Rating:  Summary: The film is very good, all young women should see it. Review: This film gives young women a role modle to look up to. This is a about a women who gains cureage to battle the people who raped her, and was given grate power to acheve her revenge. The powerful figures in the film are women. Mening this will empower young women to try to achive anything
Rating:  Summary: A must Have Review: This is a must have MOVIE! Classic... As a fantasy buff, I've come across very few movies with this much "UMPH" in it! Just got to have it! Wish it were available on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: The Body Blinks... TWICE! Review: This is just a very sloppy movie.Example: When Sonja's sister dies, look closely. Just as Kalidor puts a hand on Sonja's shoulder the corpse blinks. Then, when Sonja lies across the body and cries, you can see the dead girl breathe. Why is it that after leaving the swordsman training grounds with Kalidor and apparently travelling with him for several miles, she STILL doesn't know his name until her sister semi-dies? When Kalidor picks up Tarn while duelling with Sonja you can TOTALLY see the string supporting the kid. It just LOOKS like Kalidor is holding him up with one hand. The High Priestess, the one with the golden armpit shields, is killed by a throwing star you can SO tell did not even pierce her chestplate Very sloppy and I must agree about the soundtrack but that's not to say it is not entertaining. Buy this movie, it's probably the MOST entertaining, and unintentionally funny thing you'll ever see. PS Is it just me or does the Talisman look like a radioactive pickle jar. Oh,and I LOVED the wax heads. And the spandex!
Rating:  Summary: Perfectly dreadful Review: This is the worst fantasy movie made in recent history second only to "She". Rather than allowing Sonja to build muscle and skill the "Magic Sword-Wielding Fairy" comes down to grant Sonja some strength. As the story develops, the only highlight is Arnold, who we already perceive as a barbarian so it doesn't take much work. Brigitte is a very poor actress and her dialog is wooden and forced. It is amazing that Sandahl Bergman who was excellent in Conan becomes such a campy moronic queen in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great addition for all those that love Arnold Review: This move was a great move and addition to the two Conan parts but I do have a question if anyone can answer it. When is this movie going to come over to DVD? I have been looking forward to it and want to own it as soon as it makes the change. From the way that it appears this movie is exactly like Conan but for me personally I think that it is alot better than both of the Conans givign Arnold an edge and not so much hype.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Sword and Sorcery ; Worst Schwarzenegger Review: This movie features Arnold Schwarzenegger (Kalidor) and Brigitte Nielsen (Red Sonja), who play an about equal part (so that this movie is called Kalidor in some other languages like French, referring only to Schwarzenegger.) The director is quite an unknown person, which is no surprise, given that the movie is so bad. The story parallels somewhat Conan the Barbarian, where Conan's village is destroyed, Conan being the only survivor. Conan becomes a great warrior and in the end seeks revenge by murdering the evil leader (played by a American African actor called J. Earl Jones) who had his kin destroyed. Here we see in the same manner village destroyed by fire, Red Sonja being the only survivor. She gets trained in a Samurai school by Asian characters, then goes to murder the evil queen Gedren (played by Sandahl Bergman) who destroyed her kin. To create some differences with Conan the Barbarian, the story of the present movie revolves around a power talisman that has been stolen by the evil queen. The story is also quite boring at some points, e. g. when we see the main characters escape different parts of a crumbling castles for minutes... The story is full of stupidities. For example, when at the end of her samurai training Red Sonja may chose one of the swords of the Samurai master, she takes a European sword! These are completely different kinds of swords that require completely different training. If she is trained with Japanese swords then she should have taken a Japanese one! To have her take a European sword is absurd, she should rather then have been taught European knights fighting technics... Or there is that giant fish that is supposed to be a terrible killing machine, but when given many opportunities of eating a child and a fat guy can succeed in swallowing them.... Or what about of that fat servant of the prince who succeeds in killing many trained warriors with a stupid bone... And let us pass on more general absurdities such as having Europe, China and Japan all in the same small area... The acting is very poor, the decors look very artificial (fortunately the image quality of the DVD is very bad), the costumes are also very poor. Worst of all, there seem to be only about ten characters (plus a few nameless masked soldiers and fewers priestesses) in the whole movie : Red Sonja, Kalidor, a child-prince, his servant, the queen, her sorcerer and her advisor, and shortly at the beginning of the movie, the high-priestess, Red Sonja's sister and the master Samurai... There is also hardly any dialogue, save for that dispossessed child prince that does most of the talking and is extremely irritating, not to say unsupportable. This character is a terrible arrogant and presumptuous. Worst, the actor chosen for playing this prince role is one of the most ugly children I have ever seen, with a nose almost flat, a flat face except some uglily protruding teeth, split eyes (maybe of Mongolic descent?) And think that Red Sonja and Kalidor waste their time protecting that arrogant character who keeps saying that he want Red Sonja for his wife when he will be adult. That child character is so unsupportable that I can't see how the scenario does not have Red Sonja or Kalidor cut his ugly head, or his servant simply kill him (he keeps calling his helpful servant a fool, or says that he will have him empaled once he will have regained his throne. And Scharzenegger makes only one of his joke (at the very ending), which says how little of himself he put in this bad movie. In conclusion this is one of the worst and less enjoyable movies I have ever seen. Even Conan the Destroyer, which I don't like, is much better. Or rather take a movie with poor ratings such as Barbarian (with bodybuilder Michael O'Hearn, 2003): at least you have many more actors, many different kinds of warriors and weapons, beautiful costumes, authentic decors (real Russian castles), plenty of gorgeous women, and a talking teddy bear instead of that unsupportable child : at least you can have some fun. But don't waste your time watching Red Sonja or your money purchasing it.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie even though kind of old. Review: This movie is packed with action and excitment. It's actors are also great including Arnold Swartzenegger(?). I believe this movie is top choice and have seen it many times on tv and have recently purchased it. If you are wondering about this movie, I say to get it.
