Rating:  Summary: "Young Skywalker is in pain. Terrible pain!!--Yoda Review: Actually it could be said terrible acting. Dont get me wrong I liked the movie and Episode I. The problem I have is where is this story heading?? This new Trilogy is booked by Lucas as the events that lead to the second trilogy. I dont see it yet. AOTC left me bewildered at times. The problem Lucas has is a lot he needs to put into this trilogy so it makes sense when you watch the second trilogy. And thus far I think he kas left us all confused. IN ATOC we one ca n see the impatience and arrogance of Anakin (if not the bad acting ). But there is nothing that shows of the evil to come. Darth Vader is seen in the second trilogy as plain evil. So far Anakin has not shown anything evil. He shows the growing pains of youth that we all go thru. This movie is a supposed to be a mystery and a love story. On the mystery side its handle well as Obi Wan goes to find out about the clone army and the bounty hunter Jango Fett. But the love story is bad. Very bad. Yoda kicks ... in the end and that is cool. But on the whole the movie is confusing. Its like Lucas is making a seperate story then what we know from the original trilogy. If you never saw the first trilogy then you will be better off then those of us who did. Becasue the story line so far is not leading to where it should be. a good movie but a disappointment too. Christopher Lee shows his incredible skills as DOOKU. Episode III will have to be so dark. Lucas has his work cut out for him for sure
Rating:  Summary: Second Best Star Wars! Yes! I Said It! Review: It's easy to pick at a movie such as Star Wars. Here's some late breaking news for some of you brainiacs: THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY, DUH! And even then I liked this movie a hell of a lot more than that pharce that ended the original trilogy. (EWOKS! PLEASE!! HOW GRATUITOUS CAN ONE MOVIE GET?!) This movie had a lot of the characteristics that made Empire so good. It was dark but, unlike Empire, had some heart. This leads me to another grievance. Why do you people complain about the love story? You knew it had to happen. It's not like Anakin could just say "Hey you're cute. Let's have kids!" No, there had to be a love story. And in my opinion Lucas did a good, not great, job writing that aspect of it. The lightsaber fights were not quite as good as Episode 1's. Yoda proves why he is a great warrior which I would like to see a lot more of. And what sold this movie to me was that there wasn't a monologue movie by Jar-Jar again. I gave this movie five stars because the movie is 4 stars but the DVD set makes the whole thing gold in my opinion. Here's my ranking of the saga: 1) The Empire Strikes Back 2) Attack of the Clones 3) A New Hope 4) The Phantom Menace 5) Return of the Jedi (would have been better with the Wookies) The Truth hurts don't it!
Rating:  Summary: Take your 20$ and see the two towers twice. Review: I couldn't wait to see 1. I hoped 2 would be better. I don't really care to see 3. Everyone hypes about how great the Yoda scene is, or how cool Jango Fett vs Obi Wan was. Yeah, they were OK, but the movie was just not that good. Citizen Caine is a masterpiece, this was just Starship Troopers with lightsabers.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas makes the first 'videogame movie' Review: With Episode 2, Lucas is revolutionizing the movie industry again, by creating the first 'videogame-movie'. I'm being ironic, of course, but that's the feeling you will get watching the chasing/fighting scenes. It's clear that many of those scenes were made just to be later easily implemented in the XBox, PS2 and Gamecube games.Episode 2 fails mainly in creating the story - the love story has the bitter taste of soap operas. Dialogues are very uninspired and bad acting doesn't help them at all. Actually, the only actor that lives to the expectations is Christopher Lee. All the others fail, hardest of them all being Anakin himself. His acting is so bad, you couldn't care less for him. The fighting scenes are very complex in terms of special effects, but lack terribly when compared to newer movies. I would have liked to see for once a spectacular Jedi fight, maybe pulling some Matrix moves or a smarter camera, but they all play the same. As boring as the rest of the movie. There is no climax in Episode 2. The whole movie feels like a special effects showdown. It would be fun, if there won't be any dialogues. But once Anakin starts showing his 'love' again, you feel like telling Lucas he should stick to what he knows or hire a writer!
Rating:  Summary: Once again... Review: ...a movie so terrible "Santa Claus himself would vomit with rage." No, that's not completely true, maybe harsh even. Episode 2 was again a marvel for film special effects, but sometimes even those felt overplayed. OK, I admit, the first time I saw it (as appalled as I was by the fake emotions and horrible directing from Lucas) the last 20 or so minutes kept me excited and wanting more, but Lucas just really has to pass the torch... which he isn't doing. As much of a chance as Episode III has of being a great movie, I thought that Episode II had just as much a chance over 1. Sure, it was better, but not by much. Really people, look inside yourself and ask whether you can really say that you felt as good coming out of this movie as you did when you came out of A New Hope and beyond. If you can, then happy disillusionment to you. All in all, I for one am glad I can take solace in the fact that everything that went wrong in the Star Wars universe can be blamed souly on Jar-Jar Binks.
