Rating:  Summary: Japanese vs. American Version Review: I thought Kill Bill was a great film for many reasons, and a bit of a dissapointment for a few others. Ultimately, I thoroughtly enjoyed, though honestly I can't be bothered to write an actualy review, least of all beacuse I know nobody's gonna read it. I'm an American student on exchange in Tokyo, so I saw this film as it was presented to the Japanese market. At the time, I didn't know it was any different from the American version, other than there being not subtitles during the spoken Japanese. After seeing the film, however, I started seeing things on the internet about the American version being black in white in parts to town down the violence, so I went out and found that version of the film. Not to dissapoint anyone who was looking for torrents more blood, but there really isn't much of a difference. The only part of the Japanese film that is more violent is the colorized fight scene at the end, but it's only, what, three minutes of the whole scene that's been changed, from when Uma rips that guys eye out until they end up in the blue room for the showdown with the final group of Yakuza. I feel both versions of the film have their merrits. The black and white enhances the visual eclecticism of the film, which goes along with the countlessly shifting colors and anime sequence, while the full color version is much funnier, and the colorized blood is so violently red and copiously abundant that it can't help but make you laugh. The only other difference is that Uma cuts off Sophie Fatal's other arm when she's got her in the trunk of her care. That many have actually been in the American version, but I don't think I saw it. Anyway, so there it is.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Tarantino Review: Kill Bill vol. 1, the 4th feature from Quentin Tarantino, delivers in most every way that we would expect from Tarantino. It is sylish as hell; the cinematography especially struck me as being more impressive than in his previous films. The final scene particularly illustrates this, with the frenetic action being conveyed through silhoutte lighting, b&w vs. color and creative shifts between them, impressive camera shots such as the rising shot right before the battle royale, and the pure cinematic epicity of the setting of the final battle between Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu. Tarantino's brilliantly dark humor is littered throughout the film as well; Buck describing how to have sex with Uma Thurman's supposedly comatose form may be offensive and appaling to some, but as it is delivered (and to all Tarantino fans), it is utterly hilarious (little details such as bucks "P---- Wagon, the "Kaboom!" cereal box, and the water fountain that serves as the only noise through much of the climatic battle also stand out). I was also very impressed with(though initially apprehensive of) the anime segment that served as a segue into the Japanese setting, it added a surprising amount of emotion, and set the feel perfectly for the rest of the film. Nearly everything is done right, beyond right. The soundtrack is amazing, as is to be expected for a Tarantino film. He has impeccable taste in music, and seems to innately know what will enhance the film; in some places it is even cheesy (the 1,2,3,4s in the Japanese club) but we know that this is all intended, as is the "Feature Presentation" card at the beginning; Tarantino is someone who is obviosuly in love with film, and this film is almost an expression of love for all the "cool" films he watched growing up. I have heard Uma Thurman quoted as saying that this film is "pure, epic, Tarantino fantasy" and this is a perfect description of it. There is little to no depth, it is not a film that will stun you with its character development, or method acting, but it doesnt pretend to, or even want to. It simply revels in being the epitomy of "cool", it is an action film that is done in almost all ways, perfectly. Tarantino's gift is found in knowing what will look utterly amazing on film (again, I found myself stunned simply by the appearance of the final, snow-covered courtyard), in being able to write with a great amount of wit and intelligence, and being able to put the two together with a large amount of what must be called genius. Kill Bill isn't Tarantino's best film (an honor reserved for the utterly brilliant Pulp Fiction, [or is it Reservoir Dogs, it seems to depend on which film ive watched most recently] ), nor will it win the Best Picture Academy Award (which it doesnt deserve anyway), but it is a damn good time. Uma Thurman makes a triumphant return to film, and shocks most everyone in being able to pull off her role as the Bride perfectly; after seeing the film I cannot imagine anyone who could be more convincing. The question remains, can a film be given 5 stars based on style alone? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. I give out 5 stars very, very infequently, to only the very best of films, and while this is by no means the BEST action film ever made, it is certainly a damn good one. repeat viewing may lessen the spectale somewhat, but this reviewer was very impressed (and still is, after 3 viewings) with what he just saw. Very Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good thriller! Review: At first i didn't like how the movie sounded until i actually watched it. It was cool, And WAY BLOODY. A female assasin almost killed by her "So called friends". Who now wants revenge. She wants to "Kill bill".I really like the anime parts(The Japanese cartoons in the movie). Those were one of the best anime drawings i've seen. The music sometimes is a little classical, and strange at times (Like the asian band singing oo woot woot oot!) If you like the songs i highly suggest you getting the sound track also.But the ending kindof just cut off, Well thats because theres gonna be more Kill bill volumes. The movie is pretty long, more than 2 hours. If you like action, horror, Lots of blood, A girl dressed as a nurse(Which some of you may like) and Anime. This movie is good for you. But don't let kids see it. Unless there mature enough. Oh and if you like lucy liu, she's in it!
