Rating:  Summary: wow, that was bad Review: After watching this advertisement for Star Wars toys, I was pretty upset. I went to the theater manager and asked for a refund. All my friends were very embarassed! Funny thing is, I was the fifth person to ask for a refund in two days according to the manager! Never again!
Rating:  Summary: Still, Keeping It Simple ... Review: Without a doubt, one of the finest motion pictures ever committed to celluloid.If only other cinema visionaries could be so bold ...
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Great DVD! Review: We all know this movie rocks! But the dvd was nice too. the features were so long that they really put so much effort not only in making the movie but also in making of the making of the movie. get it? hehe! really detailed discussion of how they work which will make you full of so much info about digital creation of everything which, if you watch the movie again, you won't view it the same way you did.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first and far from as good as the trilogy Review: Obi-Wan Kenobi and a now grown up, Anakin Skywalker are assigned to protect the Senator Amidala from an assasination plot. The romance between Anakin and Amidala blossoms as does the resentment between Obi-wan and Anakin. Obi-wan goes on a fact finding mission, and stumbles into something that Anakin and Amidala try to get him out of. Enter the clones... Of course I have left out a ton of specifics. The story itself is well constucted, even if a bit slow paced at times, usually during the love scenes. The feeling wasn't there and neither was the acting. Amidala seemed to be reading cue cards, not acting. In my humble opinion this movies only saving grace is Obi-wan Kenobi's journey to discover the secrets of teh plot against Amidala and the creation of a Clone army. Here you have the action that has been lacking thus far (with the exception of the first chace scene), the mystery, and the effects. Finally, after fighting sleep on and off throught out the film you arrive at the real purpose of the film, the long and drawn out battle scene on Geonosis, but don't get me wrong, it is spectacular. All in all I liked it, but I may be partial to George Lucas and the Star Wars series. There are a few flaws I am not used to seeing in a Lucas film, but everyone is allowed an off day. I am still looking forward to the next film, and don't view the time I spent watching this one as lost.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah Review: This mocie is 2nd best out of all 5 star wars with it's great jedi fights actions twists + turns.
Rating:  Summary: flawed but awesome flick Review: it seems more people disliked this movie worse than part I. i liked it. the story of the galactic empire on the verge of civil war and in the process anakin starts his road toward the dark side of the force. special effects are great, acting is great despite some flaws (and minimal jar jar biks..thank you) the flaws with the actors: first was with obi wan. there just seemed to be something flat about ewan mcgreggor's performance regarding his training of anakin. something missing, maybe the warmth and chemistry he had with qui gon jinn?. i was disappointed jake lloyd would not be allowed to return. i was so so on hayden as darth vader/anakin sywalker. some of his "dark" moments, although convincing seemed a bit forced. not forced emotion but it seemed the pace of the movie was faster than the story and some things had to be sped up to keep up. for example, i never felt amadala'a love for anakin. i sort of felt anakin's love for padme but not completely. ... kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. i still loved the movie. seeing yoda at the end, kick some butt was funnyand entertaining. the swordfighting was amazing, some of the shots were just breathtaking. battle scene at the end was wild. the clone army was great and i love the story line, the ships, the whole world that is created. all in all a great film. i think most people did not like it because they were expecting something. what exactly i am not sure but this is a new generation of star wars. to see it, after the original three(episodes iv-vi) is so drastic. especially for people in my generation. keep an open mind. i loved this movie despite the flaws. it is the star wars equivalent of star trek's next generation but, in my opinion, better.
Rating:  Summary: I'm not happy Review: Ridiculous, overbloated CGI, poor acting, atrocious rookie actors, horrendous plot, poor directing, etc., etc. Need I say more?
Rating:  Summary: This is super! Review: Hi, folks!;) I do not know if you like this "Episode 2", but I really think that it is interesting, and Amidala is superb. Though my boyfriend says we are alike. And I hate it. =)
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: I'm a fan of the Star Wars movies, and I love the trilogy, but I was somewhat disappointed by Episode 2. It was way to much of a love story (which bored me), but for the story to make sense, I guess it had to be in there. The beginning of the Clone Wars part was awesome, and Jango Fett is cool too! (Why did he have to die?) You must see Yoda in action, as well as the other Jedi. If you are a fan of Star Wars, this movie is a must-have.
Rating:  Summary: It pains me to watch this! Review: The deterioration of the Star Wars films finds its ultimate expression here, in a sappy and indulgent piece of filmmaking. I was willing to buy "The Phantom Menace"--it covered Anakin's childhood, so it was allowed to be a little sappy and cheesy. But "Attack of the Clones" has problems, beginning with its title. The title makes it sound like a medical thriller novel, or something. The next flawed element is the casting. Whoever decided that Hayden Christensen would be good in this movie, or any movie for that matter, is proven sorely mistaken in his first five minutes onscreen. He seems to have two emotions: childish, pouty sulking or squinting determination. The other supporting actors are not so bad, but they seem too aware of the third and by far worst element that is flawed in this film: the script. There are moments (many of them) where actors actually seem embarassed that their lines are that bad. The romance scenes between Anakin and Padme come off seeming forced and adolescent as a result of cliched dialogue and Christensen's wooden performance. When the dialogue is not uninspired ("We'd be living a lie. I couldn't do that"), it is practically nonsensical ("I hate sand. It's coarse and gritty and it gets everywhere"--and this is supposed to be romantic!). The film has serious pacing problems; in fact, the only parts that kept me consistently entertained were the ones featuring Obi-Wan's adventures on his own. I suppose this film is worth seeing for fans to know where Lucas is heading with the story, but I personally don't plan to see this film again. The two stars are for: Padme's costumes, the set design on the planet of the cloners, and the Yoda lightsaber fight.