Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: Characters really come to life in this movie and the special effects are so brilliantly done as to bring the viewer into their own little fantasy and doesn't shake you loose until the very end. Excellent movie. Much Much Better than the "other one" that was quite a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Ever Review: This was a wonderful movie! I read the book, and even though in some parts the movie was a little different from the book, it was a lot closer than I thought it would be. Everything was how you imagined it would be, the hobbits looked like hobbits, the Orcs looked a little too close for my liking, creepy, but how I imagined them. The movie was filled with suspense, and there were so many details, I remembered things I had forgotten from the book. This movie was done so well, I really recomend you to see it.
Rating:  Summary: just right Review: Its hard to imagine a more perfect rendition of any book. Things explicit in the book appear exactly as imagined, things that were left to the imagination (the Balrog for example) are even better, and just right. Couple of nit-picks: 1) would have liked a more thorough introduction to Boromir, Legolas and Gimli. Bilbo knows Gimli's father, and knows Legolas' kin, yet they don't have a scene together. To digress, one strength of LOTR is its exploration of different cultures (a big failing of H Potter BTW, where non-'muggles' are pretty much interchangeable). When Gimli shouts "I will die before seeing it in the hands of an elf!" Some people are going to be lost. But then, this is definitely a movie for those who have read the book, and know the characters weren't born the day before the story starts - the road goes ever on. 2) There are some severe time compressions, the most noticeable is after Caradhras - "we have to go back" / "well, here we are at Moria." Three hours was not enough. But these are minor things. This is a great movie! The hobbits are a good blend of age and innocence, and Ian McKellen's Gandalf is absolutely perfect - Gandalf the grey, the wanderer with no posessions and many burdens. I always thought the paintings of Gandalf on the book covers made him look too pretty, the 'real' Gandalf would be more tramp-like. When he is clinging to the broken bridge, and speaks the three words we all know are coming, yet mean so much more, my kids had tears on their cheeks. And they weren't the only ones. See it, read the book again, and see it again.
Rating:  Summary: More Than I expected! Review: When I first heard of this movie I was worried about the rating. I detest violence. However I was suprised. The gore waas spread out, which made it pretty watchable. That wasn't all, though. The actors were absolutly perfect, especialy Gandalf.The script was great, and I was just shocked by the special effects, so much so that I just had to by all the books on the making of this movie that I could find. Also, sitting on my desk, are the entire set of Lord Of The Rings action figures™. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS FILM WATCH IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! It's great!
Rating:  Summary: Breathtaking, wonderful rendition of Tolkien's famous story. Review: I think this movie does the book by J.R.R Tolkien justice. It's not perfect, but it is a coherent, flowing adaptation of the novel. You don't have to read the novel to understand the story. Peter Jackson does a magnificent job of bringing Middle Earth to life. Incredible.A little trivia about the movie: 1) The whole film was shot in a continuous 2 year period in New Zealand. 2) The Tolkien family does not support the cinematization of this book. 3) Vigo Mortenson does most of his own stunts in the film. I highly recommend this film. Go watch it!
Rating:  Summary: lord of the movies Review: Amazing. I don't know anythinhg about the lord of the rings I just went to see this movie to see what all the hype was about. Phenomenal. Unbelievable.amazing. This movie is filled with some amazing imagery and some uncanny ideas, I'll tell you right now anyone who doesn't like this movie doesn't have an imagination, and trust me, every person I've met that doesn't like this movie doesn't have an imagination, and are a bunch of know it alls. Well I can't wait for the next two sequels. As my friend said there's alot of deep ideas that need medidating upon, rather that the garbage comedies hollywood put out year after year, I don't need movies to make me laugh, everyday is a riot at work with my employees and friens and family, but I love to talk to them about new ideas in the world and the Lord of the rings is chock full of ideas about good and evil, temptation, integrity, yeah it's a good movie and those who do nothing but complain about it have nothing better to do.
Rating:  Summary: Dang! Review: This is one of the best movies I have and will ever see. The acting was great, and very believable. Elijah Wood... he did A LOT better than I thought he would. This movie in not disappointing in the slightest way. I have seen it three times with my friends and family and I have read all of the books, so trust me. I just hope that the next two movies will be just as great as this one.
Rating:  Summary: Fellowship of the Ring a perfect beginning Review: I had never read the trilogy before I went to see the movie. I had read the Hobbit. I give credit to the production team o this Epic Film. The landscapes are outstanding. From the moment you enter the Shire you are taken away to the world Tolkien describes. After seeing the movie I immediately went out to get the books to make sure I would not miss the tiniest detail. Tolkien put a lot of work into his novels by describing every detail and Peter Jackson does a wonderful job of bringing it to life. Ian Mckellan is the perfect actor for Gandalf there could be no better choice. The Hobbits are all played well Elijah Wood does a wonderful job of Frodo a Hobbit who wants to go on adventures but does not want to leave his beloved home in the shire. Sean Astin as the devoted Sam Gamgee. Although I do not particularly agree with the changes to Pippin and Merry they are well played. The effects in this movie are indescribable. A perfect mixture. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to tell which is real and which is not. The cinematography is perfectly mixed and you can barely believe how well they showed the hobbits as 1 half the size of humans. The score for the film is moving to say the least. You feel the happiness felt while you see the shire you feel the change when you see Mordor. The script is wonderful leaving all the important points in and even adding some stuff that is pure fun. I tell everyone to go see this movie. It is the blockbuster movie of my childhood and it is an epic that noone should miss.
Rating:  Summary: Great!! Review: That movie was the greatest movie I have EVER seen! ... I still say that that was definetely a movie that I could see over and over again, even though it is 3 hours and 10 minutes long. Peter Jackson is a good man, and he obviously has a good imagination and it was a great idea to make the book into a movie. I can't wait till the next one comes out and I hope it will be just as good as the first! I give it 5 stars, and two thumbs way way up. Good Job Peter.
Rating:  Summary: Astonishingly breathtaking Review: ...I went to Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring expecting a remake of the animated Hobbit, but not so. It was so beautiful and moving. I have been captivated by Middle-Earth for years, but it has never felt so -real- before. I was in the Shire. I met Galadriel. I was 5 feet from the battle between Gandalf and the Balrog. One of my favorite aspects is that the characters weren't played by huge Hollywood stars. Elijah Wood was perfect for the role of Frodo, and I am looking forward to seeing how he progresses the character throughout the next 2 installments. There were few discrepancies between the prose and film, but where they were, it did not harm the story. Rather, it expanded on themes that made the movie even more intriguing. (The relationship between Aragorn and Arwen is a perfect example; the book does not tell much of their story) The Fellowship of the Ring is incredible and exquisite. Peter Jackson has found his niche.