Rating:  Summary: One of the worst films of 2003. Review: Antonio Bandares, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, great actors right. I am not going to say bad things about them, but who ever wrote what could've been the corniest script since Gigli. "Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN't" After an hour of torment I could'nt take it. I swear, I think Fidel Castro even hates this movie. The action was so often it got boring. The plot was very very unintriguing. Definately a don't see film.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely overrated! Review: Having anticipated a solid action movie, I was utterly disappointed. Given the outstanding cast, most notably Johnny Depp and Mickey Rourke, this movie does not even deserve one star but since 0 is not an option I feel compelled to give it one star, even though reluctantly. The story is highly familiar, predictable and typically American. In fact, this movie contains all the elements which constitute a bad movie: it is predictable, conventional and overly focused on special effects, which by the way are by no means impressive. It is beyond my comprehension that Hollywood still produces movies such as this one and that Hollywood directors rigidly adher to conventional let alone familiar stories. Needless to say, the principal goal of these directors is to make as much money as possible and the best way to do that is to stick to conventionality. Most directors refuse to deviate too much from conventional stories as they fear their movies would not attract broad audiences. Nowadays, solid action movies rarely come from Hollywood. Perhaps one might conclude that people have had enough of them. I strongly discourage people from seeing this movie but if you still insist on seeing it then at least make sure that you be paid to see it. Terrible!
Rating:  Summary: not enjoyable and super WEAK ! B maybe C movie grade Review: How does this movie differ at all from "Desperado" (in 1995) besides adding Johnny Depp? The movie is completely unbeliveable and I'm sorry it's also not entertaining in the least. I'm usually a big action movie guy but this one is just a bad bad attempt. This movie didn't make me care anything for the characters nor was I interested in the very loose plot. Thank God it was just a rental and I only wasted ninety nine cents :) Rock On.
Rating:  Summary: dull movie, except for johnny depp Review: I admire Robert Rodriguez. But this movie is dull and disappointing. The action sequences seem bland, and the whole movie feels forced. There is so much going on plot-wise outside of Banderas's character that el mariachi is severely overshadowed. The only interesting character is Sands, the CIA psycho played by Johnny Depp. But his scenes are few; as a result, Depp doesn't quite steal the show, which is unfortunate because it would've made a better film if he had (just like Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday made Tombstone enjoyable.)On the upside, the extra features on the DVD are great.
Rating:  Summary: Stay away from this one, it's truly trash Review: I can appreciate campy, tongue in cheek, stylish movies, such as "The Mark of Zorro", (in the same style as this one) also starring Antonio Banderas, but where Mark of Zorro had truly endearing caracters, and loads of humor too, Once Upon a Time in Mexico is completely uninvolving and too serious. We don't care for a moment what happens to Depp or Banderas or anyone else for that matter. Even my 14 year old son (who can whatch some pretty awful stuff) finally said: "jeez, this movie is STUPID!!". I couldn't say it better myself.
Rating:  Summary: oye Review: i liked better desperado the movie better because it had a solid storyline. i hate this one.
Rating:  Summary: didn't dig it Review: i saw the first half of this movie the other day (for some odd reason i couldn't finish it), which might not be because i thought it was bad, i can't seem to finish movies in one sitting anymore. this movie just kinda bored me, evne though it's 100 percent action as in all action: as in no room for anything else: EXCEPT (the guitar interludes, which although were good, bored me) i'll finish the movie tonight, and if i have some kinda epiphany and its the greatest movie i've ever seen i'll come write 14 apologetic reviews to make up for this one, but i doubt it, even depp bored me (is it possible)
Rating:  Summary: Jonny Depp is back......Sorry....Antonio Banderas is Back. Review: I say this in the title simply because Depp steals the show. Everyone, they all did a great job, didn't come close to Depp's portral of Agent Sands. He is the movie and everyone else is along for the ride. OK let me explain the plot. This person is double crossing this person, who in turn wants to be with this person and to have this one thing at the end. But this other person double crosses this person because they have a diffrent agenda while the lead only has revenge to look foward to. This complet different person hires this other group of people kill this other group of people, only for things to backfire. With me so far? So the plot is little bit muddled. Who care!?!?! It's an action movie. And the action flies high and fast. At the core Banderes and Hayak sees most of the action largly due to some rather crazy and over-the-top flashbacks. The action is where this movie is at. This is the only place you can see someone change directions in the air due to a well placed gunshot blast to the chest. Very nice. This isn't to say the script is completly bad. The movie has its share of great lines and dialoge, just that takes a back sent to the action. The disc is very nicely done. (A preview of Hellboy is even on there. One of my must sees for the next year.)On it you will also find: Commentary by director Robert Rodriguez Music and sound design track with commentary Ten Minute Flick School Ten Minute Cooking School Eight deleted scenes with optional director's commentary Inside Troublemaker Studios The Anti-Hero's Journey Film Is Dead: An Evening with Robert Rodriguez The Good, the Bad, and the Bloody: Inside KNB FX DVD-ROM: Test your wits in the shooting gallery Rodriguez always has some of the best commentaries. Given inside stories and how to's he is always a joy to hear. I would've like to see a DTS track on it since the Superbit Desperado kicks it into the next level, but I really can't complain. The DD 5.1 mix on Desperado set a bench mark with DVD sound and this one quickly follows suit. This is a good action movie and a great conclusion to the "El" Trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Pointless, unappealing, incoherent Review: I was too lazy to see ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO when it played the Big Screen. Ennui saved me a terrible waste of money. El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas) is recruited by CIA agent Sands (Johnny Depp) to foil the coup being plotted by drug cartel boss Barillo (Willem Dafoe) and corrupt General Marquez (Gerardo Vigil) against the Mexican El Presidente (Pedro Armendariz, Jr.). Perhaps 5% of the dialogue is in Spanish, the rest English. If the subtitles on my copy of the DVD were "turned on", English text translated the former and, most annoyingly, English text accompanied the latter. Well, duh! The assassination of a Mexican President would seem to have all the dramatic story potential as a murder of the president of Iceland or Chad - perhaps less. It's no surprise, therefore, that this element of the storyline takes a distant back seat to the real conflict of the story, which is between El Mariachi and Marquez, who, at some point in the past, killed the former's wife (Salma Hayek) and daughter. El Mariachi is a tormented man out to get even. This film is endlessly and casually violent, and the final body count must lie somewhere between the twentieth century battles of Verdun and Stalingrad. The only compensation for sitting through this mess is the occasional appearance of the gorgeous Selma Hayek, and the quirky persona given the Sands character by Depp. Among other things, Sands orders carnitas wherever he goes. At one point, after eating a version of the dish so much superior to all others he's tasted to date, he casually kills the chef so, as he puts it, "balance is restored". To be fair, ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO is a sequel to EL MARIACHI (1992) and DESPERADO (1995). Perhaps I would better understand this last in the series if were to see the first two. Frankly, I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes.