Rating:  Summary: Please,this movies WAY ,WAY, better than the game!!!! Review: Now this movies not really scary at all,but it has a great creepy feel to it,the drama,the action,the eye candy,the special effects,the great acting,the good sound track,and still one reviewer compared the film to Ghost's of Mars,and Terminator 3 when it's a totally different film,and story,and everything,they might have a slightly simular feel,but that's absolutely it.I wouldn't say it's better,but it's sure as heck isn't worse.And I've played the game,they alway's give the control rating a three out of five when it should be a one or less.Come on,when you push foreward you'r character walks backward's,I HATE THAT!Plus the game is boring,the great story line that no screen writer or director can supposedly match,is totally slow,and boring.About a quarter through the game I wished all the good guy's would of been eatin alive.That would of been a heck of alot more interesting than the super duper slow unfolding storyline. Now the movie on the other hand was the total opposite,it was really intriging,and exciting,from the very beginning,and lasted to the end.Plus it has a rock hard,not slow at all,not boring at all,storyline.In the game they don't explain absolutely nothing right off,it's all in tiny,tiny incraments.That Sucks!It's like a long dull puzzle that just get's duller as the game progresses,and I don't really care where there going with the storyline in the first place.It goes like this,,,you start off in a mansion,with barely any knowledge of why you're there in the first place,,(you could tell the writers had to rack their brains on that one).Then you kill a zombie,and you think,why are there zombie's to begin with?Well it's because they wanted to put something really outlandish in the mansion that shouldn't be there to remind all the R.E. player's of a really badly written low budget cheesy B horror film,and it worked. But wait!Can it be?There's a small,very small clue,written on a paper.Once again,there's no explanation at all about much of anything on the paper,I'm falling asleep just thinking about it,now that's extremely unlike the movie.In the movie there's never a dull moment,there's Zombie dogs,a dicapitation,regular zombies that had a very well written reason for becoming zombies,they tell you that in about the middle of the film.I personally can't see how anyone could possably hate this film,unless they have very dry and boring taste.Well anyway's I highly recommend this movie....
Rating:  Summary: Creepy and fun. Review: A decent translation of the Playstation game onto the silver screen. Good acting, good special effects, and compelling story move this film along. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Been there ... done that Review: There was a lot of promotion and positive reviews for this movie here in the Australian street press. I don't know why though. This movie reminds me of Ghosts Or Mars; what with the train. The storyline has been done before to death and much better in Terminator 3. The DVD is value - the audio commentary is different and daring. The cast and crew/directors talk on it and they cover a lot of issues some controversial. But the volume isn't even. Sometimes loud and sometimes soft. And it has nearly 50 minutes worth of featurettes. There was some redeeming points in the movie. I could understand the anti=technology anti-artificial intellegence messages - but even that ain't original (but it did brood well with me). The lead female Jacovich was sexy. The kid's voice as the Mother Computer was eerie and deep, insightfull. There was some truly Generation X stylish single second scene shots reminscent of The Matrix and The Cube scattered, all be it scarcely, througout the film, where you think, girl that looks cool. But apart from those four or so good points the movie has been done to death by Hollywood. When can they come up with something new? BTW I Agree with the amazon, editorial review above - Event Horizon was better - dare I say it CLASSIC film previously done by the director of RE.
Rating:  Summary: Bloody Splatter Opera! Blow Their Heads to bits! It's Fun! Review: Well, this movie was good, because you know what you're getting and that's what you get. Milla Jovovich is radiant. But unfortunately I can't remember any of the other characters. They're just guys in special-ops uniforms - and then they're killed off one-by-one. There's also a sinister computer and a giant-mutant-tiger-monster, but they don't make much impact. Paul Anderson is the man who made Event Horizon, another horrible movie. He's a very mediocre talent who makes movies aimed squarely at bloodthirsty 14-year-olds. That said, I was one of those once so I can appreciate this flick. But '28 Days Later' is a vastly superior movie. Ignore this. Look at that one instead.
Rating:  Summary: A fun thrill ride that could have been more. Review: Based on the hit survival horror video game series from which it gets its name, Resident Evil does an adequate job of setting up a film franchise, but does practically nothing with the rich world available to it from its source material - it's all set-up and no follow through. Writer/director Paul W.S. Anderson does keep the pace brisk and the film uncluttered with too much detail, but a little more shading in the character department would have been nice, and having the two people who should know more about the facility than they actually do because of a nerve gas induced amnesia is just a dirty (and lazy) little cheat, narratively speaking. Also the movie too often resembles other, better movies (i.e. Aliens, Dawn and Day of the Dead, etc.) instead of the games upon which the movie is supposed to be based. Weak script aside though, the movie is visually exciting and fun to watch in its own way. It just isn't the moody and scary experience the games are. Hopefully the inevitable sequel will be an improvement and not another semi-successful missed opportunity. For Resident Evil fans only.