Rating:  Summary: KES Evenstar Review: It's a good movie. In this part of Star Wars, we see the romance of Padme and Anikin developing. The war begins when the Trade Federation builds a droid army to use against the Republic. An elaborate plan is playing out. The republic then makes a fatal mistake that will begin the empire later on. Anikin sees his greatest fear come true. The effects were fun to watch. As well as the action scenes. We see Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), one villian, beat two guys young enough to be his grandsons! Yoda was exceptionally cute and active. We see the father of Boba Fett (Vader's bountyhunter), Jango Fett. This is a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great action sequences; whiny Annakin; Yoda with light saber Review: Star Wars Episode II is worth owning for the special effects sequences, but after the first viewing one might want to skip the Anakin/Padme romance scenes. Episode II has a teen Anakin Skywalker protecting Padme Amidala from various assassination attempts, with Obi-Wan sleuthing around for clues to the clone army. They eventually undercover a plot by the mysterious Count Dooku to build a droid army that threatens the stability of the senate members. I liked the mystery plot with Obi-Wan, which was interesting, although Ewan MacGregor is still stiff in the role. There were a number of spectacular action sequences, including the opening chase scene through the Coruscant cityscape, the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight in the rain, the droid factory and the arena battle. The scenes with Yoda vs. Count Dooku were worth the price of admission at the theatres. What I didn't like was the romance between Anakin and Amidala. We're supposed to believe that they're falling in love, but Hayden Christenson's Anakin is whiny, selfish and arrogant. Guess that's why he became Darth Vader. I can't see her falling in love with him, except that they save each other a couple times. The deleted scenes show a lot more character development and developing connection between them. Perhaps the action sequences could have been shortened to enhance the characters. I also found the mockumentary about R2D2 to be hilarious.
Rating:  Summary: egads Review: This clearly does not even rate in the top 30 movies of the past five years. My disapointment soaring, I returned the dvd for store credit. I am no longer waiting in line for any Lucas material. I will rent the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty to look at, maybe as good as any of them, needs ? Review: Visually this movie is as pretty to look at as any of the Star Wars movies and unlike some reviewers I think the plot is as good as the three oldest movies ever had. It's based on the old Saturday Matinee formula so of course some of the plot, action and dialogue is kind of unlikely (an example of this is when young Anakin jumps from his flier and free falls down to the escaping hitman's vehicle)but it is an improvement over some of what The Phantom Menace had. I loved most of the sets and locations (not sure how much of that came out of a computer), the costumes were great (so much work involved in Natalie Portman's costumes)and some of the action (the Yoda Dooku battle was really impressive). I liked learning more about the characters but just can't help feeling that something more needed to be done with the development of the story. I especially thought that the Anakin/Padme wedding scene at the end needed something added to it. Make sure that you watch the extras, they add a lot to the value of the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: .... for the overall and 5 for visuals Review: 2002 Summertime in Switzerland - Episode II AOTC-Time for me and my friend. We had a blast seeing Yoda crawling towards Count Dukoo (?) and then being as fit as ever ... howling. We also thought, that Mr. Christensen playing Anakin was too much to handle, even dreadful, yet, after having watched the movie a few times on DVD, I can only come up with one logical explanation, WHY Anakin's role and the rest of the cast is thinner than thin. An actor can only be as good as the director and the script is. I changed my opinion about Mr. Hayden's acting ability, simply because Ms. Portman's lacked it, too. Even a pro like Mr. McGregor seemed a bit misplaced ... So I have to say, it's almost unfair, to solely blame Mr. Christensen of being a bad actor. It's said that Mr. Lucas is known to be a bad director. Again, since everyone else in this movie is condemned of being a bad actor/actress I can only contribute it to real bad script writing and direction (not that I could do something like that) - and, uh, yes, the dialogues were dreadful, yet deadly. Visually - a perfect and wonderful movie - I love it. I would've even liked the romance part, if it only didn't feel so terribly forced. I am confident that both, Mr. Christensen and Miss Portman, could have been THE LOVE SPARK, if the direction was different. Nowadays I feel sorry for the two having to have said things like "I don't like sand ..." or "I will not give in to this".... However, the movie ended and we were beaten by wayyy tooooo much action and visual effects. I guess, turning 30 also means, being overwhelmed by too much visual information ... we had to go for a drink to cool it down afterwards *lol* - it felt like after a rollercoaster ride. Good Luck for Episode III!!!...