Rating:  Summary: Top 5 classic Review: I first watched this film as a 8 year old and the memory of the long closed down cinema is still fresh in my mind(I also remember trying to sleep that night imagining that the duvet was the sea with my head bobbing above the water and my knees up to my chin so the great white wouldn't attack my little toes!).The fact is that this is Speilbergs finest moment.When I was a youngster the film terrorized, most noticeable when Dreyfuss finds a shark tooth in the hull of the old fishermans boat and and gets a rather unpleasant suprise!.Sticking with Dreyfuss his potrayal of Hooper as the shark specialist is perfect,anybody in a job where they know their work better than a bossy manager/supervisor will identify with him immediately.This takes me to cheif Brody whose primary concern is staying in control of the safety of his wife, children and inhabitants of the Long Island beach town.Finaly Robet Shaw plays a blinder as the old sea dog Quint who shares one of my favourite scenes(the scar contest)until he comes to a sticky end.The fact is the direction story and acting are second to none and bar a handful of movies over the last 25 years unrivalled.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Review: The coolest movie ever, on the coolest format ever.
Rating:  Summary: One of the scariest movies of my childhood. Review: I'm only 15 but in my house there is a 50" TV and I saw Jaws when I was about 8 on that TV and the room in which the TV is has blue colored carpets so the first time I saw Jaws I jumped on the sofa because I was so scared of the carpet becoming the sea and the shark coming after me I have seen it a couple of times the last time I saw it was about 2 years ago and this is one of Spielberg's best movies of course one of the many that this Masterpiece has is its soundtrack composed by the genius who created the main titles for Star Wars, Superman and Indiana Jones, John Williams with this score he won his first Oscar. This is a great movie I'm buying the DVD and so should you the sequels are not worth buying but if you want to see those black scary eyes in deep blue water and lots of blood you could also see the sequels which are not even the shadow of the original one which at last is available on DVD. THANKS MR.SPIELBERG!
Rating:  Summary: A True Classic With A Great Sense of Ironic Humor Review: This movie has a certain quality about it that has struck me since I was a kid. This movie is both incredibly dramatic and horrifying and at other times it is just hillarious. I feel the suspense in the opening scene when Christy Watkins becomes the first victim in the nude swimmer scene. I feel the suspense when Charlie falls in the water as him and his buddy use the wife's holiday roast for bait.(Its also pretty funny too. The chances of that happening are slim-to-none yet the scene was still engaging.I can't even catch a bluefish offshore with even the most expensive bait. Maybe I ought to try the holiday roast.) The main characters are very well acted by Roy Schneider, Richard Dreyfus, and Robert Shaw. You really can believe that Roy Sneider is the Average-Joe police chief Martin Brodie and Richard Dreyfus seems to actually possess a great deal of knowledge about sharks. Robert Shaw steals the show with hillarious tirades about his fair Spanish Ladies. "The fate of Mary Lee who died at 103, kept her virginity until the age of fifteen, not a bad record for this vicinity"(My absolute favorite Quint line.) Lorraine Gary's reaction to Quint was also amusing in that scene. How dare she be disgusted with such hilarity? The supporting cast was also believable. All the actors were believable for that matter. That makes all the difference in the world in such an unbelievable movie. The Phantom Menace was missing that. Good acting can make the unbelievable actually believable. I thought the twist of irony in Quint's death was engaging because it kind of made him like those that lost their lives on the U.S.S Indianappolis. It was like now he was closer to them somehow. The ending made this movie. From the smile you son of bitch line to the final line of this classic script. The final line is what explains the purpose of the movie/novel as well. "To think I used to hate the water," Brodie said. "I can't imagine why," Hooper answers to close the movie. The movie is about not being afraid of the water. It is an example of what won't happen in all likelyhood. From the start of the classic score in the opening scene until the final scene this movie is truly a classic in everyway. To those who would think otherwise. Please take English 101. It will explain that this is great literature as well. God bless Spielberg for releasing this sucker in DTS digital surround on DVD. That's something Mr. Lucas is a long way from doing with any of his Star Wars films.
