Rating:  Summary: I don't believe it... Review: As a die-hard fan of the original series and having enjoyed Episode 1 (altho after a while Jar Jar can be a little irritating) I was excited about seeing Episode 2. I had hoped it would be better than Episode 1, but sadly, it wasn't really. I would have never ever thought that I could give a Star Wars film 3/5 stars, but that's about what it's worth. By the end of it I was just depressed. The Good - Little things, like the locations, the design of certain technologies, the odd line that worked and teeny tiny (and not so teeny tiny) references to what happens in the original trilogy. Also, the introduction of a young Owen and Beru was interesting. Plus, very little Jar Jar Binks. The Bad - Anakin was terrible. He was just... blah. Never mind the fact that he's a central character and should have been cast better. The love story was nothing to get excited about either. Quite boring and disturbing to see in Star Wars. Also a lot of repeated scenes from the original trilogy makes it look like George Lucas couldn't think of anything new! The Unfortunately Humorous - Any tense moments were not really that tense cause u know who's meant to die and who isn't, we have seen the original trilogy after all. Yoda's fight scene was funny because of the silly way they did him. I was horrified to find myself laughing, cause he's a powerful Jedi master and you're not really supposed to laugh at him. Overall - Well, it's watchable, if a little boring at times. Not the best Star Wars movie by far. The effects are good, but so what? The storyline really just fills in the gap between Episode 1 and what will happen in Episode 3. The love story is weak but since it's Star Wars we're all gonna see it anyway, so what difference does it make? What I would like to know: What on earth has George Lucas been doing for the last three years to come up with something like THIS??
Rating:  Summary: Christenson deserves a razzie award Review: The acting by Hayden Christenson and Natalie Portman completely ruined the movie for me. No, I was not expecting outstanding performances by them, but I've seen more believable acting by first graders in school plays compared to the leads of Episode 2. There was not 1 scene in the movie where I believed that Padme and Anakin were in love. They had absolutely no chemistry together. Natalie Portman was just flat and emotionless while Christenson was seemed like he was reading his lines off a teleprompter. A few of their scenes were actually laughable. The rest just put me to sleep. I'm not familiar with Christenson's work, but Natalie Portman has done great work in her short career. Let's hope this problem gets fixed in time for episode 3.
Rating:  Summary: The force is with this one Review: To say that this movie had great expectations on it would be a bit of an understatement; in fact, just about everyone who hated(and loved) the Phantom Menace was watching for this one; including myself. And did it pay to go and see this; in a word, yes. Possible the best so far of the prequels, AOTC seems to have a good balance of acting and Special f/x. That's not to say that the acting is the greatest ever; more then a few parts will have you scratching your head(mostly due to how the dialoge is at times) but overall, good enough to carry you through. Hayden Christensen's Anakin is okay but at times seems more childish at times, mature at others. Watching him go from cool and collected to whiney is enough to get enyone who knows about Star Wars to say; "Yep, this is Luke Skywalker's Dad alright". His overall performance while okay could use a little more improvement. As for Ewan McGregor, he in my opinion was the best actor in the entire movie. Many comparisons have been made to the late Alec Guiness' role of Obi Wan and I don't blame them at all; he got the role down pat this time around. Always cool and collected, he pretty much kept Anakin from making a complete fool of himself. Also no review would be complete without a quick nod to Christopher Lee. The best sith since well, Vader. He uses every trick in the book and at times writes a few chapters. Without him in this movie, we probably would have gotten more Darth Maul type villan; which to say the character wasn't all that bad but Maul was more like a background thug type and not the higher ups. I could go on and on but I don't want to bore; so I'll just finish a long story with this: Acting was good but wooden, CGI was better placed this time, final 40 minutes the best in Star Wars history, Romance parts could have been much better then they were. Overall, the force is with this fine albeit wooden movie epic.
