Rating:  Summary: It's all about the commentary... Review: ...the commentary is even more entertaining than the movie. Suprisingly, Milla comes off very immature and annoying ("can I just say? can I just say?"...), which are personality traits that I wouldn't normally associate with the model stereotype. Because she's a sex symbol, I somehow can't help but be amused by her obnoxiousness (i.e. the "gas controversy" when she collapses in the shower). Michelle points out her favorite weapons and "sick" scenes, while joking about Eric Mabius's pepper and yogurt binging. The James Purefoy comparison to James Bond is equally funny at the right moments. Although the commentary group's timing can be off, the facts concerning movie production are also appropriately balanced (i.e. the Alice in Wonderland analogy). Overall, they just seem like a fun group to make a movie with- you can tell they enjoy eachother's company. There are many memorable lines and scenes that become the joke subjects of the actresses, director, and producer. If you haven't been a fan of commentary yet than try it out on Resident Evil, where getting drunk on set and nude shots are better than stupid color grading.
Rating:  Summary: A good Virus Review: This was a very good/well made movie. I am a BIG fan of the RE games, but i was a bit dissapointed that they mess with the story a bit, like Alice, all the commandos, the "hive", and the "Red Queen". The laser part was....ok i did like the beginning and the ending!!! it was one of the best movie endings! you just know there is going to be a RE2! I think this was a great game turned movie, and would recommend it to any horror fans!
Rating:  Summary: Loved it... Review: Like most people, I also thought this movie was going to be stupid like most video game made movies or whatever you want to call them. One of the reasons I went to see this film was because I am a die hard Milla Jovovich fan. To my surprise, I thought this movie was very good. I also am a big fan of the Resident Evil games, and when a movie based off of a game is made, there's obviously gonna be differences. There is no Jill Valentine or any other characters of the game in the movie..some of them come later in the sequel maybe...This movie is pretty much a whole entire different story to Resident Evil. So what if it wasn't exactly like the game. I think it probably would be very dumb if they started it like that. Anyway, I don't know why people are saying the acting was bad? It was very good I thought. With Milla Jovovich always giving an excellent performance and Michelle Rodriguez and the others doing a great job too. The storyline, once again being new to the game, was great to with it leaving off in the end to a good surprise (8 The makeup for the zombies and other creatures was very well done and give all of them a very creepy affect and made it tie in with the action and suspense very well. If there were to be anything bad about the movie, it would be that it seemed kind of short. That's my opinion but other than that, I definitly recomend this to big action fans, Resident Evil fans, and of course, Milla Jovovich fans (8
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil fans need not apply Review: This movie was not at all like the game. They put a big twist on the first resident evil, by putting the members of s.t.a.r.s. under ground instead in the mansion where they belong. The movie added new members to s.t.a.r.s. that did not exist. The movie had a horrible storyline, of Jill Valentine waking up in the shower and dicovering that she was a member of s.t.a.r.s.. The original story was that Jill, Chris, Barry and Wesker were forced to stay in the mansion because there helicopter pilot abandoned them. The only thing from the game that the movie had right was the zombies. This movie only desreves 2 stars because first it was a bad movie and secondly it was not true to the original story. I hope that the sequel is true to Resident evil three.
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil movie is a complete disaster!! Review: The director of Resident evil, Mr Paul Anderson is a huge dissapointment to CAPCOM, the grey coloured playstation console and not forgeting the Resident evil fans world wide.Now let me explain, why R.E is a dissapointment. HISTORY OF THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT The basic reasons are Paul anderson preffered writing his own script by adding additions in the movie which never exsisted in the game itself. Before Paul anderson wasted his ink and paper on writing his script.There was a director of the name George.A.romeo. He is the genious behind the zombie movies such as Day of the dead.His R.E script wasnt approved because he wrote the names of the real characters in his script. This is when Anderson was transferred and decided to change the whole script by using everything in his little imagination. NO ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND STORY So how can this movie be a success, if the director cant even create the original characters of the game and get the authentic storyline. Not one original character is present in the movie, which is a huge dissapointment to the fans and CAPCOM's unappreciated efforts of creating the brilliant characters. NO HORROR The other major dissapointment is that the zombies and dogs looked pathetic, which i found more real terror in the 32bit game itself. The movie should be aimed at children who enjoy watching goosebumps instead of being aimed at ages above 15. SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY I would recomend you R.E fans or just horror lovers to think twice before buying this movie. If you are a R.E fan you are better off buying the resident evil comics, because the story and characters are related to the game.If you are a zombie horror fan, i recomend you to buy movies directed by George.A.romero and Fulci, thats the real stuff to get full satisfaction from your hard working