Rating:  Summary: Farbfest Review: For a casual viewer, 'Gettysburg' is an interesting and educational look at the American Civil War. Both the North and South's reasons for fighting this bloody conflict are portrayed equally in most respects. However, as a Civil War reenactor, I found this film to be somewhat inaccurate in its portrayal of the common Civil War soldier. First and foremost, the majority of the "grunts" we see marching past the cameras tend to be middle aged men who could stand to lose a few pounds. This can get irritating when you realize that the average Civil War soldier was 21 years old and was usually (at least for the Confederates) very thin from lack of a good diet. There's this huge overweight Confederate NCO who appears at the beginning of the movie who just makes you wanna cringe. And we're supposed to believe that this guy marched all the way to PA from Virginia? Right. Another problem I had with this movie were the fake looking beards. Longstreet's looked like it came right off the shelf at a Walgreen's after Halloween clearance sale. However, my biggest gripe with this film was its sterilzed combat scenes. You never see any blood! Unlike 'Saving Private Ryan' where you see soldiers being blown apart, the men in Gettysburg merely fall down as if they are at a reenactment. Granted, this was originally a made-for-TV movie. But on the big screen, these inaccuracies loom large. Again, notwithstanding the inaccurate portrayal of the common Civil War soldier, 'Gettysburg' manages to teach us that war is stupid and that many good people will die. (Note: FARB is a reenactor word meaning Far-Be-It-From-Authentic)
Rating:  Summary: Awesome rendition of the book "Killer Angels" Review: The TNT production of "Gettysburg" presents a detailed, insightful look into the action and the souls of men like those who fought in this, the bloodiest battle in the history of US military encounters. The story of the multiple day battle traces the initial movements of the opposing forces, federal and confederate, the initial skirmishes, and the desperate battle to hold the high ground -- ground that will eventually play a telling role in the outcome of this pivotal encounter. It also shows the attack of on Little Round Top, and the last-ditch effort of the Confederates to break the middle of the Union line. The portrayals of actual historical figures who played prominent roles in the battle are outstanding -- though some historians doubt that the bayonette charge down Little Round Top actually unfolded in such an organized fashion. This film clearly shows the devasting ability of modern weapons to take life, and the insignificant ability we have to preserve it amidst such ferocious fighting. "Gettysburg" shows the two opposing side's objectives: 1) to preserve the union, by federal forces; and 2) to preserve individual rights of choice and self-government (stemming from the question on slavery) by confederate forces. The casting of main parts is excellent, and the use of literally thousands of volunteer extras who regularly participate in Civil War re-enactments makes the movie gel. The basis for the movie, the book "The Killer Angels" is an excellent read, and is a great introduction to the Battle at Gettysburg -- the battle that was the beginning of the end for the Confederate Army. Great action, acting, and story! 5 stars! Alan Holyoak
Rating:  Summary: Best Civil War Movie Available Review: Gettysburg is an excellent movie with an all star cast. I wasn't real big on the Civil War until I saw this movie, I have seen it about 50 times and I still watch it. Now, I can't read enough about the battle and the war itself. I recommend this for anyone who wants to become a Civil War buff.
Rating:  Summary: Historically Accurate, Balanced, Fascinating Review: July 1,2,3 of 1863 were pivotal days in our country's history. "Gettysburg" does an admirable job of summing up the actions and emotions of this battle in about 4 hours. This is the best Civil War movie that you are ever going to see. Why is it so good? Here are a number of reasons: ONE: The Acting...There is a good amount of solid actors playing key roles in this movie. Sam Elliot, Martin Sheen, Jeff Daniels, and Tom Berenger are the big names. They are supported by other very good actors. They play their parts with proper accents and believability. TWO: Balance...Some Civil War movies almost make the South seem like the bad guys ("Glory" comes to mind). No matter what part of the country you are from, as you watch "Gettysburg" you feel for the fighters on both sides. You understand the tough choices they had to make as this movie spends even time in both army camps. In a normal movie, I would have expected the Pickett's Charge scene to be a story of the Northerner's great stand. In this movie, both the South and the North are given their due during this key assault. THREE: Personal Stories...This movie isn't just about the nuts & bolts of the battle (who was stationed here, who charged there etc...), but it also does a phenomonal job of telling the stories mostly of the key officers in this battle: Buford, Stuart, Chamberlain, Lee, and Longstreet. One part that was especially done well was the struggle between two close friends, Armistead (CSA) and Hancock (USA). FOUR: Soundtrack...Very appropriate and beautiful music during different parts of the battle. I could go on, but I think this highlights the strengths of this great movie. It's one that's well worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Ignorant to history ? Watch Gettysburg ! Review: First of all I am not an American and on top of that I have been ignorant to history but this movie changed me. I was immediately captivated by the beauty of the country and this dramatic story of human tragedy. This story is beautifully told and within a blink of an eye I was able to switch sides. It seems one is able to understand both sides and feel for all of them. But the key to understanding this war in my mind can be found in the speach that Colonel Chamberlin held when he talked to the mutineers of the 2nd Maine. He said that this war is about freedom for all men and that in this country you are judged by what you are and not by what your father was. "This is the place to build a home ! " The scenery is spectacular, the war is brutal but not too bloody and the human tragedy will stirr up your emotions. I love the music as well. See it but be prepared to be changed !