Rating:  Summary: i love it it is the best Review: this movie is the best and i have been looking everywhere for it and no one has it but i just got internet and i found it the thing is i have no money and my dream is to own this movie that was the best by aronld
Rating:  Summary: part 3 of 4 in a series Review: This story wasnt meant to be another Conan, Red Sonya <as REH originally wrote the name> was set in a medieval world, but it was changed after his death. Its a good B movie, and we all need a B movine once in a while. OF note on the funnier stuff is when they climb the tower, and their hair falls to rest on the wall of the tower. This was also an early part for Ernie Reys JR, from older tv series "side kicks" and such movies as "TMNT 2" <pizza boy/spy into foot clan> and surf ninjas. the other 3 movies are both Conan's, and the recent movie "Kull the conqueror" each being based of Robert E Howards manuscripts from the 1920~30's.
Rating:  Summary: Campy Sword and Sorcery Review: Though Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Kalidor in this movie rather than Conan, I always think of this movie as the third Conan movie. Queen Gedren (Sandahl Bergman, who played Valeria in "Conan the Barbarian") takes an orb from a sort of temple of all women who plan to lock it away forever, coincidentally at the same time that Queen Gedren has come to steal it. The orb has the power to destroy, and if left in the light too long it has the power to destroy the Earth. We are introduced Red Sonja (Brigitte Nielsen) whose sister was one of the women in the temple and who has taken on the task of retrieving the orb before it can be used to destroy the Earth. Naturally this quest is also Kalidor's, so though the two take separate paths, they all eventually end up in the same place.
Along the way to Gedren's kingdom we encounter Prince Tarn (Ernie Reyes, Jr., "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II" and "Surf Ninjas) and his bodyguard and servant Falkon (Paul L. Smith). Unfortunately, these two characters are the comic relief and while there are a few moments where they are at least humorous, it only takes a while for them to become tedious.
The foursome travel to Queen Gedren's kingdom, all the while she continues to make the glowing orb more and more powerful. She is also aware that Red Sonja and her party are on the way, and tries to prevent them from reaching her kingdom. One of her attempts involves a giant wind-up toy that makes funny noises and swims in circles, often towing one or more characters from the movie. Naturally Prince Tarn was part of the reason they encountered the beastie, and no matter how many times I tell him to go back, get out of the water, it just never seems to happen.
Ultimately the crew reaches Queen Gedren, there is the obligatory big fight, and things mostly resolve themselves as you would probably expect.
There are several remarkable and not-so-remarkable scenes in this movie. In one of the better scenes the party travels across the backbone of some sort of ancient monster. When Arnold encounters Red Sonja she is completing some sort of test to prove that she is ready to graduate from the "Funky Japanese Guy with Stuff Coming out of His Shoulders School of Mystical Sword Work." The arena in which she is fighting is cool, but for some reason they put a guy squatting over the entrance that looks to me like someone attempting to perform a bodily function, and I laugh every time I watch it. The temple of warrior women at the beginning of the movie where the orb is located is also well done, both the interiors and exteriors. I also thought Queen Gedren had a reasonably well-done castle.
This movie has good points and awful points. The fighting is generally well-done throughout, but there are the usual stupid points. For example, the warrior women are surrounding the glowing orb, which they plan to lock in the dark forever. It would seem to the average warrior that a lookout would be advisable. Second, once the locking procedure started, followed by the attack, all one of the priestess-warriors had to do was kick the key into the same deep pit the orb was going to go into, and the orb would have been closed up while the fighting was going on. Of course, that would have ended the movie and what fun would that have been.
Another problem is that Queen Gedren had this orb with all kinds of power, along with a castle filled with soldiers, and yet she allowed Red Sonja to live, with more than a hint of Gedren's sexual orientation. Given her megalomaniacal tendencies, you would have thought that Gedren would have summarily disposed of the group. It just seems like you can't predict the behavior of psychopaths in movies (ever notice that?).
Arnold movies usually introduce humor to keep the movie from being too serious, but this time some the humor was ill-timed and often ill planned. Ernie Reyes, Jr. plays a comedic character, and detracts too much from the plot line. Similarly, Paul Smith as Falkon was often for comedic effect, and it was too much like watching Laurel and Hardy do Conan rather than a typical Arnold movie.
This movie ends up being a movie of contrasts. The movie begins with an excellent premise. Portions of the movie are fun to watch. However, the campy portions drag down the good portions, and all of the potential of the movie is squandered in silliness. Arnold Schwarzenegger was an excellent Conan, and this movie could easily have been a third Conan movie, particularly given that the two Conan movies were much better done than this movie. I will recommend that you watch this movie, but do so as a rental rather than a purchase; you'll be happy you did.