Rating:  Summary: ONE STAR FOR NEW LINE..!! Review: I'm rating one star for NEW LINE marketing strategy, not for the content of this movie, that is marvellous. The fact is that I live in Latin America, and NEW LINE will not release this special edition around here, due to fear tha sales will not make worth the costs.... What a shame. You must think: "Why don't you import it?" Well, the exhange-rate of the currency of my country, more the import taxs, in relation to dollar make it virtually impossible for me... Enjoy it, you that can do it....
Rating:  Summary: can't please everyone Review: What I wanted - a special edition DVD that allowed me to watch the original theatrical version AND the extended version. I like both; they're very different movies and both work well for different reasons. I waited to buy the extended version, but now I think I'll have to buy the theatrical version too. I think this would have suited almost everyone, except the film studios of course, they must be making a small fortune out of these multiple release DVD's.
Rating:  Summary: The standard for all special edition DVDs Review: It is impossible to watch the complete 4-disc set of this extended edition of "The Fellowship of the Ring" without a sense of awe - and a big, wide smile. And while this may not be the best movie of all time, one could argue from the two behind-the-scenes DVDs, that it is, indeed, the greatest piece of filmmaking ever. Hundreds have spoken already of the merits of the movie simply as the realization of Tolkien's writings. But the true power of this extended edition is not so much the first two DVDs' added thirty minutes of scenes unseen in the theatrical release (that do flesh out the story even further), but the last two discs. Simply said, they are the finest "making of" pieces I have ever watched. Everything a film buff would want to know can be found on the final two DVDs. The gift of this extended version provides us with insights into virtually every aspect of the movie. You get background on Tolkien himself, the genesis of the film project, script insights, actor commentaries, hours of brilliant visual and sound effects background info, staggering props work... well, the list goes on and on. Always astonishing, these two DVDs are simply worth the cost of this set apart from the movie itself. So complete is this background that one almost feels qualified to helm an epic like this. I thought I knew quite a bit about moviemaking, but this set put it all into perspective, and to be honest, my jaw was still on the floor when these two DVDs ran their course. How this movie didn't cost close to a billion dollars to make is beyond me, and I believe, will be beyond anyone who sees this set. For those that have seen "Fellowship", this 4-disc set will do something that few other sets of this type will do: you will get that tingle down your back and that pull in your chest that will make a second viewing of the movie itself pure myrrh. Think of the movie as a sumptuous meal accentuated by the background discs - the perfectly matching wines. Everything is enhanced; the sum is better than the parts. As for the movie on the first two DVDs, the transfer is beautiful. "Attack of the Clones" boasts of being a full digital to digital transfer, but "Fellowship of the Ring" is easily its equal, though simply film to digital. A splendid job. Thankfully, with this many hours of film and background to wade through, the navigation design for the DVDs is excellent - clear, simple, and obvious. Navigation designers can take a tip from the work here - "K.I.S.S." Lastly, this is the best sounding movie transfer I have ever heard. The DVDs are packed with sound options and even a casual listener can tell the difference. Mark this one as THE test DVD for your latest sound system. In short, this is a mind-boggling package. If you wish to own the first film in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, it would be foolish to buy any lesser DVD transfer out there. And at this price for the extended edition, purchasing anything less would not only be foolish, but criminal, too.
