moreso that the original Star Wars fans subcutaneously felt snubbed, as if it were ignoring us and our patronage?^Raise-Eyebrow.
Anyway, given Episode 1 targeted a much younger audience than the one to which I belong, I am unable to critique it fairly, save to say that while it didn't necessarily function well as the contemporary Star Wars I would have preferred personally, it succeeded remarkably well in igniting the Star Wars excitement in a whole new generation.
And ultimately, I can accept living vicariously through the new kids, if I must.
Episode II conversely was far more what I was looking for,
What I liked about AOTC:
1. The Story
Episode II was appealing because it contained numerous compelling or and/or intriguing elements either in themselves or in relation to expanding on the Star Wars characters and universe.
I enjoyed the unfolding mystery and introduction of Sifo-Dyas - (whom Lucas originally nomened Sido-Dyas)
who is this ex Jedi that purportedly ordered the Clone Army? was it a pseudonym and play on words for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aka The Emperor aka Darth Sidious? (Sido-Dyas - Sidious? - Ed)
Why did Yoda and Mace Windu exchange a surprised/disturbed look on hearing Sifo-Dyas' name?
Who altered the inter-stellar records in order to mask the location of Kamino?
is there a traitor in the Jedi-Council? could it be Mace Windu? (as a Jedi he conveniently seems to frequently be unable to feel the presence of the dark side, and often gives misleading or incorrect information)
In addition to the Space-Operatic epic traditional Science-Fantasy unfolding mystery and elements,
Other items I enjoyed:
2. The FX and the Darker Atmosphere - it's ILM top of the line, nuff said.
3. Boba Fett - the kid was very well cast - with a level of inherent cool'osity en par with Lucas' original trilogy slick casting of Solo and Lando.
4. The Rain Planet Kamino and the Kaminoans - very nicely and effectively done culminating in a satisfying Fett vs Kenobi tete-a-tete sequence.
5. Much Blade Runner influence throughout and that werks fer me.
6. Darth Tyranus - aka Count Dooku aka Christopher Lee - again, great casting, oozes menace - metaphorically felt as if lightening were flashing in the background everytime he appeared.
7 and 8. The Jedi Arena Battle and Yoda wielding a Light Saber - the former could have been better choreographed for greater impact but was none the less enjoyable, the latter was a blast.
The Less Impressive Side:
Digital film - There were several times during the film that I was taken out of the film because of the inferior grainy quality of some images.
Looking forward to seeing it in full digital glory on DVD.
I had no problems with the acting in the falling-in-love-scenes, my problem would be that it's virtually the only place that Hayden's performance is compelling.
The Future Darth Vader *whining* was probably the biggest faux-pas here, it's unacceptable, grating and (unfortunately) unforgetable/stands out.
Anakin decapitating and slaughtering the sand-people, (women, children and all) in retaliation for the death of his mother was however an impressively written and emotionally impacting sequence that fully and Star Wars resoundingly establishes the pivotal moment in his decent towards the dark side.
It foreshadows and harkens back (forward actually - Ed) to Yoda and Obi-Wan's training of Luke, "once you give in to the dark side, forever will it dominate your destiny" and brings things-Vader full circle.
All in all, I found Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones to be a good Star Wars, one that breaks into original trilogy ranks for me, given that I'd rank it as superior to Return of the Jedi <-- which borrowed too heavily from previous Star Wars for my liking.
Ultimately I found AOTC an enjoyable Epic Star Wars Science-Fantasy film.
Given that's what I wanted, I left pleased.
----- Michael Xavier Maelstrom, The Avante Guardian, TAG.
M o n t r e a l, Q u e b e c, C a n a d a, E a r t h, S o m e t i m e s.
Summary: Georgy better get his act together for episode three
Review: absolute crap. there are no words bad enough to describe this movie. First of all, once again lucas chose a horrid actor for anakin. Natalie Portman cannot act to save her life. These critiques are coming from someone who enjoyed episode I except for the actor who played anakin, and jar jar binks. Now, the battle scene and the arena fight were good. But the lightsaber duel was bad. Now i did enjoy yoda's lightsaber duel, but, people in the theater were laughing. Youre not supposed to laugh at a Star Wars movie, plain and simple.
Summary: Attack of the "Star Wars" lame clones!
Review: This is dull...period! Star Wars episode 2 sadly ,but truly isn't a vast improvment of the most disappoining Episode 1. Granted, George Lucas did excellent with his brilliant effects ,but he can't hide in a corner when his actors aren't doing there best. Especally the "pritty boy" Aniken. He ...!both him and Senator Amadalla WEREN'T BELIVABLE!!!!
This movie is filled with lazy script work and carboard charactors. The only thing that helped this movie was its ending(the ending was excellent!)and the great performances by Ewan Mcgregor,Christopher Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and especially Yoda. I think it is about time George Lucas stops directing and give it up to a better director(what about your Indiana Jones buddy, Steven!)So bottom line, not too impressed with Episode 2 ,but Dvd maybe worth it with all of the special features. And not excited to see Episode 3 if this is what you'll get. I'd rather see the rest of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings series!