Rating:  Summary: huge fun..if you're up to it Review: I walked into this movie never seeing a tarentino movie before, and I was blown away by the amazing cinematography, no holds back fight scenes, and just sheer thrill ride of a movie. My friend on the other hand, thought i was disturbed as I laughed when the resturant manager was "ice skating across the bloody glass floor." Yes this movie may be for the more disturbed minds, and since then ive seen tarentinos other movies (except Jackie Brown, but hoping to soon), and i love those as well (i realized his actual style too). Some people dont like this movie, and i can understand, some people are just really uptight (even though the blood is pretty fake and just for good fun).
Rating:  Summary: Kill Bill is the hottest movie Review: Kill Bill is a hilarious, but action packed movie. This movie will keep you on your toes from start to finish. Uma Thurman plays a woman out to seek revenge on those who tried to kill her. In order to kill Bill, she has to kill those who are connected to him. In doing so, this movie supplies action and great suspense. You will find yourself laughing hysterically, and gasping all at the same time. Although some of the scenes seem to be unbelieveable, keep in mind that it is to be taken lightly.If you want to spend your hard earned money on a DVD, then choose Kill Bill Volume 1. This movie is truly one that will not disappoint.
Rating:  Summary: This movie just blew my mind! Review: Kill Bill is what is hailed as the much anticipated "4th film by quinton tarintino". If you don't know who quinton tarintino is, then I feel sorry for you. For the rest of us I need only mention the titles "Resevoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", And "Jackie Brown" and then you will understand the anticipation this new film has for us big time QT fans.So as the long-awaited 4th film, we find Tarintino taking a new dirtection... firslty, this is Kill Bill vol 1, with Vol 2 having just been released in theaters as of this writing. Seeing the first volume immediatley shows us that what QT had blanned was large, stylish, and visionary! The fact that The lead star Umma Thurman actually particiapted in much of the conceptual work behind the film only serves to further display why this film came together so brilliantly. Kill Bill, as it's appropriatley called is a tale of revenge at it's most basic. Umma Thurman Plays an ex Assassin, who was betrayed at her wedding by her former boss. The plot throughout the movie leaves some gaps to be further explored in the next film, but plenty of detail and background is given to all the characters throughout the course of the movie (a trademark of tarintino is brilliant character depth). Once comming out of a comma, "The Bride" as she is called (we never get to hear her name in the movie - it is bleeped out!) goes on a path of vengence that will leave a thick trail of blood in it's wake. Harking back to old martial arts films of the 70's the mood is sometimes made to feel corny intentionally. Oddly enough not only didnt this bother me, it made the movie more fun and more enjoyable. What's amazing is QTs abillity to switch moods in the film from being epicly dramatic, and almost philisophical in nature (like many old sammuri movies); to being goofy, and corny and almost poking fun at itself. Also we are treated to scenes that have wild western feels, as well as refrences to other old genres. The film is filled with LOTS to dwell on and think about. Beyond that we have QT's typical directorial excellence. Vissually, Kill BIll is probably one of the finest works I've ever seen. The movie has more style, flair, and wit than almost any other I can think of. QT just has a way of always finding some new place to put the camera... some new trick to use that u werent expecting. An entire 10 -15 minute scene in the movie is fully animated in japanese style! The use of black and white and other little artistic ideas of QT make this movie an absolute pleasure to watch. If nothing else this has to be one of the most creative and unique films you'll ever see. Finally, this is QTs first attempt at making an action orientated film. The fight scenes are really well done, and in the climactic battle we see umma thurman single handedly fight 60 plus men (all with sammuri swords) - and slaughter them all! Even the first time through, I had to watch that scene twice! QT also has a way of bringing the action together with many moments that are (typical to his style) nothing more than witty diologue. IN the end, some people wont like this movie just because it's too "wierd" for them, or just not their kind of film. Those who dont like QTs style are likely to not be impressed. But for me, and many others, Kill Bill Vol one was an AMAZING movie, on many levels at once. The variety of themes, the amazing visual style, and the excellent audio (thanks to the RZA from Wu Tang Clan who produced the soundtrack)... this movie really surprised me by just HOW good it was.
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: This movie is really dull. I saw it in the theater and wished I had a remote. Let's have a long scene where Uma Thurman pretends that she can't speak Japanese but maybe she really can even though she can't even pronounce "yakuza" correctly. Let's have this go on for five minutes and then find out that it is completely unimportant and irrelevant to the story. What fun. There's a reason those bad kung fu movies were only shown in "grindhouses" - they were crappy and very few people wanted to see them. Okay, let's be cool and say that bad is good, and pretend we're the first ever to say that things are relative. That will really show our parents, huh? This is a movie for fourteen year old boys. Dumb ones.
