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Lotus Notes R5 End-User Curriculum CBT Training CDs

Lotus Notes R5 End-User Curriculum CBT Training CDs

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lotus Notes R5 End-User Curriculum CBT Training CDs
Review: Course Overview
# The Lotus Notes 5 User Fundamentals curriculum contains 4 courses that teach business users how to employ Lotus Notes 5 efficiently and effectively on the job. The first course, Collecting and Organizing Information in Lotus Notes 5, is a prerequisite for the remaining three courses, which can be taken in any sequence. Therefore, basic database and document skills, as well as messaging, scheduling, mobile use, and Web integration are the focus of the curriculum. This curriculum contains an introduction to Notes and its capabilities, database and document essentials, sending and receiving messages, scheduling meetings and appointments, and using the Web navigator. In addition, more sophisticated skills, such as creating and using agents, are covered. This curriculum consists of 4 courses: 13190 Collecting and Organizing Information with Lotus Notes 5 (6 - 8 hours)
# 13191 Messaging and Working Remotely with Lotus Notes 5 (6 - 8 hours)
# 13192 Calendaring and Scheduling with Lotus Notes 5 (6 - 8 hours)
# 13193 Managing and Sharing Information with Lotus Notes 5 (6 - 8 hours)

Learn To
See individual course descriptions for specific course objectives and scope.

The Lotus Notes 5 curriculum assumes the audience is comprised of end-users, Notes novices with no previous experience with current or previous versions of Notes or with other e-mail/groupware tools. Basic PC and Windows skills. No prior knowledge any e-mail/groupware software necessary.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits Per Course
ITCAP credits: 1.0 Credit Hour
CEU credits: 2.80 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
24 to 32 hours

Lotus Notes R5: Collecting and Organizing Information Training CD
Course Overview
This course provides participants with the fundamental skills to use Lotus Notes R5 on a daily basis in their workplace. At the completion of this course, students will learn how to identify the different application types in Lotus Notes, the features provided for Lotus Notes mails and the features of Notes replication; use Notes workspace to perform common tasks; create and enhance documents using different formatting options; and organize the workspace by managing views, folders and bookmarks.

Learn To
# Identify the different application types in Lotus Notes, the features provided for Lotus Notes mails and the features of Notes replication.
# Use Notes workspace to perform common tasks.
# Create and enhance documents using different formatting options.
# Organize the workspace by managing views, folders and bookmarks.

This course is intended for end users that are looking to use the fundamental features of Lotus Notes R5. Participants should have completed Microsoft Windows 98 Fundamentals (Course 71011) or have equivalent knowledge.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English, French, German

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Notes: An Introduction 1 - 2 hours
# Identify the functions of groupware products.
# Identify the uses of Lotus Notes R5.
# Match the primary programs of the Lotus Notes R5 environment with their uses.
# Identify the features that provide security in Lotus Notes R5.
# Match the different application types in Lotus Notes R5 with their uses.
# Identify the features of documents in Lotus Notes R5.
# Identify the messaging features provided by Lotus Notes R5.
# Identify the features of Notes replication.

Unit 2: Navigating the Workspace 1 - 2 hours
# Start the Lotus Notes R5 client by using the taskbar.
# Identify the tasks that can be performed from the Welcome page.
# Access Lotus Notes R5 help.
# Match the components of the Lotus Notes R5 Workspace with their functions.
# Display Smarticons.
# Identify the uses of headlines.
# Access the Workspace by using the bookmark bar.
# Create a Workspace page by using Smarticons.

Unit 3: Notes Databases 2 hours
# Open a Notes database by adding its icon on the workspace.
# Display the About document for a database by using the Open Database dialog box.
# Determine the access level for a database by using the status bar.
# Arrange database icons on the workspace.
# Navigate the contents of a database by using panes.
# Locate specific documents in a database by using database views.
# Selectively delete multiple documents.
# Scan a database to display all unread documents.
# Identify the characteristics of the document structure in Lotus Notes R5.
# Create a main document.
# Edit a document by pasting information by using shortcut keys.
# Create a response document by using the Action bar.
# Print a Notes document by using the Action bar.
# Create a table in a document.
# Create lists in a Notes document.
# Create a section in a document.
# Format a document by changing the text attributes.
# Format paragraphs in a document by using the ruler.
# Format a document that contains tables by using the Table Properties dialog box.
# Format a document that contains lists.
# Format a section in a document.
# Attach an object to a document.
# Create a link to another database within a Notes document.

