Rating:  Summary: Better than the first Review: I did not like episode one, except for the fight sceen at the end. I thought that episode one was boreing and childish. Fortunaltely episode two is waaaaaaaaaay better. More special effects and good story that held my attention. This movie is not boreing at all.
Rating:  Summary: Bantha Poooodoooo!! Review: Lucas should hire a writer the next time he tries to put a love story in his plot. Some of the scenes were painful to watch, like when Amadala told Anakin, "I've died a little each day since you came back into my life..." oh pleeeeeeeeze!The acting was okay, but not great. I was mostly disappointed with the jedi fighting styles... I've always waited for the clone wars, and though the graphics were amazing (kudos to ILM), the jedis' fighting styles were bland and rigid. The fight between Darth Maul and Kenobi in Phantom Menace was killer, and was what I hoped to see again in this movie... aside from Yoda's kung fu fighting, the jedis left me disappointed for the most part. Overall, this was definitely the worst Star Wars flick made. I hope to see a come back in Episode III.
Rating:  Summary: Buy it, but plan on its dust collection on the shelf Review: This was a major disappointment on a couple of levels. First, Christiansen is a major wimp in this movie. If they are trying to show the whineyness which Luke Skywalker must have inherited from someone in his lineage, then they have hit the spot. This guy has severe artistic deficits when it comes to acting. Second, the scripts are never going to live up to the excitement we all felt for Episodes IV, V, and VI, so take them in an entirely different direction, will you George?!?!?! The only two redeeming plot factors in this movie are the addition of Dooku to the story, and the gift Lucas gives us: a solid reason to hate Jar Jar and want him dead. Since it is he who is responsible for the clone army, we now can guiltlessly wish Jar Jar to have Yoda fillet him to pieces. Which brings me to my only real reason to like this movie -- the two fights. The Jedi battle is amazing and exciting, and Yoda simply steals the show at the end. I found myself not wanting to buy this movie eventually until I saw Dooku and Yoda throw down. This was truly a great feat of technology and cinematography from an action sequence perspective. Buy it or don't buy it. It makes no difference. You will like a couple of parts of the movie, and the rest will bore you.
Rating:  Summary: The Razzies are right! THE WORST FILM OF THE YEAR! Review: When you are nominated by the Razzies, there has to be a good reason. That being said, the movie was dreadful. The only reason I did not ask for a refund was that the special effects were decent. I like Mcgregor and Lee in other flicks, but it seems here that they were handcuffed and they knew it. How could Lee be so incredible in The Two Towers as Saruman and look like a washed-up horror actor here? It boggles the mind. My advice is don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: on par with XENA, warrior princess Review: Heck, at least Xena was cute. What's up with this movie? Apparently, not much. Word on the street is the next installment is make or break. Personally, I already think Star Wars is broken.
Rating:  Summary: Continuing the tradition of a great saga ... Review: I saw Attack of the Clones in the theaters 6 times, and I am not normally inclined to do something like that. The special effects are awesome. I personally find Hayden Christensen as Anakin to be compelling and he is the main reason I went back so many times. There are some deleted scenes on the DVD that I agree would have enhanced the movie, such as the scene with Padme's parents. In other parts when you see the full scene of Anakin and Padme leaving Coruscant, you can help but be amazed at the precision and skill of the final editing. The DVD has many many features and lots of interesting background information to add to an already interesting and enlightening glimpse of slipping to the dark side. I anxiously await the next installament of the Star Wars saga and hope that it's not the last.
Rating:  Summary: George's 1930's matinee masterpiece................... Review: Ten yrs. have passed since the events of the 1st chapter,....Hundreds of Star Systems have lefted the Galactic Rebublic to join a sepratist movement,...lead by the mysterious Count Dooku...meanwhile our young hero Anakin Skywalker is now the talented apprentence of Obi-Won Kenobi.....but has become disturbed and conflicted through his troubled dreams and forbidden obsession for the beautiful Padm'e Amidalla,..now with ties to the Galactic Senate herself...After a senators life is threatened, Obi-Won Kenobi is disspatched by the Jedi to investigate this attempted murder of his friend and senator .Meanwhile.....driven by his desires and his wreakless arogance, Anakin Skywalker's malice and disobedience towards his master and driven need of power lead him on a path to the Dark side...as all the while freedom is coming to an end.(Directed and written by George Lucas and co-written screenplay by Johnathan Hales)This second installment is a wecome return to the adventure and style of the original Star wars..and a must have for any collector..so go out and by it today.
Rating:  Summary: The Force is not strong with this one... Review: Tremendous disappointment. My expectations are INCREDIBLY low for Episode 3. Level of adventure in these new installments is null. George has gone mad with power. He's basically shattered the essence and grace of the original films. A once VERY well-respected man has become the village idiot... oh how tragic.
Rating:  Summary: Returns to the roots that made Star Wars fun Review: After taking a serious blow with The Phantom Menace, the Star Wars series takes a step in the right direction with Attack of the Clones. But is the step big enough? Attack of the Clones definitely feels much more like a Star Wars film then Menace, which felt like a big mess of nothing. The epic battles and events feel like they carry much more weight and have more to do with the events in the original trilogy, and the plot is much more defined. One of Menace's biggest flaws was the lack of a solid plot, and Clones solves it with an investigation into a murderous plot against Senator Amidala that uncovers much bigger and sinister goings-on. Events lead to a 45-minute climax that is definitely some of the most fun in the entire series. It may not have a space battle, but it doesn't need one, there's enough action and excitement as it is. Another plus is that C-3PO and RD-D2 have more screen time together and their antics go a long way in making the film feel like Star Wars in its second half. Still, Attack of the Clones isn't up to the quality of the original films. Most notable is the extremely weak dialogue and characterizations. Dialogue may not have been Oscar caliber in the older films, but at least it was decent enough to get by. Attack of the Clones, though, it's often down right cringe-worthy. Especially in regards to the romance between Anakin and Amidala; bad romance novels have better dialogue. Though the lack of a rogue character like Han Solo still hurts the prequel trilogy, the clichéd characterizations of much the cast do much more damage. Still, this isn't Star Wars' primary goal, which is to illustrate a big, fun space adventure. And Attack of the Clones definitely delivers on that. Though I truly wish Lucas would place more emphasis on characterizations and plot then special effects, and would have stayed true to his original envisions of the prequel trilogy (which, according to some reports, would have been simply amazing), at least Attack of the Clones brings back some of that magic I grew up with. Some may still be greatly disappointed by the latest installment, but I found a lot to love in the flawed, but fun, film.
Rating:  Summary: Dark enough??? Review: This is Dark, Gritty sci fi action, romance and more action! People wanted a Darker star wars film, this one is! think gritty cop drama. most liked this film, I found it quite amazing. this installment starts to explore Darker areas of Anakin's past, and its done VERY well. The romance here is very Jocular, but still works well and realizing whats coming it is welcomed heartily.