Rating:  Summary: Milla Milla everywhere and not a drop to drink Review: Well I have to admit. I wasn't a fan when the movie came out. You know, I went to parties and stayed up late playing..umm Code Veronica and whatnot. Not putting anythought into where the zombies came from or why the hell this chick was runnin' aroung an island with a lighter and a gun. Soo when this movie came out I dragged my best friend to it ( He was the one who held the party and the on I thought I would most enjoy it with . I have to say that I am not one to deal with scary stuff well at all. Even while playing the game I toss the copontroller to the nearest person whenever I open a door, wraped in a blanket. So we sat there watching the preveiws and muching on popcorn and then it started. From start to finish I dont think I let go of the chair's arm or hyperventalting. I screamed at certain parts and but I never closed my eyes once...I was so engrossed in it. So much so that since March or whenever it came out I have been doing anything from checking out the books to getting the re-make on Gamecube. At the time of the movie I had no-clue what anything was..from Umbrella to even who Alice was. But I loved it. Simply loved it. Soo now then that I understand everything more I find myself looking back at some scences of the flick, such as at the end when the man was put into the "Nemesis" Project thing. I finally understand. I gave it a four because at the time I didnt know what was happening so I was lost...lost but interested. Well I'm done telling you how I blow off my weekends but playing RE games soo yeaa.. o.o;;
Rating:  Summary: what is this movie again? Review: This movie is about people trying to survive and escape an area infested with zombies, dogs, and mutants. Sounds like the game, but is pretty much far from it. The zombies in the movie seem to hiss and growl more like tigers than flesh eating zombies, the dogs seem to be easily taken down, and as for the mutants, what mutants? Except for that ONE. For any true horror fan, i'd suggest playing a resident evil game (try the one on gamecube or re 2) watch the movie and if you're impressed by the movie then hooray for you. I can honestly say that i was greatly dissapointed by the movie. I gave it an extra star only because I could see it as another movie other than Resident Evil. The movie did not do the game any justice. If you're thinking "oh this person is just an re fan" you're right. I just don't think the movie should have been called Resident Evil. If they weren't going to make it right, then they shouldn't have made it at all. If it was like the game, it would have totally and inevitably been a horror classic. GarunteedNow, even if i weren't a fan, then I would say that the zombies were too clean, there was nothing scary. How can it? Not with that soundtrack. There were times when I wanted to yell out Mortal Kombat. I didn't care if any of the characters survived or died. When I saw all those people introduced into the movie I thought "Well at least I might get to see some gory mauling and death scenes with these people", BUT THEN they go into this laser room. The computer seemed to be more deadly than anything else. It was as if I were watching a sci-fi movie more than a horror movie. Very disappointing indeed. Rent it, don't buy. Better yet, forget it even exists.
Rating:  Summary: A Very great movie!! Review: This movie was awesome. It has a lot of action and kept me on the edge of my seat. The special effects were great also. At some times during the movie it was a little predictable and easy to guess what was gonna happen next. The beggining was a little confusing. But other than that this was a great movie. I would reccomend that you buy it on DVD. I sure know i am!
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Kicks [Rear]!! Review: I saw this movie it is awesome. If you are a fan of the video game series then I recommend you see this movie and if you have never even played Resident Evil then I also suggest you see this movie. It has lots of action and there is not a boring moment in it. It is by far one of the best movies I've ever seen and I think that you will like it too. This movie is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil... Review: This film was a first of it's kind in my opinion.It gets a lot of very bad reviews,and I just don't see why.The plot was very good,and thickened as the movie went on.Besides the few gory scenes,it was a fairly well directed movie that made you jump every few minutes.I wouldn't suggest lettingyoung children watch it...two words "BAD DREAMS!!!".So,I give it a 4 out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: Weak if you're a fan of the game; pointless if you aren't Review: There is only one brief moment in Paul W.S. Anderson's misguided film of Resident Evil in which he actually captures the awesomely creepy atmosphere of the original games. It's when we first meet Milla Jovovich's character, dazed and amnesiac, waking up in the shower in a dark and deserted mansion. It's also the only scene that can reasonably be termed "horror." For most of the rest of the film, Anderson tries to capture a riff similar to that of James Cameron's Aliens...and fails. Sure, there are specific elements of the game introduced here and there (like the skinned-looking zombie dogs), but what on earth kind of zombie movie is it that has NO GORE!? Perhaps fearing those prudes at the MPAA, Anderson gives us close-ups of muzzle flashes in the gun-battle scenes when any REAL zombie movie would be bestowing its special make-up effects crew with the latest means of molding exploding heads. Make no mistake, this is an action movie, not a horror movie, and not a particularly tense or original one, borrowing as it does from every "bunch of folks getting picked off one by one" plot that's come down the pike. (For a movie that's almost identical to this one but actually remembers to be good cheesy fun, try John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars.) There is, now that I remember it, one other shot that reminded me of the game, and that was the final one in which Milla is gazing out upon the Raccoon City street littered with burning cars and wreckage. It's a sign that Anderson could have actually made a Resident Evil movie if he'd wanted to, but he just didn't. I told myself I'd give this DVD a rental if it proved to be an extended unrated director's cut, with excised blood-n-guts restored, but it looks like this "special edition" is going to be nothing more than the sanitized-for-your-protection theatrical edit after all. So game over, man.
Rating:  Summary: ~untitled~ Review: We're all used to movies made from video games not living up to expectations. well this one suceeds. any one even quextioning whether or not to see this movie.. see it. you will be pleasently surprised.. and scared. action packed, on the edge of your seat suspense, and for the wimpy girls, they will be keeping their eyes closed
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: ... There are some really cool action sequences involving both gun and fist fights. There are also some really cool special effects, the laser room comes to mind. Much of it is not feasible, but hey, it's a Sci-Fi movie. If you want realism, buy Saving Private Ryan. The gore in this movie isn't too terrible, there are a few bloody parts, but the whole movie isn't straight shooting guys heads off as the editoral review would lead you to believe. There are some parts where the movies drags a bit, but overall it is entertaing throughout. So if you want a fun, suspensful movie then check out Resident Evil, but if you have absoutly no imagination, then you may want to skip this one. Plus, Milla Jovovich runs around in a short skirt, always a bonus! ...
Rating:  Summary: really good movie Review: I think this movie is great. As a fan of the game, I knew I would like it. And I'm not sure if most people understand, but it takes place before the game Resident Evil. By the time it's the end of the movie with that final scene where Milla picks up the shotgun, it is the time of Resident Evil 2 (you'd have to see the movie to know what I mean). I think some people thought this was suppose to be based on the first game for Sony Playstation, but it's not. Milla Jovovitch and Michell Rodregez are great and I enjoy this movie every time I see it!
Rating:  Summary: Why? Review: what can i really say? i had attempted to follow the progress of the rumored resident evil movie since shortly after the release of resident evil 2. three long years. three long years can kind of force anyone to expect a lot. though the move really had its strong points, it just seemed to lack plot; maybe it is just common among all survival movies. anyway, despite the great performances by milla jovovich (hope i spelled it right), michelle rodriquiz (again... same hope), and eric mabius, the movie just kind of lacked. it only left me wondering one thing: where was the magnum/colt python?