Rating:  Summary: Rocky rocks baby! Review: Own this thing, how can you not?, well unless you're Don King or something weird like that, anyway, back to Rocky, this is the best collection ever,BUY THIS COLLECTION, LOVE THIS COLLECTION.
Rating:  Summary: The best Review: Well, what a great early Christmas gift this was! I'm not a movie fan in general but the Rocky series is defintely endearing. 5 of the all-time best movies packaged in one set. Unbeatable. I own the VHS collection, so I'm probably even missing out on a few extras on the DVD set, but I can't complain.Seeing the original Rocky for the first time was incredible. It was a great film to watch, as it allowed me to piece together exactly how much Rocky had changed through the series, going from local Philly fighter to national megastar and back. An excellent ride indeed.
Rating:  Summary: 'Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!' Review: This is the ultimate collection. Actually I bought the region 4 version in NZ. It only comes with 3 covers, but all 5 discs. I love the Rockys. Actually I guess I love them all. Now about each disc. Rocky 1: Special Edition- Great transfer, great movie and great Dolby Digital 5.1 mix. It's a true classic, with everything in it. Great Video Commentary by Stallone. Must Buy! Recommend! Rocky 2- Not very good transfer, still ok though. Sound quality not that good, but like I said about video transfer, it's ok! A good enjoyably film anyway. Rocky 3- A Dolby Digital 5.1 transfer that's ok. I like it, but Eye Of The Tiger doesn't sound in DD 5.1. I can remove the vocals on DD 5.1 discs, but in Rocky III, I can't remove the vocals like in Rocky IV. But an entertaining movie, Excellent! Rocky 4- The best Rocky ever, the best music and I love the song 'Heart's On Fire', I reckon it's the best Rocky theme ever. Great training montages and great last fight. Man I love the music!! Dolby Digital 5.1, thumbs up. Rocky V- I really like this one. Very entertaining, and I don't know why people don't like this one. I reckon it's one of the best Rockys. Great moments in this, and the credits give good memories. It would've been kool if it was Dolby Digital 5.1. About the 1.85:1 ratio: I notice that all the Rockys cut of bits on top and bottom with the black bars. It's because it's the director's vision. But they all have 3 formats, Widescreen, Anamorphic and Full Screen. And I love it.
Rating:  Summary: HIDDEN FEATURETTE ON "ROCKY" DVD!!! Review: As Australia's (and possibly the world's) BIGGEST Rocky Fanatic, I reviewed this pack in January 2001. Now I'm here to tell those of you who didn't know, that there is a hidden featurette on the "Rocky" DVD. When you go to the main screen and the little sequence starts up, wait about 2 to 3 seconds then press "Up" on your DVD remote. You'll then see the an orange "Rocky" title on the top right of the main menu screen. Press "Enter" and a special hidden featurette where the real Sylvester Stallone meets Rocky will begin. To any Rocky Fanatic, this is a gem. It's a great little featurette! Enjoy! ROCKY 4 EVER!!!
Rating:  Summary: His legacy will never die Review: If you don't know who Rocky Balboa is or you have not seen Rocky than you are missing something. In most stories of heros, the hero always wins and it is unrealistic. The Rocky movies do not follow this however. Rocky fights back from every bad thing that can possibly happen to someone, his wife gets sick, his manager dies, he losses his title, his friend is killed in a match, the guy he manages turns on him, he gets brain damage and many other destructive events happen to him. He is the true American dream. Buy this set, you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: "Philadelphia Salutes Its Favorite Son...ROCKY BALBOA!!" Review: I've grown up with the Rocky movies my entire life. My dad was a boxer and still works out at the Upper Darby Boxing Gym. Everytime a Rocky film came out he took me. I don't remember the Original or Part II very well because I was very little, but I do remember my experience with Rocky III. It blew me away! Star Trek II was playing at the same time and after we saw Rocky III a million times my dad saw it. All he could hear was "Eye Of The Tiger" playing in the theater next to him and thinking, "I should've gone to see it again instead". The Rocky Saga is something we in Philly take great pride in. Rocky has always been about "Heart" and "Going the Distance". He has inspired millions with his simple but effective tale of an underdog going against the odds, which is what this city stands for. We always route for the "David" rather than the "Goliath". "Rocky I" is the classic that was hailed by critics and moviegoers alike. The love story between Rocky and Adrian (Talia Shire) is quintessential and is the core of the film itself. Stallone's mannerisms give Rocky the quality of a man people can really identify with, and Sly's writing is topnotch. Simple things, such as feeding his pets ("Heeya go...Heeya ya go. You wanna see your friend, Moby Dick, huh?") just add to the layers of brilliance ("Hey, how'dya spell Del Rio?" "Look it up in the dictionary, Rock!"). I love that after the last fight is over and Adrian is running to him, Rocky goes "Where's your hat?", because that's how into her he really is. The cast is wonderful, the film is a triumph. No movie collector should be without it! "Rocky II" continues the story further. Now married to Adrian, Rocky does his best to make a life for the two of them. The damage he sustained to his eye from the previous fight against Apollo has pushed him out of boxing and into working at a meat factory. But Apollo wants a rematch to prove the first fight was a fluke, and puts the pressure on Rocky to fight. The drama is still there, with a pregnant Adrian, falling into a coma after complications during birth. I love when he's reading and talking to her while she's in the coma...so touching. Sure you know how the big fight is going to end but it doesn't matter. The training montage is great, with kids running with Rocky up the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Strong 2nd effort. "Yo Adrian, I did it!" "Rocky III" keeps things cooking as we witness Rocky's rise to fame and stardom while at the same time losing the killer instinct that gave him the