Rating:  Summary: A Gore Fest Yet Wonderfully Intertaing Review: This movie was filled with gore and lots of violence. This movie is by far the goriest or violent movie ive ever seen. We get chopped off limbs, decapitations, There is one part in this movie, which was quite a funny part. IN the begining, a young women fights with a knife with another yound women. Thus making a rucus, than, when a young girl walks in the door, being one ot their daughters, they hide the knifes behind their backs and claim that they were cleaning up a mess from their "dumb A*& dog". Than, the young girl goes upstairs to her room and we see Uma Thurman violently throw a knife into the young womens chest. Than, in another scene, we see a young women, Lucy Liu, run across the table to an older man and with her sword, remove his head in a violent fashion. Than, a fountain of red blood spurts up from the stump of the head. Lucy Liu than holds up the head, revealing some of the mans veins and talks to the rest of the people about talking back to her.Uma Thurman than goes on a killing spree, decapitating many people and leaving many people limbless. Overall this movie was a gore fest, but a wonderful movie. Uma Thurman is wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Love to Hate 'Em Review: You shouldn't love these characters. Killers, every one of them. But you do. You find yourself rooting or the bride. Sorry she had to kill, but knowing it was for the best. Mabye you'd do the same if it were you. Mabye. I love Tarentino's way of making you suspend your belifs for a few hours. There is no good or evil. Just these slightly tilted characters. This movie was violent!!!! But in a satisfying revenge-or-die-trying kind of way. Excellent characters. Excellent story. Amazing movie. You MUST own it!!
Rating:  Summary: Kill Bill, Volume 1 Review: The acclaimed fourth film from groundbreaking writer and director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown), Kill Bill Volume 1 stars Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction), Lucy Lui (Charlie's Angels, Chicago), and Vivica A. Fox (Two can Play that Game) in an astonishing, action-packed thriller about brutal betrayal and an epic vendetta! Four years after taking a bullet in her head at her own wedding, The Bride (Thurman) emerges from a coma and decides it's time for payback...with a vengeance! Having been gunned down by her former boss (David Carradine) and his deadly squad of international assassins, it's a kill-or-be-killed fight she didn't start but is determined to finish! Loaded with explosive action and outrageous humor, it's a must see motion picture event that has everyone raving!
Rating:  Summary: Bill, it's your baby!! Review: This is completely different from Quentin Tarantino's other films but at the same time, it feels so Tarantinoish (it should be a real word), especially after the confrontation w/Bill in the 2nd movie, the 1st movie is mostly the violence and the second one is his dialogue and the Tarantino style of telling a story, I know it happens in the 1st one too but more so in Volume 2. I didn't enjoy Volume 1 that much until I watched Volume 2 and then everything changed. It explains Bill's side of the story, because, he seems like a compassionate person, he is a murderer at the same time but the dialogue at the beginning of Volume 1 and the speech to California Mountain Snake about waiting till she wakes up shows that he does care about her. The bride did screw him over, big time, but the magnitude of the backlash was a bit uncalled for, don't you think? Anyhow, I loved both movies, I just bought my copy of Volume 1 today (6/2/04) and I can't wait to open it and watch it a million times over summer vacation, I have finals right now, so I can't right now, you know what, that brings up another question, what am I doing here, I should be memorizing Hamlet, oh great, I'll go do that now, goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Rating:  Summary: Mesmerizing spectacle. Review: Wow, what can I tell ya. After Pulp Fiction, I thought Tarantino would find very hard to do another film as great as that one -although Jackie Brown is a pretty good film. But the guy did it again, and with a Kill! Kill Bill is an extraordinary piece of film making. It renders honor to a lot of films -Tarantino admittedly steals from every movie he has seen- but he creats his own unique style of movies. The man is a genious, very talented indeed. Needless is to say that the soundtrack is superb, as with any Tarantino film. It is very refreshing to watch this movie, something different and extraordinary
Rating:  Summary: wholesome entertainment for the entire family! Review: This movie rocks! Everybody from my 98-year-old granny to my 6-year-old nephew loved this movie. Tarantino is once again at the top of his game. This flick is super violent and graphic, just the way I like it. Anyone who gives this or "Pulp Fiction" one star is a sissy.
