Rating:  Summary: Out Of Luck Review: In "Out of Time", Denzel Washington plays a small-town police chief who finds himself caught up in one big mess...stealing money the Feds want to use as evidence; and an obvious suspect in the murder of a married woman he's been having an affair with. Can he outwit the police investigation being conducted by his soon-to-be ex-wife and figure out who set him up and why? Well, if you think this equates to a suspenseful, well-acted action film with Denzel Washington...you are indeed out of luck. Denzel spends the course of the film covering up his tracks and trying to distance himself from the apparent set-up. These events are not only baffling to Denzel's character (Matt Whitlock), but also to anyone watching the film. And while it's never quite clear why anyone would want to set up Denzel's character, by the end of the film, you won't even care. I saw some of the other reviewers use the word "big budget" in connection with this film, and I'm not sure why. At best, this is a B-movie with an A-list actor. Definitely one to skip.
Rating:  Summary: efficient though unmemorable thriller Review: In "John Q," Denzel Washington played an uninsured man so desperate to get medical treatment for his ailing child that he took over an entire hospital emergency room, precipitating a full-blown hostage crisis in the process. Now, in "Out of Time," Washington plays a chief-of-police in Florida so desperate to get medical treatment for his terminally ill girlfriend that he steals over $400,000 in impounded drug money, resulting in a great deal of trouble for himself when she turns up mysteriously murdered. Do we note a pattern here? "Out of Time" takes its cue from "Charade" and any number of Hitchcock films in which an innocent person becomes enmeshed in a complex scheme perpetrated by people who are not what they pretend to be. Though we can never take "Out of Time" seriously even for a single moment, the film does do a good job spinning out its story, making us empathize with a man whose entire career is on the line should the finger of suspicion alight on him. It is Washington's job here to make sure he stays two steps ahead of everyone else to prevent that from happening, and it is in watching him frantically do so that we derive our pleasure. It is, however, imperative that we suspend our disbelief for the duration of the film in order to enjoy it. Washington isn't required to do a great deal of acting here and one wishes that he would choose roles with a bit more substance and meat to them. But ever since he won his Oscar for "Training Day," he seems to be content to kill time appearing in efficient but soulless exercises such as this one ("Antwone Fisher" being the obvious exception). "Out of Time" is perfectly enjoyable while you're watching it, but it doesn't stick with you in any meaningful way once it's over. Washington can - and, I'm sure, will - do better in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Out Of Time Review Review: I thought this was a good movie, again not perfect or oscar material like some of other Denzel washington work, but still enjoyable. Washington is Cheif Matt Whitlock who at the beginning makes some very bad mistakes that come back to haunt him. As he and alex (eva mendes) were on the verge of getting a divocere, he has an affair with ex-girlfriend Ann (sanaa lathan who has been in flicks like (blade, love and basketball, and Brown Sugar). This was Matt first mistake. His second mistake was when Ann went to the doctor and supposedly has cancer, decides to become the beneificary for her life insurance policy. His third mistake was stealing money for a sting operation to help pay for Ann to have surgery. Chris Harrison (Dean Caine) who was a mean and suspicious husband used this cancer situation to his advantage and get back at Matt. How does he do it? Supposedly, the Harrison's house was set on fire and they were supposedly killed. Matt last mistake was when he and Ann were supposed to meet to pick up the drug money when over to the house, where some people saw him and believed he was the culprit for this act of arson. Just like the Negotatior (the movie where Samuel L. Jackson had to prove he did not kill his partner and find out who did), Matt was indeed running out of time before all sources were to point toward him. Of course his soon to be ex-wife who involved in the case. Matt found out some interesting things concerning Ann. He found out the doctor that she saw with him is not a real doctor and that her real doctors have reported that she has always been in good health. While Matt was at the station, he lied, evade and did everything a deseperate man would do to save himself. He does have a confortation with the fake doctor and does find the Harrisons. He then finds out what all was going on. Chris might have been behind the whole plan but Ann did some role in it as well. Alex ends up coming to the aid to keep him from being killed by both Harrison's and they do get back together. Overall it was a well told story and had some interesting twists and turns in the movie. Everybody played their characters really well. I think it's worth checking out!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent suspense for a 2-hour movie. Review: Okay, now this was a great movie. The reason I said it was excellent suspense for a 2-hour movie is because I just came off of a 2 day, season 1 and 2 of a "24 Hours" marathon and I think my heart literally almost stopped beating due to the suspense. This movie is just a suspenseful as 24 Hours and definitely gets my vote for "a movie to purchase". Denzel is dynamic as usual and his actions keep you at the end of your chair and shouting at the screen. Pick this one up today!!!
