Rating:  Summary: A good film, with important background information Review: "Episode I" was bloated and pretentious, but this one isn't. You have to watch it a few times to appreciate the complexity of the setup, but the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the Republic is foreshadowed in an exciting way. Hayden Christiansen wasn't the best choice to play Anakin, but it's not an easy part - lovers of Episodes IV, V and VI have unreal expectations. At the theatre I thought Portman gave a terrible performance, but watching the DVD and the deleted scenes convinced me that the "poor chemistry" between herself and Christiansen was a consequence of so many scenes ending up on the cutting room floor - including the moment that Padme began to no longer regard Anakin as an old friend and a boy, but a guy she had genuine feelings for. The best scene, of course, had Yoda and his lightsaber. There's been a lot of complaining about the quality of the acting in Episodes I and II, but if you speak to any knowlegeable film critic, the acting in the original trilogy was considered equally bad, and for about the same reasons. Give McGregor, Christiansen and Portman a break. Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher weren't so great either.
Rating:  Summary: Anxiously awaiting number three! Review: First off,to get it out of the way:it is definetly better than number one.The actors are better,and we hardly see anything of Jar Jar (thank God!).The fight scenes are very cool,especially the one between the bad guy (one of them) and Yoda - I know,it sounds ridicullus,but it was extremely cool!Of course,it does have its weaknesses:some of the "love-scenes" are a little too cute.But other than that Attack of the Clones is actually a lot of fun.Now I'm just waiting to see if Star Wars 3 will be even better.Fingers crossed!
Rating:  Summary: wake up and smell the death of your favorite movie. Review: i admit it. when i saw this film in the theater i was so thrilled that it wasn't the abject abomination that was episode 1 that i actually convinced myself (and some hapless others) that it was a good movie. now that episode 2 is out on DVD and i have the clarity and objectivity that the passage of 2002 has afforded - i can safely say that this movie is as dreadful, in almost every way, as the first. to break it down into categories such as acting, writing, special fx is pointless. the sum total of all these parts is just a shocking mess of pointless dialog, half baked attempts at politics (an elected queen?), and silly names for bad guys. ('count duku' sounds like something i left in the john) another thing that i'll admit is that lord of the rings came out and showed the world (and me) what a fantasy/sci-fi movie could be. after seeing the two towers, i just felt sorry for george lucas. i imagined him in the theater next to me shaking his head and thinking what 6-11 year old would want to play with a gollum action figure? missing the point has become george's film legacy. the final insult to this DVD is the 'making of' documentary - which i couldn't finish. the idea that anyone would care about the myriad details that go into an inflated, badly written, badly acted movie is just shear arrogance. then again, arrogance and gall is exactly what george lucas had in abundance back in the mid 70's. He even managed to combine it with a modicum of skill. now we're just left with the attitude. and for star wars fans, that just hurts.
Rating:  Summary: The best Movie of the Star Wars saga. Review: I love this Movie. It is The best movie I ever saw. I love all the acters(In perticular Hayden Christensen.)That is why I am a little sad he has to turn to the dark side and die. I love all the special effects this movie has. I don't know what's up with all the people that think the special effects aren't good.My favorite scene is when Anikan and Padme are in that beautiful field and Anikan gets bumped off of that what-you- might-call-it,and pretends to be hurt.I also like the scene when Anikan and Obi-wan fight Count Dooku.Really all the scenes are good. I think all Star Wars fans should see this Movie. It is one not to miss.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrible Letdown Review: Having enjoyed all the Star Wars movies before this one, George Lucas has plummeted to a new low with bad actors, especially Anakin, and a plotless story. Two thumbs down to this B movie which I fortunately did not buy. Technology is trying to cover cheap actors in this flick. The original feel is GONE forever...
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies I've ever seen with the most hype Review: This has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen, that's gotten the most hype and good reviews. Aside from the good looking actors and pretty scenery, which I have to admit is impressive, the movie was terrible. Am I the only person who was watching the movie, and heard the terrible lines these actors had to say?? FIrst of all, half the things they said didn't even sound like something a person says. It sounded like bad writing. Second of all, it was cheesy to the point where it was just bad. And the places where they tried to add humor to the movie, by making jokes like "im beside myself" when the robot got his head put on another robot, just made me want to walk out. Anyway, aside from the bad writing, the story itself wasnt all that great. Okay so theres a love story....umm...okay. The boy is a physchotic stalker who has been in love with her since he was 10 (for 10 years). Pretty...uhh...i dont even know. I just thought that was kinda on the weird side. But aside from the love story and the thing about Luke's mom being killed, what is this story? Nothing! THere is nothing to the story besides this wacked out cheesy love story, and the little side plot of his mother. This movie sucked. The only good thing about this movie was the way it looked. My suggestion is that if you insist on renting it, put it on silent. That way, you might have a chance of enjoying it, and maybe still having respect for George Lucas and the rst of the star wars movies.