Rating:  Summary: "I have vermin to kill." Review: It's become pretty well known through publicity that this is Tarantino's fourth film, so how does it rank up against his others? Well, as much as I love Reservoir Dogs, it hasn't dated too well. Especially when compared to Pulp Fiction which basically became a classic the year it was released. He followed with Jackie Brown which was (in my eyes) a great movie, but others disagreed. After a six year hiatus from directing, America finds out that Tarantino's next movie is going to be a revenge flick centered around a woman who was left for dead on her wedding day (even though it turned out to be dress rehearsal). I wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of the man doing a straight-action movie, but all doubts were thrown out the window during the first frame of Kill Bill. The Bride lays there helpless; crying; bloodied up. The audience doesn't know exactly what happened here, but it becomes obvious when we hear Bill ask her, "Do you find me sadistic?" The Bride's shot in the head and the credits immediately pop up with that haunting song on the soundtrack. "The 4th Film By Quentin Tarantino." It was then that I realized that Tarantino had not "sold out." Not even one minute into the movie yet and it's already flooded with the style of filmmaking he's known for. I absolutely adored this movie. It's the most exciting action saga to come out of Hollywood for quite a while. Some might call it trash, but it's smart trash. Technically, the film is a marvel to behold. Tarantino loves what he does and it shows in every frame of the movie. He does plagarize a few things here and there, but the cues work so well that someone who appreciates the art of filmmaking won't mind at all. The script is terrific, though some argued that Tarantino was a bit stingy with his infamous dialogue in this particular volume. I'll agree with this to a point. The dialogue in his movies is simply cool and one of the main reasons I enjoy his stuff so much, but the lack of it in Kill Bill doesn't hurt the film one bit. Here, it's mostly about the craft of making a movie that excites the audience but doesn't cater to the lowest common demoniator by dumbing the material down. In fewer words: lack of extensive dialogue doesn't hurt the film. The characters are a hoot to watch. Thurman plays the Bride straight-faced; the only way to do it. You don't even see David Carradine as Bill in this one too much, but in Volume 2, he's a wonder to behold. A true scene-stealer. Doubt the Academy has the balls to nominate him for a film like this, though. Lucy Liu is the somber, yet deadly, O-Ren Ishii. The character is fleshed out in a gloriously violent anime segment and isn't tossed off as "just another bad guy." The character of Go-Go Yubari, however, is just one of O-Ren's cronies. But, for want of a better word, she simply rocks. Definitely my favorite secondary character of the series. Sonny Chiba also makes a funny cameo as Hattori Hanzo, creator of the Bride's "steel." So, is this Tarantino's best movie yet? In my opinion: yes. If you love movies, see Kill Bill. Both volumes. As much as I loved Volume 1, I think Volume 2 is even better!
Rating:  Summary: Good to be Bad! Review: Kill Bill continues the great tradition of great movies directed by the legendary Quentin Tarantino. And like Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill is overdone, glamourous, and is a terrific, violent, convoluted film! Kill Bill seems like it is a bit too simple of a plot for Tarantino. A female assassin is betrayed, nearly killed, and four years later, she is out to seek revenge against her former compatriots, and the people who put her through hell. The big thing that I couldn't figure out was whether it was supposed to be a witty, sarcastic film with lots and lots of blood, or if it was supposed to be a dark, gritty film with lotts and lots of blood. I decided that it was a little bit of both. After all, Tarantino did direct it, and in his world, nothing is what it seems. As I said earlier, the film is quite convoluted and full of surprises, at least for an action film. Kill Bill is a daring film, and it draws in elements from many different films. For example, if you pay close attention, any fan will realize that the beginning of the film is similar to 60's karate films. Above everything else, Kill Bill is sheer fun and a great movie to see. It is very artistic as well. For example, the movie incorporates black and white, anime, and regular color presentation in one sequence. And it is hard to believe that a movie with this much blood can be artistic, but believe me, it is! It is the best movie to come out this year, and kicks off a great fall season of films after a lackluster summer. Kill Bill is colorful, and almost groovy in some ways. Think Austin Powers with suffering and gore, and you'll get the picture. Uma Thurman does a gritty but excellent job in this film, and Lucy Liu manages to shake off some of her Charlie's Angels reputation that classified her as a poor actress. Kill Bill is a stylized, colorful, gritty, elemental movie, and anyone with a strong stomach should definitely see it.
Rating:  Summary: hype-sters Review: I agree--it's easy to bury negative reviews with literally dozens of 5 star reviews made by "viewer". Generic reviews that say nothing & talk about, among other things, Kill Bill's Dolby Stereo Features. What a joke.