will be better spent on the classic "Tora! Tora! Tora!"
Rating:  Summary: RUN FOR THE HILLS! IT'S A POSITIVE REVIEW!!! Review: I'll just say this and bring it to the table; Pearl Harbor ain't that bad.
Have you clicked that "No" button yet? Great, I'll continue.
Sure if you're a war buff you'll pick out inaccuracies, perhaps find it a tad offensive (Don't you love it in action films when a character is about to swear before being blown up to kingdom come? "Oh, son of a... *BOOOM*") and that whole love story might turn even the most forgiving viewer off. However, as a film buff, a VERY forgiving film buff, I've got to hand it to Michael Bay; he recreated a beautifully contructed romanticised view of the forties and the whole bombing sequence is impressive and compelling to watch. The big budget certainly shows in the film even if the script sacrificed a little intelligence, but this is a Bruckheimer production with Michael Bay in the helm; all you can ask of them is a hell of a ride and nice set designs. (Good soundtrack too.) Also, I'm not being sarcastic or anything, but even though this film is about a dead serious subject matter and set 60 years in the past, they still managed to figure out how to slip in product placement from Coca-Cola. Now THAT'S clever.
I've always had a feeling this film was critically panned because the critics didn't want another Titantic on their hands. I don't like Titantic because that story dosen't interest me; people get on a boat, boat hits an ice berg, boat sinks, everyone dies, the end. Pearl Harbor on the other hand does interest me, it's a pure escapist fantasy that reflects a certain time in history where America was jolted to join in fighting the "people's war". If you want to watch an anti-war film, watch Platoon. If you like war and want to pretend you're anti-war so you don't sound like a blood lusty nut, watch Saving Private Ryan. If you want to see a big budget homage to classic war films of the forties, give Pearl a whirl.
Rating:  Summary: I Wasn't All That Bright to Begin With... Review: ... but I feel even dumber after watching this beautiful, but awful pudding of a movie. My ninth grade history teacher actually told us that this movie would be educational, but the only thing I learned after watching this movie is that the guy who starred in THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER has gained a little weight, Ben Affleck is an awful actor, Josh Hartnett will still be an awful actor even after he changes that stupid haircut of his, James King is pretty and that the evil Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor for two reasons: 1, for "oil," which isn't ever explained, and 2, to destroy the romance between the two pilots and the Olive Oyl girl they fight over.
Oh and Cuba Gooding Jr. turns in another magnificent performance in his one recurring role in movies -- yelling like a goon into the camera.