Rating:  Summary: Great film, Out-of-this-world DVD collection Review: -MOVIE- "The Fellowship of the Ring" was absolutely incredible. Very true to the book in most places, it simply blew me away when I saw it. The story has always been a favorite of mine, and I had high hopes for this film. It was thought that a live-action Lord of the Rings was impossible, but Director Peter Jackson has certainly suceeded in bringing it to life. The astounding special effects highlight and enhance the world of Middle-Earth in ways that they could not have just a few years ago. While a bit long and tedious, it is arguably one of the best films in recent years. The DVD format only makes it all the more impressive. The image and sound enhancements are great to experience. The 30 minutes of extra footage not only add to the story, but they allow you to see some other characters more in-depth than you could in the Theatrical version. I find that the original version flows a little better, but I also find myself drawn to the Extended edition because of those little additions that will become more important later on. -SPECIAL FEATURES- All I can say is "Wow." Two discs filled with documentaries. To some people this material is completely worthless. Well, watching these features helps you gain a much better understanding of Middle-Earth, the planning, the shooting, and the visual effects. The two documentaries that I especially liked were "The Fellowship of the Cast" and "A Day in the Life of a Hobbit." In these two features, the castmembers share their experiences on and off the set throughout the months of filming. If you like these, then the Cast Audio Commentary is also fun to listen to. It doesn't stop there. These discs are filled with a truckload of stuff that takes hours to watch. Even if you find the documentaires and "Making Of" features on DVDs boring, you just may want to watch some of these. Overall, this is one of the greatest DVD collections ever put on the shelves. Perhaps THE greatest.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of The Rings - Extended Version Review: ASIN B000067DNF I have been waiting anxiously for the extended version release. When I saw it at the theater I thought it was the movie of the decade. The movie held true to my imagination and the scenery in the film was astonishing. When viewing the newly released extended version I was truely disappointed. The widescreen extended version released in both CD and VHS format aspect ratio is done at 2:35:1; the smallest widescreen compression currently made. The viewable portion lost is about one half. To watch such a beautiful scenic movie even on our 50 inch big screen televsion was terrible. I cound only imagine what it would look like on a regular televison set.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings - Extended Version Platinum Edition Review: I have been waiting anxiously for the extended version release. When I saw it at the theater I thought it was the movie of the decade. The movie held true to my imagination and the scenery in the film was astonishing. When viewing the newly released extended version I was truely disappointed. The widescreen extended version released in both CD and VHS format aspect ratio is done at 2:35:1; the smallest widescreen compression currently made. The viewable portion lost is about one half. To watch such a beautiful scenic movie even on our 50 inch big screen televsion was terrible. I cound only imagine what it would look like on a regular televison set.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Review: Even though a lot of people didn't rate it the highest it is the highest it has great action a nd a little bit of everything it has:friendship, action, magic, comedy, and much much more I think it is a movie for the family and I advise you to buy it!
Rating:  Summary: The "star wars" of our generation. Review: When going into this film, many of the younger viewers had never even heard of the books, much less read them. However, Peter Jackson does such an extraordinary job of drawing people into this masterful adaptation of JRR Tolkien's classic trilogy, that it's hard to not fall in love with beloved characters like the extremely lovable and loyal Samwise Gamgee. The special effects in this film (i.e. Rivendell; the cave troll) put even the best to shame, and Jackson's devotion to the books is incredible and makes the film come to life even more. The fact that he actually took the time to construct the set for Hobbiton and let it germinate for a year boggles the mind. In the words of Christoper Lee: "Middle-earth exists, and it is New Zealand." My prediction: Fellowship of the Ring will be hailed for years to come as one of the most beloved and well-made films to come out of Hollywood. Bravo Mr. Jackson.
Rating:  Summary: Excelent DVD collection for a excelent film Review: The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring is a movie in which people had been waiting for for years. The book has been hailed as the ultimate fantasy ever, and now it comes to life in a way that nobody ever thaught possible. Nobody ever thaught that the technology would ever be good enough to bring the amazing effects that J. R. R. Tolkien described. He described events and places so amazingly, and descriptivly, that many thaught the world of middle earth could never be brought to life. But it has been done. The whole series of is three movies long, that dont give u a re-cap of the previos movies. Therefor if you havent sen the movie in thetures, you have to buy or rent it. The story is so complicated, and so based on the finnest details that you cannot simply walk into the next one and completlt understand it. The next move, The two towers, is the middle of the series. Whereas in the first movie, you start to understand the quest of the ring, The two towers is where a lot of the action begins. There is a huge battle, one in which the evil sauromon plans to wipe out mankind. The battle is huge, and definatly a highlite of the movie. But if you didnt even make an effort to seeing the first one, there certinaly is no point in seeing the secound one. But there are two DVD sets. One, is the basic two disk set. Very basic, with some special features. Then there is the new special edition box set. In thi sone, there are acually four DVD's, and much more special features, which will explain the making of the movie, music, cast and more. And belive me, after seeing the movie, you are going to want to see the special features and the making of the film. There are acually more in the movie on the specila edition box set. There are scenes which didnt appear in the movie at first in the theture version and the normal DVD version. They are scenes in which are not to be missed, for thwy are very interesting. I dont even understand why they took it out of the movie, but if they didnt, the movie would be about four hours. This DVD is a great gift, and if you or someone you know hasnt seen the firt one yet, they will definalty want to see it so that not to miss out on the secound one, which will certinaly be even better then the first.
Rating:  Summary: Magical Review: The greatest fantasy film ever made. Period. No arguments. Eclipsing the works of Lucas and Spielberg, Jackson has made a cinematic feat that will live forever. The entire world of Middle Earth comes alive with terrific performances from everyone involved and stunning visuals. It simply gets better with each viewing. The emotional involvement of the characters make this film all the more compelling. No one will forget the beautiful beginning scenes of the Shire, nor the exciting, but terrible trek through the Mines of Moria. Highly recommended.