Rating:  Summary: This movie wasn't good for the following reasons: Review: 1.I first must start by saying that the main reason this movie wasn't good is because It wasn't completely truthful.If you want to tell the public the true story of pearl harbor you have to include the part when the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.You can't make it was only the americans that suffered.2. Secondly, the love story didn't help.It was added just to take up time.And It reminded me of Days of our Lives. It was like a soap opera thrown into a war movie. This movie had the audience so caught up into the love story that in a way it overshadowed what happened to the people at pearl harbor. 3. It was a total guy movie. The love story was not appealing to women because the made the woman that was starring in this movie seem shady. It was just shooting and blowing things up. And the two main male characters seemed like they were having a good time doing it. Pearl harbor could of been a lot better. It reminded me of Armaggedon. Another movie that could of been better.
Rating:  Summary: Suprisingly Fair For Michael Bay & Jerry Bruckheimer! Review: I know, this movie is no Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers or Apocalypse Now, but did everyone really get what they came to the movies for? Most people (including some of my friends) would still say no because of the cheesy first half and the cheesy ending. But the movie actually balanced itself out. This movie doesnt have Academy Award Winning acting, but what do you expect from Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnet, and Kate Beckinsale? Their not the top of the notch, but the bigger actors knew with Bruckheimer (who doesnt look for a storyline, but would rather give some special effects in place of the story) and Bay (who has done some of the worst movies in recent memory) they wouldnt get a balanced out movie...but for once they were all suprised, like me. The ironic thing is the two "twists" (if you can call them that) where Affleck dies, comes back, then Hartnet dies, end of movie. This team cannot keep a secret about the main basis from the public. Three days before Pearl Harbor was released, I read on Amazon about the ending, totally spoiling the whole movie...I thought. Then I watched it and realized that anyone who sees this movie, figures the ending midways through the film. Not really much special features, unless you buy the Vista Series Directors Cut (which isnt worth $[money]). But for an okay movie to watch, thats historically accurate (atlead the first half), then check it out. If you havent seen it, dont be in no rush, the 2-disc should be down to $[money] by the time they release fifty diffrent versions of the film and DVD.
Rating:  Summary: the best movie ever to come out!!! Review: This movie was better than any other War movies I've ever seen. it has romance, comedy and the likes!! if you ever want to go see a timeless war movie, it is the one to see!!. and believe me when I say this is a most see movie, I've watch it five times and I still can't get enough. this movie was worth the cost that I pay to Buy it and it was worth the cost to go see it at the movie theatre when it first came out!! But don't just take my word for it, Buy or Rent the movie today and see for yourself. I don't care what other reviewers had to say about this movie, this was without a doubt the best see it war movie ever!! 5 Thumbs up for this movie!!
Rating:  Summary: News flash! Special effects don't make the movie! Review: Face it, technical effects and historical significance can't make a good movie without a script, actors and a director with vision.The only reason I can think of to watch this awful retelling of the story of Pearl Harbor is to make one realize how far writers/directors/producers can get from being able to bring a good story to the screen. The dialog is more wooden than the acting, the characters are stereotyped, the history is questionable, the emtional situations are contrived. Tora! Tora! Tora! is a far better telling of the history, and From Here to Eternity is a much better love story. I wonder how this would have come out if it was directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Tom Hanks. Oh, yeah. They made that move and called it Saving Private Ryan. Watch that great film if you are in the mood for a war movie. Watch Pearl Harbor if you want to weep for the victory of hype over substance.
Rating:  Summary: Shot Down Over Pearl Harbor Review: For the most part, Pearl Harbor holds true to the actual events of that fateful day in 1941, but unfortunately the historical depiction takes a back seat to the typical love triangle that seems to be in fashion these days, as if, like Titanic, the historical recreation of a story to which most viewers already know the ending must have something of interest to draw people to the box office. Although the battle sequences of the actual attack on Ford Island are spectacular and seamless, I found laughable the idea that Ben Afleck and Josh Hartnett not only single-handedly drove off the first wave of Japanese warplanes, but also managed to find time to make it to one of the on-base hospitals to donate a couple of pints of blood for the wounded before dashing off to end their hectic day on the hull of the Arizona, assisting with the rescue efforts. Whew! I'm glad these guys were on our side! Alas, the film doesn't quite know what it is: a documentary of a "day that will live in infamy", or a sappy love story set against a backdrop of WW II. Many WW II war buffs, not to mention veterans, will be disappointed, despite the film's accuracy; but then, this segment of the movie-going market is dwindling. Pearl Harbor seems geared toward young people who swoon over the two male co-stars and watch to find out which one wins the girl, with nary a care that the men who fought and died in this battle and all of the battles in WW II helped shape the world in the second half of the 20th century as well as the early part of the 21st century. For my money, Saving Private Ryan, although the story's premise was purely fiction, was a much better film because it more accurately depicted the horrors of war. Four stars for the attempt to accurately depict the events leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, but overall, one star for relegating our parent's 9/11 to the background of a tacky love triangle.
