Rating:  Summary: cool Review: I really liked this movie out of all the game to movie titles better than tomb raider, mortal kombat ext. and the dvd has pretty cool extras like the slipknot video.
Rating:  Summary: Pleasing but... Review: As a fan of all the video games I was thrilled when I heard the long awaited movie was finally hitting theatres. The first dissapointment to me was the story. I hoped it would have all the classic characters from the game. Also, I wish the movie was in the mansion, however, I soon got over this as I watched because there were some redeeming qualities. Anybody can say their thirst for zombies was fulfilled as I have never seen so many on a screen since Night of the Living Dead. Also, the movie is very suspensful and there a few slow instances. There were some jumpy times but I wouldn't classify this as a horror movie...(its more action). This movie is a lot of fun and a good rent but I probably would not buy it. The story brought the grade down a full star because even after watching it a second time I still didn't fully understand what was going on. So its up to you. A good rental for a party with friends but nothing more. 7/10
Rating:  Summary: Good flick! Where's the gore? DVD lacks inspiration! Review: I am not a fan of the games. I rarely (if ever) pick up a video game. I know about the "Resident Evil" games, I know it's one of the most popular of items. This movie just lacks "something." You can't really put your finger on it but overall it's great eye candy. Great special effects, awesome sound and for once, a good plot! The biggest problem here though is, for a video game turned movie, this DVD sure lacks quite a bit of inspiration! Where's the deleted scenes? Where's the "fun" extras?? Where's the fun??? All are missing unfortunately. So, I guess we'll have to wait for the real deal when Blade 2 comes to DVD in September. In the meantime, this DVD is worth a rental. Cheers!
Rating:  Summary: Precisely what I expected Review: This film was, I'm sorry, [really bad]. I just can't see a point to it. In the game, all you do is walk around and shoot zombies; the film is exactly the same. There's just a bunch of guys walking around and killing zombies, and occasionally the zombies kill one of them. Every single moment of the film is a hundred percent predictable, so the 'plot twists' are obvious and the scary parts are simply not scary. The acting is horrible, Marilyn Manson's soundtrack is exactly what you might expect, the directing, plot and dialogue are non-existent.Well, I don't know... Maybe it would be scarier to watch on a big screen in a darkened theatre, but to me today's horror directors simply got it wrong. You don't make a movie scary by showing lots of blood and organs and people with no eyes or no jaws. A truly scary movie is created by ATMOSPHERE (note Hitchkok and Kubrick). Seeing a guy being sliced into a hundred little pieces isn't scary, it's repulsive. There IS a difference, you know. Two thumbs down.
Rating:  Summary: A great set-up movie for its sequel Review: If you are a die-hard fan of the RE video game series, you might be a bit let down. In the whole movie, there are only a handful of items and instances where you will go "Ah...that I know". Seeing this movie with the video game in mind might disappoint you. But as an action movie, it's up there with the best of the I've-got-some-time-to-kill-and-feel-like-watching-some-action-movie genre. That's the situation I was under when I watched this movie. Must say, I was thoroughly enjoying this movie. Didn't really care that the plot was thin. Didn't give a damn I didn't see any recognizable characters from the game (which I've played). I saw a damn good action movie! And that's what this is...a damn good action movie! Rent it or buy it. It'll give you 90 minutes of good ole action movie fun.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly The Best Movie Made From A Video Game Review: Unless you're a gaming freak who's played Resident Evil 24/7 and watched this film expecting every single detail to match up to the game, I find it hard to believe how anyone could not find this film at the very least thoroughly entertaining. The story which is pretty simple goes like this. An underground research facility has been experimenting with DNA and doing dangerous and illegal testing on animals. The facility which is run by a computer shuts down and traps all of the employees inside and a virus breaks loose killing everyone instantly. Flash forward to Alice (played by Milla Jovovich) who wakes up alone in a mansion only to discover she has no clue who she or anyone else is. An army like swat team (including Michelle Rodriguez) breaks into the mansion, informs her that she used to be one of them and forces her and a mysterious man named Matt (played by Eric Mabius) to come along to inspect what's gone on in the lab. Soon they find themselves dying one by one and fighting for survival against zombies, mutant animals and monsters. This is one of those films you have to over look it's premise and watch with an open mind, but in the end what you get is a rewarding kick ...action / horror film with some amazing special effects and some sufficiant scares. