Rating:  Summary: Great fights, boring story, stupid plot... Review: I think that with the title, I said what I had to say...
Rating:  Summary: Internet geeks should not make movies. Review: Tarintino certainly plays that part with making complete trash movies like this. There is no script, no acting, the funny parts are not funny, and all it is pure shock value/tabloid entertainment. No better then those reality based shows on network television. Thanks for nothing, Tarintino.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid. Review: Wow, this movie sucks. Ok, so Tarantino has a non-chronological, attempted mind-bending style. But ~think~ people, what REALLY makes this so great? Right; Nothing. I'll stick with much better movies such as Fight Club (a true masterpiece...), Gladiator, Tears of the Sun, etc. Even Pirates of the Caribbean makes this movie look lame. (ohmygod, did I just say that about a Disney movie???)
Rating:  Summary: Extravagant cult movie is a lot of fun Review: As I understand it, "Kill Bill" was originally planned as one movie. When director Quentin Tarantino announced that the finished product would run nearly three hours, the distributor, Miramax Films, had an aneurysm - in today's short attention span society, an audience would never sit through a movie of that length. A compromise was agreed to: "Kill Bill" would be split into two parts. Thus, "Kill Bill, Vol. 1" is only half of a movie. Luckily, the ever resourceful Tarantino was able to engineer the split so that "Vol. 1" is itself a superlative treat. [The main problem in dividing the movie into two parts may be that it allows each part to go on a bit too long. The combined length of the two parts is now 3 hours and 41 minutes.]In the first volume, The Bride [Uma Thurman] wakes up from a coma. Her last memories are of being ambushed on her wedding day, when she was the only one in the wedding party to survive a group of assassins. She vividly remembers who they were and sets out to kill all of them. In this part of the movie, she dispatches two of five. In the next part, we assume she finds the other three. The trick to enjoying "Kill Bill" has to do with not taking it seriously. The movie turns comic book characters into live performances. There is violence galore and lots of blood, but it is not meant to be taken literally. It's a cult thing - either you get it or you don't. If you get it, it's a lot of fun. If you don't, it's gross and stupid.
Rating:  Summary: More pollution from one of Hollywood's sickest minds Review: All this movie did is confirm my suspicions that QT is a loudmouth wannabe auteur who can't get over shocking people for fun and profit. Idiot. Why doesn't he just keep his adolescent femme fatale stroke fantasies to himself instead of inflicting them on the world? And I just don't get America. People freak out over a tiny glimpse of part of Janet Jackson's breast, and yet this ultra-violent, dehumanizing, brutal, over-hyped empty garbage continues to be produced. Go figure. Anything for a buck in Tinseltown, I suppose. The saddest part is that children will watch it. This filth is one of the best arguments for censorship I can think of. Way to set the bar lower, Quentin!
Rating:  Summary: A little disappointed with this.... Review: If you want to know the plot, watch the movie... it is great!!! Or just read the longer reviews. The only thing that I don't like about this movie, is the black and white during the fight scene at the end. I think it is crap that it is not in color. It wasn't intended to be in black and white because I saw it in Japan IN COLOR!!!!! It takes away from the art of the film and I am unpleased with it. I was expecting to see what I saw at the theatre, but it isn't same without the color. I wish they would have at least put the original version on the DVD... I guess I will have to find out if other countries have the color version. It is a fine piece of work by QT and should be able to be seen in the original version that he intended and created.
Rating:  Summary: 111 Minutes Of Typical Quentin Tarantino Nonsense Review: I can only guess that most of these reviews are based upon the fact that Quentin Tarantino is such a "down to earth" guy that some of the reviewers are hoping he offers them a part in his next film. Tarantino is the SHOCK-JOCK of movie making; in all of Tarantino's movies, his main goal is to shock the viewer with violence...got that. Yes, we got that. Boy, do we have that by now. Kill Bill is a music video - death dance. 111 minutes of me starting to wish one of those Samuri swords Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu were flipping around might cut the tape to this dreadful VHS tape I actually rented today. This movie may have action, but it has no drawing force to pull you into what is happening. Every fight scene last a little too long; every cut off limb spews out blood just a little too long; and I wasn't impressed with a twelve-year-old cartoon girl seducing an Asian mob-boss so she could drive a blade through his chest. If you think Howard Stern is cool, you might like this movie. If you think profanity and rampant violence make a movie great, then by all means, rush out and buy this DVD (or buy it here at Amazon.com). But if you enjoy a movie with some substance and good dialogue, hold off on this one. I have watched a few interviews with Tarantino, and I must say I was quite impressed with his demeanor - he seems really cool. I'm sure this review will be disliked by his fans, but I think he could have made a better film than what I just watched.
