Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil Review: I have to say I was expecting a blood bath out of this movie esspecially with movies that are out today, but the blood is not as big of a factor as I thought it would be, considering the games and previous Zombie movies. This would be easy to be thrown away as another Tomb Raider or Mario Bros.. But this acttually has story and can still satisfy die hard fans of the video game series. This is a must have if you are a fan of video games or for that matter Milla Jovoich getting wet in a red mini skirt.
Rating:  Summary: Just plain bad Review: I thought this movie was horrible. I'm shocked that anyone has written a good review of it.I love action movies. I love movies based on video games. I love to watch women kick [butt]. So I naturally thought I would enjoy this movie. I was very, very wrong. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: AWFUL and DULL, DULL, DULL! Review: The most boring horror film in years. Bad CGI FX, stupid rubber dogs and pathetic pace and plot. NO horror, no surprises. Don't give Anderson another chance. He is a hopless director and this is proof final. The most tedious zombie film EVER made. JUNK in every way.
Rating:  Summary: A Cool, Slick, Hip, Action Flick Review: I heard that Resident Evil had come to video. I was waiting for it for a while. It didn't last long in theaters. The movie is loosely based on the popular video game series. The movie actually is sort of a prequel to the first game. The beginning shows the underground building known as the HIVE. A person (s/he is seen later) lets a poisonous gas loose in the HIVE. The person escapes while the other people perish from the gas. Then the HIVE locks down. Alice (Milla Jovocich, or something like that) wakes up in a bathroom of a huge mansion. She has no idea where she is. She finds a man and a group of elite soldiers in the mansion. The elite soldiers are here to find out what happened to the HIVE. You're probably thinking why are they there then? Well, because the mansion has a secret entrance into the HIVE. They get into the HIVE and the plot keeps on getting revealed. They begin to make discoveries and find zombies on the loose. THE UNDEAD EMPLOYEES OF THE HIVE! They also battle lasers, mutant dogs, and a creature named the LICKER, who's strength increases every time it kills. From there it is full blown action! Great movie with great special effects! Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Didn't luv it didn't hate it Review: I admit there were times wen it put u on edge and lots of suspense and the special effects weren't half bad but were as a lot of ppl probably liked the storyline I didn't really buy into it and I thought it could've been more scary
Rating:  Summary: Very true ! Review: 5 Stars for the comments of JT and that guy from NY, expecially for his note about the tube ... :-)))
Rating:  Summary: video games fans Review: if you are a video games fan you will love this movie end as a mexican fan that i am i say ESTA BIEN CHINGONA
Rating:  Summary: Unfairly ridiculed! Review: The first time I saw this movie I didn't really like it. There was very little dialogue, the plot was tediously simple, and the special effects were woefully bad in key areas. As a fan of the video games, I also thought that many of the things that made the games great weren't present in the film. However, once I knew what to expect from the movie, I started liking it a lot more. Taken as a film by itself, there are huge gaps in information. The director (Paul W. S. Anderson) assumes that his audience is already well versed in the world of Resident Evil and so very little detail is delved into about Umbrella, Inc. or the viral research that they do. And really, the way the movie centers around action makes such explanations unnecesary. Milla Jovovich does an admirable job with the few lines she's provided. The bulk of the script centers around ascertaining the nature of the saboteur who caused the incident. A nerve gas has wiped the memories of two of the three characters whose background is unaccounted for. Unfortunately, any real tension this could have added to the script was immediately destroyed in the opening sequences of the film when the audience gets to clearly see a quick glimpse of the culprit in action. The jacket totally gives him away later on. Another thing that I did find incredibly lacking was the fact that there wasn't any strong male character in the film. The one likable male hero is killed off in the first half hour of viewing. Nearly all the other characters read very flat and are virtually upstaged by the voice actor for the Red Queen (the A.I. for the Hive's computer systems). Despite all the faults, the movie still has its moments. The sets are all incredible to look at although at times the movie could have benefited by a better choice in lighting. The zombie's are probably the scariest looking ever. The ending also leaves room for all kinds of mayhem in the sequel. All in all, it's far shy of high cinema but certainly much better than what most of the critics have said about it. Unfortunately, most of the great ideas that make this film different than all the other zombe movies made in the past were taken directly from the video games. Hopefully, the short-sightedness will be repaired in the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: campy ..., in a good way Review: Okay, I just saw this movie, and I cannot begin to convey the supreme cheesy greatness of it. Seriously, I cannot wait for the sequel (Nemesis) next year. This is a film that revels in its totally superficiality and copping from other (better) scary films. And for that, I must give it 5 stars. This is a film that blatently steals whatever it deems worthy from better movies. Paul W.S. Anderson may be extremely unoriginal, but he does know how to put together an entertaining yarn featuring Milla Jovovich, who's constantly writhing around in various states of undress and wetness. Apparently, the director's vision for the film was kind of like: "People, we're working with a supermodel here, now let's make sure she's as close to naked as possible at all times!" You've got the paranoid evil empire (similar to The Matrix, except this demon is some ominously named Umbrella Corporation, which seems to delight in creating decidedly nasty viruses) being fought by a handful of spunky renegades, some of whom convieniently have amnesia, so that we can have flashbacks and explanations count as the exposition. You've got the characters: the tough-as-nails butch who's more capable than most of the guys in the picture (and damn tougher, too). The undead, flesh-eating zombies who contaminate anyone they manage to get their teeth into. The new staple of American horror: the creepy old-fashioned little girl (The Others, The Ring, The Sixth Sense, Feardotcom), British accent an added bonus. She, naturally, isn't REALLY a little girl, but a holographic manifestation of the defense system in the funhouse they're locked inside. And, of course, you've got the excessive style-rippings from the Matrix (everything, from sets to costumes to fighting styles and artillery seems to come directly from the land of Neo Trinity and Morpheus). Beyond that, the open-ended finale leaves the door wide open to a sequel. All in all, Resident Evil is one of the most fun, enjoyable horror movies I've seen in a long time. I'm sorry it didn't get more attention when it was first released.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't this rating system go any lower? Review: I've been a fan of the console version of "Resident Evil" ever since it was released on Playstation. However, the live-action production was an EXTREME disappointment. They basically mutilated the video game story (which was brilliant by the way), and turned it into this new-age pile of .... Combined with a thrown together plot, terrible acting, and having not one solitary *scary* moment, this movie looked bad next to digestive waste. I mean c'mon; where's the S.T.A.R.S. team? Where's the spooky libraries and bloodthirsty crows? I certainly don't recall any computerized defense system in the video game mansion. It was simple; savage dobermans, cannibalistic zombies, and numerous random monsters created by the T-virus. The game was thrilling, it had a style unlike any other console thriller ever created. It gave people goosebumps, it made you afraid to walk down dark hallways after you played it, and for the more timid, yet determined gamers, it made you do things such as sleep with some sort of weapon next to you, and the lights turned on. But this movie, every single shred of it was horrifying - horrifyingly stupid, that is. If the rating system could go any lower, I'd rate this movie about a negative 3 stars. I'm ashamed I actually bought a ticket to go see it, may the lord forgive me for being such an imbecile.