Rating:  Summary: Defying A Rocky Foundation Review: A rare movie indeed, suprassing not only the original novel by Benchly, but also the rocky beginning it suffered. At first, this tale of a Long Island town terrorized by a great white shark had about as much chance as making it to the screen as an action thriller starring Barney. The floppy, original mechanical shark suffered serious flaws during the production of the film, resulting in a number of scenes that came out, well, pathetic. Spielberg and crew feared the movie would wind up campy and distorted and the areas that were meant to be a character study (the entire second half of the movie) would be broken apart by a humorously obscure chunk of floundering rubber meant to resemble a shark. How did this movie finally make it to the screen then? How did it turn out so crowd pleasing and simply terrific? Most credit the great editor Verna Fields (who passed on not too long ago if I remember, a tragedy) with its stupendous results, having carefully gone through and scrutinized the movie for quit sometime, removing every scene that held it back and forcing the re-shooting of others. An example of her work can be noticed at one of the more elaborate attacks, where the shark decides to take a bight out of Shaw's rickety old ship. In the original takes, too much of the shark came above water, revealing serious flaws in its design, including tears in the rubber and bent metals. Whatever troubles this movie was forced to undergo (including the studio's initial hatred of it), it finally erupted onto the big screen, and became an immediate classic. Held up by strong peformances from Schnieder, Dreyfuss, and an exception Shaw, as well as clever dialogue and a unique usage of camera angles, Jaws defies its original horrid pretense and instead blossoms in the American film history. A rare breed of film is this, one to be collected and admired for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: VERY GOOD beginning for a director Review: This is the first commercial success for Spielberg, but it is not a comercial movie. THe characters have a life of their own, it's just not special effects. THere is not present, either, the later traditional SPielberg's foolish sentimentalism. The movie works as a fine piece of Swiss watches, even when you notice how the shark is so bad produced, due to lack of adequated special effects at the time.
Rating:  Summary: ITS ABOUT TIME! Review: Finally, one of the most classic horror movies will be released on DVD! I have been waiting for this ever since I bought my DVD player. And from the sounds of the special features, this is going to be one of the best DVDs that Universal has ever released. Now if they could just release all the other Spielberg films on DVD I would have the set of my dreams.
Rating:  Summary: I'll catch him and kill him for ten Review: 'Jaws' is a landmark, and very important piece of movie history. Spielberg put his magic, along with a strong cast (including Scheider, Shaw and Dreyfuss), and a script which was original at its time (ok, since we've had the sequels, Lake Placid and numerous other 'when animals attack' type movies) to make a film which everybody in the World has at least heard of, and which had incredible success at the box office. The script by Peter Benchley, was actually loosely based upon a series of shark attacks which rocked a east coast American beach in the early 1900's (Yes, history has left enough crumbs to assume that the 'rogue' shark theory is not only possible, but very probable). Benchley, wrote about the Great White shark, and there is good reason why they choose this type of shark. The Great White is the most impressive living creature in the planet today; it is the true master of its domain, a perfect killing machine. The music by John Williams really adds to the tension, and delivers maximum suspense. The shark does look a little dated when compared to 1999's 'Deep Blue Sea' (a fun film), but this has a lot more to offer. It's a pity Spielberg didn't do to 'Jaws' what Lucas did to 'Star Wars', using the kind of effects used in 'Deep Blue Sea'. This film is in my all time top ten, and always will be. It still has me checking the water before I swim in the sea.
Rating:  Summary: A classic soon out on DVD! Review: Ah, this is a true classic. I can see it again and again. I love every moment of the movie. When I was younger I was afraid of being in water just because I'd thought a shark would attack me. But since I've grewn older, I've realised it's just a comedy horror, if you will. A kind of horror that gets you jumping up in your seat. And Steven Spielberg is the expert, he truly knows how the scare the hell out of people. He enjoys, we enjoy it, it's truly entertainment. Some people have complained how the shark in the movie looks. Of course, there's no chance they could train a live shark. Because the shark has no brain muscles. And I love how they build a fake shark, it really looks like a real one. Anyway, I got some good news for all DVD fans. Universal Studios is releasing a Jaws SE on DVD for the first time. I'm very excited and I can't wait to see it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Watch this NOW Review: "Jaws" is one of the best movies ever and definately on my top 3 list. There is not one dull sceen in the whole movie. Spielberg made a movie that makes any other movie about sharks since look like trash. I've seen this film countless times and it's one of the few films that I can watch over and over again and right when I finish watching it, I want to watch it again. If you are an aspiring filmmaker and do NOT like this movie, please change professions now. We don't need people like you trying to make movies when you don't like one of the finest. Trust me, watch this movie more than once. It is awesome. It better come on DVD soon or else I'm going to cry.