Rating:  Summary: Not So Good Review: Ok, for starters, I was never scared. It was a nice action movie though. The zombies weren't scarey. The creature seems to be forgotten and doesn't really need to be in the movie (it just gives you an extra 7 minutes). The 2 stars go to Milla Jovovich who did a great job (especially in the wet minidress the entire movie).
Rating:  Summary: Romero would be proud but not about the Extras Review: Lets be honest this film was never going to win any votes for an Oscar or an Emy but I think it would win votes from fans of Thriller/Horror movies and also fans of the Games. For those of you who are sitting there going Resident What? And Umbrella Who? Here is a quick run down of the plot. Imagine a Small American Midwestern Town called Racoon City (Don't ask), its economy is good, its people are happy and enjoy living there and it has some fantastic scenery. The largest employer in the city is the Umbrella Corporation, Americas largest Medical group. Umbrella looks clean, however it also produces large orders of Biological weapons. Umbrella decided to build a secret lab called the HIVE, under Racoon City (How they did it with out anybody knowing, your guess is as good as mine), this lab is there to research the T-Virus, a medical triumph in the field of combating nerve based disease. However the Virus has an interesting side effect; it can bring people back from the dead and also turn people into the undead (NICE). Anyhow a disgruntled employee breaks a vile of the T-Virus in the HIVE in an attempt to kill everyone, he rushes for the exit while the HIVES Megalomaniac Super Computer, the RED QUEEN, (one of the directors many associations with the Alice and in Wonderland Story) seals off the HIVE in an attempt to contain the outbreak, of course all of the employees quickly die and soon the HIVE is full of hordes of Zombies all looking for a quick snack. Umbrella sends in the Marines to find out what went wrong and with the help of the security guard Alice (Reference), Jovovich, they soon find themselves battling the undead, shooting mutant dogs, avoiding laser beams all while trying to restore Alice's memory and find an antidote. Queue lots of blood flying around rooms, screaming, boo scares, creatures galore and the typical statement of never go down a corridor alone especially a dark one. The film moves along nicely and does not take its self too seriously at all, it is not afraid to show that it has borrowed form the Night, Dawn and Day of the dead series by Romero and it is because of this admittance that it works well. The actors perform well and interact well also with the Computer FX. The Zombies do look disgusting and they are all different and they actually move like Zombies in the game and not like a stereotypical Zombie of On the Zombie FX a few points that should be worth noting are that the Zombie scenes are NOT computer generated they are actual actors, a hark back to the days of when computers where more costly than the film and the FX department only dreamed of virtual actors. The computer FX, also the make up teams were told to make the zombies look ill not dead and this is evident in the actual film. The only let down to the effects is the licker. This creature looks great standing still, but when it starts to move it shows that the Computer FX did not do well, it looks jagged and flimsy and almost laughable, but apart from that the FX are fine. However the DVD to say the least is Poor, the extras on it are pathetic compared to other less hyped films. The interviews with the cast and crew are too short and there are not enough of them, the trailers are old and poorly transferred, unlike the actual film, which transferred very well, and the Wide screen anamorphic - 1.85:1 looks great. The thing that could have made this DVD could have been the edition of so much more, like how about a Resident Evil mini game for DVD-ROMS, extended commentary from the director or even some stills would have been nice. An interview with CAPCOM would have gone down a treat with both fans of the movie and the game alike also how about some histories behind the Games as well. But the biggest edition to the extras that was missing was the deleted scenes. The film looks as if it has been cut a bit to try and get it in to the 100 min market and also not seem to long winded, after all there is only a certain amount you can do with Zombies, but still it would have been nice to have seen some, Christ if Disney put deleted scenes in their DVDS surely Columbia/Tri-Star can? The saving grace is the Slipknot music video, as a fan it was great and the background pictures from the film made it even better, if your not a fan you may not even look at it but if you are then buy it just for this. Overall a good sound film that will probably end up being shown on Christmas Night around 11:45 after the news, but hey if you're a fan see it, if your not see it anyway, but if you can wait and see if a directors cut comes out. Like the title says I think Romero would like it a lot!I though i would put this in as i mentioned it in the review. it a small list of the references to Alice in Wonderland, although small it is interesting to see. 1. Milla Jovovich's Character is called Alice 2. Around the clock in the mansion are pictures from Alice in Wonderland 3. The central computer is called the Red Queen. I just thought it was interesting as the directors brief for himself was for a different view on the Alice in Wonderland story, and that puts a whole new light on the story. 5th year students studying Shakesphere forget that soon you will be analysing this movie for its deep metaphorical meaning, maybee, perhaps not.