Rating:  Summary: Review Number Thirteen Hundred Something Review: Calm down everyone, it's just a second (no fifth) installment of a billion dollar francise that changed everykid's life. While I had low expectations based on some hardcore fans and high expectations based on others who were not really hardcore fans, let's face some facts. 1. Lots of cool special effects. Period 2. Jimmy Smits found work. Good for him. 3. Samuel Jackson does not always wear a beret. 4. Queen/Senator Natalie Portman is another cute chick fallin' for an arrogant jerk. 5. Did I mention the special effects? 6. A better story than episode one-somewhat 7. Less Jar-Jar more Portman midriff 8. I am "Hayden" his acting hope he's not in the next one 9. Yoda can barely walk but he can flip really high 10. Can't wait for Episode Three(Anakin Skywalker gets Bronchitis) There boys and girls, relax it's just a movie. You want the old Star Wars flicks-rent 'em. Nothing in life is perfect. 'Cept those special effects!
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Whining, Petulant Bozo Review: The whole problem with this movie can be attributed to an Annakin who is too weak and in no way realistic as the future Darth Vader. The young Annakin of Epsidoe 1 was annoying, but at least precocious. This Annakin is just a loser who inexplicably has a lot of powers, like he accidentally ate some magic Bubble Gum or something. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. The future Darth Vader needs to be much more intelligent, much more formidable, much more dangerous. It would have been interesting to see a blond Hugh Jackman in this role. I thought he had about the right amount of fire when he played Wolverine in the X-men movie. Intensity, darkness, brooding is good - but whining? Not so good. Yes the dialog is atrocious, but a good actor can find ways of putting enough "under the covers" that the quality of the dialog becomes irrelevant. The right actor can take the word "potato" and make it sound threatening, dark, mirthful or tragic based on what he does with the iceberg underneath. Of course, in defense of the actor, we don't know if it was really his fault or the director's. I didn't mind the rest of it so much. I thought Natalie Portman made a reasonable choice - she was just very reserved, which would have worked fine if Annakin hadn't been such a weanie. Again, think of having a really strong Male Presence playing opposite her. In that case, having the "ex-queen" (how can queens be elected?) be reserved and Annakin attracting her with his vitality, vibrance, vigor and ... viagra-like manliness would have made sense. But when you put one wet noodle next to another wet noodle, all you have is limp spaghetti, laying there on the plate. This movie had way too much spaghetti. I was also irritated more than amused by the stupid head-swapping jokes, but they didn't bother me that much because I understand they are meant to appeal to the kiddies. To fully appreciate Star Wars, you have to be willing to adopt a certain frame of mind. I was very happy to see less of Jar Jar Binks, but not as happy as I would have been if he had been blow up into many pieces. Ewan McGregor was OK, if a bit dull. And that is the biggest problem with this movie in a nut shell - you can't have An Epic that features dull, lifeless characters! It doesn't work! These people are the center of great changes in the entire universe, and they don't seem to have any sense of it or be affected by it!! They might as well all be made out of wood. Harrison Ford's swashbuckling and charisma in the original series is sorely missed. I think the kiddies will like this movie a lot, especially the Yoda fight scene. I imagine most adults will be disappointed but many will still find ways of enjoying it. If nothing else, this is an "unusual" film - they don't make many films that are similar in their scale and grandeur. Just don't expect to see a realistic "Young Darth."
Rating:  Summary: It's not THAT bad...but still... Review: Ep2 was considerably better than Ep1. However, it does not come even close to the sheer brilliance of the OT. The special features are OK, but if you want really good extras, get the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings Special Extended DVD Edition. The only reason this gets 3 stars instead of 1 is because of Yoda and Saruman...er I mean Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus sounds better) and the Jango/Obi-Wan fight. The acting (especially by Anakin and Padme) was horrible ("I truly, deeply, love you" c'mon!) GL should take a lesson in screenplay from Peter Jackson and his LOTR team. And he should let PJ direct Ep3 (or at least the guy who did ESB). WETA Digital should do the Special FX, ILM has lost its touch. Gollum in The Two Towers makes Yoda look like a cardboard standup. I just hope that Lucas releases the OT DVDs seperately from these. For now, I'll stick with LOTR and the SW Expanded Universe novels. (Waaaaaaaay better than the PT could ever be. Read the New Jedi Order!!).