Unit 4: Organizing the Workspace 2 hours
# Create a view.
# Create a new category in a Notes database.
# Manage the display of items in the View pane.
# Print all documents in a view.
# Create a personal folder.
# Save documents in a personal folder by using the view pane.
# Create a bookmark for a Web page by dragging and dropping links.
# Create a bookmark for a view.
# Create a bookmark for a document in a related folder.

Lotus Notes R5: Messaging and Working Remotely Training CD
Course Overview
This course provides participants with the skills necessary to use Lotus Notes R5 on a daily basis in their workplace. At the completion of this course, students will learn how to send messages and attachments; receive and reply to messages; organize and customize messages; and create local replicas, replicate mail and set up a machine for replication.

Learn To
# Send messages and attachments.
# Receive and reply to messages.
# Organize and customize messages.
# Create local replicas, replicate mail and set up a machine for replication.

This course is intended for end users that are looking to use the fundamental features of Lotus Notes R5. Participants should have completed Microsoft Windows 98 Fundamentals (Course 71011) and Lotus Notes R5: Collecting and Organizing Information (Course 13190) or have equivalent knowledge.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
French, German, US English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Messaging: Basics 2 - 3 hours
# Open a mail database by using the Databases bookmark folder.
# Match mail folders and mail views with their contents.
# Send a mail message.
# Attach a file to a mail message.
# Send a bookmark in a mail message.
# Preview a mail message in the preview pane.
# Reply to a mail message.
# Forward a mail message.
# Set up the Out of Office mail agent.
# Print a mail message.
# Open a mail attachment by using the options in the Attachment dialog box.
# Save a mail attachment to the hard disk by detaching the attachment.
# Print a mail attachment from an application.

Unit 2: Messaging: Advanced Features 2 - 3 hours
# Sort mail messages in the Inbox folder by using a column heading.
# Create a mail rule to filter mail messages.
# Delete a mail message from all folders and views in the mail database.
# Archive mail messages from the mail database.
# Set the delivery options for a mail message.
# Add a signature to outgoing mail messages.
# Add an address in the Personal Address Book.
# Create a group in the Personal Address Book.
# Create a personal task.
# Create a group task.
# Delegate a task.
# Reschedule a task.
# Convert a mail message to a task.

Unit 3: Messaging: Working Remotely 2 hours
# Identify the advantages of working on server databases.
# Identify the advantages of working on local replica databases.
# Identify the advantages of working remotely using LAN and modem connections.
# Set up the Replicator page.
# Initiate replication by using the Replicator page.
# Customize replication on the Replicator page to control the flow of documents in a database.
# Schedule replication on a local machine.
# Replicate free time information for an individual.
# Create a local replica.
# Replicate the mail database with a server.
# Partially replicate a local replica of a database by using the Replication Settings for dialog box.

Lotus Notes R5: Calendaring and Scheduling Training CD
Course Overview
This course provides participants with the skills necessary to use Lotus Notes R5 on a daily basis in their workplace. At the completion of this course, students will learn how to display the Lotus Notes R5 calendar and provide access to a calendar; work with appointments and alarms; schedule and manage meetings and resources; and integrate the calendar with other Notes applications.

Learn To
# Display the Lotus Notes R5 calendar and provide access to a calendar.
# Work with appointments and alarms.
# Schedule and manage meetings and resources.
# Integrate the calendar with other Notes applications.

This course is intended for end users that are looking to use the fundamental features of Lotus Notes R5. Participants should have completed Microsoft Windows 98 Fundamentals (Course 71011), Lotus Notes R5: Collecting and Organizing Information (Course 13190), and Lotus Notes R5: Messaging and Working Remotely (Course 13191) or have equivalent knowledge.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
French, Spanish, US English, German, Brazilian Portuguese

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Working with Appointments and Alarms 2 - 3 hours
# Identify the uses of the Lotus Notes R5 calendar.
# Display the Lotus Notes R5 calendar in a specified format.
# Change the duration of intervals between the time slots on each day.
# Change the first day of the week.
# Add an appointment to the Lotus Notes R5 calendar.
# Create a repeating appointment.
# Change the date of an appointment in the Lotus Notes R5 calendar.
# Delete an appointment entry from the Lotus Notes R5 calendar by using the Clear option.
# Add a reminder to the Lotus Notes R5 calendar.
# Set an alarm for a single calendar entry by using the Calendar Entry form.
# Set an alarm for all new calendar entries of a particular type.
# Respond to an active alarm.
# Respond to a missed alarm.
# Cancel an alarm for a calendar entry by disabling the alarm.

