Rating:  Summary: Web-swinging for fun and frolic Review: Spider-Man is the epitome of a summer action flick. It doesn't have wonderful acting or a wonderful script, but it is interesting enough and loud enough to make it worth the money that you pay.Tobey Maguire is wonderful as Peter Parker. He's the perfect casting, creating a mix of shyness, naiveté and brooding after his uncle is killed. It's hard to say how he is as Spider-Man himself, since he has so few lines. But what we did see was pretty good. He only made a couple of quips, which disappointed me a bit, since that's what Spider-Man is known for. Hopefully, that was because he was still getting used to the superhero thing and will happen more in the second movie. Kirsten Dunst is a great Mary Jane. She runs the gamut between a flighty exterior while being extremely troubled inside. It helps draw the male audience in, of course, that she's gorgeous in the role. She doesn't have as big of a role as I would have liked, however. She fulfills the love interest role admirably, but the script doesn't give her much to do besides that. Hopefully that will also change in the next movie. I did like how the movie ended between Peter and Mary Jane, though. It was very appropriate to the character. Willem Dafoe was the perfect Green Goblin as well. He handles the scenes where he's arguing with himself exceptionally well. A lesser actor would have sunk deep into the campiness of the role, but he holds his own. The dialogue is still pretty bad, but Dafoe rises above it. He is able to play both the sinister charm of Norman Osborn as well as the total insanity of the Green Goblin. Those are the main characters, but I have to mention J.K. Simmons as the crotchety newspaper publisher, J. Jonah Jameson. He fits the character in the comic to a T. He simply steals the few scenes that he's in. I don't know if the role was written quite right (I don't remember Jameson being that cruel to people like his wife), but Simmons hit a home run with what he was given. The plot of the movie is your typical superhero action plot. There's nothing really new here, but I was pleased to see how close they came to the actual comic plot. There are some differences, of course, but it was very recognizable. They kept true to the spirit of the characters for the most part, with only minor changes. As a fan of the comics, I am very thankful. I think that had a lot to do with Sam Raimi's direction, which is also fabulous. The main drawback of the film (besides the rather pedestrian plot) is the CGI effects. There are too many times where it actually looks fake. I know CGI isn't perfect, but it really throws you out of the movie when your eyes register the effect itself rather than the result of the effect. The other drawback is James Franco, the guy who plays Harry Osborne. He had no believability whatsoever, and he was very uninteresting. I'm not sure if that was Franco or the way that Harry was written, but it didn't come across well at all. Still, this is a great movie to see if you're just in the mood for a popcorn flick. It's exciting, has lots of eye candy and it will entertain you. I was a big fan of the comics, and my wife has never read one before in her life. Both of us liked it. That should be a good indication.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This is the best movie ever. A really good family movie. It was not scary at all. Although at times it was a bit tense. Take kids over 10. And about Spiderman getting beat up, "IT'S A MOVIE!!! SOMETIMES THINGS LIKE THAT HAPPEN!!" It might be upseting to very young childen but then, that's what PG13 is there for. It was great! Go see it!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What a Disappointment Review: Spiderman: the Movie Spiderman. What a disappointment. And from the director who made The Evil Dead and Darkman which makes it doubly disappointing. Just as another promising director, Tim Burton, fell by the wayside when he made a big budget, summer blockbuster remake of Planet of the Apes, so, too, has Raimi with this adaptation of the comic. Based on the Marvel comic strip and updated to contemporary New York, Tobey Maquire (The Ice Storm) plays Peter Parker, the inept, bespectacled, bumbling nerd who is bitten by a genetically modified (in a reworking of the original, radioactive and no doubt reflecting our contemporary fears over GM as opposed to postwar fears of nuclear apocalypse) spider during a field trip to Columbia University. This story is a conventional love story. As the opening voiceover says, "like all good stories, it's about a girl". Parker - all spectacles, spam and centre parting - has loved his next-door neighbour, Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst), since the age of six. Once bitter, Peter grapples with the overnight transformation to his body, a very obvious metaphor for the hormonal changes all teenagers go through. He develops muscle tone, the ability to jump, climb walls and, in another reworking of the original, shoot webs out of his wrists. Things seem to be going well for Peter - he impresses Mary Jane, he beats up her bullying boyfriend - until his uncle is shot and the Green Goblin (played excellently by Willem Dafoe) arrives on the scene. Peter internalises the last words of his uncle: 'with great power comes great responsibility' and, as Spiderman, he sets out to fight crime, prompted by the knowledge he could have prevented his uncle's death. His crime-fighting, though is compounded by the entrance of the maniacal Goblin, who is determined to persuade Spiderman to join him or kill him if he won't. The Goblin is the alter ego of Norman Osborn, an arms manufacturer, and the father of Peter's best friend who, it turns out, is also dating Mary Jane. The sequences of Spiderman demonstrating his skills are by far the best. Spiderman leaps, swings, jumps and so on. The battle sequences with the Green Goblin are exciting, particularly against the backdrop of the re-edited New York City (sequences depicting the World Trade Center were recut). J.K. Simmons as Jonah Jameson, the Daily Bugle editor who gives Parker his first job as a photographer, was great (particularly when compared to his role as a neo-Nazi on the cult series Oz). And Kirsten Dunst looked cute as the gal. Overall, though, the parts did not equal the sum. The CGI wasn't adequate: when Spiderman climbed walls I did not willingly suspend disbelief. The narrative pace was jerky. Long-winded romantic scenes slowed action sequences down and the overall pace was not maintained. Perhaps big-budgets do not suit Raimi, but then he has a hard act to live up to because his Darkman was, and probably still is, the best comic-book style adaptation on film. This does not bode well. If Raimi can't handle such an adaptation, then what hope do we have for the forthcoming Scooby Doo and others?
