Rating:  Summary: Amazing Stuff Review: His style of overexagerating nearly everything, leaves a crick in your side, and covering your face the next. Funny, and beautiful. Tarintino obviously honing his skills. People shouldent have the right to look down on someone elses artistic abilities; Ill bet that any one of the other dolts who gave this STUNNING video a bad review couldent do half of what this man can do. Id recommend it to nearly anyone. With the exclusion of those with heart problems, those allergic to orange spores, and those who suffer from retardism. Its a good movie, makes you laugh, makes you cry. Makes you cheer for The Bride. Dont let others intimidate you, fool you, or steer you clear of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: violent, violent, violent -- bad toxins for your body Review: (This review is prompted by the ad to purchase that popped up as a "recommendation" from Amazon.) I gave a "don't see" review to IMDB on the film KILL BILL -- I guess I should have done the same on Amazon, too. (now posted) I almost walked out of the theater 7 times--but kept thinking it would have SOME socially redeeming value--eventually--it didn't. I hated the movie for its constant violence. I don't recommend it to anyone to see, in fact I use the film as an example of what NOT TO SEE! Can this director ever do a non-violent film? He is so talented and if he broadend his vision outside of violence think what he could do! As mentioned, my comments here are due to opening my Amazon page and seeing a recommendation to purchase the movie. I was offended that Amazon thought it would match my past purchase choices. I saw the film and found it too violent, too offensive, and the fact that Amazon is now putting the ads in everyones face--I also find offensive. The movie glorified killing and violence... there was no socially redeeminng value to the story! Has the ad dept at Amazon seen it? Where did their computer get the idea that I ever ordered such violent films or have ever ordered even a violent book? Why did Amazon think I would like this so much that they listed it as a recommendation? Obviously, it must have been a general ad to everyone--which compounds the issue...not everyone will write Amazona about this. Multiply my letter by 100 or 1,000 that felt the same but didn't bother to write Åmazon. ( I also sent a separate email letter to Amazon's recommendations dept.) This is not family fare, not even content everyone should see--talented director aside. Viewing such violence releases negative toxins into the body that remain there for 4 days! Four days of releasing negative toxins toward the world. Four days of teens with an "attitude" parents hate. Look at the amount of toxic overload (negative body chemicals) teens get from such films or playing/viewing violent games, or even the news. Enough is enough already! I've asked Amazon's ad dept to remove me from their list for such violent ads. People should be asked if they want these ads in their face when they open up their Amazona page, or the day may come when lawyers sue media and advertisers over the indescriminate toxins forced upon the public. I can't turn off my opening Amazon page, it is not a TV/Cable channel. Just seeing the ad brought up all the negative crap and toxins I experienced watching the film. Amazon and this review are now on the receiving end of my negative toxic overload...day one down three to go. Enough! Go read a good book, like ISN'T IT ROMANTIC? by Ronda Thompson. It's a romantic comedy that will make you laugh--release positive endorphins and make you upbeat for days!
Rating:  Summary: Very unexpected Movie Review: This Movie should not bee showed to kids under 17 because movie is full of a lot of revenge. Donot be disappointed about Vivica Fox Or Lucy Liu.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly good movie, weak DVD Review: So many reviews of the film, so my review is reserved for the DVD itself. The first thing I noticed is that it has some spectacular menus. They were colorful and easy to navigate, and I even found myself just sitting back and watching the menus for a bit. That however, is where my fascination with the DVD ends.This DVD comes with 3 extras: Behind the scenes featurette Musical Performances by "The 5,6,7,8's" Quentin Tarantino Trailers The featurette is short, but very entertaining. The musical performances are okay if you're into that thing. I'm not, and it seems like it's just filler for the DVD, along with the trailers. That's everything. No commentary, no cast interviews, no bloopers, no nothing. That's because they're saving all of the good stuff for the special edition DVD which will come with Kill Bill volume 2. THIS is the DVD you want to buy, not this thing. This is just to wet your appetite and capitalize on the release of the second volume. For $20, I want more than a 10 minute featurette and two throw away extras. The next edition of this DVD should be out during the summer, so I would highly advise waiting until then before purchasing it. Especially since this film is designed to be viewed with Volume 2 anyway. Note: This review refers to the Kill Bill, Volume 1 DVD.
