Rating:  Summary: My favorite High School play Review: The whole movie is like watching a high school play with really cool special effects. Sets up for the next movie very well, but the only reason IV, V, and VI were good was due to the chemistry between the characters. Here, there are no characters, just high schoolers.
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clowns Review: This movie was just plain bad. I thought that the acting was come of the worst acting I've seen in awhile. After watching some of the special features on the DVD, I know why the acting is bad... it's because the voices are DUBBED. Don't buy or even watch this movie. Stick to the original Star Wars movies.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Is Pretty Bad Review: One thing, please stop the fight for full-screen and wide-screen it is kinda bogus now.... I enjoyed the special effects and everything, but this was mocking all the Star Wars movies before! They had a bad actor to play Anakin! You could make a better Anakin by grabbing Mike Myers and put robes on him! The only reason my father bought this was to try to get the full collection of Star Wars... This movie did not have the thrill of Star Wars Episode 5 or the excitement of episode 6...You think if Episode 1 actaully was good then Star Wars Episode 2 might be a little better! I'm sorry but this movie was not good! I give it 2 stars for the effort they put into it.
Rating:  Summary: OK movie Review: Attack of the Clones is definately better than The Phantom Menace. I watched episode 2 in theaters and liked it. The action scenes were great but I cringed everytime Anakin and Amidala were on screen together. The lines that were given to them sounded cheesy most of the time.
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother Review: I give this 2 stars because its only slightly better than Episode I. Of course, these won't equal the original trilogy, I don't expect them too. But I do expect a man of George Lucas's talent to at least TRY! This is a pathetic attempt just to cash in on the original trilogy without putting effort into the storyline. The story doesn't hold the viewer's interest, the love story is full of horribly trite dialogue. The battle scenes hold absolutely no interest; they are Rambo-like with the Jedi seeming so invincible that there is no reason to believe in their peril. The characters are bland and the acting not much better. Hollywood seems to beleive that special effects make up for a poor story so they can put any old piece of ... on the screen and get people in the theatres by spending a lot of money on effects. Unfortunately, they are right, which is a sad statement about today's movie audience! But I would expect better from a man who brought us American Graffiti, Star Wars and other great films.
Rating:  Summary: Walk Out Review: AWFUL! I had heard enough negative comments on this episode to not have high expectations. However, I was unprepared for how bad this movie is. This is a walk out in the middle (or earlier)of the movie bad. The dialogue, acting and plot are pitiful. Even the special effects were more like a computer game than a movie. BY FAR THE WORST of the Star War series. George Lucas should destroy the masters and try again with help from someone who has not forgotten how to start with a good story and hire good actors.
Rating:  Summary: oh my Review: I would call myself a neutral reviewer on SW. I certainly enjoyed the first three, but certainly never became obsessed with the trilogy. To be quite forthright, the last two Lucas creations, while good on special effects, lack a certain spirit or soul. One gets the sense that Lucas is just playing with his toys and trying to market to another younger generation.
Rating:  Summary: Deprimente Review: Parece ser q Lucas se dejo arrastrar por las masas y hizo una pelicula tan rosa y cheesy que solo faltaba cheerleaders. Solo le doy 2 estrellas por la pelea de Yoda. ASi que si la alquilan les recomiendo que le den FFw hasta el final, y asi no sufriran nauseas.
Rating:  Summary: Far better than Episode I... but more work left to be done Review: If you, like many, were dissapointed by Episode I, Episode II vindicates George Lucas... partly. The screenplay become a central element of the movie, as opposed to Episode I, where the story was weak, to the point of becoming empty. However, Lucas continues to be (in my book at least) a great director, but not such a great writer. After having watched the movie three times now, I find places in the story that could be vastly improved upon. As for acting, in spite of the fact that tons of scenes are shot against blue screens totally pack the movie, performances are very well accomplished: in particular Samuel L. Jackson's (anyone surprised by this?). Also you will be delighted by some moments in the movie where C-3PO and R2-D2 bring back the best memories from Episode IV (the first Star Wars, just in case). This time around also the backgrounds are far more impressing (in Coruscant, for instance). Yoda's "moment" in the movie (won't disclose more, in case anyone reading this hasn't seen the movie) is definitely a moment for movie history: it got everyone off their seats in the theaters and will surely do the same with everyone's couches when you play this DVD at home. On the downside, Hayden Christensen's performance pales when compared to almost everyone else's (although you will find lots of praise for him in the featurettes in DVD 2 of this edition). Also, some battle scenes were not rendered to the high level of quality that Lucas got us used to in Episode I, therefore looking like Video Games in the end. Finally, as for the second DVD in this set, I don't find much justification for it: as opposed to Episode I's, where there was a lot of novelty to the technical portion of the movie, this time around, there is a lot of repetition. Yes, there are some novel tech elements in the movie, such as the 100-percent-digital Yoda, which is a great accomplishment, but it does not justify hours of featurettes and documentaries, which seem to be there just to stuff the set and mark it up. Like some other reviewer said, this is trully the Star Wars sequel that everyone had waited for, but I sure hope for an even better Episode III, with improved acting, to compensate for an otherwise too-digital movie, if you know what I mean. Plus I wouldn't mind if they only released a single DVD, as long as they end up finally releasing the first three movies in the same format.
Rating:  Summary: Four Stars for really, obvious hard effort. Review: The world of Science Fiction and fantasy has passed by and surpassed George Lucas. He still exists in that pre 70's world paying tribute to Buck Rogers. He behaves as if "Alien", "Blade Runner","Terminator", "Aliens", "The Matrix", and "The Lord of the Rings" have never existed and changed the world of film. Lucas has even managed to forget his own dark Sci-fi birth, the excellent "THX-1138". It is possible that even the best work would not have been able to stand up to the original series. But we will never know. This new trilogy suffers from the beauty syndrome. Digital effects are great if kept grounded in the real world i.e. LOTR: The Two Towers. But not when they are given full reign. Nothing in the film looks lived in or natural. Everything is too clean, too anti-septic. That includes the people and their emotions. There seems to be no ugly gene existing in Lucas's world. Even the bad guys and the "ugly" aliens are really beautiful. Jango Fett, a very dangerous criminal, just has a few well placed scars but nothing that indicates his rough tumble existence or would interfere with a place in a beauty contest. Where are the normal people? Where are the ugly people? I think that is the story Lucas should be concentrating on. This really hurts the series. Especially when dealing with the future Darth Vader. Hayden Christensen really does try to inject evil into his character but I believe he is hamstrung by the total design of the movie. He is never allowed to let go and show the uncontrollable Id so apparent in the first series. Anakin really believes in dictatorship and police state tactics. But everyone reacts with placidity every time he shows these flaws. His love affair with Padme is so very weak, so childish without sexual tension. Even as a child, I recogonized the very adult emotions between Han and Leia. I never doubted for a moment that they were fooling around. The whole virginal vibe in this movie is offputting. The P.C. marriage is another example of cleaning up the messiness of the situation. The story would have been strengthened immeasurably if Luke and Leia were illegitimate. But it does have it's moments. Ewan Macgregor keeps it all from falling into a horrible mess. However he is only one person. I kept wishing his character from "Moulin Rouge" would take over. If only he were 10 years younger. What an Anakin he would have been! Anyway watch this movie for the gorgeous spectacle and nothing else.