Rating:  Summary: Great Adaption of the Comic! Review: I am a fan of the Spiderman comic books, and I was incredibly satisfied with the way "Spiderman" the movie turned out. Although in the book, Spiderman wasn't able to naturally produce a web, but I like the way the film changed that. Any an of the comic should go see this movie, they won't be dissapointed. I didn't think Tobey Maguire would be able to pull it off, but he did. This movie was great!
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of the year so far! Review: Spider-Man was a classic movie and if you haven't seen it yet I suggest you do. I admit the storyline wasn't excellent and it was a little predictable but that isn't bad enough to take away a star. The special effects were amazing and it lived up to it's expectations. The best movie I've seen this year. It's about a high school boy, who is kind of geeky and loves spiders. One day his school goes on a field trip to a spider museum. He gets bitten by a new species and goes home to have a sleep because he is not feeling so good. When he wakes up he doesn't need his glasses to see, and he has all of these weird super-powers. He turns into the ultimate superhero... Spiderman! It is a classic movie, a must see. Everybody will enjoy this movie, and it is a movie for both kids and adults. I'm not sure if they've done this in America or other parts of the world but in the UK they have lowered the rating from a 12 to a PG, so anyone can see it.
Rating:  Summary: LOVE IT! Review: I really liked this movies but I don't see it as a real hit It isn't like star wars or something, but when you go home you are satisfied that you've seen it This movie is just like the comics It's funny and technically there's nothin' wrong with it Believe me this movie has great actors (not too famous yet) and a great director
Rating:  Summary: SPIDERMAN IS BACK IN ACTION Review: Spiderman is a movie for the whole family.......for girls, boys and even adults. This wonderful movie is filled with action, suspense and some romance! This movie has a little bit of everything! It has a great plot, theme and climax. This is one of my favorite movies I've ever seen! I would suggest it to anyone! Why it's rated Pg-13 I have no clue? There's very little violnce, no bad language and no sexual scences. Please go see it.......it's worth the money!
Rating:  Summary: its a shame i cant give this no stars Review: This film is very bad. 1.There is about 50 mistakes in the film 2.very boring 3.the fighting is bad, some one needs to tell Toby how to fight 4.special effects are bad 5.the green gobil looks bad 6.spider man fancies Mary and when she finally asks him out, he turns her away, this is very bad 7.the acting is bad, Toby Maguire and Kirstin Dunst, need I say more. 8.Basically this film is bad and should be thrown in the bin and never watched again, Why? cus its bad.
Rating:  Summary: Actually thought I was going to like it?! Review: I, like many of you, saw the trailers and previews for SPIDER-MAN and thought, man is this movie going to kick... but man was I wrong. This movie was horrible. I'm not a man who's that hard to please, and I can enjoy a good popcorn flick every once in a while, but this was just as bad as {another movie}. The movie as we all know is about a Peter Parker being a nerd, gets bitten by a spider, becomes a superhero, and has to save the world. Compared to movies of its own genre, it has NOTHING NEW TO OFFER, which is the main thing wrong with it. Atleast X-MEN's story was clever, and even had roots in history ... Also, I didnt think the acting was bad but it wasnt anything great. The main thing that bothered me is the movie felt like it was holding back. The movie tries so hard to please its kiddy audience and is so P.C. friendly... The movie also felt way to surreal. I mean, at least BLADE felt surreal to add to stlye, this just felt like a FAKE New York, unlike FAKE New York of THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS, or REAL New York of KIDS...The movies pace is also all wrong. The movie sets up way to many things that never pay off, but will in the next movie though, but your so not caring, you probably wont check it out. Also, Sam Raimi CAN'T DIRECT. I'm sorry, but i enjoyed a few of his other flicks but this one just flat out [failed]. Atleast all those who hated THE MATRIX thought it's action was okay but there is NO decent action scenes here, and the ending fight was so lame, I was glad Spider Man was getting his [rear] kicked. In the end, the movie let me down in A BIG WAY. FOR FUN " CHECK BRAIN AT DOOR" ... ----- A negative review for SPIDER MAN, a movie aimed at my age group, TEENAGERS-------------
Rating:  Summary: Very, very good! Review: Spider-Man is a great movie in EVERY way- direction, acting, writing, and special effects. The story is entertaining and includes several twists and plot devices. I really didn't think that this movie would be good, but it surpassed my expectations by so much. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were suprisingly and pleasently perfect as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson. Willem Defoe was creepy and believable as the Green Goblin, and James Franco was great as his son. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole running time. I can't wait until 2004 for the sequel!