Rating:  Summary: okay Review: This film is way exaggerated.I recommend "The Rock" in "Walking Tall" instead.
Rating:  Summary: not even close to what I expected Review: If you like the idea of a chick killing a lot of people using samurai swords, this might be just another average movie for you. Otherwise it's not worth your time. The movie lacks storyline and development. Acting is bad. And what's up with the insertion of anime in this? It was 10 minutes long too..what the heck are they thinking about?
Rating:  Summary: Girl Power rules! Review: Awesome flick! It is bloody, has tongue-in-cheek humour, and features chicks kicking a**! Some people might have issues w/ the gore, but it is so over the top that you can't take it seriously.
Rating:  Summary: In a word: disappointing Review: As I prepared to watch this movie, my expectations were high because a friend of mine had told me how awesome it was. It failed to meet most of those expectations. I expected it to be original, and, my gosh, did it deliver on that. The music was an incredible mix of about 6-7 different genres, and, somehow, it worked. The whole sense of style of the movie screamed "original" throughout. What was disappointing, however, was the fighting, which was the focus of the movie. The first fight was far too short in my opinion, and the ending was not cool in the slightest. The second fight scene with the Yakuza gang just seemed like a big excuse to spray blood. That practice became tiresome quickly. Then the last fight of the film wasted the potential it had. It started off playing some really cool music, and the two warrior women were evenly matched, trading blows and the then-energy-filled fight looked it would reach a great climax. Surprise, surprise, though, Beatrix's back is slashed, the music stops and a minute later O'ren no longer has her scalp. Lastly, in case you were wondering, the inane plot is only there the give some reason for all the violence and blood, which I thought was excessive. This would be strictly 1-star material if the movie didn't have so much originality.
Rating:  Summary: You can have the cake & eat it too! Review: Watching this movie is such a joy; especially for those of us who are movie buffs and have had watched martial arts and samurai movies. With the advent of digital technology, computer has taken over the art of making movie: Matrix trilogy, Jurrasic Park franchise, Terminator trilogy being some examples. It doesn't mean that lesser technology movies are faring worse than those examples illustrated. With a good script, good direction, good idea, good team behind you, a movie can also kick arse without blowing the budget. This movie is obviously a labour of love for Quentin. It's really wonderful sitting through the bonus material regarding the making of this movie. I strongly recommend viewers to watch them so that you have an in-depth understanding of where Quentin gets his inspiration from. In this movie, Quentin pays respect to those stars of yesteryears such as Sonny Chiba (famous for his black & white samurai films), Gordon Liu (famous for his Shaw Brothers' martial arts movies) by having them in this movie. Nowadays, it's not common for movies to change the way movies are shown. However, this movie has everything: from black & white samurai style to Japanese manga style(!!!) to spagetti western style to all-out martial arts style to Brian de Palma's split screen style (just for a bit of fun, in Quentin's own word) to 70's Shaft style to Quentin's unique colourful dialogue style. And it's amazing how seamless the transition is from one another. Quentin commented that he felt home when he made this movie in Japan and China but felt like he was on location when he gotten back to the States, a display of how much he adores the cultures that shapes him into the Director that he is today. Never a moment I feel that Quentin is making a violent movie for the sake of it but for the FUN of it. He's a different cattle of fish compared with Oliver Stone. I can't wait for the second offering, that's for sure. Highly recommended. By the way, the soundtrack provided by Wu-Tang Clan's producer, RZA (I think) is pertinent and effective here. Again, a labour of love for him too.
Rating:  Summary: Say Goodbye, Western Civ; it was fun while it lasted... Review: An absolute bloodbath. A celebration of the wanton destruction of human life, like all other Tarantino vehicles, only this time he gives it a cartoony bent. If anybody ever needed succint, tangible proof that Western Civilization is dying, is succumbing to perverted bloody blood-games the way Rome did, one could do no better than to look to this latest debauchery by Tarantino, the King of pointless death and murder onscreen.