Rating:  Summary: An action-packed thriller lacking action and thrills Review: I don't know what is more bothersome--watching this type of forgettable garbage or learning that some folks give it five stars. This "suspense" flick will keep you on the edge of your seat only if: A. You have a very small seat, B. You have a very large backside, or C. Some visual impairment prevents you from noticing huge plot holes and over-emphasized hints. As far as the acting goes, even on autopilot (and making an appearance for the sake of a paycheck,) Denzel's talent raises this contrived tripe somewhat out of the gutter. Aside from this, there are no performances that rise above the level of boring. This isn't a knock against the actors, the truth of it is that the characters in this film (i.e., Cold Ex-Wife, Abused Woman, Absolutely, Totally, Without Remorse Evil Man, and Fat, Funny Sidekick) have been so overused that original incarnations of them are nearly impossible. The casting in this film is insulting...Denzel Washington and his mistress, the script tells us, were once high school sweethearts. Well, as their ages are separated by almost two decades, either Denzel's character (Matt Whitlock) spent quite a few years failing grades or his "sweetheart" was infant at about the time Whitlock was graduating. Oh, Whitlock is married in this film, though separated, and, if you can believe it(!), a woman even younger than his mistress was cast as his wife. Yes, it's a constant gripe of mine, but can the audience please see men and women of similar ages playing the roles of husband/wife, husband/mistress? Especially when the script tell us they're within a few years of one another! Now, the screenplay. Wow. My first thought is that, when Denzel signed on, the writers decided there was no need for further rewrites. Any and all suspense and tension is lost when clues are shoved down the viewer's throats and this might have been prevented had care been taken. I don't want to give any particulars, but, if you're halfway paying attention, then there are probably half a dozen scenes in the film where the director could have been less conspicuous by having the actors stop speaking and pull out large neon signs baring the words "HERE IS A CLUE." For example, when a character, early in the film, goes into a long explanation and demonstration of how his cell phone is linked to GPS tracking system...well, unless you're braindead, you can bet this is going to be on the test. As well, little in this film occurs because it is in the natural order of things; no, what happens here only does because the script demands it. You know that point in a horror film when the girl has a choice between getting in her car and driving to safety or going, by herself, into the dark house? The only reason she walks through the doorway is because the movie ends if she doesn't. That same necessity for stupidity appears to be behind the actions of all the characters in "Out of Time." In short, everyone is this film is stupid when the script demands it and brilliant when needed. As such, the characters never are believable because they fail to rise above the level of plot device. And that's sad, for to feel suspense the audience must be concerned with whom they're seeing...and that never happens here. Without revealing too much, a wonderful example of this is when characters A, B, and C con D out of large sum of money. Now, the wise thing for the scammers to do would be to leave town...after all, they do have a half-day head start and a nice bankroll...but that wisdom wouldn't happen here. No, instead, one of the baddies goes to a hotel and the other two hide out in an abandoned shack. Why do they do this? Why don't they take the half-million and charter a boat to the islands or flee north to Miami? If they do...movie over. Why does the group separate? Because, if our hero catches them all at once, then the film ends at hour one...having the members apart almost doubles the running time. Why is the money held by the weakest link in the villain chain (especially when we know that the cash was handed directly to main conspirators)?...the movie requires it. Why doesn't the protagonist, having "caught" a bad guy and retrieved the loot, not turn to the police (or, at least, have the police accompany him for "THE FINAL SHOWDOWN?"...the movie won't let him. ...and it goes on and on. I don't require perfection from films, but don't insult me. If you want a good suspense flick where you care about the hero...where you twist and turn right along with him...then check Michael Douglas in "The Game" and leave this formulaic trash on the shelf of Blockbuster.