Rating:  Summary: First Hour 2 - Second Hour 8! Review: That's how I rated this film overall. If you can get through the first hour of this prequil, you will be pleasantly surprise by Master Yoda himself. The movie would have been much better for me if they would have recast Anakin Skywalker. That actor had no depth, wined all the time and just couldn't act. Fortunately he had Natalie Portman next to him that gave a stellar performace and for me - she acted for both of them. More credit to her. It was just long and slow for the first hour and fifteen minutes and then the action picked up. Once that did, Obiwan and Master Yoda rocked the screen. Very cool. Of course the movie is filled with Merchandise opportunites, but, guess what, that's why it was made. (Be real George.) Unfortunately for Star Wars fans, my belief is that SPiderman will do much, much better. It had a much more believable teen romance/relationship in it. I will give credit that Attack Of The Clones is much better then The Phantom Menance. Sorry again George!
Rating:  Summary: A very good addition to the Star Wars series! Review: Attack of the Clones is amazing. Period. Using the latest digital effects, George Lucas has created an outstanding flick. The story opens about ten years after the Phantom Menace, with Padme Amidala arriving on Coruscant to cast a vote for a non-military movement. When she arrives, her ship is destroyed, killing her decoy and several guards. During those ten years, a Jedi named Count Dooku has created a seperatist movement from the republic, rallying systems to his cause. The republic wanted to use military force against them, but Padme was against it. Concerned with the attack, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has two Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, both of whom have not seen her for ten years, assigned her protectors. Anakin is still in love with her. Right off the bat, the assasin trys again, leading the Jedi on a fantastic chase through the Coruscant traffic. They find the bounty hunter, but she is killed before they can find her employer. Obi-Wan goes off to find the killer, while Anakin and Padme go to Naboo to hide. Obi-Wan finds himself at Kemino, a planet where clones are made, and finds that a Clone Army, numbering in the millions are ready for the republic. He then finds Jango Fett, the bounty hunter whom he is seeking and engages him in an exciting battle that involve lightsabers, flying around and missiles. Anakin has visions of his mother, and heads off to Tatooine, where he finds her, but she dies in his arms. He starts to go to the dark side of the force here. Obi Wan tracks Jango to another planet, where he is captured, but not before sending off a message about the clone army and Jango. Anakin and Padme rush off to the rescue, only to be captured themselves. They are put in an areana, where a furious battle takes place. The republic brings in the clone army, and the battle begins. I won't try to describe it. One, its too chaotic. Two it would ruin it. Lets just say the there are clone troopers, Jedi, battle droids (many kinds of them) and ships. The movie comes down to a wonderful lightsaber battle. Yoda fights, along with Anakin and Obi-Wan. This movie is probably one of the best there. The action scenes are outstanding, and the overall story is pretty good. The romance in it is kind of weak, but it works out okay. This is the pivitol moment in the series, and George Lucas doesn't disapoint. Well worth seeing many times.
Rating:  Summary: How Old Are Annakin and Owen? Review: This is a great entry in the STAR WARS series, and it draws richly from what went before as well as what is coming after. Annakin Skywalker must be 18 years of age in this film. He was about 8 in TPM, and 10 years have elapsed since. The actor Hayden Christensen was exactly the right age at the time of the filming, and Lucas is to be applauded for this casting choice. The problem is with Annakin's "brother" Owen. Annakin's mother was sold to Owen's father "six years ago" according to the film, yet Owen could not be any younger than 17 as portrayed in the film and is already dating his future wife Beroo. Therefore there cannot be any blood relationship between Owen and Annakin -- they are step-brothers.
