Rating:  Summary: Can You See Beyond the Gore? Review: I never played the video game but I still enjoyed this feature. If you are averse to heavy doses of blood (dogs with skin gone - you get the picture), this is not for you. I enjoyed the story and it was quite a thrill ride. In this day and age of corporate greed and coruption, the story fit in nicely. We don't want those corporations getting out of control, do we? Last warning - like Blade and Blade II - lots of gore.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and scary Review: This movie is actually realy good. I am not a fan of the game at all, and despise almost all game=>movie conversions (and movie=>game conversions), but with some arm twisting I was convinced to watch it, and it kicked ass. The movie is actually pretty scary, and I don't scare easily. It sucks you in and leaves twisted images in your head after watching it. Definately at least a rental.
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil Side Story... Review: This movie is part of the famous Resident Evil video game franchise and is a side story for what is occurring in the games. The special forces in this film are not S.T.A.R.S. They are actually working for Umbrella corporation. The contamination in the game series occurs several months before S.T.A.R.S. team Bravo is sent in to investigate. Umbrella tried to cover the accident up with its own special unit and the R.P.D. (Racoon city's police department) were in charge of the murders occuring a few months later outside the mansion. When the R.P.D. lost control the S.T.A.R.S. were called in to investigate which led to the first game. Bravo team had problems when they arrived at the woods outside the mansion in the movie. Only a few made it to the mansion. Alpha team was sent in to rescue them but they were attacked and the chopper pilot, Brad Vickers, fearfully took off without them. The remaining Alpha members made it to the mansion and so Resident Evil the game started. Resident Evil Zero, the game, shows what happened to the Bravo team. So if your expecting the movie to be the first game then your going to be disappointed. But remember it was never billed as being a movie based off the first game, instead it was billed as being a part of the franchise. This is what happened to the members of Umbrellas special unit. Several months after the events in the movie, the game begins. The movie is very well done. It isn't a gore fest, so it doesn't seem over the top. It is well directed and the special effects are very good. If you like zombie movies, or the game series then you should like this movie very much. That is unless you expect this to be the first game in movie form. Think outside your shallow viewpoint and your sure to enjoy a little side story you probably will never see in the game franchise.
Rating:  Summary: Another Horrible Conversion! Review: Let's start with the merits: Marilyn Manson's contribute to the film is great, and Milla Jovovich rocks. Sadly, Resident Evil is a far cry from the Fifth Element and the Messenger... Hell, it's a far cry from Resident Evil. They managed to take everything that was great about the game series and ruin it. The Licker's CGI looked better in Resident Evil 2, the Night of the Living Dead had far better zombie make-up, and Michelle Rodriguez continues to be one of the most annoying (and worse) actresses in Hollywood. It's sad to see Paul Anderson go from Mortal Kombat (the ONLY good game movie) and Event Horizon, to this junk. Really, the most dissapointing aspect of Resident Evil is that it ends right when it looks like it might get interesting... A city, a shotgun, and Nemesis... Alas, we must wait for a sequel to see how they screw that up though :(
Rating:  Summary: Good but not like the game. Review: The game is way better and there are too many spoofs like the writing in the the beginning "TODAY ALL YOU'RE DREAMS COME TRUE" they were both different and that was noticeable to me. The speacial effects were great and so was the action and acting. The way they made the ending it means that there has to be a sequel and I hope that they make it a little better than the first. That is all...Good bye.
Rating:  Summary: Nice transfer of Playstation game film adaption Review: Resident Evil will probably never win any awards for subtly, acting or writing but it does satisfy the urge to watch an interesting horror movie. The original game was really a knock off of the concept from a number of previous movies (Night of the Living Dead, Warning Sign among many others). It's lack of originality is more than made up for with an imaginative production design and nicely paced narrative. The plot is as simple as the game. There's dangerous research going on in the Hive. Someone has stolen a lethal virus that turns whomever it kills into flesh eating zombies. A crew is sent in to discover what's happened to the Hive when the computer shuts it down killing the infected staff of 500 workers. It's clear that Paul Anderson's film owes a huge debt to Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. While George Romero chose to inject an element of savage satire into his trio of films, Anderson plays his film as a straight ahead thriller. There's lots of close ups of gruesome things. The most clever and original element in this film is making the persona of the central computer into a little girl. This isn't anything heartwarming or original about Resident Evil but it's a fun thrill ride for fans of the original game. It's a pity that Anderson chose not to add any additional subtext to the film as it would have given him and his performers more to work with given the thin narrative. This superbit edition has improved resolution (particularly noticable on a progressive DVD player and HDTV) when compared to the previous, regular editon. Is it worth buying again and paying more money for? Frankly, given the film itself probably not. It's not a surprise to see this film released in the superbit format (vs. more deserving films)as Hollywood has learning to fleece customers many times for "new improved" product.
