Rating:  Summary: "Arrows cost money. The dead cost nothing." Review: This is truly one of the most inspired films to come out in the last ten years. Mel Gibson has double-duty here as lead actor and director and acquits himself admirably at both. His performance is so heart-felt that many times during the film I was impassioned to cry out with the collective shouting of his men. He also uses nuance in the more intimate scenes between characters, using glances and gestures to propell the story. His acting is just one of the many splendid performances in this epic; and all the other actors feed off Mel Gibson's passion. His direction is also incredible for a first film, and it is remarkable how ambitious an undertaking this is. All concerned with the making of this spledid film should be congratulated. The costumes are extravagant and glow with authenticity, the art direction and set designs are all meticulously crafted, while the greatest star of this film is cinematographer John Toll. His work here recieved the Oscar for Best Cinematography, which made him a back-to-back recipient of the award, having won the previous year for "Legends of the Fall." The photography here is stunning and captures all the beauty of the landscape, and the subtlety of character emotion equally well. John Toll has continued to garner recognition for more recent work, including another Oscar nomination in 1998 for "The Thin Red Line." Another notable behind-the-scenes collaborator is screenwriter Randall Wallace. His writing is excellent, with impressionable, quotable dialogue and incredibly memorable lines that I've heard many times over in the years since this film's theatrical release. While I could nitpick and point out some obvious film editing flaws, those flaws are negligible when compared to the inspiration with which this film absolutely sparkles. This film has everything: romance, tyranny, hope, betrayal, epic battles with intense realism, love, passion, wit, and loyalty. This is an extraordinary film. Not altogether perfect, but perfectly inspired.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made... Review: I truly didn't realize how great a movie this was. I saw the end and didn't feel emotion until I watched the whole thing. The film is truly moving from start to finish. The ending is spectacular, and Mel Gibson plays an awesome character. Things happen that are really awesome. Wallace takes revenge. It isn't just a "Well, let's take the prejudice and make the viewer feel terrible." William Wallace stands up to the English and decides to fight for freedom.Epic from start to finish. 5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Do We Know Better? Review: Who is William Wallace? He is Scotlands National Hero,there is even a statue in his honor at the field of Stirling Bridge.This was one of the two most major engagemnts fought against the english in which William Wallace was commander of the forces of Scotlands army.The other major fight was at Falkirk which was a disservice to honor and glory and in truth was to allow for the subsequent martydom of William Wallace.In the film Braveheart,liberties are taken with history so that what we are asked to consider is in fact a motion picture and not an attempt to tell history with a historical purpose.I would recommend to anyone wishing to know better,to go to Scotlands national web site and there you will find a good deal of factual information about the life and history of both William Wallace and the nation of Scotland.It is of worth noting that the archives could not verify the claims made in this picture which sought to take the very heart out of the marraige vow,with an edict that allowed for the compelling motivation of war.In a manner of speaking this is very nearly baseless showboating and what makes this so very difficult to get out of the way of is that this is a very violent film with so much political rhetoric that the emotion just sort of grabs you,to me this is unfortunate.The film though is correct about a few things and that Wallace was betrayed at Falkirk by the underclass which ruled from behind closed doors.This underclass,if you will, is referred to, as the nobility.There ties where to there lands and titles which had been given to them by the Crown of England.They sought to protect there interests by betraying this very brave man in William Wallace.Though these are but a thousand words William Wallace deserves better and you will find honest information elsewhere.It may not be a popular opinion but to me Braveheart is a dishonest film and it does have the distinction of wining a best picture Oscar.However it will keep your attention and perhaps like it did to me,provide the reader with motivation to know who this William Wallace really is,and better yet you might be able to get out from under the problems mentioned and learn something about the politics of the silver screen.There are so many items that were this to be possible, you would find a different result if in fact the truth as to history and the truth as to Braveheart were written that what is perceived at present would differ considerably with what would be the truth.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful Review: i am a huge fan of mel gibson's work and i always have been. this is my favorite one of his films. he is an amazing director and actor. this will always be to me one of the best films of all time. its a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: An Epic Historical Story That Will Rattle Your Mind. . . Review: Mel Gibson delivers a stunning performance as William Wallace in 'Braveheart', a tale of loyalty and courage. When we first see William, he is shown as a young boy, growing up on a farm with his father and brother in a persecuted Scotland. But when they are both killed in a squabble with the tyranncial english, William goes to live with his uncle, away from his homeland and all that he loves. He returns some years later, now a grown man and skilled fighter. But war is not his intention. He means to settle down and raise a family, and finds a wife in his childhood sweetheart. They are married in secret (BEWARE, there is an innapropiate scene on their wedding night). But when his wife is brutally murdered by the English, William is compelled to war and marches off to fight with his fellow noblemen, gathering an army as he goes. The Scottish people are encouraged by the actions of this brave commoner, and valiently rally behind him. But the 'nobles' of Scotland are in the way. They are constantly trying to avoid war and 'make peace' with Britain. But that won't do. England must be defeated, or else Scotland will never taste what she really needs. . .freedom. Beautifully acted on all sides, and featuring incredible landscapes, this movie is very moving. Not only that, but the emotional side of the story is compelling as well. We are constantly feeling for William throughout his journey, and he is easy to root for. We are shown the magnitude of what he is fighting for, displayed again by Mel Gibson's performance (I know I keep saying that). P.S. Not to get political here, but did you notice that such movies as this and 'The Lord of the Rings' clearly show that evil cannot be assosiated with. You cannot make peace with evil. It will either be allowed to conquer, or it must be completely destroyed. There is no inbetween.
Rating:  Summary: A Favorite In My House Review: we see it everytime it is on the air, watch the DVD over and over again. Though it isn't historically accurate, what a movie! Makes me proud to have Scottish blood in my lineage! And I can't say enough about Mel Gibson and Angus MacFadyen, both great in this movie and super hot!
Rating:  Summary: The heart of a man compacted into 3 hours! Review: I think this is a great movie...I remember watching it when it was released in 1995, but I didn't remember much of the movie (being so young). Anyway, I watched it again and it took me by storm. This movie shows the emotion and heart of a man in such a short time. You'll learn to love and hate characters and also end up in tears...this is the only movie that made me actually tear up...very sad heh. However, this movie (in a way) gives you hope and helps you stand up against your demons...Great acting, story, characters and direction! Gibson did a good job.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing... Review: This is a big epic movie that tells the story of the uncompromisable William Wallace. The imagery is breath taking and the acting is inspiring. Just wish that more elements of Wallaces life was included in the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Braveheart Rocks! Review: Braveheart is a great film. Although some argue that this is not historical fact. I did not go to see Braveheart for it's historical factors, and although I find "William Wallace" interesting figure in history, this movie was awesome for what is was. It is violent and I would not recommend children to be allowed to watch it at home but, the musical score itself is breathtaking and the scenery in the background is beautiful. The camera work was beautiful and it basks in every emotion possible. Love, fear, patrotism, hate, self-doubt... ect... I enjoyed this film very much and later I also bought the soundtrack and enjoy it very much also.
Rating:  Summary: Freedom Review: Braveheart is a superb epic directed by and starring Mel Gibson. Gibson does a wonderful job handling themes of love, passion, loyalty, betrayal, self-sacrifice and remorse. The scenery is breathtaking. Having been shot on location in Scotland despite the weather lends an air of realism to the picture not often seen today. A historical story not well known, it is a tribute to those who were willing to sacrifice everything in hopes of regaining their heritage. Sophie Marceau does an excellent job as does Gibson. Winner of Best Director (Gibson) and Best Picture this is a must see epic, however this film does require a certain degree of concentration to completely understand the story.