Rating:  Summary: oh man-- Review: this has got to be the second worst movie ever created by man. a bad B movie that is supposed to be an A but really hovering around E-. it is close, but i still think the first movie was even worse than this one, EP1 the absolute worst movie ever! but EP2 is the worst in the category of love scenes-- the writing and acting is so atrocious that there really are no words in the english language that can describe how bad it is. not just painful to watch, but startlingly so.
Rating:  Summary: Oh so boring and shallow Review: Another poorly written, poorly executed story about coming-of-age complete with adolecent romance and plenty of violence. To me, the Star Wars series has become a loud statement of mediocrity.
Rating:  Summary: Barely Better On DVD, and here's why.... Review: I bought this movie to watch Obi Wan Kenobi fight Jango Fett on the Rain planet, making me feel slightly less guilty than buying Phantom Menace for the Jedi fight at the end. That's it. On DVD I can skip every Anakin/Padme chapter and watch Obi Wan hunt down Jango and then they fight and I stop the disc. That's It. The chase at the begining with Zam Wessel was also a lure, but between Anakin's whining and the clutter of effects, it doesn't lend itself to multiple viewings. The love story is really...wait, was that a love story? Or is she his sister again? I'm confused. The story of how the Empire comes in to being plays out in a paint by numbers fashion that made me keep hoping Obi Wan and Jango were going to start smacking each other around again. I felt really bad that Boba Fett was played by a kid who in the bonus behind the scenes stuff seemed to have no idea who Boba Fett was. That part was written for me and we all lost out because I was too old to play it when the movie finally made it to production. I would have been awesome. I still think that the original trilogy is a great set of movies and George Lucas will have my money in his pocket when he finally releases them on DVD. If he includes another cool scene in his next movie I will probably buy that because I was programmed at an early age and will do what the Great Gods of Industrial Light and Magic command. That said, these prequels are garbage and if you can find it in your heart to resist, do so, for some of us have not the strength. Where's Chewie when you need him?
Rating:  Summary: Everything more than anyone had the right to expect. Review: If it's even possible, this chapter in the Star Wars saga had even more to live up to than it's predecessor The Phantom Menace. While the first was lightsabered to pieces by critics, non-fans and especially the 'old school' fans, Lucas laboured away on the second installment, knowing full well that if this newest addition wasn't well received than the final episode planned would die a slow and agonising death at the box office, whether it was a Star Wars film or not, and while steadfastly declaring that reactions to his first film in over twenty two years had done nothing to alter his approach to the second installment, the mass' wishes seem to have been pandered to in the overwhelmingly intense Episode II (I refuse to call it Attack of the Clones). This is why I go to the movies, to be blown away, and Episode II achieved this in spades. Taking the already estabilished environments, ideals, theories and character traits from Episode I and drenching each one in darker and bleaker tones and shades, Episode II is a natural and stunning progression. The set pieces triple in intensity and the plot begins to open up suggesting new and at once familiar ground linking to the original trilogy. The effects are mind blowing, the music enthralling, the mysteries intriguing and the action scenes leave you gasping. So I have one question : why is there so many people that didn't like this film? Okay, the acting is an obvious target, I personally think Hayden Christensen did a wonderful job bringing to life a character that everybody already has formed their ideas of what should be like, hence, not the real Anakin, i.e: Lucas' Anakin, Ewan McGregor (unsurprisingly) carries the film in a remarkable performance where you can now truly see why he was cast as the young Alec Guinness and Samuel L Jackson finally gets the chance to prove what everybody thought in Episode I, that Mace Windu is THE MAN with a lightsaber! Yes, that scene on the hill side between Anakin and Padme smacks of laziness and is cringe inducing, yes, the dialogue at times feels in need of a re-write (this is Star Wars you know. Let's not critise a point that has existed since 1977) and yes, (imitate old age/old school Star Wars pensoner) 'It still doesn't feel like the originals!'. But this is a movie that's confidence, bravado and style are it's forerunners and here, Episode II truly triumphs. The Jango/Kenobi face off on the blustery Kamino platform is Star Wars at it's most slick, the asteroid chase is pure eye (and ear) candy, the Geonosis Arena Battle is vibrantly and unrelentingly overwhelming in it's adrenaline and the Yoda fight, well, it's Yoda FIGHTING!!!! Who in their right mind anticipated Yoda's duel would be so clever, so belittling, so......utterly exhausting!??? Episode II stylishly accomplishes what it set out to do, up the stakes for all involved, darken the subject matter as the inevitable 'tragedy' of The Chosen One draws ever nearer and unlock the secrets of the saga, even managing to throw out a few new questions. A fantastical ride of limitless invention that paves more than a shiny and sturdy path for the final Episode, one that will undoubtedly also fail to please the masses.