(Actually 2 1/2 stars)
Summary: The magic is back! May the force be with you...
Review: Like many others, I was dissappointed with The Phantom Menace and felt that movie was a menace to the Star Wars franchise.Episode 2-Attack of the Clones has all of the fun of the original Star Wars. Magnificient special effects. Good vs evil and good becomes evil. Somehow, the young Darth Vader is pretty much as I imagined him; restless, a showboater, more than slightly over ambitious and insubordinate to Obe Wan.Good movie for adults and kids. I am looking forward to episode 3.
Summary: AWESOME!
Review: I thought that Star Wars Episode 2: AOTC was sooo good. I think they had the perfect cast to play Anakin, Padme, Obi Won, etc. The special effects were cool. I can't wait till Episode 3 comes out in 2005!
Summary: Here comes the Dark Side.
Review: For anyone making a movie, the hardest thing in the world is making a prequel and keeping everyone happy. I think Lucas has come through with SWII. For anyone who is a Star Wars fan or just a movie buff, once im thru, you will see what I mean. To create a prequel especially once as popular and often replayed as the SW trilogy, you have to maintain a certain aura of antiquity. Remember that this is the past you cant have vehicles and ships running around that are better than the X wing, Star destroyers and such. You can't introduce new technology or craft or weapons because a mistake like that can ruin a movie. The continuity of the SW universe has to be maintained. Another thing is that alot of people complained "why can't he make it like Empire Strikes Back." If you were paying attention to the movie, you would notice that he pretty much used the same formula with some upgrades here and there. Others complained that the computer graphics were horrid. Let me ask, do you really want to see claymation? If so watch Gumby! This movie was well done. The story line allowed you to identify, attach, or familiarize yourself with Anakin. It gives more meaning to the character so you feel for him especially in light of whats to come. Remember, the whole SW saga is about Anakin...his discovery, emergence as a Jedi, fall into the Dark Side and finally his redemption. "do or do not, there is no try."
Summary: George, you're killing your own franchise !!
Review: I have to say that I was very disappointed with this last installment of the Star Wars Saga. I was soo looking forward to this movie and I was let down so bad. I felt that "Clones" was a rehash of "Phantome Menace", except for more elloborate fight scenes. Where do I begin ?? The beginning scenes in Coriscant reminded me of the futuristic set of AI. If you noticed, when Obi Wan goes searching for an assasin in a bar it's full of humans !! Hold on a second, wasn't the Star Wars Universe supposed to have a multitude of aliens ?? It was such a big thing for George Lucas to have aliens that he openely stated that he felt that the original STAR WARS cantina scenes could have benefited from MORE aliens. His dream came true when he did RETURN OF THE JEDI and added so many aliens. What a contrast from STAR WARS. Sooo what happened now ?? I felt the movie was piggy backing on other sci fi movies and didn't provide anything original. The acting and plot was shallow and lifeless, I didn't care too much about anybody. What really saved this movie was the special effects. However, we have all been in an asteriod field before and the jedi starfighter with hyperdrive module reminded me of Deep Space Nine. What really killed it for me was how vulnerable the all powerful Jedi where. Did you see how many jedis where laid to rest fighting those insect like creatures ?? And Yoda fighting with Count Dooku did it for me. Yoda flipping around making funny kung fu poses reminded me if Miss Piggy dueling with a lightsaber. Please !! Yoda is more than that, he's mental not physical. Christopher Lee's character was so underdeveloped, he was capable of so much was Jango Fett. The only scene that was true to the Star Wars Saga was when Jango Fett and Obi Wan duke it out in the landing platform. Up to this point, from a character point of view, I don't see Anakin being of interest to the Emperor. He's reckless and stupid, plus he gets his hand chopped off and can't hold his own with Count Dooku. Is this really the person that is going to wipe out the Jedi? I think not. I wouldn't bother recruiting Anakin as a Sith Lord. The only competant soul in this whole STAR WARS Universe is Obi Wan. My advice to George Lucas is to get off the horse and let someone else steer your franchise. Make me love STAR WARS again.
Summary: Amazing Chemistry and Great Fighting Sequences
Review: I haveto start out by saying if i could give this movie 500+ stars i definitley would. This is the best star wars movie i have seen so far. The chemistry between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman makes it seem like they are actually in love,i dont see why else GL would have hired Hayden if he didnt see the chemistry between them. Yodas fight scene,something that seemed almost impossible when a new hope was released,has wowed us all. This is the time when you can definitley picture Anakin becoming darth vader,he underwent the great loss of his mother,and he justs needs that final push to make him compleetly evil. Obi Wan seems to know this,but has not lost faith in him,yet. The jedi council has clouded visions about whats going on the galaxy,and even though it seems unlikey,only the sith could be behind it. Count Dooku is an excellent villain ,he escapes right when you think hes over with.
Summary: My favorite movie!
Review: Hey, you guys! This a great movie! I would highly suggest buying it. I've already sen it twice in theatres, and it is one of my favorites! The action, romance, and suspense make Attack of the Clones another exciting addition to the Star Wars saga. Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, and Samuel L. Jackson make a great team and bring this movie to life!