Rating:  Summary: Uma, Lucy, and others put on great performances! Review: I saw this movie only on DVD, cause like most I though the movie was going to lame as hell. But after viewing it and just falling in love with the karate and sword fighting that just got me so into, i was fooled, this movie was excellent. I really can't wait until the 2nd one come out on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Fun, Exciting, Cartoonish Review: I loved Kill Bill Volume 1. Sure, it's a gory movie, with lots of violence. But hte gore is very cartoony, as is the violence. Also, the storyline is very interesting, and the fights are excellently choreographed. This movie is only for the action fans though, as the gore can be a turn off. However, it was an excellent film as far as Tarantino films go. Starring Uma Thurman, Lucy Lui, Vivica Fox, Daryl Hannah, David Caradine, and Michael Madsen.
Rating:  Summary: Uma is amazing! Review: First, if you've watched previous Tarantino films and disliked them, skip Kill Bill - both volumes. It is pure QT from start to finish. Same, if you don't like Uma Thurman (I am shocked there are some who do not!), you might want to skip as well. However, if you like QT's quirky humor and oddball films, then you will love Kill Bill - Part 1 mind you! This is truly the first half of the Kill Bill set. So, expect the blunt ending that leaves you hanging. It starts with the old Drive-in lead clip giving you a hint this movie is gash for the B-film addict's soul. With soundtracks from everywhere and bits and pieces stolen - homage? - to other films, then remade in QT magic, it's a film buff's trivia delight.In TQ style, you are given puzzle pieces that eventually fit together to present the whole story. Thurman - rather preggers and on her wedding day - is attacked by the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. The whole wedding party is taken out in a bloodbath, with the unseen Bill putting a bullet to Thurman's head at the end of it. When the police arrive, they find Thurman not dead and rush her to hospital, where she stays in coma for over four years. Once she awakens, she finds it kill or be killed. So, she set out on her adventure to kill the five people on her list - Bill being the last. Everyone was Kung-Fu dancing, with tongue-through-cheek, in some of the wildest ninja fight scenes. QT's brilliant, quirky wit shines in that totally indefinable way of his. But it's Thurman who is the WOW of this show. She alternates between her homely - breathtaking beauty, as the scene calls for it, and makes the total absurdity believable. If you like QT, you will love Kill Bill Vol 1. If you have not liked him, then forgetaboutit...you will hate it.
Rating:  Summary: Violent, cool, sick, stupid, fun. Review: After six years after the boring Jackie Brown (in my opinion, sorry if you love it) Quentin Tarantino has resurrected something else. He resurrected John Travolta, now he has resurrected the 70s kung fu type of movies. The action sequences in this film are really fun, but some of the sword fighting can be a bit stupid, you see arms and heads chopped off and showers of blood fires out from them. The sword battles are enjoyable to watch though. I think this has quite a good cast, we have Quentin's favourite leading ladie Uma Thurman. We have Lucy Lui, who is an interesting character, and the film tells you about her childhood history. Sonny Chiba, Quentin's favourite martial artist has a short appearence, and we hear the voice of David Carradine, who plays Bill. The film acts the same as "Pulp fiction" a bit, when it gets to a new bit it tells you the chapter on the screen, there is tons of fun dialogue, a lot in chinese too. Quentin also tries to make this film look like the 70s, he uses the classic music and films the scenes like them. He puts some scenes in b&w aswell. He uses a lot of interesting characters like The bride, Bill, woman with eye-patch, and the Texas sheriff, who was quite cool. This one isn't as violent as everyone says it is, it's gory, but not violent, and it comes to a brilliant climax that all of you should have seen on a trailer or something. Be warned: If you don't like annimation scenes, you might wanna watch out, there is a scene whioch tells you about the history of Lucy Lui's character, and it's an annimation sequence. Quentin has made a brillaint comeback after the failure of Jackie Brown.