Rating:  Summary: A film that does justice to a monumental classic Review: It seems almost impossible, but Peter Jackson's film of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" achieves the very sense of the first book of in Tolkien's trilogy. In addition, it covers, cleverly, the events of "The Hobbit" by having Bilbo Baggins begin the film, writing his memoirs on the eve of his farewell party in The Shire. This is just one example of how the screenwriters were able to merge so much expository information into the limited time available during a film. The scenery is nothing short of amazing; this IS The Shire, looking like a fairy version of pastoral England (filmed in New Zealand, however) and the hobbit lodges are cleverly constructed. The camera and sets trick your eye into seeing the hobbits as halflings next to the normal sized Gandalf the Wizard. Later on in the film, computer graphics help to create monumental battle scenes against the Orcs and Wraiths. The only problem is that these scenes tend to drag, and even though this is a magical story, fifty or so Orcs against the Nine of the Fellowship seems a bit hard to accept on the screen. And it is all too apparent that the filmmakers chose to slow the pace down when they went for a trilogy rather than a single film for the entire Lord of the Rings cycle. This makes the second half of the film, on the second DVD, a bit slow and dreary--especially as it is filmed predominantly in gray tones rather than the bright colors of The Shire. You will need a bit of "sitzfleisch" (patience) to sit through the second half. This is just quibbling, however. The script and the actors are amazing, the special effects and computer graphics dramatic and true to the book. Elijah Woods as Frodo never fails to capture the screen with his unearthly looks and fine acting. Sir Ian McKellen's Gandalf is just right--he doesn't dominate Frodo, but supports him ably. We are treated to a host of marvelous cast members, from Liv Tyler as Arwen, Sean Bean (Sharp's Rifles) as Boromir, Cate Blanchett as the unearthly elf queen Galadriel, Hugo Weaving ("The Matrix") as Elrond well, I could go on but the cast is just perfect in every choice. "The Fellowship of the Ring" is a monumental achievement in film and will win over even those who are not fans of Tolkien. Now, to the extras: the bio of Tolkien is a must-see. His childhood in Birmingham, England and his education at Oxford give important background into how he was able to create such a complete mythical world, with language, alphabet and sagas. His moral take on The Ring as a symbol of humanity's choice to follow Evil is enlightening. The interviews with the script writers is equally interesting. All in all, DISC 4: "From Vision to Reality" is an important adjunct to viewing the film. I wasn't a particular Tolkien fan, though I read the books as a child. I really now am interested in Tolkien, and this film did more than justice to a monumental classic.
Rating:  Summary: What a great value! Review: I must admit that the first time I saw Lord of the Rings, I fell asleep.. assuming that my falling asleep meant I didn't like the movie, I didn't attempt to watch it again until I saw this DVD set and figured it was a great value for the price. WOW, what I missed! I'm glad that I never actually saw the original theatrical version, because this extended version of the film is true to the book I knew and loved as a kid. While 4 DVD's seems like a lot to watch (and you probably WON'T watch them all in one sitting) there is just so much out there to see. This was truly one of the most ambitious theatrical projects ever taken on, and the extra DVD's provide so much background on the story, the people involved in making the film (a cast and crew of thousands!) and the intricate attention to detail in every sword, costume and setting. There are extensive interviews with the director, the producers, stars, artists and screenwriters and they all give their take on why the story and the film were so important. For a few dollars (and a few hours) more, you really can get a fuller experience from the first installment of the film, and it makes the second film that much more enjoyable. Can't wait for the third installment. Overall, a great investment and a must for any fan of this amazing cinematic experience.
Rating:  Summary: On a roll Review: Peter Jackson had a good idea when he relased the Special Extended Edition of The Fellowship of the Ring. Some of the additional scenes make the movie more compelling. For instance, Frodo and Sam watch a group of Elves go off into the after life, and Sam feels sadness in watching this. Also, the scene that shows Merry and Pippin fighting the Urak-Hai (spelling?) alongside Boromir before he is pierced by three arrows is more compelling. In the original theatrical release, they're just standing there watching him die, making it look like they're cowards. So, I was glad to see this footage added to that combat scene. Finally, the hours of additional background information provided in discs three and four give you an appreciation for what Peter Jackson and his crew had to do to bring this storyline to the big screen. In summary, the Special Extended Edition of Fellowship of the Ring is first rate, and I hope this carries over to the other movies when they're released on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie! Review: I have to admit, I've never read any of the LOTR books. Now that I've seen the first movie, I think I will start them soon. The first time I watched the movie, I couldn't understand most of it. The second time I watched it, I really liked it! The costumes are nice and the scenery is beautiful. The actors who played the characters were perfect for their parts. My favorite characters would have to be Legolas and Arwen. Another thing I *really* liked about the movie was the music. I especially like the ending title, 'May It Be' sung by Enya.