Rating:  Summary: Day of Infamy, movie of a thousand emotions Review: "We Will Not Only Defend Ourselves, but Make It Very Certain That This Form Of Trechery Shall Never Again Endager Us."FDR 12/7 Well it certainly did happen again on 9/11. Something bizare is the fact that this happened just a few months after the $150 million film pearl harbor. I thought this film was amazing, it was like viewing a piece of art from the 1940s. This was supposed to be thebiggest film of the last 20 years, obviousy it wasn't. This film has many things wrong with it. Anybody whose anybody knows that, but it also had many good p-oints as well. Some things that really got on my nerves are the nurses. This was a disgraceful way to present nurses of the era. They were trampy, annoying dimwitts. All they did was subtract from the film. The script could have been much more involving, yet it wasn't the worst. The musical score by Hanz Zimmer is won of the best I've ever heard. The biggest problem with this film is the romance.i' m not one for romances but I can tell you this one isn't that good. Mainly puppy love with cheesy lines. The acting overall was pretty good though the actors didnt have much to work with. on Voigts performance as Fdr was great, Cuba Gooding Jr. was good. Alec Baldwyn wasnt bad. I dont like Ben Affleck, but he did allright.Josh Hartnett was good too. I wish Kate Beckinsale had more to do as a female lead. All she did really was say hey boys aint I pretty. The historical innacuracy really didntbothe me to much. Braveheart was inaccurate ad it was great! How much you liked this film soley depends onhow high your expectations were. Since the teaser in 2000 I knew i had to see this film. I didnt enjoy seeing the japanese portayed as guys who were innocent and didnt want to go to war. Anyone remember the 7,500 americans who died at the bataan death march? The Bombing itself was soincredible it could makeucrap your -pants! The film dos a great job of showing the faces of the 3,500 americans that lost their lives. What the japs did to Ameica was unforgivable. Pearl Harbor is mjor american history. It is the event that launched usa into world war 2. My heart goes out to the boys who lost their lives that morning. not enoug development on the battleships though. Those Japs should be very greatful that we put them back on their feet when the war was finished. The film didnt show any racism toward the japs, very unrealistic. I wanted t see more of the natives. I would also have liked to see more character development between the male characters. If you havnt bought the p-13 version of the film you should save your money for the 4 disc directors cut. It has 12 hours of supplements. The new directors cut will show an all knew re-edited version of the film with a more realistic blooded up bombing. Itll show sailors being cut in half, decapitated, disembowled etc. Overall Pearl Harbor is a good american movie, check it out!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent movie... Review: Since the tragic Dec. 7. 1941 morning, the event has needed a movie to do it justice, this one has. The battle scenes were quite good and Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett and Kate Beckinsale did an excellent job promoting the emotional side of the film. I think this nmovie is a must see event for all who feel any emotion to the fatal December day.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie to watch and remember... Review: As being a Movie lover, I think this movie did a good job at trying to bring this actual event to take place. I love all the effects that make this movie come to life. As a matter of fact, I wish i was on the set myself helping them film this movie. The Attack scene was really Intense, and realistic. The love story that has to go withen the movie was not very believable though. I think it would have had a greater effect if Eveylen would have felt deeper feelings for both guys. Which would have made the viewers felt more for what the characters were feeling. I think the movie had enough character development, but poor acting when something dreadful happened withen the love story. Overall, the movie was great and I appreciate how much work was put in to it.
Rating:  Summary: Lousy movie in a great DVD. Review: I give it 3 stars. 1 for the packaging of this dvd, 1 for the bombing scene and 1 for the dvd content. As for the story, it is really very boring. It tries very hard to be like titanic but failed big time. I feel that this show has no re-watch value but this dvd is great for collecting if you are into the extras in the dvd.
Rating:  Summary: pearl harbor more like hollywood harbor Review: This could have been a great action packed film about the famous battle but instead hollywood turned it into a stupid mushy love triangle that had nothing to do with the battle at all... put out by hollywood they changed details to be "politically correct" but all they did was ruin it WW11 veterans are probably and should be angered by this twsiting of history. I suggest don't buy this dvd or watch it isnt worth the money at all i wouldnt pay [$] for it in a sales bin ...