Rating:  Summary: Huge Improvement, this is Star Wars, not at its best, close. Review: Now this is more like it, this is much, but very much better than Episode 1, this is more like the original films. The movie just lacks something, I can't really say what it lacks of, but it does. But this is much better, the dialogue is pretty cheap, but the performances are quite good, Christopher Lee is the best in his short role as Count Dooku, similar to Sauruman in LOTR, but not as good. Ewan McGregor was better as Obi-Wan than last time, in this one he is more like the character Alec Guiness created. Hayden Christensen was great as pre-Darth Vader, he knew how to be, angry, vengeful, that scene in which he beheads all the Tusken Raiders that kill his mother was pure Darth Vader, and his lines are all lines that could easily come from Vader. Natalie Portman was also better, like Leia in Empire Strikes back, and also, she looked beautiful, with the more revealing outfits that made her look really sexy. Samuel L. Jackson was fairly good, but lets face it, his role was short. The best thing of the movie, also hilarious is when Yoda kicks ... against Christopher Lee, I laughed because it is just funny to see him do all the things he does. Another GREAT thing was that Jar Jar only gets like 5 minutes of screen time, thats the way it should be. The movies is very good, at the begining it looks like Blade Runner, when Obi-Wan enters the bar to get a drink. The soundtrack is not as great as the old ones, plus, Williams re-used some notes from Hook, in the Love theme, but it sounded fine, also the Imperial March has return, that was good. The lightsaber action is extremely great, I love lightsabers, I think they are the best of Star Wars in in this one there is plenty. This movie is like Episode 5, the best one, and although this one is not as good, it is the Star Wars I like, I think we should encourage Lucas to keep it up be making this one make more money than the dreadful Episode 1, because I loved this one, really loved it, and hope to see an Episode 3 similar to this one, only wiht the next improvements, better soundtrack, more mature dialogue, less or the same screen time for Jar Jar and that thing that it lacks of that was on the original films, but this one was very good, keep it up George Lucas, you are on the good side of the force.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome but not as good as the original! Review: This movie was great and don't be fooled by the liars and others who don't appreciate a good story. They say it doesn't have enough character development. Then how come we all know the characters so well. They are also forgetting that this isn't an individual movie, it's the second chapter in a six chapter movie. The story is well done and you can since Anakin's frustrations and how hard it is to hold back all that anger inside of him. Yes the lightsaber fight could have been longer, and yes they could have done better, but o complain about a stupid thing like a love story? If there is one thing GL can't do is a love story. Titanic, Pearl Harbor, those are love stories. You would have to be a strong man to sit through a love story. Why Jango-Fett was waisted? Because he's not important, he was the host for the clones, he served his purpose so he's gotta go. He's not important anymore so they killed him. The story is about Anakin,not Darth Maul or Jango-Fett. If anyone one says poor editting and boringplot, they obviously don't know what they are talking about and just want to sound important. They aren't. Most people I talked to love this movie. The people who didn't, well, consider the source. They probably like these low-budget movies that nobody else goes and sees. Think about it. Oh yeah sorry Spidey fans this movie kicks Spider Man's [REAR]! Yes Spider-Man was a great movie but once you see this, every other movie, well, they just flop. Sorry Peter Parker but the Force isn't with you and the money says so. Go see Spider-man but be prepared to be blown away by Star Wars! Can't wait for the best one of all Episode III. And hey Star Wars Geeks don't go spoiling or over hyping or telling all of us fans of the movie all about it before it comes out. Don't read spoilers and you'll be doing yourself and everyone else a big favor. Then when Episode III comes out it won't have to live up to other peoples expectations because they won't have any. Come on this is the last chance for a movie to take Titanic of the number one most successful movie and put it to shame. Come on Star Wars fans can we do it? Go see this movie it rocks!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars E-2 attack of the clones Review: Some of you will greatly disagree with my rating this film as a 5. I gave it a 5 rating , because I have been from the begining and will to the end , be a Star Wars devoted fan . Anyone that loves these films as much as I do , will do the same . E-2 , did not live up to my expectations . That was not the film makers fault , it was mine . I expect ever Star Wars film to do to me what the first one did . That is asking a lot of Mr. Lucas . Remember your first kiss :) . You wanted all of them to be like that . Some were and some were not . Was it your fault or the other persoins fault . I am very pleased that Mr. Lucas has continued these films , and pray he never stops . May the force be with you . Larry Rawls , Smithfield , Va.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Great!!! Review: Another great addition to the Star Wars library!!! All the actors did a great job and the whole movie moved the trilogy along quite well. The love scenes seemed a little forced, but that's no big deal when looking at the big picture. Finally seeing the super swordsmen Yoda in action was astonishing to say the least. While not being the best of the five on film, Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones is right up there. I definitely can't wait to see this one on the rack in DVD format.