Rating:  Summary: Theatrical release disappointing Review: I am very familiar with the material, have read the books many times, including the Silmarillion (the sign of a true Tolkien fan!) I don't understand how anyone could say the theatrical release was true to the original book. I expect them to change a lot of the story, but in several places they mangled the story. First, the fireworks scene where Pippen and Merry set of the fireworks and are left with soot on their faces! Horribly written scene, since it seemed more like the three stooges than Tolkien, not to mention the fact that they would have received 3rd degree burns for their effort! There are many other problems with the first half of the movie, especially the Council of Elrond, since they had nothing to really hold a council about by that time (anyone who's read the book knows the council is as much about the fate of Middle Earth as the ring, although the two are connected. There just isn't much to discuss here, leaving it almost superfluous. They should have left something to discuss, such as Saruman's betrayal, instead of showing it earlier in the movie.) Boromir actually licked his lips when he saw the ring (to demonstrate his greed) as if he were looking at a steak! Beginnings are very important to me, since they pull you into the story, and even though the second half is much, much better, I was already disappointed by that time. BUT READ ON . . . don't buy the first DVD release! Buy the extended version Director's Cut! It makes up for almost all the problems I've stated above and is so much better that I would rate it 3 1/2 stars instead of 2 (it would get 4 except that stupid fireworks scene is still there.) I have never seen a DVD release that was so incredibly better than the theatrical release that is almost a different movie. And since Two Towers is already a great experience in the theaters, I can't wait for the Director's Cut of the second movie!
Rating:  Summary: for those who can't get enough Review: I was very pleased with the theatrical release of this movie- it was beautifully filmed, perfectly cast, and remained true to the novel. Some people thought it was a little long and slow at times, but not me. I was completely satisfied with the movie and then I saw the extended version, which pleased me even more. The additional footage is sprinkled throughout the movie and I found it entertaining and amusing. I particularly enjoyed the addition of Gandalf's grumpy but humorous dialog with the Hobbits. The additional footage adds about a half hour to the length of the movie, but it is not fatiguing at all. If you want to own a copy of the "Fellowship" then get this version.
Rating:  Summary: The best extras on DVD ever! Review: I actually watched every minute of every disc and I can't wait to do it again. Wonderful packaging too.
Rating:  Summary: Great DVD to your collection Review: Great movie alltogether! The hobbits,dwarves,elves ect. look so strange and different! Absolutely a great part to your collection
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended Review: I loved this movie so much! I've never read the books (I'm more into American literature than British), but contrary to some opinions, I was able to appreciate the film anyway. Good vs. evil. Mythical creatures. Swordfights. What's not to love? I also enjoyed the documentaries on the DVD. They can be a little repetitive if one watches them sequentially, but they are very informative and the shots of New Zealand are breathtaking.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best motion pictures I've ever seen... period. Review: Let me start off with an introduction. I love films. I am 28 and I love this medium. I grew up loving the original "Star Wars" trilogy. The orignal trilogy made me feel awe and magic in front of the silver screen. The newer Star Wars films I looked forward to very enthusiastically, that was until I witnessed the first five minutes of Episode 1 a few years back. What a let down. Terrible film. I thought I should give up on the hope that I would ever again feel the awe and magic that the orignal trilogy had made me feel so long ago. I began to think that it only made me feel so great because I was a kid, and I just couln't suspend my disbelief in the movies the way I did back then. Then, all of a sudden "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is released, and my girlfriend takes me to it for my birthday. I am awestruck. This movie is incredible. Not only that, but I proclaim to her that is is the most amazing movie I have ever seen. This movie single handedly restored my faith in movie studios to fund a film that was worthy of me paying good money to see. I just went to see "The Two Towers" and it is just as incredible. So far, this is hands down the best movie series I have ever witnessed, and this extended edition DVD does its best to satiate the cravings I hold for wanting to know everything about it. Peter Jackson is a genius director who is not afraid to take risks. The film is perfectly cast, and I almost never use the word perfect. I am stunned, and I know that no matter how many times I see this film, I will always hold it in the highest of regards. Another astonishing thing is how poor it makes other Hollywood big-budget films look. Even the renowned Spielberg would have watered this down too much. Anyhow, if you liked the movie, this edition is worth the extra money. The restored sequences are seemless, and only make the movie better. They are not outakes that were made because they were flawed. They were only removed for timing limitations. I now know that I don't have to hope "Star Wars Episode 3" is good. The fact is... I no longer care. I have "The Lord of the Rings!" Enjoy.