money. REMEMER,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Rating:  Summary: Abyssmal adaptation of the game.... Review: ...on it's own, standard Hollywood fare. Don't go into this expecting a faithful take of the original "Resident Evil" game; that storyline was tossed out the window, with director Paul Anderson inserting his own cookie-cutter vision (lack of vision?), looking to cash in on the franchise name. Anderson, in the liner notes, is called a "fan" of the RE video game series. Coulda fooled me, since his big-screen adaptation hardly has anything to do with RE. For whatever reason (ego? studio execs with zero inspiration beyond $$$?), Anderson decided to script his own "prequel" to the events of the first RE game. The game was a slow-paced creepfest, all about atmosphere. This film is typical Hollywood tripe, full of kung-fu babes, lame one-liners, wooden acting, obnoxiously-loud industrial metal music, and cheap "things popping out of lockers" scares. The basic plotline: Umbrella, a sinister mega-corporation which profits from bio-engineering & genetic alteration aimed towards warfare while operating under the guise of a General-Electric type company, has a massive underground lab. Nine-to-fivers work there like they would in an ordinary office, live there, eat & shop there, shut away from the world above. This is all hidden under a pristine mansion. Some criminal jerk decides to steal a very lethal viral agent known as the T-Virus, intentionally loosing the virus in the process, causing all hell to break loose. Everybody down below dies, re-animate as zombies. A "crack" SWAT team swoops in to find an amnesiac agent and a do-gooder trying to bring down Umbrella. Zombies attack, and most of the squad dies in a laser room before most of the action goes down. Later, mutant dogs abd beasts attack, Milla does her "Matrix" routine....you get the point. Anderson turned a great game series into a convoluted mess. There is no "Red Queen" killer computer in the game. No underground office workers. No Alice the Zombie Killer. The script is paper-thin. Here's a great example; Team Leader: "Report, soldier." Jovovich as Alice: "What?". Good stuff, eh? Michelle Rodriguez will make you wonder how she gets paid to act, irritating you beynd belief in the process. She plays a Vazquez-from-Aliens ripoff character, snarling the entire movie in an effort to play a tough commando chick. The rest? Uh, doesn't matter since you barely even learn any of their names. Bad zombie effects, mediocre CGI work (including some zombies), blasting music....meant as a distraction, I believe, from the awful screenplay. There's no crumbling Spencer Mansion. No odd puzzles to solve. No lone zombie wandering a dark hallway. No mouldering tombs to search. No blackened catacombs. No Trevor family. No freak mutations like the massive snake Yawn, Plant 42, Lisa Trevor, the shark Momma Neptune, or the dreaded Tyrant. No moody atmosphere of being stranded in a remote mansion, looking for your missing comrades without a clue as to what happened. No horror of discovering sinister experiments. In fact, there's nothing in this movie that made the game so creepy and effective. It was all there; perfect source material to make a truly frightening film. Sadly, it was all trashed in favor of pretty actors and lame Matrix-like action. In other words, Hollywood took another promising franchise and turned it into the typical garbage that they churn out day after day. On it's own, the film is your average Hollywood action/horror job, indistinguishable from the rest of its ilk. As a RE film, it is a complete bomb & miserable failure. Want a great RE movie experience? Buy a GameCube and the Resident Evil remake. The graphics are amazing, and the mood is perfect. Play it in the dark and you start looking over your shoulder. Want a bad RE movie experience? Pop this film into your DVD player and you start looking over your shoulder for the nearest exit. Shame on you, Paul W.S. Anderson. What does the W.S. stand for? Writes Sh*t? Next time, stick to the storyline and spare us your own embarrassing version of things.
Rating:  Summary: Milla Jovoich was great, everyone else was OK. Review: Starts off pretty good but then gets a bit strange when the walking dead arrive and other mutants arrive.
Rating:  Summary: All I Can Say... Review: Is that you should avoid this film as if it was crawling with Ebola. It's utter nonsense, with hardly a cranial cavity on its' shoulders, much less a brain. The acting is so wooden I have half a mind to use it to make furniture. The plot doesn't make a lick of sense (something about a wicked corporation that runs the world and makes a new, deadly man-made virus, for no apparent reason), and the action sequences are utter trash, with no sense of urgency for the characters, because we don't care about them anyway. "Resident Evil" is crap on celluloid. Avoid as such.
Rating:  Summary: The coolest zombie movie! Review: This movie is great! You have a virus sweeping up a whole entire building turning everyone into a zombie! This movie is better than the Resident Evil 1 or 2 video games. One of the most fantastic parts in this movie is when the four or five officers get trapped in a room where a laser is coming straight from the walls in a straight line killing everyone inside. After only one is left in there he dodges like 2 lasers, then he thinks its done but he's wrong the straight laser suddenly spreads out in a enormous square with tiny squares in the middle and he says, "That can't be good!" And he's right his body gets cut up into tiny little squares.
Rating:  Summary: Virus Review: The main point is quite fizz. I didn't understand the idea. There's some mutants who are created by virus...this is quite boring movie because they only try to scare people with "scary" monsters. There's also a computer which is "alive"..well, I have to say almost bu*lsh*t the whole movie! One good thing is in extras: Slipknot's video "My Plague" is very very good track and video!