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who desires some good thrills and lots of detailed gore. Similar to the video game, this movie is not to be watched alone and is filmed with many of the storylines and scenes taken from this game. I suggest watching this DVD twice. First watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is and then watch it with the hilarious commentary on provided by the film makers, Milla and Michelle who give alot of behind the scenes info about the frame to frame sequences they shot that were taken from the game. Also discussed is their time spent in Germany while making the film, the training that went into the fighting sequences and what to expect from the highly anticipated sequel. ... With a great score by Marilyn Manson this loud, in your face flick is possibly the best movie made from a video game ever. Alot better than Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. For those who didn't like it, give it a second chance and watch it with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: YOU, THE MASTER OF UNLOCKING Review: Although George Romero was orginally hired, and then fired, from the production of RESIDENT EVIL, it is still very much his kind of movie. It can't help but be - the themes, images and laws constrcuted in Romero's NIGHT, DAWN and DAY OF THE DEAD are to zombie films as Asimov's laws of robitcs is to artifical intelligence today. He is the grandfather... and RESIDENT EVIL is very much his grand-daughter, and she's all grown up. More fun than you may imagine, and holds together better than you might think, RESIDENT EVIL is perhaps the first game to movie film that not only matches its source material (there are visual keys and clues to the original game, as well as catch phrases and names), but also manages to break free from it as well and allow the story to open up. Action packed, creepy, funny, and sometimes dead stupid (there are some solid groans off and on in the film) - the film is a pure thrill from start to finish... and the ending (reshot before its run in the theaters) will simply bend your mind. Although not jammed packed with extra features - the commetary track alone makes up for it. It's fast, funny, often times lewd and rude (Milla Jovovich is just a plain hoot), and you can't help but feel that they had not only a good time making the film, but are also just having a good time watching it as well. RESIDENT EVIL may not be the most original zombie film out there, but it is one of the tightest, and does not fail to deleiver. A must for fans of the game, the gnere and Milla Jovovich - as for the rest, you could do worse than to have this solid performer in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: An alright film Review: Well, in my own opinion, I liked this movie. I mean, by no means was it a great flick, but I had fun watching it. As previously stated, no, it doesn't follow any of the games' plots directly. However, Umbrella's still the evil corporation, the T-Virus is still the, well, virus. Not to mention, that the filmmakers have, in fact, taken scenes from the games and stuffed 'em right in the flick. I won't go into detail about them, but suffice it to say that if you've played the games, you'll notice these scenes recreated for the movie. Now, in conclusion, this isn't an intelligent movie, or an extremely well-acted movie, however, it can be fun to watch if you don't get caught up in how they strayed from the games, or if you don't mind dumb movies. Plus there's something eerie about watching stuff from games I've been playing for years acted out on the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: Okay this is for those of you that have no idea what this movie is about. This movie takes places a few months before Resident Evil the game comes into play, ... For those of you that have never played the games or read the novels this is still a great movie with lots of action and suspense to make it worth owning and seeing countless times. I have a feeling, with the fan support for the first movie, there is going to be a new genre of movies based on this hit game. Look at the novels already present on the market, and still increasing with each new storyline or game. Read the other reviews and you will see an overview of what the movie is about,...I am expecting to see a backtrack to the Mansion Incident from the game, and then a more in depth of what happend to Raccoon City. I would recommend anyone who wants to see the movie to do so, and, like anything else, there are some who hate it and some who love it. I happen to love it!
Rating:  Summary: Above Average Horror film! Review: This is a very entertaining and action-packed movie, and I see no reason why some people [knock] it! I mean honestly people, you will [knock] this movie, but look at all the horror ... that's coming out these days- Valentine, Jason X, the new Halloween movie, at least this movie is not another ... sequel to a ... franchise of movies. I'm glad this movie came out 'cause I love zombie flicks and this is an excellent one(but the best is still the black and white masterpiece Night of the Living Dead) but I feel that somehow they could have did something more(hence the 4 stars) I can't help but think what if Romero directed(but then it would probably not have come out in theaters because Romero loves gore and the MPAA would have probably tagged it with the dreaded NC-17 rating,...Anyway on to the movie this is a decent movie its no academy award winner, but it's definitly a good movie and you should rent it or in my case buy it if you enjoy action, and horror movies!