Rating:  Summary: Barbie Commando Meets Plotless Doom.... Review: I was reluctant to watch resident evil, considering it was based on a video game. Well, my fears were realized in this hack-n'-slash skin fest. First the good: the first fifteen minutes were excellent. Great tension, great screenplay, excellent action. (Especially the scene where they are trapped in the elevator). The movie went down hill from there, into some campy zombie-killing thriller featuring an impractically clad heroine, and dozens of super-model looking commandos. sorry, I had to pass on finishing this, about the time the woman woke up in the mansion, my brain began to go numb. Perhaps the sequel will be better? But then again, considering the success of past video-game based films, perhaps not...
Rating:  Summary: they splooged this one down the hole Review: it doesnt do good with its wooden dialogue and its crappy acting. basically some moments are way better then others but the blending with zombies and heavy rock isnt great. the suspenseful piano music in the game is better and the games themselves are way better. Anderson directed a ok but boring movie to a great and horrific video game. a dissapointment really
Rating:  Summary: I just wasted 2 hours of my life... Review: I love the Resident Evil video games. I have been a fan since the first one was released in 1996. I love the storyline, the erie soundtrack, the creepy sound effects and of course, blowing the heads off of the walking dead. When I heard they were making a film based on it with George Romero directing, I went unconscious. I was so excited and couldn't wait to see it. Then, Mr. Romero was dropped from the project and it was given to the biggest hack in Hollywood history...Paul W.S. Anderson. Besides the competent Mortal Kombat, he has yet to make a film worthy of a one week run at a dollar house. This movie was shameful from beginning to end. Complete with faux-Matrix action, cookie-cutter acting, void of any horror or suspence and featuring CG that must have been made on a Tandy PC from 1988. He even trashed the storyline. There was no Red Queen nonsense in any of the games, and certainly no child hologram telling everyone they are going to die. And don't give me the excuse of it being campy on purpose. This movie failed on every possible level, including being one of those bad movies that never takes itself seriously and becoming a midnite cable classic. Anyone who likes this movie needs to see a George Romero film immediately. He is the one who started the whole zombie genre and it still the best at it. Once you see any of those films, you'll forgot about this one and realize how much better this could have been. Mr. Anderson is also helming the Alien Vs. Predator movie, due out Summer 2004. This movie has been in the works as long as the recent Freddy Vs Jason film. You'd be better off playing the 16 bit Sega game that being subjected to his desecration of it as a film. He is sure proof that talent and vision are traits not needed for a director's job in Hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: A hi-tech - and lousy - version of "Day of the Dead" Review: I don't know about the video game but I don't have to know about it and to be a bright one to see that the conceptors of the game were inspired by George Romero's cinema. Take Romero's excellent movie, "Day of the Dead" (the third and last film in his zombi trilogy), add to it a big budget, plenty of computers and special effects and a couple of female stars, in order to grab the required audience, and you get that kind of predigested movie, that you forget as soon as you see it. The story is practically the same: a handful of characters trapped by a bunch of zombies in a closed, underground place, and who quickly slander each other for survival. "Resident Evil" is unfortunately typical of today's American action cinema: it's empty, noisy and brainless, in one word, standard. More than the story, totally trivial today - the virus theme has been told a hundred times, and in better, especially in "Twelve Monkeys" and in Richard Matheson's founder novel, "I am Legend" -, the biggest default of this film is the total lack of gore scenes, which is paradoxical for a zombie movie and the symptom of a politically correct U.S. cinema. Milla Jovovich is not very comfortable, the music, uselessly hard, is deafening and brings bad headache (but this is the fashion today), the beginning is totally taken from Vincenzo Natali's "Cube" and the ending, from John Carpenter's "In the Mouth of Madness". This disastrous movie (but what could you expect from the director of pitiful "Mortal Kombat", also based upon a video game?) is a good proof that money and technology don't always do good to cinema. A last point: it's George Romero himself who was first supposed to direct the movie. But he was put away after he brought a script we may suppose as 'gore' - and good - as his previous zombi works... Shame on the deciders! And shame on the finally chosen director! Your movie is a waste!
Rating:  Summary: "Resident Evil" feels right at home............. Review: I had never played any of the Resident Evil games before this movie came out. When I found out it was based on a Playstation zombie killing game I passed it by time and time again at the local video store. One day I'm kicking back on the sofa flipping channels when I come across RE on one of my movie channels. I loved it, went out and bought it immediately. The story deals with a virus that was purposely released in an underground work/lab environment and causes the dead to rise and mutate on occasion. A small group of survivors must navigate their way to safety. That's the plot in a nutshell. The storyline is good and original in my opinion and the characters are all likeable. You'll find yourself pulling for them and cringing when things don't always work out so well. Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez are certainly easy on the eyes. I especially liked Rodriguez's performance. I've recommended this movie to several friends who've all loved it. I hear "Resident Evil 2" is in production. Milla Jovovich will be reprising her role. I'm really looking forward to it. After watching the movie I went out and bought "Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3 for my daughter's Playstation. The zombies freak her out so she won't play the games but she loves watching me. it's a blast. A real stress reliever for me. Bottom-line: I'd recommend both the movie and the video games.