Rating:  Summary: AKA: BIOHAZARD Review: Excellent movie, great soundtrack and cool effects. This movie didn't get very good reviews from the "critics"... but who are they anyways? This movie is defiantly one to add to your Action / Science Fiction / Horror collection. For what the movie is based on and the amount of violence deemed to "neutralize" a Non-living hostile, there is very little gore. Even when those poor guys get Ginsued in that little hallway, it doesn't show what a mess it really would be... Instead it lets your gray matter ponder on it. This itself makes it very gruesome. The music is wonderfully placed and mixed, I never was a MM fan... I think he's the same thing Brittany Spears is to little normal preppy types that he is too little wanna-be Goths. But I have to admit, he did an excellent job with the soundtrack. The RE DVD is loaded with all kinds of stuff, which is a huge feature I love about DVDs. The only negative thing about this DVD I can say is that the Commentary is terrible. It would have been better if it was just the director, but they have the entire cast droning on and on about things that have little or nothing to do with the film. There's a million little touches they did to make this movie cool, like when the zombie dog jumps in the air and gets shot in the head. For a split second you can see half of its head explode... very cool. There's a zombie with a broken ankle that walks around and you can hear its bones crunching as it walks around, and the very best little detail... The guy who gets sliced up into a bunch of little squares... his eye oozes just a little before he falls apart. What's not to like about RESIDENT EVIL? Even the movie soundtrack is cool, they put a cool sample right in the beginning. Check it out.
Rating:  Summary: I love Milla Review: I wasn't expecting much when I began watching Resident Evil, so I was not so much disappointed with it. The plot is completely non-existent, the scenes just an excuse to lots of shots, punchs, kicks, etc. You know from the beginning who is the bad guy, how the end is going to be, all that. The low point of the movie is Michelle Rodriguez, from whose face we understand she's suffering severe pains in some kind of vital organ (in the real life, not in the movie). The high point is Milla Jovovich, more beautiful than ever. She is the only reason for someone to watch Resident Evil more than once. Milla is not hysteric like in "Joan of Arc", and not stupid like in "The fifth element". She is plainly gorgeous, and her almost-gone kind of voice is very atractive. I give Resident Evil three stars: one for some of the action scenes, who were well done, and two for Milla, one for each of her lovely blue eyes. Grade: 5.1/10
Rating:  Summary: It's good - but Review: Here's the problem. The filmmaker - one Paul Anderson - discards the whole survival horror premise in exchange for a straight action shoot-em-up film. The result - the fun of the game is lost. The film is at its best when the characters come up against hordes of zombies - including a really cool homage to both Day and Dawn of the dead involving intestines. But there is absoloutely no wit to the film - it wants to take itself too seriously. And that is the biggest problem. This film should have been fun, campy, and have absoloutely no regard for itself as a serious film. Instead, it tries to scare with the subtlety of a smack on the back of the head - and fails.