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil ... BEST GAME MOVIE EVER! Review: I have seen every movie that came out based on games from Nintendio, Playstation, etc....None met my expectations...Mortal Kombat did...to an extent (it had a lot of work and stuff they missed). Resident Evil happens to be the ONE movie like this that did not disappoint me. Packed with terror, gore, and action...Resident Evil brings the game to life on the screen. Every actor in this movie was great. Every creature was amazing. Every piece of music (composed by Marilyn Manson) fit the scenes. This movie is one of my top recommended movies of all time. If you love Horror or if you loved the game check it out. It is SO worth it. CAN'T WAIT FOR 2!
Rating:  Summary: Loads of Zombie Fun Review: Fun flick, but one minor complaint... I am not a huge fan of the Zombie genre, but enjoy them quite a bit. I understand the "rules" and like watching a movie that works well within it's own particular idiom. I can say the same about Romantic Comedies, Documentaries and Action Adventure flicks. When they're done well I enjoy the heck out of them. That having been said, Resident Evil compares favorably among it's fellows. I'm not going to discuss plot because there are a few hundred reviews posted here on Amazon that explain pretty much everything. Besides, you really don't want me to ruin it, do you? There is more action than gore, but it's pretty graphic action so Argento freaks may not walk away happy but the rest of us will have a good time. There is an Aliens type feel to the elite military team, but the characters are very broadly sketched and there's not a lot of feeling for them as they fall victim to the beasts and nasties that inhabit the lair beneath the mansion. Still, seeing a few hundred zombies ganging up on five or six well trained commandoes makes up for the lack of characterization. As far as the effects go, my only complaint is the CGI work on the most monstrous of the beasties. The concept was excellent, but the execution left a bit to be desired. Resident Evil is based on a computer game and the monster looked like he was lifted right off a Playstation and dropped onto the set. I actually chuckled at one point when he was climbing up a wall and looking over his shoulder. My finger automatically sought out a fire button to waste his sorry behind. All that having been said I do have one major complaint about this flick. Are we supposed to believe that these folks live in a world where there has not been a single zombie movie ever made? Reanimated dead folks, shambling through corridors trying to eat human flesh and none of these crack commandoes have the presence of mind to try a head shot? I know with small arms it's advisable to shoot for the center of the target, but how many rounds do you put into something's chest before you try another target? It's a small complaint, I know, but just once I wish a character in one of these movies would have seen a Romero movie some time in their life. Long and short of it; decent effects save one CGI character, a decent plot and wall to wall zombie killing action... I can think of worse ways to spend a Saturday night.
Rating:  Summary: Not really scary but fun to watch Review: The movie isn't really that scary but it was fun to watch and the graphics were awesome. The story line flowed well and for the most part was well acted, I don't really like Michelle Rodriguez but she does an excelent job in the movie. The movie does it's job it sells itself, it pulls you into the plot and keeps you there. I recomend the movie if your just in for an action film. Just for the record the game was a hell of a lot scarier.
Rating:  Summary: YOU CAN'T JUDGE A FILM BY IT'S GAME. HIGHLY UNDERRATED!! Review: I've read many of the reviews here at amazon.com. I find it interesting how what is concidered "a minor film" has brought on so many "Love it"/"Hate it" opinions. I (a non-gamer) fall in the "Love it" group. I've read criticisms of the beginning of the film and how it is hard to follow. It seamed quite apparent (to me) that you were supposed to be confused in the beginning so you could identify with the main character Who has lost her memory. I thought it actually brilliant how things become more clear to the viewer as the effects of the knockout gas wear off of Mila Jovovich's character. I am also surprised that people can watch a video-game based film and have such high expectations. I went into this thinking, "I sure hope there's alot of special effects and good action". I came out of viewing my rental thinking, "That was so much better than I expected, I must own this!!" Heck, I thought "Mortal Kombat" was a passable video game adaptation; Full of action, had a story, fair acting. I'm not sure what people expect when a film like this comes out. Here's my reasoning behind supporting this DVD; -There is actually a story in this film and it requires your strict attention. -Better than average acting for a film of this genre. -Visually stunning. Pay attention to how color (and the lack of)is used. -So it has a metal soundtrack... what did you expect? -Sound quality is very good. "whisper" in the vent is very subtle and creepy. -I have never played the game. This is the film, not the game. What to look for; -Not much gore. Some will find this disappointing. I, personally don't think it matters. There is an ample supply of blood however. -More tension and suspence than scares. I think this film has a great emotional edge to it. -Great character development. You might care when they die. -George Romero Zombie rules are in effect; Blow to the head, infect with bites or scratches, eat the living. -Laser room is a great moment in horror film history. If it does not freek you out, then I don't know what craziness you've witnessed. -Plenty of good extras for the money. I personally looked at this as a film, without concideration to the video game. That comparison is no more fair than comparing "Lord of The Rings" films to the books. Sure, we all want a reasonable level of "faithfulness", just be fair to what you are looking at. I believe the only fair way to judge a film is to keep the media separated.