heavywieght title to begin with. Plenty of humor and drama alike, with Rocky fighting pro wrestler, Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan) in a no holds barred fight to the death, only Rocky doesn't know it ("Listen, uhh, after the match, how 'bout if we get a polaroid together, ok?"). The death of Mickey (Burgess Meredith) effects me everytime I see it. The scene was done beautifully by Burgess and Stallone. When I lost someone close to me, I cried the way Rocky cried in that scene, sort of screaming at the same time..."Don't go away!! We've still got more to do!" And when Rocky throws his helmet at his own statue, the message is clear. He thinks he's a fake fighter and has lost his spirit. Mr.T as Clubber Lang is very convincing as Rocky's opponent. With the help of Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), Rocky starts over in the "old school" tradition of training. But it's Adrian who gives him back his spirit. The final fight rocks. Truly Inspiring! "Rocky IV" is a film aimed more toward the male crowd. I say that because the love story, though still present, is not as dominant as it was in subsequent chapters. This one is heavily testosterone laden, with Rocky facing Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) a Russian fighter. Again, the training sequence is great, with Rocky training in the snow and with farm equitment, while Drago trains with state of the art machines (and steroids). Great fight at the end ("I see three of him out there! Hit the one in the middle!"). "Rocky V" is of course the only film in the series not to be a box office success. I personally enjoy the movie, but can understand why most people do not. I mean after all his hard work and fighting, what is Rocky reduced to? He loses all his money (thanks to Burt Young's, Paulie) and has to go back to the old neighborhood. I never really did like this idea. We like to see our heroes happy and successful at the end of their career, and this just isn't the way you want to see Rocky go. However the acting is still quite strong, and having Sage Stallone (Sly's real life son) play Rocky's son was a stroke of genius. With all its flaws, I'm still happy to have it as a part of my Rocky Collection! If you love Rocky, then this Collection is for you. True, it's sad that only the original film has special features, my favorite being Stallone's video commentary. But the picture and sound quality look great. I wish Parts II & IV had cover art on the DVD discs themselves like all the other ones do. And why did they use a picture from Rocky II as the cover art for original Rocky DVD? Miss the english subtitles for parts I, III & V, but that's about it. Really love the box set itself, putting all the cases together gives you the cover of Rocky IV. A great collection! "Go For It!"
Rating:  Summary: The Rocky movies are the greatest ever, but... Review: The Rocky movies are beyond question the greatest movies ever made, they pit a million to one man (Sylvester Stallone) against many different scenarios which he must overcome. Rocky I - Rocky I is my favorite of the 5 movies. It is a story about Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), a club fighter from Philadelphia who is offered a million to one shot to take on the world heavyweight champion of the world (Apollo Creed). Many people can look beyond the fighting and see that Rocky is not only a great fight movie, but a great love story, and a movie which gives hope to all the people in Rocky's place. Rocky II - Rocky II is a very good movie, but does not match up to the first Rocky movie. The fighting continues, the love continues, and the hope continues. After being taunted by a flamboyant Apollo Creed who wants to prove to the world he really did win against Rocky, Rocky feels the only thing to do is fight. However, with problems at home, Rocky feels torn. Another movie which brings a smile to your face as Rocky overcomes the odds as he ends up rematching the champion of the world. Rocky III - Many people hate Rocky III, and many people love it. I think it is a great movie, but nothing spectacular. Rocky has everything after winning the heavyweight championship. He has fame, glory, and money. However, the worst thing happened to Rocky that could happen to any fighter, he became civilized. When A zealous Clubber Lang (Mr. T) challenges Rocky for the title, Rocky is faced with the biggest challenge of his life. With a great training sequence featuring Rocky being trained by Apollo Creed, Rocky III makes up to be a great movie. Rocky IV - Russia is now throwing its hand into the ring, the prize ring that is, when the freakish Russian Ivan Drago (Dolph Lungren) takes on the world. Apollo Creed wants to regain his manhood by taking on the Russian, however, this mistake costs him his life. Rocky must head to Russia to avenge his fallen friend, and fight for the United States, during a tough time in the world. Rocky IV is many people's favorite Rocky movie. I think the reason for that is because it is actually more of a hollywood movie, unlike the other four. Rocky IV does have the best music, and training sequence in my mind. It is a great movie. Rocky V - Many people dislike Rocky V very much. However, I believe it takes a true Rocky fan to like Rocky V. It might even be my second favorite Rocky movie. After losing everything in a financial scandel, Rocky must return back to the slums and live the normal life. Not only is this hard on Rocky, he also finds out he has brain damage and cannot box again. When a young fighter with talent Tommy Gunn (real boxer Tommy Morrison) asks Rocky to train him, Rocky gets mixed emotions. However, Rocky ends up training Tommy to be one of the best boxers of his era. When an inscrupulous promoter comes into Tommy's life, he gives up Rocky for the fame, and also a title shot. Still in Rocky's shadow, Tommy feels the only way to become his own man is to defeat his trainer. The scene at the end "Tommy Gunn only fights in the ring" - promoter, "My ring is outside" - Rocky, is truly a great moment. Rocky knows that this isn't about glory anymore, but that this is personal. Topping off this movie is the great song by Elton John - The Measure of a Man. The Rocky movies are truly amazing. Any movie lover should go out and see these movies.