Rating:  Summary: great war movie all around Review: What can I say about this masterpice that you cant read from the other reviews? Nothing really this film is one of the greatest portrats of how both sides strugled through this battle. One of the most toching sceens in this film comes at the very end during pickets charge. After seeing the comfederat flag fall at the high water mark general lee ask picket or someone else i may be mistakend but when lee ask this man to set up a defence against an expected union counter attack he simply replys "general lee sir I have no battalion" truly a masterpice.
Rating:  Summary: Not just Entertainment! Review: This movie can be described in two words: simply brilliant! The movie based upon Michael Shaara's novel "The Killer Angels" is very well interpreted and expressed. Very moving and patriotic, it encapsulates the tradgedy and triumph of the clash of two great armies and the personal dilemas between the two sides. In addition to excellent entertainment value, it is extremely educational and I highly recommend it to anyone doing any type of research about the Battle of Gettysburg of the American Civil War. A credit to the director and all those involved.
Rating:  Summary: Make Gettysburg PA come to life. Review: Our entire family thoroughly enjoyed this movie. We watched it in preparation for our vacation to the battlefield of Gettysburg. At Gettysburg we bought a tape-tour and spent the day reviewing the conflict. Having watched the movie prior to the visit, the whole battle came to life. We deeply felt the losses of each side, and developed a gratitude for the sacrifice of union and confederate soldiers.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining and educational (in a good way) Review: There's really not much I can add to what's been said here. The actors performances all around were outstanding, and the production values first rate. Cudo's to the Producers for the innovative decision to use Civil War reenactors as extras. One can only imagine the sense of pride, and the lifetime of memories these men experienced in reliving this most important of battles on such a grand scale. There's been some debate here regarding which people and parts of the historical battles were left out. I agree it's a shame that so much couldn't be included. However, I agree with one person that including the entire three day battle would have given us a film that was about eight hours long. (Not that I would have considered this a bad thing of course.) In any case, if viewers are like me, they'll naturally assume on their own that a lot was left out, and be inspired to head down to their local library to find out more. That's certainly what I did first thing. Also kicking myself for not visiting more Civil War sites while growing up on the east coast. The possibility alone of inspiring curiosity should in itself make this movie required viewing in every High school history class. It's properly dramatic, tells a balanced view of both sides, and is certainly exciting enough to hold even the most attention-deprived teenagers interest. The only real negative I found here is the serious lack of blood in the film. War is a very bloody business, and GETTYSBURG seems to be fully in the 'shoot-people-and-they-fall-down' school of moviemaking. The complete opposite of say, GLORY. I can somewhat understand the reasoning behind this, since it was partially made to be shown on television, and a lot of blood and guts would distract from the magnificence of the story and perhaps even turn off some potential viewers who'd get a lot out of it. Still, for this lack of realism I have to demote one star from the rating. This is another film that badly needs a DVD release. A 2-disk set with deleted footage, directors/historian commentary track, and a copy of the 'Making of...' special would send this right to the top of my must have list. Let's hope the folks at Turner productions have this in mind someday. Buy this film, preferably in letterboxed format. You will NOT be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Best of all time Review: This movie was great! It made me want to know more and more about the Civil War( I'm 13). Some people may find it boring, but I think it was cool. You really should watch it