Rating:  Summary: Doesn't deserve any records, but not bad Review: I'm not sure what all the hype was over this movie. Maybe my expectations were too high, but this did not even come close to the original Batman, and the movie was far too slow to truly entertain me. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I expect more from the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: It's web swinging time!!! Review: From what I heard, this DVD is going to be a must have. It has commentary by the director and a lot of behind the scenes things to watch. A lot of people saw this movie in a theater, but they should watch it at home too.Spiderman was a neat movie. It has a cool lovestory with Peter Parker and Maryjane. But the best part is all the cool special effects. Spiderman swings all over the city just like Tarzan. Or I guess Spiderman! It will be perfect to watch the movie on DVD because the special effects will look sharp and realistic just like at the movie. Its also full of funny jokes, like Spiderman's first outfit. He starts as a wrestler, and has to make a suit out of sweatshirts and stuff. Spiderman also makes fun of the bad guy, Green-Goblin. He calls him Gobby for short, which makes Gobby mad. There's some tragic parts too. Spiderman learns a lesson when he lets a crook escape. He becomes a well rounded superhero because he can be both funny and sad...
Rating:  Summary: An Opposing View Review: The movies "Shrek", "Superman" and "The Fifth Element" are among my favorites because of the animation and special effects. Based on the reviews of the critics and other viewers I anticipated that "Spider-Man would excel in some of the same attributes as these movies such as interesting and engaging storyline and good acting as well as first rate special effect and animation. In "Spider-Man" the special effects were so repetitive that I wondered if they were the same ones used over and over. The story line, for me, droned on with little purpose or interest. A soliloquy by Spider-Man in the last scene typified the acting in that it was wordy, delivered like it was from a middle school play and spoiled the possibility of a satisfying ending with an obvious setup for a sequel. Finally, the villain wore a solid mask which looked, to me, like a way to avoid the expense of additional animation. With all due respect to the critics and others who loved the move, what you all saw, I missed. I wrote this because I find the negative reviews equally helpful, often even more so when I disagree. I hope you find this, along with the positive reviews, helpful in drawing your own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Movie, Ending Was Not What I Hoped Review: This movie was very good, it had a great cast that complimented eachother. I wanted to go see it in the theater because of the song "HERO" that is on the sound track. But I didn't think it was going to be as good as it was. The ending is not what I wanted it to be but it was very good and left it open for a sequel. I can't wait till it is out on DVD because the day that it is placed on the shelves I and going to pick one up!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie, followed the comic well Review: This movie was 150% excellente! ... I loved it so much! Tobey McGuire does a good job at playing Spider Man and Kirsten Dunst is an EXCELLENT Mary Jane (MJ). I was kind of ... at the end because I thought it ended a little too soon and they should have put an extra 10 minutes into it AT LEAST. ... Everyone who HASN'T seen this, NEEDS to! Especially a Spider Man comic reader, this movie follows the comic entirely and well!
Rating:  Summary: A must have! Review: Any real fan of stan lee's spider man must have this gift set version. Besides all goodies found in the regular widescreen (such as making-of, outtakes etc) the reprint of the first appearance of spiderman if a collector's dream. Don't forget to try in your computer in order to access the DVD_ROM features!
Rating:  Summary: Columbia's already committed to TWO sequels???? Review: Yes, I realize it's a comic book. Yes, I realize that this is aimed at the mentality of a 12-year-old boy (and hits a bulls-eye at that!) But come on! The writers went for the obvious every single time! And the scenes that were supposed to explore the romantic tension between the hero and his beloved made me laugh out loud every single time because it was so poorly written. And what was the Green Goblin trying to accomplish anyway? For a good comic-book movie, skip this dreck. Watch Tim Burton's Batman instead.
Rating:  Summary: Great, but not worthy Review: I thought Spider-Man was a great flick. The fact that you can relate to Peter Parker puts it on a plane that no other comic has done. He has trouble in dealing with his mutation (Don't we all feel like we outsiders) and more importantly in love. Though the Green Goblin looks nothing like the one in the comics (I thought he was an actual goblin instead of a power ranger reject), it is slightly better than X-Men because of character development. We feel for Spidey/Peter and his toils....However does it really deserve the huge box office tak it has gotten. It grossed more 115 million dollars!!!I expected a big turnout, but the biggest ever. I loved the film and the people, but it didn't bring anything new to the table. The only thing that shows that this isn't like all the other summer box office bonanzas is its huge wad of money it raked in. Nothing else
Rating:  Summary: Much Better than Burton's Batman Flicks Review: This is the best bigscreen adaptation of a major comic superhero that I've seen, much better than the chaotic messes of Burton's Batman films (though I thought Michael Keaton was excellent as Batman). Tobey Maguire's characterization of Peter Parker/Spiderman is perfect, though I do hope he doesn't get limited to the role, since he is probably the best Hollywood male actor of the twenty-something age group. Sometimes I think Raimi still goes for too much close-up violence in that sort of goofy but sadistic cult director way (as does Peter Jackson in Lord of the Rings), but overall this is a serious action hero movie that manages to have some fun. It sticks pretty close to the Spiderman many will know from the 60s comic book, but the story and conceits have been largely updated for this century. Here's hoping Ben Affleck as Daredevil (another Marvel favorite of mine) turns out as good.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest stories ever told. Review: I'd been waiting a long time to see this movie so the hype for me was far and beyond that of the normal movie-goer. Did it live up to the hype? My answer is a resounding yes. Was it better than Episode 2? No question. This may be considered a super hero movie, but what make's this film so good is it's more about Peter Parker and his feelings for Mary Jane than anything else. Of course there's lots of action and special effects, but it's the story that really shines and that's why the movie was seen by such a wide variety of age groups. The soundtrack is great too. I can't wait for this DVD, I will watch it again and again, as should everyone else in the world.