Unit 2: Scheduling Meetings 2 - 3 hours
# Create a meeting invitation calendar entry.
# Locate invitee free time for a given criteria.
# Reserve resources for a given Meeting Invitation calendar entry.
# Display the responses of the people invited to a meeting.
# Reschedule a meeting to a new date.
# Specify your free time schedule.
# Provide specific users access to your free time schedule.
# Accept a meeting invitation by using the meeting invitation mail.
# Accept a meeting invitation tentatively by using the meeting invitation mail.
# Propose a change of date for a scheduled meeting by using the meeting invitation mail.
# Delegate a meeting invitation to a specified user by using the meeting invitation mail.
# Automatically accept meeting invitations.

Unit 3: Sharing and Integrating the Calendar 2 hours
# Set permissions by using the Action Bar to allow other users to read your calendar.
# Set permissions by using the Action Bar to allow other users to manage your calendar.
# Enable simultaneous viewing of the calendar and the Inbox by using the Welcome page.
# Copy the contents from the meeting invitation as a calendar entry.

Lotus Notes R5: Managing and Sharing Information Training CD
Course Overview
This course provides participants with the skills necessary to use Lotus Notes R5 on a daily basis in their workplace. At the completion of this course, students will learn how to design and manage forms and views; search domains, address books and the Internet for information; automate routine tasks by using agents; browse the Web by using the Personal Web Navigator; manage Web pages in Lotus Notes; and subscribe to various databases to obtain information based on selection criteria.

Learn To
# Design and manage forms and views.
# Search domains, address books and the Internet for information. 0 Automate routine tasks by using agents.
# Browse the Web by using the Personal Web Navigator.
# Manage Web pages in Lotus Notes.
# Subscribe to various databases to obtain information based on selection criteria.

This course is intended for end users that are looking to use the fundamental features of Lotus Notes R5. Participants should have completed Microsoft Windows 98 Fundamentals (Course 71011), Lotus Notes R5: Collecting and Organizing Information (Course 13190), Lotus Notes R5: Messaging and Working Remotely (Course 13191), and Lotus Notes R5: Calendaring And Scheduling (Course 13192) or have equivalent knowledge.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
French, German, US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Designing Forms and Views 1.5 - 2 hours
# Match the Lotus Notes database access levels with the privileges they grant to the users.
# Create a form.
# Define the fields in a form.
# Create a form section.
# Create a view.
# Insert a column into a view.
# Set column properties in a view.
# Specify a selection condition to display documents in a view.
# Indent response documents in a view.
# Grant a specific user the access to a view.
# Cascade views.

Unit 2: Searching for Information 1.5 - 2 hours
# Search a view sequentially for documents that contain a specific word.
# Search a view in a database for documents containing specific phrases.
# Search a view in a database for documents created by a specific author.
# Search a view in a database for documents created on specific dates.
# Search for a specified database in a domain by using the Search drop-down button.
# Search for a user in Address Books by using the Search drop-down button.
# Search for information on the Internet by using the search engines available in Lotus Notes.

Unit 3: Automating Tasks with Agents 1 - 2 hours
# Identify the functions of the fields in the Agent Builder window.
# Create an agent to reply to mail messages.
# Create an agent to forward mail messages.
# Create an agent to send documents.
# Create an agent to copy documents.
# Create an agent to delete documents.
# Copy an agent to a database.

# Unit 4: Browsing the Web 1 hour Identify the features of the different types of Web navigators available in Lotus Notes.
# Create a Personal Web Navigator bookmark.
# Customize Personal Web Navigator to enhance Web access.
# Open a Web page by specifying its URL.
# Save a given Web page as a bookmark by using the drag-and-drop method.
# Configure Lotus Notes to convert the Internet URLs into hotspots.
# Forward a Web page to a Lotus Notes user.
# Configure a location to use Lotus Notes as the Internet browser.

# Unit 5: Organizing Work with Headlines 1 hour Subscribe to Notes Applications.
# Specify a selection criterion to filter messages from a Lotus Notes database.
# Subscribe to the Mail database to display meetings on the Headlines page.
# Specify the duration for which subscription results are kept before being automatically discarded.
# Subscribe to an intranet database.
# Configure the Page Minder agent to receive notification of the updated Web pages.

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