Rating:  Summary: Why the low ratings??? Review: (...) I think they are being unfair to Lucas arts. If you compare this movie to the other Star wars, movies, well, maybe it's not that great. But if you compare it to all the other junk released this year, then it deserves not only 5 stars, but 100 stars. I think the plot is really intriguing. I got the whole picture only after watching it three times. The actors are really good and nice to look at, I am fascinated by how Lucas managed to create this whole galaxy, political intrigue, mystery into a real-life story, something you actually believe might have happened. I can't wait to see the third movie!
Rating:  Summary: Ignore the Razzy nomination for "worst film of the year" Review: But it is still a bad movie. A previous reviewer felt this installment was the final nail in the coffin. While a strong statement, it has some truth. I think Lucas now focuses on entertaining liitle kids in order to market products to them. He is no longer interested in making a good movie. This will be his downfall.
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clowns Review: Granted, this one is a bit better than the first one, although it would be more accurate to say that the first one was even worse than the second. This is special effects on the rampage. The way I see it, in the early eithies, when all they had to go on was stop-motion effects, the filmmakers were restrained by the limits of this technology. George Lucas himself has been known to complain about the limitations of stop-motion. But the problem here seems to be the exact oposite. The benefits of Computer animation are so great that now everything is possible. In stop-motion for instance, the creatures were a little too stiff, but in computer animation, the're almost too fluidly. That awfull Jar-Jar creature from the first one doesn't just go in the water, he has to make a tripple salto mortale and dive! It seems to me that in these days, filmmakers have to restrain themselves! The (incoherent) story is now completely washed away by the oncontroled flood of special effects. And that from the man who is on record for saying that a special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing!
Rating:  Summary: The Razzies can't be wrong Review: Do I think this is the worst movie of the year? No, but the fact the Clones is being discussed as such is trully sad. What happened to Star Wars? It went into the toilet. Fire Lucas
Rating:  Summary: Satisfying But Not Great Review: To properly review AOTC, I think, the reviewer must give some perspective. This movie has polarized fans of the series, and to give the reader some sort of context, I've got to let you know where I'm coming from. I'm a longtime Star Wars fan. I've been waiting for these movies ever since I saw Return of the Jedi on opening night back in 1983 at the age of 6. So when I say I give Lucas the benefit of the doubt on alot of things, you might not have the same opinion. That being said, lets move on to the review. We all know the story: Obi-Wan Kenobi and all-grown-up Anakin Skywalker are assigned to protect now-Senator Amidala(Natalie Portman, not trying very hard, unfortunately) from an assasination plot that ties the whole movie together. We all know what happens, and where it leads to, the big showdown at the Geonosis Arena and the start of the Clone Wars, the most talked about subject amongst Star Wars fans since they were mentioned in passing in the first movie 26 years ago. The story itself is pretty well constucted, even if it does contain a few contrivences and plot holes to get to the final scenes. The movie actually seems more like a second part of a three part miniseries: not advancing too much of the plot, but setting enough up for a powerhouse finale. The pace is slowed only in the scenes with Anakin and Padme, who's love scenes are so bad that even I, an apologist for Episode I, was rolling in the aisles with laughter. Hayden Christensen comes off as a stalker and Natalie Portman might as well be reciting a recipe for meatloaf, as bad as the dialogue and acting are. What saves the movie from collapsing in on itself is the intercut story of Obi-wan Kenobi's journey to discover the secrets of teh plot against Amidala and the creation of a Clone army. Here, Ewan McGregor shines in scenes that are actually well-written and mysterious, and he plays well against the perfectly cast Temura Morrison, playing Jango Fett. So while all the romantic .... is going on, there's at least something interesting put in there to keep us awake. Eventually, the real reason for the film arrives, the giant, 20-minute plus battle scene on Geonosis, and it does not dissapoint. Clone troopers, Jedi, Battle Droids and Christopher Lee alll do battle in what has to be a great CGI accomplishment. Watching the film on DVD, it looks really good. It is easily the best cut part of the film, and the animation is seemless. The CGI Yoda looks great here, too, better than he does in earlier scenes. Anyway, the Yoda-Count Dooku battle is fun to watch, if over far too soon, and again, as the film ends, it just seems like the movie was one big set up for the pay-off in Episode III. What can I say, I liked the movie. I had a good time, and the DVD is second only to the Fellowship of the Rings SE in best DVD's on 2002. It contains deleted scenes, many facianting documentaries on all aspects of the filmmaking process, especially one particularly well done doc on sounds in the film. That's why I give teh disc 4 stars. The movie itself is only a 3, but the two-disc DVD is well worth owning. The movie may only be a bridge, but it's strong enough to keep me interested in the next one, which is I guess all it should have to do, anyway.