Rating:  Summary: Jap Review: Does everyone out there speak Japanese? Because I don't so I didn't get half the movie! OH, it's the fighting scene that we are only suppose to get out of this thing.
Rating:  Summary: The bread and butter of movies... Review: Overall a highly entertaining movie. I must say I don't understand why some of the fans of Pulp Fiction and his other movies complain so much about this movie... mainly saying it lacked any kind of depth or complain that it's a ripp off of other movies. Hello!! As if Pulp Fiction has depth??!! The core of the movie are three stories we've all heard a billion times!! Like the boxer (Bruce Willis) who is paid to throw a match, the insanely inlove couple robbing people like Bonnie & Clyde (Tim Roth & Amanda Plummer), the hitmen going after a package, the guy asked to entertain the boss's wife. Yet Quentin makes these tired stories incredibly entertaining by adding outstanding dialogue and events on top of the stories and make them connect to each other. This is the EXACT SAME THING as Kill Bill. You have the revenge story told a hundred times over and Quentin takes what he likes from his encyclopedia of movies and makes it interesting. I don't go to Tarantino movies for depth... I go to escape and enjoy old stories enhanced into something very new and VERY fun. Kill Bill is a blast!
Rating:  Summary: Slam-bang-chop-chop... Review: ...slice 'em and dice 'em. Well, it's fun to watch. It isn't very deep, but it's fun. It's a pretty simple-minded plot: The Bride (a/k/a Black Mamba), very well played by Uma Thurman, is hit by a death squad on her wedding day and left for dead in a coma. Four years later, she screams herself awake, kills off a thug who is violating her in her comatose state, and the joyride begins. The way the movie rockets along, we wonder if we're watching a movie or reading a comic book. The Bride is out for revenge on the death squad that killed all nine members of her wedding party ("They should have made it ten," she gloats, as she whacks her first victim, Vernita Greene, a/k/a Copperhead, played by Vivica Fox; all these assassins are named after snakes, for some reason) in front of her four year old daughter just off the school bus. Then she's off to find her nemesis, a gorgeous Chinese-Japanese killing machine named O-Ren Ishii (Cottonmouth), played by the lovely Lucy Liu. Their boss behind the hit, Bill, is mostly unseen and unheard, and evidently we have to wait for Part Two to see why he ordered the hit to begin with. In the meantime, there's gore galore all over the floor as The Bride mows down everyone who gets in her way. Some of the action is so over the top that we wonder if we're supposed to take it seriously or say "yeah, right" and laugh out loud, as when O-Ren's posse of 88 hired thugs take on The Bride all at once and all end up dead or mutilated. Uh-huh. The film's cinematography is jaw-dropping, zipping from color to black/white to anime and back to live action; we're reminded of the mixed sequences that Oliver Stone used so effectively in "Natural Born Killers". As for style vs. substance, "Kill Bill" is weighted so heavily in favor of the former that substance is almost an afterthought. There's been a lot of comparison between this film and "Pulp Fiction"; there's blood and gore liberally splashing the screen in both movies, but "Pulp Fiction" was a masterpiece of great plot (convoluted though it was), great acting and great dialogue. "Kill Bill" ultimately boils down to great style, a lot of noise, and one fight after the next. On a rating scale, I'd have to give it five stars for style and two for substance which averages out to 3.5 stars, but it's great fun to watch so I'll round it off to four. Let's just hope the story gains in substance in Part Two.