Rating:  Summary: Charlie Romio Alpha Papio Review: I never did like Quetin's movies, but with all the hype about this movie, I felt it was worth checking out... why I dont know?What is so great about this movie? Tell me? All I could see, was a kung-fu movie, but instead of it beeing a plot about ancheint ninjas in Japan who have an enemy who disgraced the secret dojo, they have a woman who's seeking revenge for all the people who hurt her. For starters, what the heck is with the Mask Of Zorro henchmen? There about as threatning to look at as Lucy Lu's 10 minute long motionless stares into outerspace. Then there's the blood shed, it's not gross, it's just plain bad, everytime someone looses a limb, there blood comes praying out like jet streams from a shower...which is most likly the way the effect was done. And poorly I might ad. The plot dragged on and on and on, and did not thrill me or get me interested in the plot at all. Uma Thurman's best role? I dont think so. She's done better then this over hyped garbage. It's an old 70's style kung-fu movie with a budget. But at least those old Kung Fu movies where watchable. This Kill Bill however went no where. So the vengfull Uma Thurmans charactor wakes up from a coma, magicly recovers her walking ability in a few hours after beeing in a coma for a few years, and seeks the people who put her in the coma. Travels accros the world, kills a couple of hundred henchmen, and then we wait for the next movie. Well, I wont be bothering with the next one. If the movie had cut out the long boring staredown constests that went for too long, they probably couldve shortend the movie enough to fit whatever they have filmed for Kill Bill 2 into this movie. But instead, everytime they go for a sword, they take a stare at it, then stare at each other, useless dialog, a quick combat , then splatter..... all through the movie. How ever did such brillinace get thought of? Lucy Lu's charactor was annoying, it played like an old video game where you have to kill a thousand bad guys before you get to the boss. I'm all for woman becoming action stars. And I hope more woman become just as big a name as any previous mega hit action star. But this movie is not the step to follow. It's riduclues martial arts antics of jumping around and making those stupid "whoosh" sounds when the flip or move there weapen did not fit well into this movie. It could have been alot better, yet, probably 30 minutes of the movie is a staring contest which is the most annoying thing of the film. Lucy Lu was the worst of them. For someone who was supposed to be such a great leader of the "Mask Of Zorro In Suits Gang" she sure didnt act threatning in any way. I wouldnt say its the worst of the martial arts movies around, but it's by far anywhere near as great as all this hype has been about it. So the "people to kill" list continues in Part 2. You wont find me veiwing it.
Rating:  Summary: Uma rocks! Review: This movie will definitely go down as one of the greatest films of all time. Quentin Tarantino once again proves how genius he really is. It manages to take dozens of different genres and mend it into one movie. Uma gives the preformance of the life time as Black Mamba. I really like the asian feel this movie gives off. Go buy this one today!!
Rating:  Summary: Uma's BEST MOVIE! Review: Kill Bill is one of the best moives I have seen in a long time. Uma also makes the movie, this has to be one of her best movies ever!!! If you are a fan of hers you must see. Its just a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Tarantino is back with a brutal vengeance! Review: "Leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to me now." -The Bride Kill Bill Vol. 1 is a very good movie, one of the best of 2003. However, it isn't exactly a masterpiece without Vol. 2. The plot concerns a bride who is betrayed on her wedding day. She is left for dead, and four years later she wakes up from her coma. She plots to kill the five people who tried to kill her, and especially Bill. Vol. 1 is one of the bloodiest movies I've ever seen. I have seen Vol. 2, and with the extension of that, makes an instant classic. Both work good on their own, but I don't consider Vol. 2 a sequel. Quentin Tarantino once again writes a great script and selects a great cast. Uma Thurman is great in her role as the Bride with the unknown name. Kill Bill Vol. 1 is a smart and brutal revenge tale that will, if nothing else entertain you. 9/10 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Brutal and Great Review: It was a good movie overall with a great story line but there is too much violence and vulgarity. I hated when in the movie Uma Thurman threw the knife at Vivica A. FOx In front of her own child. I hate Vivica A. Fox. I am so glad she died. It was good. Also Bill should have been her main victim in the movie at first instead of going to the deadly assassins. I wished Quentin Tarintino saved Lucy Liu to be killed for last. She got killed in such a brutal way. Its so bloody. I also hated it when Lucy Liu's hot bodyguard died too she was so innocent. I wish Daryl Hannah died instead of Lucy Liu. I loved it when the assassins walked in to the church and massacred the whole place. It was great even though it was really bloody. There was too much blood shed though. I hated that part.
