Rating:  Summary: Tarantino Disappoints Review: As a fan of QT's previous three movies (as writer AND director) I was truly excited about seeing this movie and yet, by the time it had finished, I found myself gravely disappointed.The strong points of all his initial works - i.e. the note perfect acting, strong character-based dialogue, fascinating structure and perfectly integrated soundtrack are virtually all lacking to various degrees in this current effort. The only real reason to see the movie is Uma Thurman's central performance. She virtually carries the film all by herself as a super-cool kick-ass assassin known as The Bride AKA Black Mamba AKA ******* (her bleeped out real name which will only be officially revealed, for no logically discernable reason, at the end of Volume 2). It is painfully evident only minutes into the movie that Tarantino's sure touch with hip, funny dialogue has all but deserted him. Despite the slick visuals and apparently inumerable references to cult iconography of various kinds it is a major drawback that every character in the movie, apart from The Bride herself, is pretty much one dimensional and she herself is little more than two dimensional. Due to this lack of personality depth it is very hard to feel any real emotion about the characters except perhaps aesthetic appreciation for their stylish fight scenes (and there are only three of those spread over an hour and three quarters duration). The script, for the most part, is sadly reminiscent of the cheapest of comic books; even sometimes reminding one of a third-rate video game. A central Japanese anime sequence adds to the films diverse look but is not believably connected to the live action character it is based on. The only two other scenes which attempt to flesh out some of the other Asian characters come close to racism in their shallow idiocy. The undoubted highlight of the movie is the Showdown At the House of Blue Leaves in which Black Mamba takes on Lucy Liu's "O Ren Iishi", her lolita-esque schoolgirl bodyguard "Go-Go Yubari" and a crew of 88 masked yukaza. Even that ultimately lets the viewer down by a lengthy resort to the use of black and white to appease US and European censors whereas apparently Japan will be trusted with the full colour originally-intended version. By the standards of both Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction the soundtrack seems both haphazard and poorly integrated with the visuals - it would appear that Quentin, on this outing at least, is scraping the bottem of his celebrated record collection. The only exceptions to that here are a marvellous all-female rockabilly group known as The 5,6,7,8's and the stunningly funky groove first heard on the film's teaser trailer. For the film fanatic this film is an undoubted must-see if only to gain a personal opinion of it but for the wavering or uncommitted film-goer I would suggest waiting till it arrives on DVD, hiring (preferably) the Japanese edit and fast forwarding to the climactic showdown - that way you'll be guaranteed high octane cinema magic without the letdown of lousy lines to listen to.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!!! Review: Quentin proves his genius in film writing and direction once again... Very violent - but for those who know ahead of time what type of film this is, it's pure enjoyment!! Kill Bill is clearly be one of the years best... May BE the best!!!
Rating:  Summary: Kill Bill, Volume 1 Review: As sure as morons would vote Arnold for govenor, the same type of morons will kiss Quentin Tarantinos ass and pretend Kill Bill is a masterpiece. While the cinematography and soundtrack are top notch, the screenplay is ridiculous. Uma plays a bad ass chick on a warpath of revenge against the ones who tried to kill her. The big fish is the notorious "BILL".... ohhhhh!!!!! The jokes in the movie are subtle and predictable, the story is simple, moronic and non moving. I give the actors credit for doing a great job. Uma was really great and perfectly casted as the lead. There is some parts of kill bill that are fun, but most of the time I felt like I was watching a violent video game. Limbs and heads fly like the game "BloodRayne". Personally I thought Kill Bill was worth the ticket I purchased because I was expecting a stupid and fun movie and I got that, but others who came to see a masterpiece were not happy. I'm very anticpated to see what others think about a 2 hour moronic movie that didn't end. Will people pay to see the last 2 moronic hours when the sequel is released or was this enough kill bill for 2003??? My advice is to see the movie if your very bored, dont buy the DVD and deffinetly buy the video game(if they ever have one)!!!!
Rating:  Summary: I DON'T WANT TO WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Let me get this out of the way before people start thinking that I hated the movie. I didn't hate the movie. I loved the movie. I just thought that since we can enjoy a 3 hour movie like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter in the theater, we can enjoy Kill Bill for 3 hours. I would have done it, and I'm sure alot of people would have done it. But the fact that we have to wait 4 months to see the rest of the movie sucks. Okay, The Matrix Reloaded pulled it off with giving us 2 hours and 18 minutes of movie and then saying "TO BE CONCLUDED", but Kill Biil, Vol. 1 was only 1 hour and 50 minutes and left us with a major cliffhanger wanting more. COME ON! I just hope that Miramax will release the movie as a whole when it comes out on DVD because buying two different halves will be a waste of money. I'd rather get one long movie in one package then spend 40 bucks on one movie. Anyway, go out and see Kill Bill It is really good!
Rating:  Summary: THE MOTHER OF THE ANTI-CLIMAX Review: Quentin Tarantino's latest peek into his deranged imagination is a triumph of style over substance that is every bit as frustrating as it is entertaining. The plot--evidently based on the classic "The Bride Wore Black"--is a simple revenge story hopped up on killer steroids. Uma Thurman is an avenging angel on a mission to get even with the assassins who killed her husband and unborn child on her wedding day. Highlighted by innumerable flights of cartoonish fancy, including thematic chapter cards, a near-camp 70's look and sound, one tongue-in-cheek line after the other, a wild anime segment, comic-book style live-action fights (you can almost see the WHAM! ZOWIE! and POW!'s), and an unending stream of surreal dismemberments and decapitations, "Kill Bill" is delightfully fun hokum. Unfortunately, the ending simply isn't there. Sure, this is "Volume 1" but even series films have their own beginnings, middles, and endings. But what are literary rules of drama to Tarantino? Less than nothing, apparently. This would have been a high-camp masterpiece if only it had a conclusion of SOME kind. But nooo, instead it's a wild and crazy ride to ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!