Rating:  Summary: A terrific Hitchcockian thriller! Review: This is probably the most Hitchcockian thriller to come down the pike in a decade or so. You have the flawed man unjustly accused. You have a femme fatale who may or may not be dead. Thorny relationships with women. Atmosphere by the bucketload. Sexy, slightly violent, a tad morbid, bundles of wit and humor. This was a sadly ignored film during its' theatrical run. Denzel does his canon proud with another strong performance. While it's not flashy or subtle, it's exactly what the film demands. It fits. The women are, putting it bluntly, absolutely smoking hot. Eva Mendes and Sanaa Lathan are fine actresses, and do nice work here. But in often skimpy clothes in that Miami wet heat, they could recite the phone book and most males would be entranced. Dean Cain is terrific as "the bad guy". His scenes with Denzel show him stepping up to the plate admirably. You'd expect Washington to blow him off the screen...and he doesn't. At all. The screenplay has some nice twists and turns. A veteran moviegoer will recognize or anticipate a few of them, but I guarantee there will be several scenes or lines that'll raise everyone's eyebrows. It's not perfect; there are some clunky lines sprinkled here and there. Carl Franklin is a talented director, no question, and this simply will add to his reputation. Again, not flashy, but this story will perfectly told. A special mention is necessary on behalf of John Billingsley. This movie will have people sitting up saying, "who IS this guy?" He's an absolute laugh riot. Every time he's on the screen he's hysterical. His lines have the same improvisatory feel that Bill Murray's did in "Tootsie" (which most were, apparently). This is a perfect movie for adults interested in an awesome crime thriller.
Rating:  Summary: Out of Time IS JUST THAT !!!!! Review: I was somewhat disappointed with this movie because it didn't take a whole alot of effort so solve this one, way before the movie ended. Chief of Police Whitlock (Denzel) is newly separated and is having an affiar with his high school sweetheart Ann Marie.(Lathan) who is currently married to a once hasbeen pro football player(Cain)living in a sleepy florida town. During a visit to her doctor, Whilock and Anne Marie find out that she is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Then she needs alot of money for a special treatmentdone in Europe. Now she has a million dollar policy that she signs over to Whitlock in case she dies. The night before, Whitlock make a drug bust of a half of million dollars. Well you know what happens next. Annie Marie gets the money, but her and her husband get burnt up in a house fire and guess who's called in to solve the now double homicide case. You guessed it! Whitlock's own wife Alex (Mendes}. Alex moved to Miami and got promoted to detective. So now with all the evidence stacking up and pointing toward Washingtion, he must now play beat the clock and get the money back and find out who killed his girlfriend and her husband. I loved nathan's and cain's characters, because it was something different than what we are use to seeing them play. As far as Mendes' character, it would have more believeable is she would have pushed a little harder to get her man's attention. But if it was up to me I would have dropped her off at the train station. You wouldnt of missed her either way. Washington had as much heat in this film as was needed to generate a campfire. I wanted some steamy scenes, some real passion. Sanaa Lathan is hot and exudes sexy. Make me believe it was more than a booty call between her and you! Your in hot ass Florida for God Sakes. Take your shirt off sometimes. Listen here folks! There is not one scene of Washington and Mendes romatically or sexually til the end of the film. You mean to tell me that this man dont at least compare notes mentally especaily with two women like Mendes and Lathan. Well as far as Im concerned I will see what Denzel comes out with next. He a great actor and I think he just came back from vacation with one. Now he will get back on the ball! Carl Franklin is a good director, but he need to get on the writer's butt to fill in the many gaps in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: What is this? Review: Okay, this "thiller" quote,unquote was predictable and slow and waste of 1 hour and fourty-five minutes of my life. I saw the ending coming from a mile away. Although Denzel did the best with what he was given, this film was not his best work. Not the actors fault, by any means, just pourly written. The only reson why I gave this movie three stars, was because a terrific actor like Denzel, put his name on this...stuff for lack of a better word. Also this beautiful women by the name of Eva Mendez, an up-coming rising star herself. can't really tell you anything about he plot, or I'll give the whole thing away. Like I said before, the actor/ress did the best they could with the lousy script they were given. So, I will continue to go see their movies and cross my fingers that the rest of their movies are much better than this film. Don't give up Eva! I'm sure that better scripts will turn up soon!!
Rating:  Summary: Star power Review: Denzel is always worth the price of admission, but "Body Heat" did it better than this exercise in betrayal. Still worth a dvd night.
Rating:  Summary: An enjoyable ride Review: This is one fine thriller. I'm a big fan of films that keep you at the edge of your seat for most of their way and OUT OF TIME is in exactly that genre of filmmaking. It starts off slow, gives you a little bit of background on the main players, a hint or two about what might happen, some talk about an insurance policy, a husband who beats his wife, extra-curricular marital activities...and then, drops a bomb on us and the lead character, who spends the rest of the time trying to remain one step ahead of Johnny Law. I don't think anyone is going to use the word "original" to describe this film's plot, but heck, sometimes even the most basic formula works for thrillers as long as you give the audience characters to care about, a touch of mystery, suspense and hotties