Rating:  Summary: It does not deliver; plain and simple. Review: This one should have been "The Night of the Living Dead" of the new millenium. Instead, we get a Matrix-like movie with amateurish directing, an incredibly irritating techno soundtrack and a mistalented cast. Ironically, Paul W.S. Anderson was also the director of 1995's "Mortal Kombat" ; perhaps the ONLY good videogame turned movie in cinema history. The success of this film was due to the fact that it gave the videogame fans what they wished, that is action and plenty of it. Unfortunately, Anderson probably forgot that "Resident Evil" is a horror videogame, NOT an action one. We wanted endless scares, suspense, a creepie environment. We deeply wished to see the dark atmosphere present in the game, but we get nothing of this. All we get is a group of soldiers spending nearly all of the movie wandering through labarotory rooms and shooting bullets which seem never-ending. And speaking of the characters, why does Michelle Rodriguez think she can act? I mean she does nothing other than spending the entire movie looking angry and [mad]at the camera that she becomes incredibly annoying halfway through. And she seems to play the same annoying character in all her movies; just watch "The Fast and the Furious". It was a great pleasure seeing her changed into a zombie at the end, at least we can all hope she will not be in the sequel. It's a real shame that George Romero left the project of directing this movie; I'm sure he would have done a great job. But he had his reasons of not participating; most probably he read the awful script and was discouraged. So why did I give this movie 2 stars? Hmmm, well probably because Milla Jovovich is a real hottie. As a matter of fact, it's thanks to her that I remained to see the movie till the very end. Cause some smart people know that if you're going to make an awful movie, at least bring in the hottie who will make teenagers fall in love and increase the marketing of their product. The same thing can be said to "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider". TRIVIA QUESTION: Try and count the number of microphones that mistakenly pop out at the top of the screen throughout the movie; you'll be surprised. Another vivid proof of a half-hearted attempt to bring a popular videogame franchise to the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: RESIDENT EVIL 0; GOT BLOOD? Review: when i first saw this adaptaion of Capcom's Awesome game series, i was left questioning; "where were the major characters like Chris (redfield) Jill, barry, wesker etc...but i realized that this movie was basically a prequel to the RE series. i guess that makes more sense. but as a whole i thought the movie wasn't as bad as i first thought, after seeing it over it's even better. paul anderson's latest game to movie attempt surpasses his movie adaptation of mortal kombaT. The actors didn't really stand out enough for me except michelle rodrigquez (a hottie even with the tomb raideresque tomboy shorts) and this colin salmon guy who played commando leader one. too bad the producers offed him after the first 20 or so minutes. the score was a combination of metal and syncronization the best computerized horror/sci fi soundtrack sine john carpenter's escape from ny. my fav moments had to be the dog scene, red queen's warning and esp[ecially the last 10 minutes which i won't give it away for those who haven't seen it. i can't wait for the sequel. hmm with resident evil,blade and now spiderman, sci/fi comic movies are making a big comeback mainstream 2002 will be best remembered for a trio of all too cool flicks which no doubt i'll own on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: I am SO SORE right now... Review: I'm not going to say anything about the film itself except that, hey, I like it. A lot. What I'd like to talk about instead is the FREAKIN' HILARIOUS commentary included in the DVD. Because whether you liked the movie a lot or only just a little, the commentary makes this DVD worth every freakin' cent. Even some of you who hated the movie might find yourselves delirious with laughter after listening to the commentary. The four individuals who contribute to it are director/producer Paul Anderson, producer Jeremy Bolt, and two people who might just be the funniest human beings alive, Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez. Now, I KNEW those two were funny after I watched their interviews on one of the featurettes, but, wow, the commentary had me in stitches for nearly two hours. I wouldn't want to spoil too much of it, but highlights include Milla Jovovich's hilarious description of Half-Life, Milla continually yelling at Michelle Rodriguez for mispronouncing her last name ("YO-VO-VICH!"), Milla and Michelle cracking on Eric Mabius' dire love of yogurt, LOTS of amusing sex jokes, et al. SO funny. Paul Anderson and Jeremy Bolt are pretty funny in their own right, but most of the time they, sounding like English gentlemen with their subdued voices and proper British accents, simply provide an amusing foil to Milla's and Michelle's extravagant exuberance. Even if you hated the movie, hey, at least rent the DVD and watch it with the commentary on. You'll have the time of your life, I promise.
Rating:  Summary: This movie just plagues myself! Review: Excelent soundtrack, plot following the games spirits and excellent special effects. This movie just plagues myself! Ok, so the movie doesn't give that Resident Evil game, feeling...so? who cares? If you want to see a movie that has gaming feeling just go play a game, movies are not games. This movie is excellent, the special effects are beatifull and even better, it has my favorite actress, Michelle Rodriguez! Personaly I wasn't a fan of Resident Evil games, but after watching the movie, I began to have that feeling of wanting to play every game. The soundtrack is something never seen before.... Simply excelent! I don't care if you blame me, because this movie just plagues myself!!!! \m/
Rating:  Summary: B-Grade? Horrible? Revolting? Resident Evil is not a one Review: WOW! I first saw this in theaters expecting a really bad (think Tomb Raider) movie. Boy was I wrong! Tension, suspense, great plot twists (or more revelations), some great characters, and it has its fare share of gore as well! Also, this movie has THE BEST amnesia subplot ever. Mindless fun? Certainly. A quality film? Certainly. Polished? You bet. This movie can range from disturbing (The Shining), Action Packed (Terminator), to even thought provoking (2001 A Space Oddysee) YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!