Rating:  Summary: Inspired Genius or Pathetic Parody Review: There have been many people who have tried to copy Tarantino and failed, for one very simple reason, he is not a good story teller or film maker. In this movie it is seen more clearly than in any other movie. Taking ideas from martial movies he parodies them without any understanding. The characters lack depth and so do the fight scenes. They are embarrassing insults to the original masterpeices that he likes so much. It is painfully obvious that he likes and admires these film making styles but does not understand them. Yet Tarantino is one of my favourite film makers, because he likes acts and he likes actors to act. He brings something out in that other directors can not do. The dialog and film making is bad enough to not distract from actors taking overly simple characters. He is prepared to stand back and let them act. Here is where is genius lies. This is why no one has been able to copy him.
Rating:  Summary: Cool, Violent, this movie is all Uma. Review: Typical Quentin Tarantino coolness has brought us yet another mainstream cult classic. Multi-dimensional & complex characters all around, Uma (Blank Mamba) Vivica (Copperhead) and Lucy Liu (Cottonmouth) are superbly written and well acted. Secondary characters are also written and executed well. (A little play on words there... lol) The plot is beyond good, the acting is very good, the writing is a indescribable melding of camp and quality. As usual, the line between good and evil is blurred, but there is a prevailing sense of right and wrong throughout Kill Bill Vol 1. Direction is great. WARNING - this is an extremely violent movie with adult situations. Some people will not be able to enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Violence and revenge made slick and fun Review: Kill Bill is stylistic art, to be appreciated subjectively. Expect to be entertained, but also expect to be piqued. It has no real plot, but plot is overrated and stories with complex, intricate plots are necessarily artificial. I hate gratuitous violence, I refuse to watch slasher movies, and I don't enjoy true crime or martial art films. It's difficult to explain the appeal of this uncompromising, irredeemable revenge film, but I can say that it touched some primitive, atavistic part of my emotions (humans have a degree of bloodlust built into their genes, necessary for the survival of our ancestors, which, ironically, may be the undoing of us now), without making me feel dirty or used when I left the theater. Tarantino also doesn't throw in the usual bunch of moralistic, hypocritical baggage that comes with other violent movies. Theres no vigilanteism, no heroism, no phony honor system, no blind loyalties, and innocent people are left alone. Anyway, Kill Bill is as fun as murder and mayhem gets.
Rating:  Summary: Great if you don't mind blood spurting! Review: Great, if you don't mind blood spurting! This is a great mix of movie styles, including animation, and garden hose blood spurting. If you don't like movies that are a little different, then don't bother. If you liked Pulp Fiction and you like Japanese cartoons, then you will like it
Rating:  Summary: Returns something to the genre of action movies Review: There's been a lot of subtlety and art drained out of recent action movies-- there's nothing but shock value and explosions and terrible dialogue and plot holes. this movie will renew your faith in moviemaking. it tries new things and every shot is packed with intensity and subtelty. you will cheer for the mysterious main character and sit on the edge of your seat as a complete and intreguing story unfolds. the characters are round and nothing is sacrificed to produce this homage to what every action and kung fu flick wanted to be. there's no way to describe that tingly feeling you will have after the movie, even between every elegant shot and striking line passed between characters with deliberation and poignancy. if you get this move, make sure you see the second volume in theaters right now. it was originally made as one movie but cut in half. trust me, if you see the first one you won't be able to help yourself; you'll be sucked too far into this modern gilgamesh.