Rating:  Summary: Brilliant scenes of a more innocent time in America Review: OK, this movie had a bad screenplay, the history was not accurate, and the acting was hokey. But, there is this one stretch of scenes in this movie that has stuck in my mind, which I thought was just brilliant. At the beginning of the Japanese attack, we see the planes juxtaposed against a number of really beautiful scenes of lost innocence - a Little Leaguer watches curiously as a Japanese plane flies by, the Army nurses walk slowly to work in their dress whites, the hospital, with the open windows and billowing white curtains, etc., all flashbacks to an earlier time in America, that would be lost forever in the next few minutes of hell. Kate Beckinsale was also gorgeous, another reason to buy this DVD. Pearl Harbor was to America what Cannae was to the Romans. Pearl Harbor was a tragic defeat that would galvanize a sleeping giant and change it forever, forcing it to develop a large and permanently deployed armed forces, which would then be used to create a world empire. And so here we are today...
Rating:  Summary: More of a love story than a war... Review: I thought Pearl Harbor overall was a good movie. Good actors, some good scenes, but the story line is the only problem I have. There was a good shocking lovestory, I liked that, but I'm a big fan of any kind of war movies, and anything with over 15 minutes of love...is a romance story not a war story. The only thing I think good that came out of the 4 hour long soap opera scenes was the testing of the friendship between the two men. Like I said, Overall a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: can your hear the foghorn: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING! Review: Hollywood's worst formula ever: Take one of America's darkest moments, add a sappy love story between a nurse and two no talent, flava of the month, babyfaces add some forgettable special effects and you get this piece of dribble.I saw it in the theater and after 1 hour coudln't wait for it to end. The love story killed the whole thing. I don't know why Ben Affleck is so popular. Since " Good Will Hunting" he has not made one single decent movie. This is his biggest disapointment as well as the biggest disgrace to the people that died at Pearl Harbor. Oh the pain. Like Jim Morrison said in "Shaman Blues" ; " Will you stop, Will you stop....... the pain!
Rating:  Summary: could really have been much better. Review: got to agree with some of the other reviews given in here, so i won't repeat them. but i will say they sould have paid more attention in other areas than "eye candy." they even screwed that up, because they used the wrong model japanese zeros in the film. they used A6M5's, a model that appeared in WWII near the end of 1943 - atleast 18 months later. they should have used A6M2 type 21's. some of the zeros were green, all zeros that attacked pearl that day were carrier based - i.e. should have been IJN light grey - green zeros were land based. i realize that the planes were computer generated, but if you are going through the trouble of rendering it in a computer, why can't they just do it right? oh. and they used the wrong model B-25's to bomb tokyo.
Rating:  Summary: Josh Hartnett Dies!!! Review: This movie was definately not what I expected. I thought that once Rafe (Ben Affleck) died, the movie was going to be a love story between the nurse and Danny (Josh Hartnett), and for the most part is was, until Rafe comes back! BIG SHOCKER!!!!!!! Then, Pearl Harbor gets bombed. Well, I don't wanna ruin the ending, so you'll just have to see the movie! :c)
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Flick Review: Pearl Harbor is actually one of the better war movies to come out in recent history, despite some of the other reviews here. The special effects were quite impressive, especially when you find out just how little they had to work with, and how much military cooperation they were able to muster. The acting was fine. And because it was based on actual historical fact (they actually had Pearl Harbor survivors on site to lend their memories and experience) something might be learned from it. For example, the Doolittle raid.......something that generally isn't taught in high school history classes. And yet it should be. Sure, alot of the stuff has been done before, but never all in one movie. And what movie hasn't had repeated effects in it? Because a plane blows up in one movie, that means no other movie can include a plane blowing up, for fear of being labelled a bad movie? A movie is created to tell a story, not simply to introduce new effects. Alot of these reviews are way off-base. For example, the reviewer from Germany spends an inordinate amount of time telling how bad the movie is without actually explaining why, other than the fact that it didn't give the Japanese perspective. Well......the movie is about the American perspective, so go figure. Including the Japanese perspective would have made as much sense as including the South African perspective. It has nothing to do with the movie. And as far as the analogy of making a movie about 9/11......I'm sure that it too, will be no good unless we include the Muslim perspective in a movie about Americans.
Rating:  Summary: Soap Opera With Pearl Harbor Thrown In Review: My brother and I started watching this movie. We could barely get through it. We watched the first hour and turned it off. It was that bad. I was opened minded about it. Gave it an hour of a chance. The movie is like a soap opera. Bad all the way around. I guess some people might like it. I thought the writing was terrible. Makes you wince. The pace was slow and you don't care about the characters. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood History Review: This movie does a great job of showing what happened at Pearl Harbor in December 41. It has all the dirt on these two pilots and this nurse. One of the pilots was foolin around with the nurse, then she thought he was dead and hooked up with another pilot- a friend of the dead one. Then it turns out that the other pilot wasn't really dead!!! You find out all about who was sleeping with whom in this film! Unfortunately, they break up this history lesson with something about an attack and a war. The Producers of this film messed up with excellent special effects in the attack scene. This draws attention from the main story line- the pilot/pilot/nurse triangle. Instead of wasting the audiences time with this silly war thing, they should have focused on digging up more dirt on the main characters. Seriously, this film is absurd to the point of being insulting. I do not need a bunch of melodramatic garbage to sit through a movie on such an important event. This film could have been a remake of Tora, Tora, Tora- with better effects and less wooden acting. Instead, it was more like a remake of the 'Pearl' miniseries with Dennis Weaver and Angie Dickinson- with better effects and overacting by the main characters. The real events of December 7th are enough for an interesting movie. Fictional dirt about who was sleeping with who insults the audience by assuming that this is necessary to maintain its' attention. It also disrespects the memory of those men who fought, on both sides, in this first of WWII battles involving the US. They should sell this video with instructions on fast forwarding to the actual attack. The special effects are quite good, though they go overboard on the blood and gore.
Rating:  Summary: Creative packaging and loaded with extras: The ultimate set! Review: This is without a doubt the coolest and best-designed DVD set I own - and I own over 200 DVD's. The packaging is beautiful and shows amazing creativity. Designed to look like a World War II pilot's journal, the simulated leather case wraps around the contents - equipped with post cards from the era, and and a sataché wrapped in string! Note: The 5 stars is for this DVD set, NOT for the film itself. The film I would maybe give 3 stars. Take out the love-triangle story, leave only the historical elements, and I give the movie 5 stars as well! I wish people would rate the DVD instead of the movie here on Amazon.com...The movie, sure, but not this fine-crafted set...
Rating:  Summary: A great adventure story!!!! Review: I loved the story, it's never boring and it's very realistic. I liked the friendship between the characters too. And it is entertaining. The actors act very well. The special effects, I have to say, were amazing, among the best I have ever seen. The explosions are huge, the lifting up of the deck just before the Arizona exploded was quite impressive, the sight of Japanese planes zooming over Pearl Harbour just above ground level was breathtaking, the sight of bodies being literally thrown into the air as a result of explosions was incredible, and the listing and capsizing of the Oklahoma was downright amazing. This movie definitely deserves 5 stars!!