Rating:  Summary: What happened to the subtitles? Review: I was so excited when I first ordered this set. I had originally purchased Rocky IV on DVD when I was in Singapore, and I was very disappointed. The fight scene at the end is missing the subtitles that go along with the spoken Russian. These were originally found on the VHS, but for some odd reason, were absent from the DVD. I originally figured that this was because it was the international release of the movie. However, I was even more disappointed when I popped in the DVD from the boxed-set that I have and found out that the subtitles were left out there as well. I have the entire set on VHS also. Why are the subtitles missing? Otherwise, I am very pleased with the set - the sound and picture quality remind me of why I have the DVDs to replace the VHS tapes. However, I think I'll be hanging on to the VHS version of Rocky IV for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: All Time Favourite - CLASSIC Review: Five of them are superb ! If I can I really want to give them a 6 stars !!
Rating:  Summary: Rocky's DVD Set Goes 2 Too Many Rounds Review: This DVD set has all the makings of a good fight: the hype, the anticipation, the great moments, thrills of victory and agonies of defeat. ROCKY I - Rocky (Stallone) is a street punk turned fighter who earns a once in a lifetime chance to fight the champ, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). It is also the story of how the down and out fighter courts a timid pet store employee, Adriane (Talia Shire). The love story does seem to drag a bit in sections, but the ending of the movie is very satisfying. There's something raw about how the first Rocky movie is done and if you listen to the director and cast commentary it was filmed with this same unclean edge which makes the film shine in a way that the others in the series just never seem to live up to. Apparently Stallone was just dropped in the middle of the city and started running and they would start filming it. The budget was pretty tight too, so Stallone had to use a lot of friends and family as extra. The camera work is some of the best in any movie I've ever seen. Dark, brooding in all the right places and the lighting doesn't have the hollywood manufactured look. ROCKY II - Rocky is back in a sequel (a four-lettered word to most people) that should have been made. The whole movie centers around long love scenes of Adriane and Rocky fleshing out their relationship and how the ego-bruised Apollo Creed wants to prove he really beat Rocky Balboa and how Rocky can't seem to cut it doing anything but fighting. About the only truly inspiring moment in this episode is how Rocky finally does take the rematch in the end. The problem is it took wayyyy too long to get to this point. Also of interesting note, Rocky is showing his first signs of being a battled-scarred fighter. His trainer, Mickey, played by the very talented Burgess Meredith, doesn't want to train him for another fight because Rocky might lose his eyesight. He took quite a beating (which would become Rocky's trademark in the series) in that first fight with Apollo. Unfortunately for Rocky's health -- and storyline -- he goes back into the ring not once, but (in future sequels) many, many times more which makes the overall storyline a bit hard to swallow on the plausibility scale. ROCKY III - Who can't like Clubber Lang (Mr. T) as a nasty brawler from Chicago that breaks into the third installment of the saga taking down Rocky after he gets too comfortable in being the new champ? There's a neat twist when Apollo comes back and actually trains Rocky. ROCKY IV - Rocky gets political and fights a blood doped russian, Ivan Drago (Dolph Lungren) in what becomes another movie in the series that goes on too long to get to the point. The beating that Rocky takes in this movie makes you say, "no way" more than once. ROCKY V - Finally a somewhat realistic movie in the saga (since Rocky I) where Rocky has been swindled by his financial people and he's back to living like Adriane and he did in the beginning. It is also the story of how Rocky becomes the trainer of Tommy Gun (real life fighter Tommy Morrison) and displays how sleazy some promoters in the sport can be. The ending is fitting for the series. Overall this DVD collection is still worth getting (for 5 DVDs it's somewhat of a bargain), but don't expect to enjoy every movie from beginning to end. It's a series that could -- and should -- have been done in 2 or 3 movies instead of 5. However, with the actor and director commentary, the very well done tribute to Burgess Meredith, and other goodies included with the Rocky I DVD, it still makes it worth adding to your collection. I wish there would have been some extra add-on content for the sequels because part of the fun of buying DVDs is getting the backstory and deleted/extra scenes, but apparently the makers of the DVD set did not feel this was very important beyond the excellent add-on content for Rocky I. Let's all just hope they don't ever make Rocky 6.