Rating:  Summary: A Satisfying Action Movie for Film Lovers Review: Was it as marvelously constructed and zany as Pulp Fiction? No. Was it as tight a story as Resevoir Dogs? No. Did it at least have better fight choreography than The Matrix Reloaded? Maybe. But for all that, I can say that it was one of the most satisfying action films I've seen in a long time. Why? The plot isn't anything new, a revenge story. The reason I liked it so much because it is great to see a film by someone who loves the medium and knows how to make a movie. Again, the plot isn't anything new, and there aren't any well-drawn characters, but it's the way it is told and the choices made. Clearly he is grabs from several genres: 70's action movies, kung fu films, and anime. But he is also showing a deep reverence and understanding of them as well. He knows that deep characterization in these types of films aren't necessary, what is necessary is good pacing (settting up the action sequences) and a witty sense of style. This Tarantino has in spades. From the opening scene showing an all out brawl between two women in a suburban living room, to an extended anime sequence that covers the life of an assasin (a sequence that is ingeniously inserted between the lead character trying to wiggle her big toe), it is clear that Tarantino loves to make the kind of movies he is known for and shows it. This is Tarantino's first crack at a good old fashioned revenge action movie and he shows his mastery of the medium. The edits were crisp and the pacing of each action scene had wonderful satisfying arcs of tension and release. The action scenes show a sense of style and coolness, but doesn't resort to Charlie's Angels-type silliness. There have been complaints about the gore, but when you watch the film, it is actually is darkly funny because it is so over the top. Take for instance the scene in which a yakuza boss has his head cut off, the blood spurts unrealistically as if from a sprinkler and continues to spurt a few more times before Taratino cuts the shot. He knows what choices will work in the tone and language of the film and it is great to watch. Before the movie was over, I saw some people walking out of the theater. I guess they weren't pulled into the world of the film. For a film-lover like me, this was a real treat. Tarantino doesn't make deep character driven films with epic overtones and realistic action scenes. To me he is the film lover video clerk who happens to also be a great filmmaker. I was even happy that the movie was cut into two volumes. For a movie of this kind, it ended exactly when I had finished taking it in.
Rating:  Summary: Chambara Samurai Action at its best Review: The heavy influence of Sonny Chiba movies shine through in this gem of a movie, but he doesnt loose his Tarantino Style. This is going to be a heavy hiiting cult classic for as sure as Pulp Fiction was. With that being said, keep this in mind. You have to have an open mind before you go see this. When I first went my wife was disgusted beyond words, right after the comment made by buck and the vasoline scene we found our way in through the parking lot to the car. The blood is plentiful and the action is as well. I was Highly impressed. This is my favorite Tarintino film to date. The Soundtrack was great as well. All around a nicely played hand on the studio's part. Its good to see something different for a change.
Rating:  Summary: completely unlike anything QT has done before Review: kill bill is truely an amazing movie. there is just something about that i cant figure out. something that grabs you and when your done watching it all you can think about is how amazing what you just saw was. the music goes great with every scene. the showdown at the house of blue leaves is the climax to this film and will leave your jaw on the ground when its over. watching the bride chop her way through 78 henchmen is simply aweinspiring. go and see this movie as soon as you can. however, this is completely unlike any of tarantinos movies. you wil find certain similarities to his other movies, but under no cercumstance is this similar to anything he has done before. i love this movie and it is on my top movies ever list! go and see it...you wont regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Did we all see the same movie? Review: This is, at best, a quirky movie. The style is impressive through most of the movie. The first few times blood showered out of an amputated limb, it was funny as in Monty Python. However, I could only chuckle about it so many times. I know, I know, Pulp Fiction was not well received and became a "classic". That movie, however, was much more coherent and had better characters to care about. Even the "bad guys" had something going for them. Is it worth seeing? Yeah, I guess. Is it cinematic genius? Well, in spots, it is. Mostly, it isn't. And by the way, I understand that this is Chapter 1, but the ending was more like a weekly serial, rather than a movie I just spent money to see
Rating:  Summary: Decent, but why two parts? Review: I was impressed at the same time I was let down. Is that possible? The style was totally Tarantino, but there was just something missing here, and I'm not quite sure what it was. Something tells me it's the witty dialogue most have come to expect from Tarantino. The story was there, unlike what some critics have said, and it's an interesting one. I just don't get why it's split up into two parts..cause by the time the movie ended, I was ready to sit and watch another hour and a half. What's the deal man? Money most likely. Some of the violence was realistic, while some was worthy of a TROMA studio's look. NO FOOLIN'! With a huge budget, I'm sure he could've made it look more realistic, but perhaps that was the point. This is NOT a black comedy, though there were some scenes that did make me chuckle. This is a straight up serious, for the most part, revenge story, and I have a feeling a BIG SHOE is going to drop with part two. The only thing I can say to summarize KILL BILL VOLUME 1 is that it's a Hollywood blockbuster (yes, I used the H word) with a B-movie feel. But congrats to Tarantino for keeping the grit! Worth a view!